Temporary hair loss is often caused by stress in some form. There are all kinds of stress related events that can cause hair loss. Getting pregnant, giving birth, going through a divorce, breaking up with your boyfriend, moving, teaching your teenage son to drive (I haven’t gotten there yet since my son is only 3 but I’ve heard stories…..), for instance.
The hCG diet is extremely effective for fat loss (as my experience and that of many others on youtube bears out), but certainly, losing so much fat in such a short period of time could be considered a “stressor,” just like being pregnant. But would you give up getting pregnant and having a family just because you might have thinner hair for a few months? Most women wouldn’t.
So yes, having your hair either thin or having a bout of what’s called Alopecia Areata (actual small bald spots on your scalp) can occasionally happen after you’ve done the hCG diet, but this certainly doesn’t happen to everyone, and most likely if it happens to you it’s something that’s already happened to you in the past due to your genetics with other situations in your life as well.
The other thing to notate is that for some women, hCG may be prolonging the hair cycle while on the diet (think when you’re pregnant how this happens and you have thick lustrous hair), so that once you come off hCG, you will experience more shedding than usual, but your overall hair thickness in this case may just be going back to normal.
My experience
I’ve been experiencing bouts of Alopecia every other year or so since I was 15 years old. The first time I got a small bald spot on my scalp was about 1 year after I broke up with my boyfriend in my first long term relationship. It totally freaked me out. But it grew back, as it has grown back every other time I’ve gotten Alopecia, which has been at least 6-7 times in the last 16 years now. Each time it was about 1 year after some particularly stressful or important event in my life. Every time though the hair begins to grow back within a few months. So it’s no longer something I worry or stress over. I have a small bald spot right now in fact. But it’s already starting to grow back.
I’ve only had 1 bout of alopecia since starting the weight loss protocol back in February 2011, and it’s now almost November 2012. For the most part though, from the few I’ve seen reporting hair loss issues after the diet, these individuals are experiencing just a general thinning of the hair, not actual bald spots like I get.
For me personally in regards to deciding what to do about the diet, it’s kind of like deciding whether or not to have a family- having your hair thin temporarily vs. the satisfaction that comes from having a child and raising your very own human being- well, there really isn’t a question is there? It’s worth it to me to lose a little hair that will grow back anyway than to be grossly overweight my whole life and die early from a heart attack or something. And hair thinning won’t even happen to all of you who do the diet- it will only happen to a small minority- and it’s temporary.
I have NEVER seen a diet that can cause so much fat loss so quickly. I have been a size 4 for over a year now, easily maintaining my fat loss with this protocol. My mind is so free and clear about my body now- I have so much more time and energy and mental freeness to focus on the more important things in life, like taking good care of my husband and son, and working to help you guys get the best out of your weight loss journey.
All this said, obviously it’s important to do your best to do the weight loss protocol in a proper and healthy manner. By this I mean, take the appropriate breaks between rounds of HCG Injections, don’t cheat while on the diet (okay we’ve all done it, but make it the thing that almost never happens instead of what often happens). If you keep doing rounds back to back and keep cheating on the diet a lot, that’s probably going to be putting your body, specifically your adrenals and other organs reponsible for hormone production, through a lot more than they should go through, and that definitely could increase your chances of experiencing hair loss as far as I’m concerned.
This subject however does bring me to another point I’d like to discuss briefly, and that’s the idea that some have that the diet fixes EVERYTHING that’s wrong in your body. I don’t personally agree with this. I do think you lose a lot more fat on the protocol than you would with other diets. And I do think if you do the diet plan properly, you will have a healthier overall metabolism. But I do think losing so much fat so quickly IS a bit of a stress to the body. Keep in mind this is just hcgchica opinion okay?
There are even good stresses in life that can cause bad health symptoms for those who are not in perfect health. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that a large percentage of America’s population has compromised health. I’ve been one of those people. When I first embarked on my weight loss journey, I was taking thyroid medication and had just discovered what my mysterious chronic illness I’d been dealing with for the previous 6 years was, hashimotos thyroiditis (an auto-immune condition where your body attacks your thyroid and gradually destroys it).
So for a person like me, sure the diet was a stressor in the beginning. But so was just going to a fun gathering with friends and family. My health was so poor that for at least a few years, I couldn’t spend much time with some of my closest family members because their exuberant outgoing personalities was too much for me in my bad health- I’d spend one evening with them and be severely fatigued and depressed for 3 days afterwards. True story, scouts honor. Anyone in good health of course this wouldn’t have caused any health symptoms- they would just have had a fun time laughing and joking and gone home happy that they got to laugh and joke with friends and family- and probably actually feel better for it. And yet I had the opposite experience because of my illness.
