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So how soon will you lose the weight you gain loading on the hCG Diet?
This of course depends partially on how much weight you gain while loading for hCG.
In general though, you can usually expect to lose all the weight you gain from loading on hCG within 1-3 days of starting the VLCD (very low calorie days) of the diet.
Most of the time I would say 2 days. Less often, 3 days.
If you load “clean” (low carb with just high fats and proteins and no sugars or starches) you will most likely lose all your load weight in 1 day.
Warning here: For people on their 2nd round and beyond of hCG, who load “dirty” with sugar and carbs, it is not all the uncommon for people to email me telling me they gained like 8 lbs loading and that it took them a whole week on hCG to get it off – so just some more food for thought here when you make your decision about how you want to load.
If you load clean, you will not have a large loading weight to deal with, it just doesn’t happen (so far from what I’ve observed anyway!) Some with large loading gains after loading dirty with sugar and carbs WILL lose it fast, like 9 pounds in 2 days, but like I said, then there are the people who it takes 1-2 weeks to lose their 8-10 lb loading gain.
The problem of course is that you don’t know which person you’ll be beforehand! So I just mention it because this obviously may make a difference in how you choose to load for hCG since most of us want to spend the majority of our time on this protocol losing new weight.
I don’t mean to scare you with that, but I figured you have the right to know what I’ve seen happen so you can make your own choice about what you want to do. Like I said, loading clean aka low carb for hCG does not produce large loading gains, so pretty much it’s a much safer way to go.
How Long It Took Me to Lose My Load Weight
All 5 of my own hCG Rounds, loading both dirty and clean, I lost all my load weight (up to 3.4 lbs some rounds) after just one day on the 500 calorie (VLCD) diet – in many cases I gained only 1 or 2 lbs loading, in which case I lost all the the load weight, plus NEW weight after one day.
Just to clarify again, the highest loading weight I personally ever had, which was on a 3 day load, was 3.6 lbs. As you’ll see below, the only round I didn’t lost it ALL in one day was round 2 during a 3 day load and even then, I lost all but .2 of it, so pretty much, almost all of it, every time.
My Stats on hCG Loading Weight Gain and Time to Lose It
Round 1
- 2 day load – dirty load
- Gained total: .8 lbs
- After VLCD 1 lost: 1.8 lbs
Round 2
- 3 day load – wondering about 3 day loads? Dirty Load
- Total gain: 3.6 lbs
- After VLCD 1 lost: 3.4 lbs
- After VLCD 2 lost: 1.8 lbs
Round 3
- 2 day load – clean load
- Total gain: .6 lbs
- After VLCD 1 lost: 2.2 lbs
Round 4
- 2 day load – clean load
- Total gain: 1.0 lbs
- After VLCD 1 lost: 2.2 lbs
Round 5
- 2 day load – clean load
- Total gain: 1.6 lbs
- After VLCD 1 lost: 2.0 lbs
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Yup, I want this!
I am 5’6′ and weighed 142 before the diet, after day 2 of the loading phase I am 147.7! I am shocked and terrified of how much I gained and worried that it will take forever to lose it! To gain that much in 2 days has scared me and feel like it will take all week to lose it? please help! I feel like I definitely ate too much!
When I the best time to start shots in the morning, afternoon or at bed time?
Hi Jena,
Best time is when you start your day, which is morning for most people unless you have a different work schedule. You can learn more about dosing here: hcgchica.com/dosage
Hi all ! I’m new here ! Starting my “loading phase” tomorrow and I’m terribly scared ! Not sure if I’m going to eat enough those two days as I don’t want to get myself sick . Can i just eat how I would normally eat in these two days ? But maybe add a little extra ?
Hi Jenna,
Yes, totally! Just try your best to focus more on high fat foods than carb-y ones to make the most out of it. Good luck!
I HCGCHICA!!! First of all I want to say: THANK YOU!!! Thanks for all your support, help and information. Everything is VERY helpful.
This is my 3 round. I loaded for 3 days mostly with fats: nuts, fatty meats, dark chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, eggs… About carbs and sugar I ate almost nothing… Only the first day of the loading I drank like 4 glasses of white wine….I gainded a lot…!!! 6 pounds!!
Today I am on day 2 of the second phase of the (VLCD) diet, feeling good, without hunger most of the time, but I have only lost 2 pounds !!! so I still have 4 pounds to lose from the loading weight gain…. I am super sad….
An other thing that happens is that I got my period during my second day of load….I felt super bloated, today I still have my period…is the 4th day of my period…do you think that maybe I am retaining lots of water? or do you think that the fact of doing 3 loading days made me gain so much weight? or could be the wine?
Please help!!! I am feeling very discoraged!!!
Hi Ana,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! It could actually be everything combined! But very likely it is because of the period and many women on hCG experience the same and I understand it’s frustrating. I would suggest just to keep going and stick to the plan – follow P2 strictly and refrain from cheating and everything should be fine!
Good luck!
How much weight should I lose a week
Hi Sasha!
This post will answer your question: http://hcgchica.com/how-quick-is-hcg-weightloss/
Hope that helps!
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
How long does it take to start losing weight? I’m on day 3 if 500 cal diet and added 45 mins excercise only lost 4 pounds. I didn’t use much sugar or carb loading. It was actually hard for me to eat a whole lot through out that two days. I am starving at night because I used to eat just one meal a day at night. I think the nit eating and all the water is the 4 pounds. I could have done that without the HCG just based on eating.
Hey Chell!
