Symptoms of Low Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue
Well, it’s officially two months since the end of Round 5 of HCG Injections on the HCG Diet for me. I’m in Phase 4 (P4)- which is basically just normal, healthy, everyday eating.
I want to discuss my own personal health today because I think it could help others reading it to possibly recognize if they have any hidden health issues themselves. Sometimes we get used to what we might think of as certain little “quirks” to ourselves, that in actuality, are simply health symptoms, that if addressed, could let us lead a happier more full life.
If you have some of the symptoms that I mention below, but your doctor says your thyroid lab tests are normal, please don’t leave it at that. I have discovered many many people go untreated because they really DO have thyroid or adrenal issues- the standard tests that are done are woefully inadequate- the following are some resources to research this important topic. In fact, my own lab tests came back “normal” for a long time, until my condition finally got SO bad that it finally did show up the generic testing- but you shouldn’t have to wait several years to get treated as I did. The following are what I consider to be the best information out there on hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Dr. Mercola’s Interview with Dr. Lowe regarding Low Thyroid
Stop the Thyroid Madness Website- a wealth of information on thyroid and adrenal fatigue and all the things “they” never tell you.
Natural Thyroid Solutions – check the latest updates and news section and Q&A
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I have been dealing with some chronic health issues for several years now and went untreated for most of it because I didn’t know what was wrong with me for many years (this was not for lack of diligent searching for a cause). But I’ve been pretty much symptom free and off all thyroid medication and adrenal support for over 9 months this past year. I never actually expected to be off my thyroid meds as usually the condition I have (hashimoto’s) and the resulting low or hypothyroid condition isn’t curable.
How I Got Off Thyroid Medication
My improved health happened over a number of months as I lost weight with this weight loss protocol, attended Crossfit and got more fit, completely eliminated gluten 100% from my diet, and saw a holistic “dude” (he’s not actually a “doc”) who helped me to address some chronic infections he discovered through muscle testing and treated with homeopathy and rife machine frequencies (google that one).
The only reason I even considered getting off my thyroid medication at all was because I was suddenly feeling very sick and yucky, in a way I’d never felt before, and the holistic guy I was seeing confirmed that my body was functioning very well on it’s own and that I no longer needed the thyroid meds technically. It made me very nervous to wean off it as I visualized what I used to feel like pre-medication, but as soon as I did, I felt much better, and spent the next 9 months living like a normal person- having normal energy, working out, all without medication, which was shocking to me considering how I used to feel without my thyroid medication (couldn’t work secularly, had to sleep many hours each day, had chronic fatigue and some fibromyalgia symptoms- extreme pain in my feet after standing in my kitchen to cook a simple dinner, etc.). That entire 9 months of 2012 I spent most of it feeling great with great energy and none of my old symptoms.
The 3 Amigos: Stress – Low Thyroid – Adrenal Fatigue
But stress is a killer isn’t it? Or maybe we should say stress is a life-sucker. You’ve probably heard that adage “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” right? I have yet to see this happen in my case. My chronic health issues started at just 21 years of age, when autoimmune triggers were turned on in my body from different stressful situations in my life. Stress and difficulties in life have always seemed to wreak a havoc on my body that have permanently changed how my body operates. My husband and I both came to the realization recently that I have not been myself the past couple months. Back in September we lost our house to foreclosure and the process of that, along with the stress of finding a new home and moving our whole home ourselves with a small 2 year old in tow wasn’t exactly stress free. I got through the actual process very well and was pretty proud of myself- almost felt like a small version of a female super hero, but I believe my body is now experiencing the delayed stress response to that period of time. Along with the fact that I now work secularly again- something I haven’t done in years.
I didn’t notice it at first because the symptoms were a bit subtle and infrequent, but after considering the past couple months, we realized that many of my old familiar symptoms that I used to experience when untreated were there again.
Uncommon Reaction to Social Interaction
For anyone who doesn’t know, one symptom of low thyroid function, which I experience in full force when my condition is not being managed well, is the inability to handle social interaction and feel good still. Even though it’s what you might call a “good stress”, social interaction is a stress on the body. If you’re a normal person, you might spend some time with family or friends and come home feeling happy and refreshed at the good time you just had. Or even if you didn’t have a good time, you might come home kind of irritated, go to sleep and wake up and go about your normal business just fine the following day.
