What Does It Take to Lose 100+ lbs on the hCG Diet?
The 13 interviews of ladies (and 1 guy!) you’ll see below have lost between 100lbs – 150lbs with the hCG diet protocol.
When you have 100+ lbs to lose, I understand that seeing interviews of ladies who are all excited that they lost the 15 lbs they needed to lose might just make you want to gag a little bit. Right? In all honesty, your time will come when you will be at that point, but for now, this doesn’t exactly RESONATE with you and where you’re at. We need to see and hear from people in a similar position to US doing and achieving what we want to achieve.
I had about 50 lbs to lose myself when I discovered the hCG Diet protocol and the hCG Injections (my current recommended online hCG providers are here). and since I had already given up on finding any real solution for my weight and resolved myself to it, I felt like I would just be happy to drop a few sizes, even if I was still overweight at the end to some degree. It’s all perspective right?
When you have 100 lbs or more to lose facing you, there’s a couple things that are unique to you:
1. You may feel overwhelmed by the task in front of you – you know it will take you multiple rounds to get to a weight you feel comfortable with.
2. You need consistent input to help you maintain your motivation during your journey since it’s a little longer.
Most people feel pretty motivated at the start of any diet – and it might be enough to carry you through a round or two of hCG. But motivation wears off and the whole things starts feeling like a big drag at some point. Maintaining your motivation can be done by listening to these interviews and continuing to learn about all the aspects involved in making this life change – both eating and mental stuff – I try to provide as much as I can to address both those things on my blog. My P3tolife program for phase 3 may be an excellent tool for you to stabilize or possibly even lose between rounds.
3. You will want to make use of sanity savers
It’s inevitable that you will have difficult days – having ideas up your sleeve that aren’t out and out cheating on the diet will help you STAY SANE. Please see my post here on how to cheat without cheating on the hCG Diet.
1 Pointer for Sanity During A 100+ Lb Weight Loss Journey
You will find that initially, your weight loss average – how much you lose during 1 round, may be pretty high. Some of you ladies MAY even have that notorious 1lb/day weight loss that circulates online a lot – the 40lbs in 40 days type deal. Many of you still may not, but it’s definitely possible.
But this number WILL go down as you get smaller. And there is nothing wrong with you or you body when this happens. It’s a simple matter of science really – when you are a smaller person, you actually have a lower metabolism in general naturally just by way of weighing less. This means you burn less calories at rest than before. Additionally, think of this: if you lost 35 lbs in one round whiled weighing 250lbs to start, that’s 16% of your bodyweight you lost. But if you lose another 35 lbs in a round, with a starting weight of say 170 lbs this time, that would actually be 20% of your total bodyweight you lost – logically it doesn’t make sense to lose a larger percentage of bodyweight as you get smaller. Does this make sense? That same 35 lbs is a larger amount technically coming off a smaller body than a larger body. If you lost the same 16% of your bodyweight, that would be 27 lbs this time – and like I said you likely won’t even continue to lose the same percentage of bodyweight but less – if you lost say, 13% of your bodyweight at 170 lbs ,that would be 22 lbs.
Once you get into the 40 lb weight loss range, your typical weight loss ratio will usually be more in the .5lb/per day range (which would equate to more like 20 lbs in 40 days)
I hope that makes sense.
My point is, it’s totally normal for your total weight loss each round to gradually go down, this is GOING to happen and I’m warning you now so that you won’t think you’re doing something wrong and get all bummed out. You are doing JUST fine girl.
On with the interviews!
Men on hCG: 90 lbs weight loss
Ken lost 110 lbs mostly with hCG. He used hCG injections. His dose was 200iu-210iu. His shirt size change from 3XL to now size Large and waist size 44/46 to size 36
104 lbs & 89 Inches Gone with the hCG Diet

Amy has been overweight as long as she can remember. She lost 104 lbs with the hCG protocol and lost 89 inches overall.
