Failed or Failing Rounds of HCG Diet
Many of us who have done the hCG diet have had at least 1 round that you might call “failed” where we either quit the round early, cheated a lot, or regained the weight right back after the round was over. I have one of these rounds in my hCG history too- Round 2 of HCG Injections. But I’ve done 5 rounds now and 4 out of the 5 have been successful rounds where I’m keeping the weight off and did the protocol properly while I was on it.
What’s the difference though? Why is it sometimes we do well on the diet and other times we struggle and don’t do well?
I feel in many cases it comes down to two reasons- mental readiness and physical health. I want to talk about the physical health aspect of things today.
During Round 2 of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin diet for me, I found myself not feeling well at all, and though I managed to “get through” most of the diet for about 38 days, I was eating a lot off protocol foods that weren’t good choices and in general just wasting time on the diet. I was extremely fatigued and tired, and I was becoming more and more depressed. I finally got to the point where I felt so bad that I didn’t care what I weighed any more- losing weight no longer held an appeal because I was just so depressed about life in general. For me, this was all due to my physical health being imbalanced. I was experience both adrenal fatigue and low thyroid symptoms (I have an autoimmune thyroid condition called Hashimoto’s) and I was having a lot of symptoms that were not being managed with both conditions. By the time I dragged myself into P3 (the stabilization phase of the diet where you eat a lot more calories but don’t eat starches and sugars), I pretty much totally snapped. I didn’t follow the P3 dietary rules at all and just started consuming huge amounts of sugary foods, as much and as quickly as I could possibly get them into me- I had returned to my former binge eating disorder. This continued for about 9 weeks during which time I regained 14 lbs.
I finally made an appointment with one of my alternative health guys I see and he helped get my body back together. I took Isocort for my adrenal fatigue (a wonderful over the counter product you can get on Isocort is simply naturally derived cortisol from plants- it’s in very small amounts so there’s no danger of compromising your adrenals permanently, but it’s just enough cortisol to replace what your own adrenals are having trouble producing- the result is that your adrenals get to kind of be on “bed-rest” for awhile, but your actual body doesn’t have to be on bed rest. The isocort will make you feel like a brand new energetic person again (if adrenal fatigue is what you have). It works fantastically- I can’t say enough good things about it. I should buy stock in that product! I keep some around at all times for any future bouts of adrenal fatigue I may deal with, as I’ve had to use it 3-4 different times in my life now.
Once I was feeling a lot better, I prepared myself for Round 3 and had a much better experience- all because my health was much better.
Before we get too far along, IF you are looking for something that has all the hCG info you need in one place, AND a place to daily/weekly track your progress, that’s printable and fillable on your device and reusable, you might want to check out my digital hCG workbook.
Workbook? Yes lemme check it out
If you have many underlying health disorders, it’s possible that addressing some of these first may be best, and then embarking on the protocol. This may not always be the case, but sometimes you will not have success on the hCG protocol until you first get your body in better working order. This can take time to research and discover just what the problem is.
Hopefully for most people, you will be able to start the diet with no problems and feel just fine. But for any who have really struggled and wondered why you just couldn’t seem to make it successfully through one round and stabilize properly, give consideration to the fact that you may have some underlying health issues that need to be addressed. I really felt it important to say this because I don’t want people to think that they are simply lacking the will power that others have to be a success on this protocol. I’m no better than you- I’m not some shining example of amazing will power that only a few people have. I have been successful because I was able to address some of my health issues through this process and then get myself mentally ready and then proceed.
I just don’t want those who have struggled on the diet to get discouraged in any way and think they are not cut out for the diet or to feel that they will never be able to lose weight. YOU CAN AND WILL. But there may be some other issues to address before or during the process that’s all. So accept that you are struggling, and don’t condemn yourself for it. Rather seek to find out the reasons why you are having so much trouble- it’s amazing how drastically hormones can affect our feelings and behavior (pms anyone?), so imbalances in our different sex, thyroid and adrenal hormones can make or break a round.
Some great resources for researching low thyroid symptoms and adrenal fatigue, which I think are very common, are here:
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Yup, I want this!
👋🏻 I lost 80lbs 15 years ago when I hit the last 23lbs and couldn’t get it off I used HCG (real drops) and succeeded and kept it off all this time. I’m 51 now and 20lbs of menopause weight has hit me and could not get it off so resorted back to HCG (real drops). Everything going great 13lbs down in 2 weeks and going into my 3rd week stalled. I am weak, tired,dizzy, headaches intensity increases everyday all day. Weight kept fluctuating 1lb up and down daily. Absolutely no cheats and nothing different being done since the beginning. I decided to just end the round 2 days shy of 21days proceeding with protocol adding another serving of protein. Any ideas what could have happened???
Hi there!
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
It looks like you’re experiencing symptoms of electrolyte imbalance, I’m not a doctor so I can’t be sure. But it is common when losing a huge amount of weight. Rayzel has some tips for that here:
I just recently started taking Thyrogold as I have low T3 levels and have been experiencing gains (2.5 pounds in the two days I’ve been taking it) during P2. Is that normal? Should I not take this supplement on P2? Thanks!
