It’s kind of funny how one thing can lead to another.
I’ve had 2 kind of major happenings like this recently- I wanted to share one with you today because it’s something for you guys.
While designing the meal plan for Phase 3, I wanted to create a guilt free desserty type thing – something you could have without worrying about overeating it really or finishing it all in 2 big bites.
Thick smoothies since my very first Phase 3 have always been and continue to this day in my daily life after hCG to be the solution for me personally when it comes getting that desserty/snacky night time thing without a lot of calories. I never have to have an internal struggle over whether or not I can or should have one of my smoothies. I just always can. I’ll tell you why in a sec.
Here’s the thing- even though it’s not really about calories, it also IS about calories. Meaning, even if we don’t count it, even if our hormones are messed up, etc., there is still a unique balance inside of each of our bodies where we use up a certain amount of fuel each day and take in fuel and there has to be some balance there, otherwise…..fat storage for a rainy day.
This is something we’ll always have to contend with, but especially during Phase 3 when we’re trying to stabilize our new weight, which is a bit rocky at first, is a time when gradually increasing calories and keeping things in check is especially wise to do.
Here’s the problem with baked goods- to get any sort of volume you have to use ingredients that have calories. For instance, I recently made up my own low carb banana bread- it was AWESOME- but I can finish one slice in about 30 seconds and I find myself still wanting to eat the whole loaf. Regardless of whether it’s low carb or not, sweetened with zero calorie sweeteners or not, the bulk of all the ingredients (i.e. Almond flour, flaxseed meal, coconut milk, etc- these are all great low carb ingredients, but they are high calorie since they are high fat- not bad, but still needs to be eaten in moderation) means that if I eat half the loaf, which is very easy for my snacky self to do, I’m eating like 800 calories- for a snack. That just ain’t gonna work on a daily basis folks!
Because my smoothies all contain a fair amount of ice, they are both low calorie but also a larger volume than other foods, and they take me a bit to consume the whole thing so by the time I’m done, I don’t really feel like I need another smoothie. Meanwhile, there has NEVER been any slice, or “ball”, or “bomb” or low carb cookie, or 1 serving’s worth of any baked type good that I didn’t finished in about 1 minute and where I felt like I didn’t want another one.
Okay okay so get to the point right?
As I got inspired to create a couple specific low calorie, low carb, filling, satisfying P3 smoothies for the phase 3 meal plan similar to what I eat in daily life, but jazzed up a bit, I started getting more and more ideas for more and more smoothie recipes. Pretty soon I was like, ‘man, there’s way too many smoothies here to put into only a 3 week meal plan!’
The whole point of the Phase 3 meal plan is to keep things fairly simple and not have to make something new every single day.
That’s when I thought, hey I should just create a Phase 3 smoothie ebook!
Which is REALLY weird that I’ve gotten so inspired about this since I just wrote in an email to you all about 2 months ago that I gave recipe creation a try and felt like I couldn’t handle it. Maybe I’m adjusting to the learning curve or something because now I’m actually having fun with it.
These are not “green” smoothies.
These are not smoothies for the purpose of health (even though they are healthy).
Their sole purpose is to be:
dessert for you.
As such they do NOT have protein powder or kale added to them.
Of course I’m sure you could add this-
However, if you add protein powder, it adds another 70-100 calories to the dish,
Which then turns it into a meal, which means now that’s your meal, not dessert.
Because even though we know it’s not calories in calories out,
We also know if you eat more calories than your body can use in some way
You will get fat storage.
So we just can only eat so much in a day
And still stabilize
And maintain.
I want you to have dessert!
And feel good about it.
these smoothies are designed to taste and feel like actual dessert,
every day.
Every night.
Because they are so low calorie there is essentially no guilt ever.
I have mine twice a day often!
I’m basically designing these so that it’s hard to over-do it with them.
That’s what I wanted out of these.
Every single recipe will be made to fit within Phase 3 guidelines.
