Thank you so much for your interest in my workbook.
At this time, the digital version is no longer available for the time being.
You can still purchase a hardcopy version of the hCG Diet Workbook however on amazon if you choose here:
Buy hCGChica’s Workbook on Amazon
Thank you guys, and I hope to bring the digital workbook back soon.
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Yup, I want this!
I am so confused on Phase 2, a lot of the recipes have more than what is on the food list? So I am not sure what I can and cant have to season or cook with. The foods I have seen on the list, most of them I do not like (veggies mainly). Suggestions??
Hi Lisa,
It could be that the other foods are modifications of what Rayzel called Alternate Protocol (AP). You can check out her explanation about AP here: https://hcgchicarecipes.com/about-p2-hcg-diet-recipes/
Hope that helps!
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant