December 17, 2014 UPDATED THOUGHTS
I recorded this video in June 2011 – during what I guess was the first 1/3 of my hCG weight loss journey. I would like to let you guys know what the long term outcome of my choices during that Round 2 – including:
- my choice to load 3 days (which is not always a poor choice- see my post Should You Load for 3 Days?)
- to eat whatever I wanted including tons of sugar, ice-cream, and gluten
- eating a huge amount
I can see after watching this vlog back for the first time in probably 3 years that I have a come a long way baby, and I am speaking NOT of physical weight whatsoever.
I also hope it might comfort you guys a little to see where my head was when I was early on my hCG journey, in case you find yourself identifying with that years-ago-me up there. Because I wouldn’t make any of those choices now, and I haven’t done so in about 3 years. But I DID make such choices at one time – and this just happens to be the only time it was caught on camera, but my making choices like this has been a pattern for a few years prior to arriving at this spot.
If you watch my current videos or see me results – that I’ve been maintaining my weight loss over 2 years, that I crossfit and lift heavy weights, that I don’t eat ice-cream and love kale, you might think I’ve always been this way. Then you might feel like since you may not be in that place that making this change will be too hard for you.
We all start somewhere, usually near some garbage can where we just threw what was left of a package of cookies, hoping it would stop us from eating the rest. Man, even that didn’t usually work.
And that was me at the beginning too.
But obviously, I changed, as will you. If I had known then that my progress wouldn’t be in a straight line or that it would take me a couple year to REALLY internalize and OWN the needed changes, I probably would have given up before I started. So don’t think too far ahead – just start on this path – do your research, make logical wise choices based on what really works and doesn’t work for others, especially if your Gut-O-Meter (ability to sense truth from your gut) has been damaged by sugar consumption.
The “After-the-Fact” Conclusion
Essentially, I made all the wrong choices during round 2.
And it started with the loading.
If you watch the video, I’d like you to listen for some key things I said that reveal how out of touch I was with myself.
I say things like, “I just had a gut feeling I should load a third day.”
2 Definitions of Gut Feeling:
- “instinct, intuition” – which as far as I know means perception of truth, knowing what is truly in the best interests of your survival.
- “If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you’re sure what you sense is true.”
Obviously my Gut-O-Meter was WAY off.
“Why yes self, I DO thing that quart of ice-cream and cookies is EXACTLY what my body needs for true success to be mine.”
I’m Just Gonna Have It (Soft Whisper Inside my Head: ‘And Maybe It Will Be Okay…’)
I have actually heard many hCGers say some version of what I said in this video:
“It actually just took too much thought for me to do that this time and I have been eating so good for 4 and a half months. I haven’t had any grain at all in like 4 months I haven’t had, okay I had ice-cream like once, like 1 little scoop in the last 4 months and ice-cream is my favorite. I just decided, this is just 3 days I’m just gonna do it I’m gonna have gluten I’m gonna have sugar and so I did.”
Essentially I was saying, I WANT to do this, I’ve been SO GOOD, it CAN’T be that bad, in fact maybe it’s even a GOOD thing for me to do, and if I think about it any further I’ll realize it’s stupid and fallacious reasoning, so I better put the breaks on self assessment and head to Safeway instead so I can buy a 1/2 gallon of ice cream and perhaps several donuts to get this party started!
You can get a feel for my realizations, even back then once my Round 2 concluded and ended up being a failure where I give my observations on the whole thing: Why Round 2 Failed for Me
Round 2 for the hCG Diet – Loading – Phase 1
So far up 2 lbs after loading for 2 days. We’ll see where one more day of loading before I start the vlcd on HCG Injections puts me at.