Being overweight was something her whole family struggled with. She recalls that as early as junior high doing diets with her family. They did the cabbage soup diet, Atkins, Slim Fast and so many more. She would see losses for the first week or so and then it would completely stop and would go right back up – like a yo-yo pattern. By the time high school hit, she was already over 200 pounds and in a size 16 pants and XL shirt.
130lb Weight loss with 6 rounds of hCG Injections
Leeann has been overweight since she was 9 years old. She said that she’s a child of divorce / alcoholism / dysfunction ….all that stuff. Food was her comfort and as an adult, she still has emotions of guilt and anger so those childhood emotions carried over into adulthood. She has lost 50 and 80 lbs in the past but it all came back plus more.
She lost 130 lbs with hCG injections – a total of 6 rounds (5 long and 1 short round).
110lbs & 16 sizes down with hCG Drops
Melissa lost 110 lbs on her hCG journey. She used homeopathic hCG drops. Her body fat test shows her body fat percent is 24.2% and currently at 17%! We discussed hCG as a tool and not to rely on it forever where it becomes a crutch.
She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in late teens and dealt with Bulimia in the past which began in high school. She said she would lose 20-30 lbs purging, but of course, gain it right back.
302lbs to 200lbs with the hCG Diet despite Hysterectomy
Vicky is 56 and lost 102 lbs with the hCG injections. She went from size 26 to size 14. She had a hysterectomy, a very bad arthritis, and slightly high blood pressure.
Her first pregnancy made her pack 55lbs and had a C-Section so recovery and losing the baby weight was tough. She got pregnancy 7 years later at very unhealthy 195lbs, she did weight watchers during that pregnancy and only gained 16 pounds, but never lost any weight after the baby.
Vicky has some tips to make this diet doable and tips for traveling while on hCG.
150lbs Gone in 6 Rounds of hCG despite Major Health Issues
Heather lost a whopping 150 lbs with hCG prescription troches, sublingual drops and injections. She has diabetes Type 2, Hypothyroid and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She tried hCG first as a way to avoid invasive surgery.
Heather shares her history with weight including being put on her first diet when she was 7 years old, which made her think something was wrong with her. She reached a point in adulthood after trying many diets and not being able to maintain weight loss.
Dieting is hard on your psyche. So for a period of years, she tried to simply eat healthfully but be at peace with her body as it was. Eventually, she was led to hCG after discovering her health really as in danger with her weight.
We talked a lot about the process of getting over emotional issues related to her weight.
108lbs Gone with hCG Injections after failing with other diets
Laynette lost a total of 108 lbs & 17 inches off her waist alone with hCG injections by the time this interview was published. She started being overweight when she was around 10 or 12 and went into adulthood overweight. She has lost weight off and on through the years and has gotten up to the 300lb mark.
Watch this interview as she shares how her life changed by doing this protocol and how having your mindset help you succeed in this protocol.
A 62-year old’s Inspiring hCG Journey
Janie lost 122 lbs with hCG injections. She had her hydrostatic body fat testing after hCG with her results at 23% body fat, which for her age is considered as LEAN.
She recalls being a pudgy fat little kid and always has the weight problem all her life. She has tried Nutrisystems, and “everything you could think of”, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Zone diet and nothing has ever worked for her or maybe it started to work but then she just couldn’t stay on it.
She’s 62 years old when I interviewed her and she has a very inspiring story to share.
Losing half of her Weight with hCG Injections

A follow-up interview with Lisa from Ep. 10. She has lost a total of 125 lbs. with hCG injections. She has dealt with major hypothyroidism issues as well, so her experience is encouraging.
Lisa ate healthily and exercised but still, she gained weight and could not lose it. She had tried different kinds of diet but only lost the weight on hCG. We discussed a lot of topics on hCG and metabolism.
Men on hCG: 345lbs to 235lbs in 6 Months

Nathan lost 110 lbs with homeopathic hCG. His starting weight was 345 pounds. And for a guy who stands 6’6” tall, he was a pretty big guy. According to him, he felt like he was probably at stage/class 2 obese and it was pretty scary. Prior to losing weight, he had a lot of health problems. He was on a lot of medications because of the problems brought about by his weight. He found it very difficult because he even had to take medicine because of the medicine he was taking.