What happens to me specifically is that after hanging out with people, whether I had a good time or not, I will later become very depressed for seemingly no reason. It will last for a couple days, before the depression cloud lifts and I feel normal again. The depression is bad enough that it’s pretty debilitating and something that makes you want to avoid scenarios that cause that. I want to mention this because it’s one of those things that is very difficult to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it and even harder for them to understand. If you are reading this and realize that you experience this, please consider that you may have some unresolved health issues, that if addressed, could enable you to enjoy people’s company again.
I haven’t experienced this in quite some time, but lately noticed it was starting to happen again.
Uncommon Reaction to Physical Activity
Another symptom of low thyroid and or adrenal fatigue that I would experience is the same resulting depression after taking a walk on concrete for any length of time. I haven’t put my finger on it completely yet, but I have discovered a slow walk on the sidewalk for a half hour or more will cause me to feel very bad later- debilitating fatigue and depression. This seems especially silly to me now considering I still attend Crossfit 3-4 times a week, for an hour each time where I sweat like nobody’s business and my whole body get’s worked super hard, and I feel good after these sessions, yet a slow walk will cause me fatigue later. It’s a strange anomaly that I still don’t understand why it happens, but it does. Years ago before being treated this symptom was bad enough that any physical activity caused the chronic fatigue and depression reaction, no matter what it was. There could even be an endorphin rush initially, but within a matter of a couple hours, this dark cloud of depression would descend. We are not talking a mild case of the blues- we are talking an I-don’t-know-how-I-can-go-on-living hopeless kind of feeling.
More Cold Than Those Around You
Thirdly, I’ve been extremely cold again lately, and I don’t live in a snow state. I’ve been so cold that I’ve actually found myself googling “warmest coat” and considering specialized jacket options that only researchers in the antarctic usually wear because I can’t seem to find a coat that keeps me warm enough to enjoy the outdoors this winter.
There are many more symptoms that I won’t detail here today. These are the main ones that I’ve been experiencing again.
Treatment of Low Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue
So what this means is that I’m trying myself back on a small dose of thyroid medication. I take Cytomel– also called T3 or active thyroid hormone. This is very different from what the majority of thyroid patients are put on by their doctors- most take T4 medication like Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid or Unithroid. If you haven’t researched this yet, please look into the differences between T3 and T4 thyroid medications– it can mean the difference between feeling symptom free and feeling like crap.
I have yet to know if my current symptoms are mostly thyroid or mostly adrenal or a combination of both, or maybe it’s something entirely new or different. It’s a bit of a guessing game sometimes at this moment and takes time to figure out. I have experimented with taking small doses of cortisol again too in the form of Isocort. The results are mixed. Sometimes I feel better, sometimes I feel worse, so I don’t know all the answers yet. The important thing though is to do something. If I do nothing, I definitely won’t figure it out. By trying different things I hope to find the solution and the right balance for best wellness again.
What I will tell you is that, even though I’m once again experiencing a blip in my health, between taking Cytomel thyroid medication for 2 years and then somehow recovering my health and not needing it for almost a year, I have spent the last 3 years of my life feeling REALLY GOOD compared to the previous 6-8 years before that. If you can get proper treatment, you CAN feel good again. Don’t give up on yourself and finding wellness. Make the above links in this post a start to your research on this.
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Yup, I want this!
What HCG friendly salad dressing do you recommend.
Hi Dorcella,
Here’s a helphub article that can help you:
My daughter who is 13 years old has 2 symptoms of thyroid and then was checked for hashis. Test that I did not get to look at or know anything about came back positive. Well first off she can have thyroid issues from her adrenal(glands) fatigue in which her symptoms actually fit. Which requires NO medication. I do not want her on meds that are going to cause more problems down the road. So I have been putting in the hours of research. This is my CHILD they can not intimidate me into putting her on meds. I let her use them until I found out what was really going on. I asked for more testing they said NO we got our diagnosis so there is no need to do more testing. I said wait a minute…she does not even have but 2 of the symptoms for this. Hashimoto’s is a smoke screen to some other issue causing all this! And you do not want to do further testing wtf is wrong with you people? This is Children’s Hospitol in Seattle As. I thought that they were the big wigs the great and almighty miracle workers! Nope ALL lies! Do not want to go back!!!
