Topics Discussed:
- What is the hCG Diet Plan: Nutshell Version
- The Unfair Advantage of the hCG Diet
- History of the hCG diet
- Expected Weight loss for women on the hCG diet
- Expected Weight loss for men on the hCG diet
- Rules of the Diet & Allowed Foods
- Reviews/Success Stories of the hCG Diet
- Original Book Of the hCG Diet By The Doctor Who Created It
- Forms of hCG you can choose to take
- Best Sources on to Start Learning About the hCG Diet
- My Personal Results With the hCG Diet
- Buying hCGInjections or RX hCG Drops
- An all-in-one workbook for the hCG Diet
What is the hCG Diet Plan: Nutshell Version
The HCG diet is a medically supervised Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) between 500-800 calories per day, done for 3-6 weeks at a time, with a very specific food list & layout of meals while taking the hCG hormone in certain dosages. It has 3 phases:
1. Loading Phase (P1) 2-3 days, eat high-fat, high-calorie foods while taking hCG.
2. Phase 2 (P2) Weight Loss phase w/ the very low calorie diet; take hCG daily.
3. Phase 3 (P3) stabilize your weight loss phase by eating low carb for 3 weeks, no hCG is taken during this time.
Additional rounds of these phases can be done until your desired goal weight is reached.
If you are new to the hCG Diet- ie. you just heard about it and want to know what it is, if it works for weight loss, how to know if it’s right for you, this is the best place to start. I think it’s imperative to first learn about the hCG Diet protocol before deciding to buy hcg injections or RX hCG Drops.
The Unfair Advantage of the hCG Diet
The hCG Diet’s unfair advantage is the way the hCG hormone in certain dosages interacts with your body. Under normal circumstances, try and eat a 500-800 calorie diet for more than 3 days and you’ll be ready to chew your friends arm off and you’ll likely experience quite a metabolic slow down as well (which is where the term “starvation diet” comes from).
The real hCG hormone appears to do 2 things:
1. Change your sensation of hunger and make you feel not hungry and like you’ve eaten enough even though you’re only eating 500 calories.
2. Preserve lean muscle on such a low calorie diet (which leads to more of your weight loss being fat). Many disagree with this, however I’ve done hydrostatic bodyfat testing before and after all my hCG diet experiences and I feel that I would have lost more muscle on such a low calorie diet if the hCG hormone wasn’t doing something to this effect. The hydrostatic technician related to me that even ladies doing the Weight Watchers diet which is considered by many to be healthy and not-extreme at all, with higher calorie intake, will often experience 50% of their weight loss as muscle. However, I consistently lost only 10-15% of my weight loss as muscle – on a much lower calorie diet. So there must be something here to me.
These are 2 key factors in being able to do such a low calorie diet successfully – I feel without the hCG hormone, this wouldn’t be a feasible or healthy protocol, but WITH the hCG hormone, it works quite well. As an example I’ve been maintaining my own hCG weight loss for 6 years.
Where the hCG diet came from – history
Learning the history of this diet really has merit because it helps you see the logic behind how it works and that it’s not just some random diet with no basis.
Medical doctor ATW Simeons was the creator of the original hCG diet protocol. He felt that the combo of this hormone with the very low calorie diet produced not just rapid fat loss, but what he called loss of “abnormal fat”. We have all seen or even had on our own bodies what seems like weird pads of fat that just won’t go away no matter how hard we work out or how much we diet- even if the rest of us get’s thin, this abnormal fat remains. Dr. Someons found that ladies using the hCG diet actually lost this abnormal fat. He felt hCG helped to reset the hypothalamus – that basically the signaling pathway of weigh regulation could be broken and that hCG helped restore this, making weight maintenance easier later.
Expected Weight loss for women on the hCG diet
While many claims online say you will lose 1 lb a day on the hCG protocol, this is very rare and usually occurs only if you have a great amount of weight to lose or are a male. The majority of women will lose about 1/2 lb of weight per day on average, so during a 3 week course of the diet they might lose 10-15 lbs or so, and during a 6 week program 20-25 lbs.
Expected Weight loss for men on the hCG diet
Men tend to lose .75/lb-1 lb per day on the hCG Diet.
Rules of the Diet & Allowed Foods
I have a full in-depth post on this here.