This is the first real diet he has ever done and he did great. He was able to go back to physically demanding work without feeling “weakness” after his weight loss.
127lbs Gone with hCG Injections despite Health Problems
Donna has a very motivating story to share. She lost 127 lbs with hCG injections and she went from size 20 to size 7/9. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 15 years ago. It affects all parts of our body because it involves the nerves- your brain, your speaking, your walking, your balance. Then 6 years ago she had a mild heart attack- she’s had 2 heart surgeries for stints. High blood pressure for 8 years which she has a long family history for.
She states first of all that the biggest factor that she learned in hCG is that she is in a healthful mindset now. Before she began the protocol, she was taking 17 pills a day for just her regular medication to help her function on a basic level- that didn’t include supplemental pain meds. After completing the diet, she was down to 7 pills a day- less than half.
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Yup, I want this!
I have 100 pounds to lose and am currently on a low fat vegetarian diet but it is making me irritable and giving me headaches and no energy. I am not retired so must be able to hold a job. I am pistol menopausal. Will hcg let me lose weight while feeling good and no hunger?
Hi Stephanie!
Yes, hCG can help you lose weight while feeling no hunger if you are on the right dose, here’s Rayzel’s blogpost on how to find the right dose for you: https://hcgchica.com/dosage
Fatigue/tiredness can be very normal on the hCG protocol and it’s not always something you can make go away during P2, but Rayzel talked about possible reasons and a few solutions to try here: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/fatigue-and-tired-on-the-hcg-diet/
Hope that helps!
I started this journey with a clinic 2/23/18 and as of 3/23/18..they said I only lost 10lbs and 27 inches.I can’t tell I lost anything, no baggy clothes..my dose is 190 and I don’t cheat .I was on 750-800 calories but decided to lower myself..I’m not hungry until about mealtime and definitely later on the evening after dinner..I really expected to lose more..I had to precondition for 2 weeks first and then been on hcg for 2 weeks is this normal and do I need to change my dose? Any help would be greatly appreciated..I feel like I’m not losing as I should..I also stop drinking their drinks as it was added calories
Hello Alisha- can you tell us how tall you are, and you starting and current weight? Weight loss rate has a lot to do with how much a person has to lose and their metabolic rate.
Yes, I am 5’6 and started weight was 348 now weigh 338.
Thanks for responding
i am a breastfeeding mother and want to start hcg diet as soon as possible. i did hcg almost 4 to 5 years ago and lost 60 kgs in 18months which is 132 pounds. i mantained it well for years but after first pregnancy gained almost all back.
when can i start
Hi Roma!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
I would suggest starting another round when you’re done breastfeeding because the main reason why it is not advisable to do the hCG diet while actively breastfeeding is because when a person is losing fat, releasing heavy metals from your fat stores that may be stored for a long period of years (esp. during a time of rapid weight loss) is likely to occur. Heavy metals like mercury and such are stored in fat, that’s a fact, and many women have higher levels of this than they should in their system – this can definitely get into milk supply and that would be very dangerous & damaging to such a small baby.
If you look at this reference, it is referring to the potential of much higher toxin release into Breast milk at only a little over 1 lb of weight loss a week, whereas on hCG you may be losing much more than that per week.
Hope that helps!
Hello dear my Name is Maria I was looking for weight loss remedies this hc6 poped up I started on 4th February so far I have lost nine kg witch hc6 hormone free diet drops. I am not doing any heavy exercise since I have 4⃣ kids they are five four two and one years old I only doing dieting with drops I am hoping to fit in small size if any one can tell M how long it takes to lose alot of weight I started on 100kg now on 90kg in 18days.
Hi Maria!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
The weight loss speed depends on individuals and usually people with more weight to lose tends to lose faster. And here’s the link to How fast is hcg diet weight loss: http://hcgchica.com/how-quick-is-hcg-weightloss/
Hope that helps!