HCG Diet Round 1 VLCD 35 (day 35 of 500 calorie diet)
Hi guys! hCGChica checking in.
I’m gonna cover stats, my mom and a couple new people I found and maybe a couple other tidbits.
Okay so stats, this morning I was up .2 so I’m 148.2 which make my total loss 23.8 pounds
Just a little explanation about that I know that it’s not fat it’s just water or food because late last night I was kinda feeling hungry so I had a little bit of miracle noodles with tomatoes, canned tomatoes with no sugar, so it was really good. I’ve done that a few times now it’s never affected my weight loss but I had it pretty late, I had that around like 11pm last night. The actual bowl of food weighed definitely quite a bit more than a quarter of a pound. I know it’s just the food and the water being still in me. So as soon as that goes away I’ll be continuing on my downward journey, so that’s that.
Updated Info November 2014 on Miracle Noodles and Shirataki Noodles
I’ve been trying out some of the other styles of noodles made by the Miracle Noodle team- I’m LOVING the fettucine cut! They are my fav. They also have a “rice” version and a angel hair pasta version – so if you want to have the various custom cuts of zero carb pasta, you can purchase those at the Miracle Noodle’s site here. And keep in mind their shelf life is like a whole year, so you have plenty of time to use them if you buy it in bulk.
Many people who try out HCG Injections at one point or another give miracle noodles (aka shirataki noodles) a try. They are zero calories, made up entirely of soluble fiber. If you use the non-name brand noodles from the Asian markets, don’t be fooled by the ingredient list that states “yam flour” on the package. This is just a misnomer because of the translation from Chinese to English- it’s really made from the root of the Konjac Root, which is simply a soluble fiber, and as such doesn’t contribute any calories or carbs.
So why did I have a .2 gain after having the miracle noodles one night? Because being a fiber, one, it adds more bulk than normal (till ya poop it out that is!) and two, it soaks up water. So basically I had a lot more stuff in my intestines, and that weighs a bit extra than normal. So that I had gain was not fat. It’s nothing to worry about at all- it’s simply water and food. I have used shirataki noodles on the HCG diet all of my rounds and I feel safe recommending them to people as a tool to create a feeling of fullness and satiety.
Back to My Round 1 2011 Blogpost
Regarding my mom thank you guys so much for all your responses and replies to me, some of you wrote some really long messages to me with ideas and your experiences and things. I really appreciate it even everyone who just wasn’t sure what it was with just writing with encouragement and hoping I would figure it out. I really appreciate it and it’s so nice of you all. It is helpful to get different ideas and different things out there and different questions so that we can try to tear it apart and figure out what it is.
What we’re gonna try for the moment is she has been taking 300IU for like the last 4 days or so and her hunger still isn’t gone. Dawman wrote to me that out of like 2000 people that he’s dealt with only 1 person needed 300IU to get their hunger go away. Based on that and the fact that her hunger isn’t gone on 300, I think we’ve hit the max of- she’s basically hit the highest dose that’s usually ever taken with the hormone and since that hasn’t done it, I think what we need to do is totally go the other way. She’s gonna try 150 for like the next 3-4 days and if that doesn’t get rid of it we’re gone drop it to 125. That’s the plan for the moment I do still need to actually test the hormone HebbiDobbie mentioned that even though I mixed it for her it’s really not old at all and it’s the same stuff I used. She did mentioned that in the same shipment sometimes there could be differences so yes it’s definitely worth checking out.
The only thing is I’m not able to get to her house right away she does not have time to go to the store and get the test and everything so I’ll have to do that in another probably not until Thursday unfortunately cause I won’t be able to get up there. But anyway that’s the plan for the moment and we also talked a little more and she hadn’t really looked at her paper though I had made a couple papers or had printed out a couple papers that showed the different foods allowed on the protocol and how much in stuff and I guess lately she hadn’t really look. So just regarding the whole weight stalling thing after her original cheats like a week ago I guess she’s been having some none-protocol foods like carrots and cauliflower. I’m glad we’ve got to talk about that, she’s like “oh wow really” and then she had jicama- I mean I know those are healthy but she didn’t realized that they weren’t on the protocols.