Reviews/Success Stories of the hCG Diet
Here are just a few clips from our 70+ success story video interview episodes showing the results and weight loss achieved on the hCG Diet
Cindi lost 63 lbs with the hCG Diet. From 202 lbs to 138.8lbs and size 14-16 to a size 4. Her weight loss journey with hCG (after trying lots of different weight loss programs like Weight Watchers, Advocare, Slimfast, Atkins, Southbeach Diet) has been successful despite having various health conditions in the past like gallbladder surgery, frequent migraines and an endometriosis surgery.
Michelle was diagnosed with Celiac about 6 years ago, she also has HPT, fibromyalgia and Hashimotos. Currently at the age of 54, she has done 5-6 rounds of hCG over the past 5 years and overall lost more than 50 lbs and went from a size 14 to a size 4.
Laynette lost a total of 115 lbs with injection by the time this interview was published. Watch this interview as she share how her life changed by doing this protocol and how having your mind set help you succeed in this protocol. She also shares a P3 recipe for zucchini and eggplant pizza.
See the rest of my 70+ hCG Diet Interviews
Original Book Of the hCG Diet By The Doctor Who Created It
Even though there some updates to how the hCG diet protocol is done by most people today, I still consider reading Dr. Simeon’s original manuscript detailing this diet to be a must-read. He explains how his idea for the use of hCG with a low calorie diet for rapid weight loss came from and the science behind why he felt it worked and what he felt it accomplished.
I feel your best experience on the hCG protocol will by combining your knowledge from reading his protocol along with utilizing the advancements that another 60 years of time since then have allowed for.
Hi book is called Pounds and Inches, by Dr. Simeons himself.
I am finding that too many people approach the diet too casually. I think part of the reason is that they are reading the rules of the diet online but not the deeper aspect of what this diet is really accomplishing for your health and long-term weight. Dr. Simeons’ words show that you are actually re-setting your body in a number of ways.
And you don’t have an excuse because the book is FREE online to download here:
Pounds and Inches by Dr. ATW Simeons
Pounds and Inches in Spanish (libras y pulgadas libro en espanol)
Forms of hCG you can choose to take
The hCG hormone for the diet is typically taken in 1 of three forms:
1. Injections
2. Pellets (aka pills, tablets, troches)
3. Drops
These are the most reliable form to take because you can get exact dosing, which is important to your sensation of hunger. Taken once a day while on the diet, with a tiny needle/syringe used by diabetics for their insulin. Despite the fear you probably feel, they really are painless. Tutorials on how to do an hCG injection here, by yours truly. Where to buy hCG injections online here.
Where to Buy Legit hCG Online
hCG Diet Recipes
Best Sources on to Start Learning About the hCG Diet
Two blog posts with videos and hCG Diet basics covered:
What is the hCG Diet, Does It Work, What are the Basics- Part 1
What is the hCG Diet, Does It Work, What are the Basics- Part 2
Additionally, here are a few more links from my website with more descriptions of the hCG Diet:
General hCG Diet questions
What to Eat on hCG, How Many Calories, the hCG Diet Food List, etc.
How Much Weight You Can Lose on the hCG Diet
How Quickly Can You Get to a Normal Weight with the hCG Diet?
The above links are all taken from my hCG FAQ page which you can see all at once here:
My Personal Results With the hCG Diet
My Personal hCG Diet Story
Video of Me as Size 2 In My Old Size 16 Skirt
Buying hCG Injections or RX hCG Drops
Only after you’ve read enough to feel comfortable with how the hCG Diet works, would I recommend purchasing the actual hCG. The two companies who I’ve personally ordered from in the past and have used their hCG are listed on my buy hCG page with a pros and cons comparison. Please note the links for buying hCG are my personal affiliate links and I get a commission when your purchase hCG through me, at no extra cost to you- if you do choose to do this, thank you so much, I really appreciate it! These hCG companies sell REAL prescription hCG, which I highly recommend using as hCG Injections. Injections are the only kind of hCG I feel comfortable recommending and it is what I have used to get the results below.
Here is the buy hCG compare contrast page

An all-in-one workbook for the hCG Diet
For those who want an all-in-one guidebook to give them all the hCG diet rules they need as well as a tracker for tracking weight loss, inch loss, and food intake, there is an hCG Diet Workbook available. I spent over a year creating this workbook and it’s now been used by thousands of hCG Dieters and helped many ladies reach their weight loss goals.