Hi Ariana,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet yoU! 🙂
Rayzel wouldn’t recommend stopping your thyroid medication while on hCG. She thinks you’ll get better results as well by having your thyroid function better while on the diet.
I had used HCG injection along with Lipo 10 for 20 days now, I ordered it through Rejuvi for a 50 days supply. however, half of the time gone by. I have not loose a pound. Not even a pound. I’m feeling very disappointed and i contacted Rejuvi Medical via online chat. All i got was ” I would suggest you seek immediate medical attention” I want to say that I recently got my blood test done, everything was within normal range. So, I don’t know if I should continue with it or stop completely. please give me some advise!
Thank you for your time.
Hey stacy! I’m sorry you are having such a difficult time. How much do you currently weight and what is your height and clothing size?
If you do have weight to lose, not losing anything would indeed seem to indicate some other issue going on with your body – the reason is because even without hCG, if the body is functioning normally, a person would lose quite a bit of weight on a 500 calorie diet- so that is why Rejuvi medical said what they did. The hCG hormone is not producing the weight loss, it’s changing hunger and protecting lean muscle. The actual weight loss is produced from the 500 calorie diet. So that is why what’s happening to you may be strange if you have weight to lose still. Other troubleshooting factors – are you exercising on hCG? I have found that to stop weight loss dead in it’s tracks on hCG at times, so that could be a culprit. Did you gain any weight loading?
Hi Rayzel!
I’m about 10 days into my second round of injections and even though I’m losing weight, about 15 pounds so far, it’s ALL muscle? (I have a scale at home that does the resistance numbers and I go to a clinic once a week for a weigh in) I’ve actually GAINED fat even though I have STRICTLY adhered to the protocol. Has anyone else had a problem like this?
My second round was a failure but mostly due to the fact that I skipped the Phase 3 stabilization phase, I went on a vacation right after losing weight, and temptation hit me, the weight started to come back, and it came back slowly. I had to a third round but was a lot more grounded and disciplined the third time, to succeed with the diet, you really have to take Phase 3 very seriously, many people get very excited to see themselves shed a lot of weight in a short amount of time to celebrate and go back to bad habits.
Honestly people who are fit and healthy are that way because they adhere to consistent good eating habits and exercise, I was recently watching an interview with actor Hugh Jackman and he was asked about his diet and exercise routine, and guess what? He adheres to a very strict diet, he says he rarely drinks or eats junk food, he eats a lot of protein, brown rice and oatmeal, lifts weights, to maintain his impressive physique. Many other celebrities who have been interviewed about this have admitted the same that they do not spend their days sipping champagne, eating chocolate truffles, and rich foods. Looking good requires hard work and discipline, I learned this the hard way.
Looks like isocort may have been discontinued? Have you tried another brand? I am on r2 p2 d19 and am struggling to lose much. So far only 12 lbs compared to the 15 I was at last round. At 174 I wouldn’t think my body would be so stingy in giving up the fat. I haven’t completely stalled I don’t guess but am only losing .2 lbs a day. Frustrating! I’m not hungry, really don’t feel bad at all but I don’t have any “get up and go” or the desire to do so. Didn’t feel like this until I started this round. I’m pushing for 43 days. Any advice? Taking .5 cc injection daily if that matters.
Hi HCG Chica,
Thank you for your Vlogs & website which is such a big
help for me in this HCG journey. I kind of find myself a bit isolated since I
am writing from France and this diet is quite unuasual here (you can’t find HCG
for that purpose in France). I work in a pretty stressful environment and I
experience in a regular basis intense fatigue & I end up kind of depressed
but I never thought it could be hormones / adrenals related. Thank you for the tip
regarding the IsoCort, I will try and find some over here to help my adrenals.
Do you think I can take IsoCort during the VLCD or shall I wait for the
maintenance phase 1 or even for phase 2?
Thanks again & have a very nice day.
Your welcome Reggie! I’m sorry it’s true it can be difficult to feel that support on this diet. Re the isocort- I was nervous about using it on hCG myself, but if it’s really what your body needs, it should be okay- I chose to use isocort while on hCG during my 3rd round and I felt GREAT on it and I lost fat very well- I found towards the middle of the round though that my weight was stalling out and I had this hunch I didn’t need the isocort anymore, so I dropped it over the next few days until I was off and felt fine- so it’s the kind of thing I think that will help you do well on hCG when your body needs the adrenal support, and if your adrenals get rested enough, you may need to get off it at some point. I hope that helps! It REALLY helped my energy and feeling of well being on hCG when I needed it.
I did the same thing on round two, but part of mine was “testing”, to see if I really had to stick to the 500 calories. Scientists, we are! I’m ordering the Isocort, now. Thank you! I also have symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.
Welcome! Thanks for commenting. The Isocort has helped me GREATLY more than once- when it was really my adrenals that was a problem, the isocort gave me immediate relief on the right dose- it was pretty amazing actually- not too many natural products are that fast acting.