I taped my sheets of food with the calories they equal or taped to my counter, so I’m like “tape them to your counter so that every time you’re making your food it’s right there” it just makes it really easy so she’s gonna do that. We only have a week and a half left of injections. Were just gonna really buckle down and try to stick to the protocol. I gave her the chocolate delight recipe she’s actually never made that yet, I hadn’t actually she mentioned that to her before I just didn’t wanna confuse her cause she just doesn’t have a whole lot of time to do, to make different things but I think it’s time. I really think the chocolate delight has helped me lose better, I’ve been having really good loss in this last half of my round and that’s when I started the coconut oil in the chocolate delight and I don’t have 2 pieces everyday but I have 2 pieces every maybe for a couple of days and then I won’t have it for a day, you know something like that so I think it’s really help. I’m hoping that will help her too.
Updated Info November 2014: I no longer support the use of Coconut Oil on the hCG Diet at this time- I just don’t have enough proof that it’s not causing muscle loss on the diet – Dr. Simeons was very adamant that no fats or oils be used on the diet, and that is what I currently believe. This particular round we are speaking of, Round 1, I lost a significant amount of muscle mass, FAR more than any other round, and it’s the only round I used coconut oil. I do not know if they are linked, or if I would have lost the muscle anyway (I have some interesting thoughts on this here), but I’d rather be safe than sorry, and that this point, that is my recommendation to you guys too.
That’s the plan so I thank you guys very much there is couple of new people starting also duckyluvey you guys wanna check her out and give her some support. She already did her loading and I think she already had her first VLCD day or maybe her second one and then also barbarad388 it looks like she already has a good number of subscribers but for any of you watching me who haven’t seen her go check her out so she’s starting too. It’s actually her second round it was her first blog she posted today I think. Anyway those are the new people I found and that’s what I wanted to share today. I’m sorry I’m kinda being boring at the moment. I guess that’s it. I will check in again tomorrow and I’ll see everyone soon. Bye.
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Yup, I want this!
I did a total of 6 days on hcg eating noodles twice a day and my weight stayed exactly the same for the whole six days and I just weighed myself after fasting to do a weight stall and got hungry ate noodles again I’m up a pound ! I’m freaked out like I can’t lose weight.
Hi Leona,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
There are others who experienced gain/stall with eating shirataki noodles and Rayzel explained it here: https://hcgchica.com/hcg-diet-10-things-about-miracle-noodles-zero-calorie-noodles-or-shirataki-noodles/#gainedweightnoodles
Hope that helps!
Hey getting really discouraged . I did a total of 6 days on hcg eating noodles twice a day and my weight stayed exactly the same for the whole six days and I just weighed myself after fasting to do a weight stall and got hungry ate noodles again I’m up a pound ! I’m freaked out like I can’t lose weight.
Thank you for this post about shirataki noodles. I have been steadily loosing weight on HCG injections and the last 2 or 3 days in a row I had these noodles. I noticed a slight gain but then steadily each day a slight gain. I suspected it was the noodles because I have been following the rest of the protocol the same. I’m taking the noodles out for a little while to test this, but based on your post and my hunch, I think this is exactly what happened. Thank you so much for all of your posts and videos. I have a unique story with my HCG experience and would love to share some tips I’ve not seen or heard elsewhere that completely made a difference of being able to endure HCG and enjoy it. Do you still do interviews? I’m on Round 1 P2 Day34.
Hi Denise,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
We appreciate your offer but we are not doing the interviews right now since we already have a lot of unpublished interviews.
Sorry about that.
Hi, I tried the Miracle Noodles for the first time today. I sautéed them with Bragg Liquid Aminos. The bag said 2 servings so I was going to eat half but I ended up eating both servings. I had an HCG portion of scallops for my protein and then regular protocol for my 2nd meal (grilled chicken & tomatoes). This morning I gained 1lb (Day 11). Like you, this is probably my 5th round of this diet since 2012 (and btw your site is an amazing resource!). I never gain weight unless I cheat. Do you think it’s because I overate the Miracle Noodles rather than it being the Miracle Noodles alone? Should I not have used the Bragg? I’ve always down the diet very SP so this is the first time I’m trying new things (meatza is the best, ty!). Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
Hi Jaclyn,
Yes, miracle noodles are OK but would like to add that just like any other modifications, not all people are okay with it. One thing to note though is that because they are very bulky and they also soak up liquid, the noodles could give the appearance of a stall or weight gain at first, just from having more volume of material in your intestines when you initially add them- but it should be noted that this doesn’t mean at all that it’s stopping your actual fat loss.
Rayzel has a very detailed post about miracle noodles here: https://hcgchica.com/hcg-diet-10-things-about-miracle-noodles-zero-calorie-noodles-or-shirataki-noodles/
Hope that helps!
-hCGChica’s assistant