Hello Everyone,
I’m a newbie here. Today is my first loading day and injection. So wish me luck. However, I just read an ocean of information on here about adrenals , t3 , t4, different supplements ect.
Now I’m feeling seriously concerned , overwhelmed and confused. Im thinking that I definitely need to have my thyroid checked. But is it too late ? I just started hcg . where is a Dr. That will check deeper than the base protocol?
Maybe a bit of personal info might help you all to help me.
I’m 40, 4 kids, current weight 172. Never had a weight problem till I was about 35. I have been aging rapidly. Low energy, depression, low self esteem, not social at all-I hate it. Suffered from panic attacks sine I was 18 yr old. Few and far between though. But OMG- when it comes on.
Whatever it is I’m going though is affecting my kids. I don’t take them out. I’m too freaking tired, and just the thought of taking them somewhere is overwhelming and stresses me out. The feeling of guilt and sadness because of this behavior is excruciating . I can’t seem to get past myself. I let go of all my friends. Small talk is. exhausting.
When I gave birth to my last child 6 years ago I was 124lbs right after birth. My body just couldn’t gain weight. 2 weeks after his birth I started to break out in head to toe hives EVERYWHERE! With some swelling of the eyes and lips from time to time. This went in for 8 months straight.
Finally the Dr. Gave me a diagnosis of temporary auto immune progesterone disorder? Once I stopped breast feeding , it stopped. Since then , my hair hasn’t stopped gradually thinking . My eyebrows seem to going too. Just writing all this makes me want to cry. Lol.
I’ve tired a couple of different anti depressants. It was insane. Never again.
I want to have hope that this hcg protocol will give me new life. My kids need this.
Please be kind in your response.
Hi Holly The outbreak of hives all over your entire body after having a stressful event to your body like having a baby I am wondering have you ever been tested for Epstein Barr virus? Also known as mono check out the rashes online for Epstein Barr and get tested for that it could explain a lot for you.
My question is about the actual injections, how does one prevent bruising at the injection sites? Also do you perhaps know of a safe supplier or importer in South Africa I can buy from?
Thank you so much for your sincerity in this post. I can absolutely relate. Just before getting married at the age of 24, I went through everything that you described. Dispite a sudden 25 pound increase of weight and incessant fatigue the doctors stated I was a “model of health”. Luckily I found a fantastic homeopathic doctor and now 4 years later have lost the first 15 pounds, my thyroid is functioning at 100 percent, and I am on my way to losing the last 10. Woohoo!! Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had noticed any weight gain during phase 3 when their adrenals were off. For the most part the hcg diet has been fantastic, in 20 days I lost 15 pounds and have pretty much kept it off until now. But, I suddenly went up 4 pounds and am struggling with BMs. I think it’s my adrenals but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this…?
I am on Synthroid 100mcg daily, should I continue this while on the hcg diet? Will it effect my weight loss?
Hi Angela!
Rayzel continued her thyroid medications throughout her rounds.
Hi there!
I have done the HCG diet a number of times over the last few years beginning back in late 2010. Two years ago, after gaining back all 40 pounds lost, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and adrenal insufficiency. My endocrinologist put me on the proper thyroid medications and hydrocortisone. Although I have felt much relief from the debilitating fatigue, I still battle my weight. I was considering doing HCG again. (The last round I did was last September.)
I had food sensitivities testing done and for the last 2 months have followed an elimination diet based on my least reactive foods as well as going gluten free and dairy free. I also hired a personal trainer I meet with twice a week. All this and still no weight loss.
Well, yesterday my endo ran the cortisol challenge test and the results are good news! There is no sign of adrenal insufficiency. A normal base is 15, I was at 14 (I used to be at 6!). The nurse says my change in eating is what helped improve my adrenal function.
So here’s my question… If I go back on HCG will it be too stressful on my body and cause my adrenals to fail again? What do you think?
Thanks for your great website!
Your story sounds so much like mine……I respond very differently to med and vit…….so at the age of 50 passed menopause…..low hormones……and AF ……how much HCG would I need to start out with?