Hi guys! HCGChica. I’m checking in with you guys today letting you know that I am on my third loading day. Yes that’s right. I did decide to load 3 days and it’s funny socalplum just made a comment on my last vlog that I didn’t get to upload until today that she had loaded for 3 days and I know HebbieDobbie loaded for 3 days and my internet was down today so I couldn’t even look up why that might be a good thing or anything but it was just my gut feeling this morning was that I should load a 3rd day and the reason I say that is because when I woke up this morning I had only gained another .6 and I ate a lot yesterday like tons of butter and cheese on noodles. I shouldn’t tell you this because a lot of you are on P2 but I have bunch of ice-cream like probably like almost a whole quart of ice-cream which I really tried and then I was only up .6 that’s a total of 2 pounds gain for loading and I’m not complaining about that I ate all that and only gain 2 pounds but I’m just not sure if that’s enough of a gain specially for my second round. I just decided I should load a 3rd day I wanna make sure the rest I mean I have another 6 weeks to lose weight right? So I kinda was hoping I’d gained at least another pound just to make sure that all the fat is like swimming around in my system and it’s saturated like it’s supposed to be so that I’ll have some good release my first week. That’s what I’m hoping for so that’s what I’m doing so tomorrow will be my first VLCD.
Another thing I want to mention was MightymouseHCG she made a nice vlog today talking about gallbladder stuff and also just tracking I think like she mentioned we all track different things while we’re on the protocol but she mentioned that she wanted to track how many hours of sleep she gets at night, as part of that and I really agree with that and I’m gonna do that I haven’t actually thought of doing that but I really noticed my last round just from memory, how much sleep had to do with my losses that may not be the case for everyone but for me it really is. I would find myself if I got up at 7 and then went back to bed till 10, if I can do that with my son, and I would lose like .8 more in that 3 hour period somehow. I think that’s gonna be a good thing to keep track off and I appreciated that on her vlog. Also Debaloo2 you were talking about vitamin D levels I too have very little vitamin D and I too have been trying for like a year now to increase my levels and I’m hardly gone up at all. I actually switch to a different type of supplement because I was thinking I’m obviously not absorbing this one supplement that I’m taking and I do take like 5000iu drops now it is the thing that I switch to although I’ve been lax about it lately, but that would be great if just losing weight would help increase levels that would be wonderful so that was kind of a neat tip on her vlog. JessiHCG I want to thank you for sending me about info on healthy loading she had found some good information about just good fats to load on. Basically others have told me the same thing but basically you don’t really need to load on high sugar high carb stuff it’s really just fats that you need to get during loading and I think that’s a really good idea. That’s not what I did but I like the idea and I would like to try it some time. It actually just took too much thought for me to do that this time and I have been eating so good for 4 and a half months. I haven’t had any grain at all in like 4 months I haven’t had, okay I had ice-cream like once, like 1 little scoop in the last 4 months and ice-cream is my favorite. I just decided, this is just 3 days I’m just gonna do it I’m gonna have gluten I’m gonna have sugar and so I did. But I do think it makes sense to try to load more healthily and I was kinda wondering because the HCGprincess has been talking a lot about ketones and getting them back up. I don’t really understand it all yet, because I just haven’t had time to research it all yet but it kinda seems like you would get into a higher ketosis state quicker from loading if you hadn’t had so many carbs so crack me guys if I’m wrong but so anyway, might end up taking me a little longer, we’ll see.
My other thing is my mini goal this round is to once again get off my diet coke. I’ve been off of it several times for a year or more but I’ve been drinking it a lot again. A new person, I don’t know if she’s new but she will be vlogging her journey soon HCGVegasGirl she was so kind she sent me a personal message mentioning the aspartame in diet coke is a possibility to why I could possibly at times not feel well because she’s had some friend who got some of her health problems was actually due to that and I totally believe it. I know it’s not a healthy thing, so that will be a nice mini goal this round to get off of that so today is my last diet coke that I had. I let myself have it on loading. So that will be good. That’s it, I’m gonna be compiling a vlog as soon as I get more comments on the water thing. I think that will be helpful it’s really important to get your water on this weight loss protocol. it helps with hunger it helps with losing weight which is the whole point. So it’s good and that’s it. I’ll let you guys know tomorrow how much I end up loading after today hopefully it won’t like all of the sudden jump up like another 6 pounds, we’ll see but, that’s weird I don’t know why I haven’t gained more, strange. That’s it! Okay I’ll talk you guys soon.
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