I think many people are dealing with adrenal fatigue, and I think combining this diet with adrenal fatigue can be tricky. I had this problem to deal with before I started my 3rd round of this protocol. But I really felt like there must be a way, I just had to figure it out. I have discovered what is, in my opinion, the best thing to take if you have adrenal fatigue, from one of my many past alternative doctors, the late Dr. Lowe. It’s called Isocort. It’s actually just Cortisol, in small amounts, made from naturally fermented plants. Usually when people are experiencing adrenal fatigue, if the condition is advanced enough, their body is not putting out enough cortisol, causing symptoms like extreme tiredness, inability to handle stress, etc.
Most of the time alternative doctors and websites recommend a huge host of herbal supplements to help the adrenals slowly recover, but even these sites acknowledge that it can take years for a full recovery, and that for best results you should be on bed rest, which, let’s face it, who can do that in reality? Sure I’ll just let my 3 year old son raise himself and cook his own dinner while I nap all day. Isocort is like the fast lane to adrenal recovery, but in a perfectly safe and harmless manner.
Basically what you are doing is simply replacing the cortisol that your adrenals are trying so hard to continuing making but is having trouble because they are fatigued, with cortisol from an outside, namely Isocort. It works pretty much instantly if this is your problem. The amount you take (number of tablets) will vary depending on the state of your adrenals- I have taken as many as 9 tablets a day at times, and as little as only 1 a day. But what this does is instantly make you feel like a normal, energetic person again because you now have a normal amount of cortisol circulating in your system, but at the same time, your adrenals are getting to rest and recover (despite the fact that you are NOT on bedrest, but zipping around, doing your job or grocery shopping with your lively screaming kids) because they don’t have to produce as much cortisol since you’re getting it from somewhere else. There is no danger of permanently compromising your adrenal function either because you are only taking what is known as a physiologic dose of cortisol.
I feel like I’m a long time in coming to my point here, and I guess I am, but here it is. I knew I needed to keep taking the Isocort in order to feel in good health. So I decided to try going on this weight loss protocol again while still taking the Isocort. And you know what? It worked like a charm. I had the best energy and health during and hCG round that time. This in turn made the diet sooo much easier for me to stick to and be successful at. I had great fat losses. And in fact, my adrenals healed so quickly while being both on Isocort and hCG at the same time that I had to stop taking the Isocort entirely towards the end of the round and I now felt great without it. Here’s a pic and link to the product if you want to look into it yourself:
I’ve completely recovered my health now- in part due to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. I can’t give it 100% credit, but it certainly can take at least part of that credit. The point is that you want to be in tune with your body and mindful of what you’re doing while on the protocol and between rounds. If I start not feeling well for any length of time, I investigate and research online and, as tigger would say, ‘think think think.’ Don’t accept bad health. Don’t accept being overweight for life. You don’t have to. There IS an answer- you just may have to do a lot of googling, that’s all.
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Yup, I want this!
Can you take nutrafol during P2 or should you wait until after to minimize hair loss? I also have hypothyroidism and taking levothyroxin 100 mcg.
I have found that if you take Nature’s Bounty “Hair, Skin & Nails” as well as MSM it helps minimize the hair loss. After the last round of HCG my hair had thinned alot and by utilizing these supplements it has really helped!! I continue to take the supplements even after the round of HCG and my hair recovers very fast. Plus it’s just overall good for your hair to repair from the inside out. It probably contains a couple of things that we should avoid but it has really helped my hair and I still see weight loss on P2.
Appreciate the info on hair shedding. From the male standpoint, and from the aspect of hormone changes, what can you share with us regarding what HCG does to ones hormone levels? I recently was placed on HCG and within a couple of weeks, i had a massive hair shed. It wasnt a bare spot here or there but seemed to be an overall loss of density. Most searches online have lead me to pregnancy sites that discuss new mothers hair loss, and obviously, that doesnt apply to guys who have tried HCG. I am assuming that injecting HCG has caused a hormone spike (test? estrogen? DHT?) and that could have caused my hair cycle to reset – for lack of a better term? Any info appreciated
Hey there – that’s interesting re the hair shed- I’m familiar with hCG being used for male hormone therapy often, but I’m not in the know about potential side effects. I’m sorry I don’t know more. Usually hCG is used to increase testosterone in men as you know but I read that testosterone levels rising is not responsible for hair loss, so I’m just not sure! I did find some information that said DHT can be responsible for hair loss and that testosterone can convert to this- https://www.americanhairloss.org/women_hair_loss/causes_of_hair_loss.html so perhaps that’s causing some temporary hair loss for you?