Bless your heart for being so courageous. I’ve had a lot of health issues in my adult life, including depression, but I find out tomorrow about my adrenals. My last thyroid levels were 5: no bueno. I am tired all the time–NOT depressed, strangely– sleepy, and my muscles and joints ache. What bothers me is not being so helpful around the house, having no stamina during gym workouts, struggling just to get out of bed in the morning.
And, since I’m a guy, there’s the added fear of being seen as a wimp–nobody “gets” adrenal fatigue. And my job–I’m a high school teacher and I love teens and I love teaching teens–is a stressor, too, because I am both a raging introvert and very empathic, so if one of my kids is in pain, I “catch” it, too. It’s really hard for me, as it was for you, to face any extra social interaction– for me, anything beyond my classroom–because I just get overwhelmed dealing with people; it sucks all the energy out.
And it’s hard, too, for someone who’s been slender all his life to keep seeing the fat guy in the photos: that’s me! I don’t want to sound like a whiner, and I am most definitely not a quitter; I will overcome this thing somehow and it’s such a relief to share my experience with someone who can understand that I ‘m not a hypochondriac and not a coward. Thank you again for the sharing and for the hope you provide!
Hey @AshFromSC – thanks so much for putting all this here- everything you said is essentially all the same stuff I have discovered as well and I’m so glad you’ve put it here for everyone to read – I have some snippets in a couple blogposts but have yet to make a very thorough article about all this, which is needed. My ferritin improved very well after eating lots of grass fed red meat. 🙂 Prior to that (when it was low) I was put on special iron supplements by my naturopathic doc and my levels barely improved at all! So for me, grassfed red meat is where it’s at! :)- Yes I have low D3 as well but I have a hard time getting it up. My body, I think due to Lyme disease, is INCREDIBLY sensitive to supplements and things like vitamin d will actually make me feel very depressed, it’s so weird, so I have to be careful. Yes I love the saliva cortisol testing- the one that tests your levels 4 times in a day- I learned all that as well from STTM too- that’s how I discovered my adrenal fatigue actually by comparing my levels to another lady on her site who had similar values- the addition of 20 mg of cortisol spread 4x throughout the day has helped me tremendously. My most recent find (December) is that my DHEA levels, the most abundant prehormone in the entire body that helps produce testosterone, estrogen, etc. was SO low it wasn’t even in the reference range! I recently added in about 40 mg of DHEA cream and have seen another drastic improvement in health this past month. The b12 I used to take was actually methyl version in a lozenge, but like I said, my body is so incredibliy sensitive at the time it caused me to feel depressed- could have been detox, who knows, but it was too bad to be bearable. I seem to be able to handle some stuff a little better now in 2014/2015. I have currently been finding the right balance between three things – DHEA, Cortisol, and T3 supplementation – it’s taken me some tweaking but I seem to finding the right balance and am really improved so that is very encouraging. Once again, thanks again for sharing so much!! – Rayzel
My pleasure, Rayzel!! I’m glad that I could contribute something after all you have contributed. You are very much appreciated. With regards to d3, there is a certain mutation that pretty much causes the exact symptoms you have, I believe it’s the CBS mutation – so it’s not crazy at all – it’s a mutation that you have that could be causing it and it’s a relatively simple fix. You need a certain crazy combination to raise your d3 and I can’t remember what it is exactly. HIGHLY recommend getting the 23andme genetic testing, it’s $99 and so worth it. Another crucial nutrient combo to look at is copper serum and zinc plasma (has to be exact) to check for copper toxicity. my copper was very high and zinc was very low, which drives up estrogen and depletes zinc. most of us have low zinc which is very easy to raise. Zinc Picolinate is the best. Copper wreaks havoc on your body and very toxic and once again, the reference ranges are completely off. message me if you ever want more info on this. also, MTHFR Gene Mutation Group has a ton of information on Lyme Disease. The creator of the group is a physician and has Lyme herself, she is very involved in her group. it’s a great group of people. it’s all inter-related but truly stems from our genes. If you are over methylating, methylb12 will make your skin crawl and make you feel very anxious. hydroxy or adenosyl, will be better for options for you. Even if you are not overmethylating, they are still better forms for your biochemistry if you are reacting poorly to methyl. but start slow and easy. you can get them form seeking health on amazon or holistic health (dr amy yasko). So, DHEA can convert to estrogen. yikes. i know. that’s what happened to me. I am estrogen dominant already with very low DHEA. When I started to supplement with it, bam, it raised my estrogen. so just keep an eye on that. If it’s working for you, then that awesome. our bodies are all very different. Pregnenolone is also a precursor hormone and can actually increase DHEA. You may want to consider supplementing with it as well. a safe starting dose is 10 mg. I am so happy that you are finding the right supplementation rhythm. dang it. I was going to try to keep this brief!! sorry. thanks again for all that you do. ;o)
Hi HCG Chica! Was wondering if you used any adrenal supplements during round?