So far the calorie range for all the smoothies is between 41 and 164 calories, and the net carb range is between 5-11g net carbs.
This is a good range- in general most people on Phase 3 will end up getting about 60-100 grams of carbs even while eating low carb and avoiding all obvious starches and sugars- there are some carbs in nuts and dairy and vegetables and low sugar fruits-
So what I’m doing is broadening the range of fruits that are in the Phase 3 smoothies by strictly limiting HOW MUCH of that fruit is used in the smoothie. I have been so surprised to see how just small amounts of a fruit can really give all the flavor you need to complete the smoothie dessert.
The reason I’m excited to share this with you is because it’s coming together pretty quickly and I think it might be ready for you all in the next couple months! The phase 3 meal plan is still coming along but it’s more involved and takes more time, also because it will likely be part of a whole program with the fitness aspect etc. and I just have a LOT of content to write, and videos to make and and and….yes.
I’m so excited that I may have the Phase 3 smoothies ebook ready in the meantime so you’ll have something to start working with!
I’m so serious about this you guys- smoothies like this have been my daily/nightly dessert for the almost 4 years since I’ve finished the hCG diet. They SAVE me! Even when I go to a social gathering and there’s all this junk and cake and stuff- I actually feel excited to go home and have my guilt free smoothie dessert instead. It lets me enjoy yummy tastes while still keeping my body looking like it does now.
I want to share one of the recipes from the book with you today- I chose it because it’s warming up for most of us now and this is SO refreshing in hot weather. I know because I just finished doing the “photo shoot” for this smoothie yesterday afternoon and then sipped the model smoothie dry in my un-insulated garage that I’ve set up as my little “smoothie e-book photography workspace” which was about 95 degrees.
This might look like a bunch of junk. And you would be wrong. These are food photography supplies man! I may or may not have been scouring thriftstores and flea markets for props since getting the idea for this project a month ago.
Painted old wood boards, I mean, ahem, one of my photo backgrounds:
Drinking the model smoothie. That’s right I use them for their beauty then drink them dry.
The smoothie recipe I’m sharing with you today I’m calling Coconut Mojito – obviously it has no alcohol, but I think you’ll find it very refreshing!
Coconut Mojito Smoothie – for Phase 3 of the hCG Diet:
Serves 1
- 1/2 cup water*
- 3 tbs. Coconut Cream
- 1c peeled cucumber (about 1/2 cucumber)
- 1c loose fresh spearmint
- Juice of 2 limes
- Zest of 1 lime
- 8 ice cubes
- 1 tsp. Swerve
- Stevia to taste
124 calories – 9.5g net carb – 9g fat
*Regular blenders may need additional water to blend and additional stevia to compensate.
This brings me to another thing I am trying to figure out/consider, which if you have any ideas or thoughts, please feel free to reply and let me know!
Since most of these smoothies have a fair amount of ice and smaller quantities than is usual of other ingredients, from what I read, only high powered blenders like Vitamix and Blendtec are best suited for handling this. Which, by the way, I received an email the other day stating that Vitamix is now offering payments plans with 0% interest for up to 18 months!!! This really might make the Vitamix accessible to a lot more people. I have had my own Vitamix for 5 years now and I literally use it every single day. For smoothies with lots of ice. :)- I have yet needed to replace a single thing on the machine. And I’m hard on it because I like my smoothies thick, so I use the tamper and keep liquids as minimal as I can get away with.
But I realize that not everyone has one these high powered blenders!
I have thought about purchasing a ninja and nutribullet just to that I can maybe see if I can figure out and then mention in the book modifications to each recipe for blenders like this. It may be just an across the board “add an extra 1/4-1/2 cup water and additional stevia” or something for such cases.
The challenge is when you add more water, it waters down the flavor that I’m getting to have that nice concentrated tasted by having less liquids, and when you start adding other ingredients and less ice, then the calories and macros go back to kind of being what everyone out there is already making and it’s just not really suitable for Phase 3.