I think the exercise you have added may be causing issues for you. This protocol is rather intense on it’s own being so calorie – many who add exercise find their body rebels and then won’t lose. But I’m also concerned with why you think 4 lbs of weight loss in 3 days is something to say “only” about- those are perfectly fine results. It takes 3500 calories burned to lose 1 actual pound of fat- most women probably only burn about 1700 calories per day, plus you are eating 500 cals a day to account for too, so in reality, true fat loss is only going to happen in .2-.3lb per day increments, and the rest is just water. I hope this make sense the logic behind it. It’s usually better with this protocol to eat 2 meals per day- is there a reason you are only doing one? the hCG does not cause more weight loss – it is indeed the low calorie diet that causes weight loss- what hCG is doing is preserving lean muscle so that you dont’ lose a significant portion of your weight loss from muscle as well as it changes hunger WHEN on the right dose- my post on that is here (and if you are eating your 2 meals a day) – http://hcgchica.com/hcg-dosage-how-should-feel-on-the-hcg-diet-when-you-are-on-the-right-dose/ – I hope that helps!
Hi how do you calculate your weight loss? Do you include the weight gain during loading as a loss? I started at 161 then went up to 164 during loading and am on day 4 of the VLC and am at 159.1
Also. I was wondering how much the hcg is online I got mine through a clinic and it’s expensive $500 for 28 prefilled syringes.
Hi @lisa – you can actually compare the pricing of the 3 U.S. based online companies for real hCG on this page here: http://hcgchica.com/buy-hcg-injections-worldwide/
It’s going to be about $200-300 cheaper for you online for that length of time I believe.
Hope that helps!
I just started the hcg diet. This is day 4. I had an awful day I was so hungry and I even ate breakfast (2 egg whites and half a plum) . For lunch I had fish and green beans and drank green tea all day when I got home I ate my dinner portion and then everything I could find. I feel like I’m already failing. Words of advice on how to overcome this hunger. I have phentermine but was fine on day 1 so I didn’t think I needed it but maybe I will add it tomorrow. I did fine the first day idk what happened. Today I was just so hungry.
doyou do injections on loading days?? I cant find the instructions?? also, someone told me that if im hungry I should lower my dose not increase it?? shes works in a diet clinic and told me to start at 25 iu? I only want to drop 20 pounds?? what do I do??
Hi @beth Yes you do the injections on the loading days – the basic instructions for the loading phase are here: http://hcgchica.com/hcg-loading-phase-what-and-how/ Whether you lower or increase your dose of hCG when experiencing hunger will depend on where you started your dosage to begin with, and what time of the day you are most hungry. Typically if you are starting at 125ius, that is already the lowest dose for most people, so if you had a lot of hunger at that dose, you’d most likely need to try going up in dose, but only by small increments- the hormone is quite powerful with this effect and you can completely skip your ideal dose by jumping up or down in dose too drastically. 125iu to 135iu to 150iu type deal would be better. If someone was starting at 150iu and was really hungry after 3-4 days on the diet, I would ask when they are most hungry- hunger soon after dose would indicate dosage is too high and should be dropped, and hunger later in the day farther from the dose would indicate dose is too low and should be increased. I hope that helps! – Rayzel
yes thank you, im just wondering why this woman who works at a dr office is telling me I need to start at 25ius and if im hungry I need to lower it to 15ius?? and you re saying I should start at 125iu that’s a huge difference? she’s telling me yr following a different protocol?? im doing this on my own and hvnt gone to her office, she told me about hcg and I found you! so im just confused with these differences??!
I think she probably said 25 units and 15 units on the syringe, not iu’s correct? 15 units on the syringe is usually equal to 150ius, and 25 units is usually equal to 250 ius IF the hcg was mixed in a 1:1 ratio (5mls bac water to 5000iu vial of hCG). There are no “ius” on the syringe – I hope that makes sense!
ooooh ok yes I get it! so if im pulling it to 25 on the shot and im starving at night I should decrease it?? because the syringe only goes to 30?? shes telling me if im starving at night I should lower it?? soo confusing?!
Is it normal to stop losing weight during the diet?
I’ve just started loading today and wondered whether I can drink Mio (water enhancer) throughtout the diet as I hate pure water.
I have been plagued with migraine headaches during my first week of the HCG protocol–is this “normal”?
Hey @pearlking:disqus mild headaches are common for the first few days of hCG sometimes- I think part of the “carb flu” feeling when you switch from having a lot of carbs in diet to not very many. However migraine headaches for a whole week is not something I hear frequently at all. How much of an adjustment in diet would you say this is for you? Big or small? Did you eat any foods loading that you don’t normally eat? Are you drinking enough water? How about sleep? These are all things that can affect/cause headaches.
This way of eating is not much of a change for me, except for the small amounts and elimination of fats. I had been doing more of a Paleo/Ketogenic type diet with meats, veggies & fats. I liked eating that way, but I did not lose weight on those plans. I loaded clean with a lot of cheese, coconut oil, butter, mayo and no carbs/sweets at all (except for those in the cheese), since I’ve become really ill as a result of loading dirty in the past, which I never want to repeat! I had a mild headache day before yesterday, but I woke up with a whopper of a migraine at 6 am today. It was totally debilitating and lasted several hours, and it scared me! I was almost tempted to call it quits, but I started watching YouTube vlogs on what others have experienced. I ended up taking my normal HCG dose as well as Advil for migraines and I have been resting most of the day. Now it’s been several hours later and I’m still mildly headachey, but I would like to avoid a repeat of this very painful episode.
Can you tell me what dose of hCG you are currently on? I’m sorry about that headache! Usually headaches on hCG do go away.
125 iu’s