Hey @Mel yes during 1 round I was taking Isocort which was a natural cortisol about 15-20 mg per day- that really helped me a lot on the round that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue. That particular supplementation is only for if you have low cortisol whereas the first stage of adrenal fatigue is high cortisol in which case that wouldn’t be an appropriate supplement.
Can I share some thing about B12 that many of you with thyroid and adrenal issues may find really helpful? I just received my labs yesterday and found I have adrenal insufficiency. Which is low cortisol rather then high. A different monkey. Its time to rule out Addisons disease, which some people say is incurable and I say it is. I recently was given B12 injections from my Natural health doc and it has been AMAZING difference. No more cloudy thinking, or brain fog. I feel “awake” and my body doesn’t feel as tired. But I have to now give myself the injections daily for a month and then back to weekly. B12 injections bypasses your stomach which is important if you have digestive issues it can be difficult to nearly impossible to absorb B12 from your foods. Im on all kinds of natural remedies for the adrenal insufficiency. I was wanting to get started on HCG but am waiting for the rest of my lab tests to come in regarding hormones. Saliva test take a bit longer to get back then blood tests. I am waiting for the ok from my Natruralpath about starting HCG while working on healing my adrenals. Anyone else have LOW cortisol levels who started the HCG diet?
Thanks for commenting @brendabergstromgraf:disqus ! I have actually wanted to try b12 shots myself but have been a bit scared because my body has become SO sensitive to supplements- no joke, I had started making this awesome liposomal vitamin c- it’s way more absorbable, yada yada, and whenever I took some, I would start crying for hours and feel like I couldn’t cope with life! It happened several times before I realized it was the vitamin c causing it. I don’t know if it promotes too much detox that then makes me feel that way or what, but it’s too severe for me to handle. I’ve also had some major symtoms like that from b vitamins at times- so I always try new things very carefully these days- frustrating! But I’m really glad to hear your positive feedback about this, it’s something that it’s probably time i look into further- and I must say I’m a little bit of a scaredy cat about the IM shots vs. subq like I’m used to with hCG lol- that’s a silly reason I know. Re the low cortisol levels- YES! Me actually. I did my third round of hCG while taking about 20 mg of cortisol a day (spread throughout the day, known as pysiologic dose so that you don’t have to be worried about permanently compromising your own adrenal ability). This worked GREAT! I couldn’t believe how great I felt that round, and I almost think there must have been a synergistic effect of the cortisol and hCG with my adrenals because halfway through my round my naturopath was muscle testing and confirmed my adrenals had recovered very quickly and he was surprised and that I didn’t need the cortisol anymore and he was right- I weaned off it during the next week of that round and continued to feel good for quite some after that. I wouldn’t do a round of hCG without adrenal support concurrent though if you have adrenal fatigue- definitely I think the key was that I was on the cortisol or the round would have been horrible (as shown by what happened my 2nd round, part of which was due to adrenal fatigue- I felt horrible that round). I hope that helps!
Hi Rayzel
Thank you both for the information! It’s very helpful. I too have an autoimmue disease, that we think is caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis, I was in a horrible car accident in 2003, and didn’t get the proper treatment (Physical therapy) and now have nerve damage in my neck. Side note: if anyone is struggling with nerves damaged please look into ozone injection therapy. It sends oxygen to your damaged nerves and last for about 2 weeks until you need another round but WOW it makes a HUGE difference. Back to Autoimmune, everything you stressed in your video I struggle with too. First, thank you for sharing! It’s always encouraging when other’s share their stories and even more so when it relates directly to you. I’m sorry you struggle with this but you are beautiful, empowering, strong and make a difference in other’s life so never let it get the best of you!