So I’m thinking about all this and trying to figure it out. I read specifically that the nutribullet should not be used with too much ice- I think only like 1/4 of the ingredients of a nutribullet smoothie should be ice supposedly.
Would love to know your thoughts or ideas about this- this will help me make this really useful for you guys.
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Yup, I want this!
How you getting on with the moothie recipe book? I use a nutribullet type device. Works but I think it does not really enjoy the ice.
Hi Fran,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you!
Sorry, Rayzel didn’t continue the smoothie recipe book but she does have smoothie recipes for both P2 and P3 in and
I’ve been using Biotrust low carb. My favorite’s are chocolate and chocolate peanut butter.
I’ve been using Biotrust low carb. My favorite’s are chocolate and chocolate peanut butter.
Interesting recipe, Rayzel! I’ve been planning to try preparing this for myself. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information on hCG.
Hey Rayzel,
Just wanted to say THANK YOU! I’m on Day 19 and have lost 14 lbs (not too bad) – couldn’t have done it without this website and all of the testimonials!
Was going to do 21 days… but now I’m going for the extension. Cheers! And thanks again for the support!
HI! is there any way I could talk with you?
Before I got a Vitamix I had a standard Cusinart blender, and found it helped to pre-crack the ice by putting the cubes in a towel then whacking the bundle with a kitchen mallet– on the cutting board. The blender can handle the smaller pieces easily. The Vitamix is my most used appliance; worth the money. They also have an incredible warranty. Mine developed a strange behavior, after a few years; I called Vitamix, and they replaced it at no charge.
Your coconut mojito recipe calls for Coconut Cream. Is this Crème of Coconut, like is used in Pina Coladas?
Rayzel, I use the Montel Williams 1200 watt- 8 Speed HealthMaster Elite Bender/Emulsifier….it’s ONLY $69.99 at! I purchased one when they first came out years ago and I haven’t had any problems! To me, it’s on the line of the vitamix without the price and much better than the nutribullet. I have stop using my nutribullet, since the HealthMaster came into my house!!! Marpay
Hey Rayzel, I use the Montel Williams 1200 watt- 8 Speed HealthMaster Elite Bender/Emulsifier….it’s ONLY $69.99 at! I purchased one when they first came out years ago and I haven’t had any problems! To me, it’s on the line of the vitamix without the price and much better than the nutribullet. I have stop using my nutribullet, since the HealthMaster came into my house!!! Marpay
Can you please tell me what is Swerve? I live in Australia and I have never heard of this. If I can’t get it, is it OK to omit, or is there something which could be substituted? I would live to try your recipe.
This is so great. You are wonderful. You perfectly verbalize the particular challenges we ex-plumpies are dealing with on a regular basis. So looking forward to the e-book.
Silly question – what is swerve?
I’m definitely a Smoothie (Blendie as my son calls it) addict during P2!
I even save my dairy to make a creamy smoothie when I’m needing something that feels like I’m cheating.
I can’t wait for the recipe book!
Hi Rayzel,
Swerve? can’t remember what this is!!
Please advise ASAP!!
Thank you for all you do for us.
Smoothie idea to try.. I have as of yet to try this but I saw an instagram pic/recipe yesterday of a smoothie with added miracle noodle rice. Either blend with all ingredients for extra fiber /thickness (filling!) or mix in after for a boba-like texture..
Great ideas I too have a vitamix absolutely love it Costco has a sale right now 339.00 best deal ever however buying refurbished is a good idea too.
My question is can u make any kind of smoothies on p2? Can u do yogurt and strawberries on p2?
Is there anywhere else you can recommend that I can buy HCG for less outside US? These prices are very high. Have you ever used an international pharm? I read in a blog you wrote somewhere on the net that US may not work for everyone and is not the only solution. (Paraphrasing). I saw zyhcg on reliable pharm and wondering if you have ever used them and/or this brand.
Thank you so much for your time.
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful idea!! Thank you so much for putting this together for us!