I know a friend who takes the HCG diet and as expected, she experienced one of the side effects: hair loss. It was her first time to use the product and was wondering for how long will the hair loss stay. Is it possible to stop the medication?
Hi Gabriela!
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
Hair loss is actually a side effect of losing weight too fast. Rayzel discussed this further here: https://hcgchica.com/hcg-possible-side-effects-temporary-hair-loss/
Here’s what can help your friend: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/help-losing-hair-on-after-hcg-diet/
Hope that helps!
I did a round of HCG in September 2017 and am 19 days into another round now. I have completed courses of the HCG a few times since 2010. Weight loss is not the problem, I’ve lost 6.3kg during the 19 days, which is substantial as I was only 66.5kg and 5ft 5 when I started. The problem is that in the past week I’ve noticed major all over hair loss particularly around the front of my hair and beyond my fringe, this has caused me much distress as my hair is extremely long and I’m horrified about this sudden loss. I have also had under active thyroid issues since the birth of my first child 23 years ago and at first I thought it was due to my thyroid. Then I remembered that my sister in law had similar hair loss problems whilst ion the HCG diet. Should I cease the diet immediately, should I be taking the cortisol supplement ?
Hi Amanda!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
Rayzel actually has an article on her blog that I think will help answer your question.
It is a side effect that affects some but not most- here is Rayzel’s blogpost about this:
You can see Rayzel’s recommended hair loss supplements here:
And about the cortisol or any thyroid medications, it would be better to check with your doctor.
Hope that helps!
Just looking for some feed back. I did my last HCG shot on July 21st, 2017. I have maintained my weight loss, a total of 25lbs. I now weight 130lbs. About the second week of Sept. 2017 I notice that I was starting to lose hair. I understand that hair loss happens. I have a done searches on the web about others experience with the hair loss on/after HCG, but no one mentions how long the hair loss lasts. I have lost over half of my hair, not in patches, just overall. I started taking a Biotin pill about 3 weeks ago, religiously, but I continue to lose hair. I’m just wondering how long the hair loss will continue and at what point should I do something more about it. I have no other health issues.
I also want to say thank you for your wonderful blog. It very informative but best of all is your P3 cookbook. I love how easy it makes P3. The recipes are delicious. We use them all the time.
Any information is appreciated.
Thanks , Lisa
Hi Lisa,
The hair loss should usually stop after the vlcd stage – ‘coz we all know that phase 2 is so taxing and could also be stressful. Another possible cause of hair loss (this may happen beyond hCG) is stress, which may hit anyone at any given time. Rayzel shared another tip here (you can find at the lower part of the page) on possible solutions for hair loss: http://hcgchica.com/phase-2-hcg-diet-favorite-resources/
And thank you very much for supporting Rayzel’s p3tolife! I will definitely let her know 🙂
Hope everything gets sorted out soon!
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
I have Hashimoto as well and when you said you’re 100% recovered, do you mean you don’t have to take any Levothyroxyne?
I’m on my 4th day of phase 2 : Hungry all the time but have lost 9.9 lbs already! I’m hoping that the hunger will go away by next week.
Hi Susan!
Rayzel has had a lot of ups and down with her health over the years – at that time she wrote this blogpost she was in a remission with her health conditions. While she is still struggling now at this time with her chronic illnesses (2017), her Hashimoto antibody levels are still very low always these days, which she feels is probably due to the removal of the gluten. It’s been 5 years since she’s eaten gluten. So while she’s not completely better, she does feel that this does indeed help. She also does take a small dose of thyroid medication – T3 – the active thyroid hormone – a good reference she likes to give people on this topic for those who don’t know is stopthethyroidmadness.com. She does not take t4/Levothyroxyne because from her research it is not effective for a lot of people for thyroid conditions, but rather the T3 active thyroid hormone form of thyroid help is best for her and many others.
Oh and congratulations on losing 9.9 lbs! I hope that your hunger did go away. Did you lose any more? If you still keep getting hungry especially at times when you should not be, like even after you just had your meal, Rayzel wrote about troubleshooting your hunger that you might want to check out: http://hcgchica.com/hcg-dosage-how-should-feel-on-the-hcg-diet-when-you-are-on-the-right-dose/
Hope that helps! 🙂
Just reading this, and there is no link for the Isocort.
Oh sorry! You know what, Isocort has been taken off the market, that’s why. An alternative that I now use is just cortisol – I purchase it online through escrowrefills.com (same place you can get overseas hCG – to get on the site you input my customer code CID272860 and leave the other fields blank) and I get cortisone in 5mg tablets. It works great for me. I hope that helps! – Rayzel