The website I sent you, Making Sense of MTHFR Polymorphisms, is a great article, by Jill C. Carnahan, for everyone to read! Over 70% of people struggle with MTHFR. I was tested and reveled I hardly produce any C677T, which also means my body doesn’t handle STRESS or STRESSFUL situations very well. Currently, I’m taking THORNE- Methyl-Guard Plus, which is high in Folate (750%) you can go to to research if you haven’t already. It helps with my clarity throughout the day. I will continue to read your post and watch your videos. I’m on day 5 of HCG, taking B-21 once a week intramuscularly. I used to take b-12 my first time on the HCG diet but B-21 seems to be doing it’s job 🙂
Thank you again for all the information, I know it’s been a couple years since this post so today I hope your both feeling better!
Much love,
Did you complete the hcg protocol before taking the thyroid medication or while you were on the thyroid medication?
HI @drmurrell:disqus I was on thyroid medication before beginning the hCG protocol, and continued taking it for my first 3 rounds of hCG. My 4th round I was off my thyroid entirely, and I think on my 5th round I may have been on a tiny dose, but much smaller than my original dose. Over the past 2 years now since I finished my last round of hCG, I have been on between 12-25 mcg of cytomel/t3 for maybe 1/4 of the past two years, just here and there are my health seemed to dictate. I am currently on 12.5 mcg at this very moment. Hope that helps!
Good to know you’ve maintained despite adrenal and thyroud issues! I’ve had both and been experimenting with naturethroid and thyroud and adrenal supps for almost a year working with a naturopathic doc. I still feel like I’m barely making progress! Your blog is such an encouragement!
Hi Amy! I’m really glad you found it encouraging- I’ve certainly had to tweak and troubleshoot at times, but yes overall, I’ve been able to maintain my weight loss from hCG for 1 year and 9 months now- something I’m very proud of. But definitely the tweaking and troubleshooting have been key.
This is a positive read. I have low thyroid and slightly low adrenals. I’m on day 22 VLCD and I’ve lost 13 pounds. Not as much as I want, my legs are still so flabby… I don’t know if it’s fat or water retention from low thyroid. I wish I could tell, but if it is fat, wouldn’t I have noticed a difference by now on day 22? If my thyroid is going to get better from this, and hopefully relieve possible water retention, what phase did you notice your thyroid and adrenals correct themselves? Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your honesty! What an encouragement you are to me as I face some of the same issues. You are a lovely lady! Light, Life and Love to you!
Every member of my immediate family has some sort of thyroid dysfunction or another and I have been tested 3 in the past 7 years myself due to inability to lose weight. I get fatigued at the littlest thing and no matter what diet(even doctor approved!) or exercise program(I was even on the swim team for four years!) has ever helped me get to a healthy weight. Although my most recent test came back negative I am still convinced that I have SOMETHING wrong with me, and my family’s history of thyroid disorders and my constantly swollen and sore neck area ( around the thyroid gland) makes me a little nervous. Do you have suggestion on any other tests that i can request to help with my health problems?
Hey Theresa- I’m so sorry to hear about what your dealing with. The standard thyroid tests that medical doctors do are not sufficient to discover most cases of hypothyroidism- this particular page is very useful in telling you what sort of tests to get with your symptoms: and here: Most docs check only your TSH levels and maybe your t4 levels- checking free t3 is VERY important, as is getting antibody testing for hashimotos done- it’s all in the first link. I hope this helps a little! Also you’ll notice the instruction to get a SALIVA cortisol test in the first link for checking your adrenals- ideally one that will you take samples of your saliva at least 3-4 times during the course of 24 hours.