The way in which you express yourself, your sweetness and understanding, as well as the way you describe various tastes and food (smoothie) textures, just gives such sparkle to your writing! As if you are speaking just to me and we are long time besties, and sit down for coffee every week!
The little bits of startling and well-timed humor . . . the understanding of those of us working so hard on this diet to have intensely rich and delicious tastes to look forward to . . . the courage you display in candidly describing your own needs and wants taste-wise . . . all combine into one amazingly helpful gift of encouragement!!
Keep up the good work–and thank you for the smoothie recipe!
With hugs of appreciation and gigantic kudos for how beautiful and slender and healthy you look!
~ Bethany Noland
Cute pic of yourself slurping your smoothie! Thanks for all your research and sharing!!
I love it. I am due to begin Phase 1 soon and looking for alternatives for P2 meals. I am allergic to shellfish, won’t eat veal, and don’t really like chicken. I will eat beef, but was wondering what percent fat of ground beef to get and also if you could recommend smoothies or shakes to substitute for a meal in P.
Thanks for all you do and your dedication to inform and help.
Love it. Do you have any ideas for P2 shakes or smoothies? I will start my first round soon and i am allergic to shellfish, wont eat veal and don’t like chicken, so i will be eating beef mostly and was looking to substitute a meal at least.
Thanks Rayzel for all you do and your dedication!
I am just finishing up my first Phase 2 and I did some modifications on the protein list.
I ate many, many egg whites; in frittatas with fresh herbs and vegetables or as egg drop soup in broth. I also ate quite a bit of fish, mostly Atlantic cod since it had a low calorie count per ounce or gram.
I ate red meat, buffalo round steak and sirloin tip, infrequently because of its higher calorie count and fat content (it didn’t take much fat or carbs – I had to end up avoiding tomatoes – to put me in a stall).
As you move through Phase 2 you will learn more about your body and its tolerances, what works for you and what doesn’t.
I would think that you could make a “smoothie” with the vegetables, ice, less lime juice and stevia without the coconut milk, cream or oil, since it has a lot of good fat. It is not going to taste the same, but might be better than nothing.
P.S. I have had my Vitamix since 1990. I go through periods when I use it multiple times a day and periods when I use it less and have never had a problem with it. It is a quality product.
I made this P2 with So Delicious plain coconut milk at fewer carbs-cals, and used less peeled cucumber, with just 1T lime juice. Not as yummy as the P3 version, but great anyway.
Love the idea of smoothies but what is coconut cream and Swerve? Thanks for all the help you have provided over the years. I did Hcg diet about 45 yrs. ago and still have the diet plan. It is different than the one now used but still 500 calories. I done the program in recent years and you have been a tremendous help. Thanks again.
I need some serious help getting and staying motivated. I did great for four days then have been struggling since. Can I restart in week two
I’m having a virtually impossible time staying faithful to the diet past a few days. I can’t seem to stay motivated long enough to reap the benefits.
I don’t know how old this post is. I’m on my 9th day. You need to find alternatives for those times when you need something in your mouth. I use.. cold and hot tea. ( I went to the mall and got the Teavana love it cold sweetened with stevia. as well as I drink water ALL Day… I don’t leave home without it. I also came across another hcger who mentioned dringking Vitamin water xxx the zero calorie 0 sugar one. There are those with an enormous amount of sugar avoid those. Those help with my sweet tooth and hunger between meals. At times we desperately want something sweet. Sugarless gum helps me too. Just look around for what can work for you. But don’t give up… how much longer do you want to keep dreaming of being skinny? That’s what I tell myself. Also, I don’t eat the fruit and/or Melba toast instead I opted for Wassa crackers 0 sugar. I compared them side by side and Wassa was a better option less of everything. Less fat, less carbs. Trying my best not do eat those with every soup I make … trying to change my relationship with food. Make soups those are really filling and make you feel like you had a good meal hearty meal. Add shirataki noodles if needed. Look for ways!!! That’s been working for me.