Disclaimer! Please read! I am not a medical professional in any way, shape or form, and this is not to be misconstrued as medical advice. I am simply sharing what has worked for me and others. It is your responsibility to discuss these matters with your physician.
Hopefully you’ve just finished watching
How to Get Your hCG Dose out of the Vial
Once you do that and your hCG is all set to go in the syringe, just waiting to do it’s magic in your body, watch this tutorial to see me give you 3 live demos on how to give yourself an actual hCG injection in:
- the belly
- the upper/back arm
- the upper/outer thigh
which are the three main areas that most people find best to use. It’s not that it’s really hard or anything – I just find being a visual learner myself, that I feel a lot more confident and relaxed about something new to me when I can see it being done first.
Remember I am NOT a medical professional, so what I am showing here is just what I have done and used after my own personal research about proper injection technique for diabetics injecting insulin.
In your belly/stomach area
You will hold a section of your fat between your fingers so that the area you are planning to inject is a little more firm. Stick the needle STRAIGHT in. Once the needle is in, you can relax your fingers on your skin, then push the plunger down to push the hCG into your system.
In your upper back arm
You can use your leg propped up, or a chair or table, and roll your arm forward to create a tautness of the skin. Again, you will inject into your arm at a straight angle.
Into Your Outer Thigh
Pretty much the same as the belly – hold a chunk of fat between your fingers to create a slight tautness, and stick the needle straight in. Release your grip on your fat so that the when you push the plunger down the hCG will flow into your system easily.
Main tips
You CAN do an alcohol swab to the area first, something I always did since it’s better safe than sorry when you’re not sure right? But after recently doing further research, again from medical professionals discussing project injection technique for diabetics with their insulin, I listened to several nurses mention that if you are an average person who takes a shower every day and works/lives in a normal/clean environment ie. NOT a barn, that typically the skin is generally clean enough to inject without using an alcohol swab – basically that there isn’t a higher rate of infection or anything for the average joe (or should we say josephine) who injects without first swabbing the skin with alcohol. If you DO use alcohol, make sure to let it dry before you inject or it might sting a little.
If however you get super sweaty and dirty all the time- then it probably would be recommended to either shower! or use an alcohol swab. π
Other tutorials that might help you:
WHERE You Can Inject hCG – Demo/Tutorial
What an hCG Injection FEELS LIKE
How to Find the Proper hCG Dosage ON the syringe itself
Watch Chris’s Full Interview here
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Yup, I want this!
By injecting your arm instead of belly does this mean you will potentially loose more fat on your arms?
Hi Estel,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! π
No, it doesn’t seem to work that way. There’s no way of telling where we’ll loose fat more, you can lose fat even on your neck and ankles, there’s just no way to spot reduce or loose more in one site only.
Will start HCG injections tomorrow morning, I Went to new practice today and I was told today by a nurse to inject HCG medication in arm muscle or leg muscle? In the past I have done the HCG injections in my belly area! Is injecting into muscle would make it more sore,
Please advise Belly, Arm Muscle or Thigh Muscle!!!!
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! π
It’s more common now to inject subcutaneously in fatty areas like the belly- just like in the videos.
This article might be able to explain more about subq and IM injections: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/should-b12-lipo-shots-be-intramuscular/
Hope that helps!
Can you tell me the benefits of injection vs drops and a reliable source for ordering either? Does it have to be through a physician?
Hi Lynn!
You can read about the benefits of injections vs drops here: https://hcgchica.com/hcg-injections-vs-real-hormone-hcg-drops/
Then you can find real hCG injections here: hcgchica.com/buyhcg
Hope that helps!
Just a personal tip… if injecting the outer thigh (which is my preference), stay away from visible veins such as varicose or whatever else. You will bleed like crazy if you invade a vein space, plus it will hurt both during the injection and after. Best rule I found – as you put the needle in if there is any discomfort whatsoever, stop remove and go somewhere else. You should not experience any pain or bleeding at all.
Thank you for this tip, Dave! π
Good Morning Rayzel and team. I am on my first day of phase two and did my first injection myself yesterday (My doc did day 1). I was terrified and didn’t know all your great tips, as I just found you yesterday. I didn’t do it correctly! I went in at an angle and I didn’t wait for the alcohol to dry…. Any, Thank You Thank You for the tutorial. I am going to go do my dose right now! Also, Is it common to start losing weight during the loading days? I have already lost 2.2 lbs. I’m so excited for this journey. I’ve been trying to lose this weight for 16 years.
Hi Lorene,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you!
Yes, Rayzel wrote about losing weight on loading here: http://hcgchica.com/i-lost-weight-loading-for-the-hcg-diet-or-didnt-gain-is-that-okay/
hope that helps!
Hi HCGChica!
I’m currently starting my 3rd round of HCG. It’s been one year since I finished my 2nd round. I have a question about meal replacement. Do you know if the below food item can be used with the HCG diet to replace a meal? I also have HCG Shakes but my doctor says to use them for emergencies.
Premier Protein Drink
160 Calories
Total Fat 3g (Sat Fat 1g; Trans Fat 0g)
Sodium 240mg
Potassium 310mg
Total Carb 4g (Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 1g)
30g protein
Hi Lisa,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! Protein shakes (sugar-free) are considered off-protocol so there’s no guarantee it won’t affect your losses. We’d recommend trying it out and observing your losses. But we’ve heard of some ladies using this brand of protein shake with no problems!
Hope that helps somehow
Can we use the same needles you send us or do we need to buy new needles for a fresh on daily?
Can you inject on inner thigh?
WOW! To stick yourself with a needle for he sole purpose of helping others, that is amazing! You’re a brave lady and I appreciate the video as my belly injections are now hurting as I am nearing my goal weight.
@Heather Schafer awww well it really wasn’t that bad lol.
Hey @Melissa – my thoughts on this are that it could potentially help you do better on the protocol, in different locations actually, depending on where your fat is – what I mean is, I was injecting in my stomach all my rounds because it had plenty of fat. Towards the end though I noticed the injections starting to hurt there when they had been painless before and I realized that my fat was basically gone from that are and now I was just kind of injecting into thick leftover skin- I was also feeling hungrier than before- so my guess was that the hCG was not getting into my body as well being injected just into thick skin vs. my fat, so that’s when I switched my injection location to my deltoid, upper buttocks, and upper thigh- I felt much better hungerwise after this and I feel the potential to have better weight loss is there as well because you are making sure that the hCG is actually being injected past the skin and will absorb properly for best results. So the idea is not so much that the thigh is better, but just whatever location HAS plenty of fat, and moving the location once an area doesn’t seem to have much fat left. That’s my best guess on that! I hope that helps. – Rayzel
Hi Rayzel. My first injection was very uncomfortable in my ab area but I feel I may have been too close to my belly button area and hit a nerve. It actually was uncomfortable all night. The second dose I gave myself left me with a big bruise. What would cause the bruising?
Wonderful video! It did make me a little queasy though. LOL
Lol! @disqus_lXD9zxwTOu:disqus I know sometimes I suppose watching it can make you more freaked out in some respects. Just remember it’s super tiny needle promise! :)-