Hey there! Not to sound like a weirdo (lol) but I just want to let you know that you have been an inspiration to me over the past couple weeks. I came across your blog while researching my own hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue problems. I’m 30 and have always had the HARDEST time losing weight – even on a paleo diet and exercising, while on thyroid and hormone replacement therapy. I’m happy to say that I’m on VLCD 3 and have already lost 6.5 lbs. Crazy! I got my HCG through your site at USHCGInjections…. Your success stories and how-to’s have been so helpful. I just wanted to say thank you, because I bet there are a ton of people just like me who are thinking the same thing : )
Totally not weirdo. :)- I always appreciate the appreciative feedback others give me! I’m so glad to hear you’re doing so great on hCG so far- it really does seem to be the ticket for many of us who have struggled because of other health issues.
Thank you so much for all your posts and information. It is very helpful to me as I start my 3rd round of HCG. Regarding your Hashimoto’s…you might want to google “LDN” and read about this autoimmune treatment. Good luck and keep it up!
Hi Sue- thank you- actually I was on Low Dose Naltrexone when my hashi’s was first discovered- thank you for mentioning it here for others to check into as well! I’m so glad I’ve been helpful to you.
So I have a question, I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroidism, only after being randomly treated for thyroid for a few years. I am post menopausal and, while I know people initially gain weight at that, I feel like I am over the top. I have tried to lose weight and it seems an uphill battle. About 5 years ago is when it all started, I had lost 13 lbs so I thought I would start exercising. From the moment I did, I started gaining weight. Did you find you had that problem with the Hashimotos? What is your doctors take on the hCG weightloss and the thyroid now? Are you still being monitored on that? I would love to hear. I am almost desperate to lose weight now. I feel miserable in my own skin. I have packed on a good 50 lbs and at this point, would be excited to lose 20! I know it sounds stupid but I am afraid to go exercise and gain even more. A circular battle. I hate it and it is not freeing by any means. I need to and want to overcome this. I am almost confused by all the different hCG things on the web, what to use, how to use it, what is best, what is not. Geez!
Hi Kim- I’m sorry you are dealing with this nasty beast too. I didn’t recall gaining weight from exercise when I originally had it without medication because I was so ill I couldn’t exercise anymore. Also, because I was so miserable, my eating had become very bad as that was the only thing left in my life that was enjoyable, so I can’t really differentiate what weight gain was from low thyroid and what weight gain was from eating cartons of ice-cream (seriously). I am no longer being monitored- for the cost, I find that I can mostly keep on top of myself from all the research that I’ve done. I’m checking into other possible health issues now because I’ve done all I can do for the hashi’s and my last antibody count a few months ago was very low which is a good thing. Re exercise- I do find that I gain muscle very easily- I think it’s a genetic thing- so I have “gained weight” off hCG but it’s kind of purposeful and I know from my body fat testing that the weight gained is actually muscle, not fat- and then I use hCG to lose fat, but I’ve had no problem keeping my fat losses off from hCG (while being medicated of course). For instance, during my last 3 breaks from hCG, I gained several lbs on the scale but these were all muscle, and almost none of it was fat- so for me this was a good thing, but if I hadn’t had the body fat testing I could have gotten discouraged and thought it was fat or something. I wish I could give you more clear cut answers. Things are so complicated when health issues like this are in the picture and often symptoms are different for everyone. But I don’t notice a direct result of weight gain from exercise myself- I did however find that I COULD NOT exercise before I knew what I had and wasn’t medicated- it would make me extremely depressed and fatigued immediately after and would last for a couple days. Once I went on thyroid meds that went away entirely.
OMG….you have just saved my life. I have been told so many times my thyroid was just fine and even requested my Reverse T3 to be tested and my insurance won’t pay for that test. You described my feelings dead on the socializing problems that I have encountered. I thought I was going cra cra. Also, I have horrible hot flashes, but I am also experiencing these extreme cold episodes that started a couple of months ago. These cold episodes don’t will last for hours, but not every day…weird. Your talking to someone who keeps the heat on 60 degrees in the winter time and I always have been very hot nature to the point I couldn’t have female roommates when I was younger. I desperately need to pick your brain on this subject matter and thank you so much!!
You’re so welcome! The hard thing about these types of symptoms is that they can describe more than one condition. Things like epstein barr, lyme disease, adrenal fatigue, hashis and hypothyroid, and hormone imbalances can all have these similar symptoms, so it can be quite a puzzle figuring it out- but I’m glad this is at least a good starting point for you. 🙂