In a nutshell: When you purchase your HCG Injections from the pharmacy that Diet Doc uses, the potency lasts 6 months in the fridge unused, and 28 days once you start using it (still must be kept refrigerated).
The Long of It:
Once you’ve mixed your RX or prescription HCG Injections , in general the potency will be good for around 3 weeks when you purchase HCG from a standard place.
That said, the current pharmacy where you can buy real HCG Injections online through the online wellness center Diet Doc comes with pre-mixed HCG. I used to very uncomfortable with this idea, and still would be with some sources. However, with Diet Doc’s pre-mixed HCG, you are good to go, it will last for a full 6 months if it kept in the fridge unused, and then 28 days (4 weeks) once you start using your pre-mixed vial. And here’s why – it has to do with a special stabilizer they use that maintains it’s potency. This is a huge relief as many people (including me!) stress about mixing their HCG properly, and now you don’t have to.
Here is what this particular pharmacist has to say about why the way he mixes HCG beforehand is still effective:
“We make fresh batches of hCG every time for new orders. We add a stabilizer into the solution so the peptides maintain stability even with heat and light. We don’t use the lyophilization process (which is the standard HCG making process every other place uses).”
1) Do the HCG injections ever need to be refrigerated and what happens if the patient places the hCG in the fridge? “If refrigerated…it will last them for 6 months & if at room temp, it will last them for 28 days”
Yes, it is shipped uncooled. And it says to refrigerate to prolong it’s shelf life. If not refrigerated, the life of the hCG is about 28 days, but once placed in the cold (i.e. fridge) it will last up to 6 months.
“I have spoken with the pharmacy about their medication(s) and some of the concerns I have been seeing this morning. The pharmacy’s hCG (and also their peptides such as: MIC, MIC/B12, Sermorelin, Ipam/CJC) comes premixed. It can be stable at room temperature for 28 days and 6 months in the fridge. It is delivered at room temp through regular mail. Once the patient stores their medications in the fridge, it will be stable for 6 months. The pharmacy uses a stabilizer in the peptides as well as an amber bottle as this will prevent the peptides from breaking down/heat resistance/photosensitivity. Prime does not use a clear glass bottle like other pharmacies (we or the patient’s are used to) because the others’ peptides don’t have the stabilizer that Prime uses; therefore, it can break down faster. I hope this information is helpful to you as I know this is much different than we are all used to, but seems promising in that we will also avoid mixing errors and the occasional accidental leaving hCG out of the fridge and requesting a replacement.”
I hope this helps those of you have the same concerns as me, essentially they have a different process from other pharmacies for making their hCG that allows the hormone to maintain it’s potency when pre-mixed, which is great because now you don’t have to mix it yourself
Back to the status of things if you buy your HCG elsewhere:
People have reported their HCG mixtures remaining potent for up to 4 weeks and beyond (after mixing). Others have reported their hormone “going bad” as early as 2 weeks after mixing. How did these individuals know this? Because they tested their hormone with a pregnancy test. While hCG CAN register on a pregnancy test, I no longer view it as reliable, and I explain why in detail with a very good example here:
An IMPORTANT message to my readers about Real Prescription hCG.
Having HCG that is no longer potent enough to work properly in your body doesn’t feel good- it seems to affect losses in a negative way, excess hunger is often felt, and you may feel more general tiredness because the HCG is not pulling from your fat stores as efficiently as it was.
So in general, you might *plan* to re-mix your hormone every 3 weeks or so, and purchase enough hormone with that in mind, but test the hormone occasionally as you may find the potency to last you a shorter or longer time period than this. For more info about testing the hormone, please see my other post and vlog on that topic.
One way around needing to test or worry about your hormone going bad is to use smaller vials of hormone and re-mixing your HCG more often. Early in my weight loss journey I began using 2,000iu vials of hormone when I purchased it from oversease and re-mix every 10 days or so. It does cost a little more to do it in this manner, but for me the peace of mind it gave me was worth it. However, in the end, the majority seem to use 5,0000iu vials for 3-4 weeks with no problem- so please don’t feel like you have to do what I do- I’m just anal and paranoid. :)-
And now, you don’t have to worry about if you get your HCG Injections through Diet Doc – it has that special stabilizer process & dark glass so that your HCG doesn’t have to be mixed by you, AND maintains it’s potency for 6 months unused, and 4 weeks while using.
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Yup, I want this!
What brands of hcg have you used that were successful?
This is the second time i ask something with not responde back. How do you re-mixing de hcg for Potency every 10 day, so what you do with the one is ready, mix with the one is ready mix. Can you help me with this please.
I just purchased hcg from an online pharmacy 2 vials 56 days in total. I first got it from a doctor n he shorted me so I had to double it . So I did 20 cc of 15 days. Now I want to mix my new hcg to finish off the 40 days or even just 30 days. But what do I do with the hcg that’s left in the vial already mixed.
Hey my HCG bottle says it needs to be mixed by March 1 but the 2nd date says April 10th .. They are claiming a 5 week potency…that’s advanced HCG is that accurate?