This is just a bit of crossfit babble today and a reminder that things like this, I feel, shows that Human Chorionic Gonadotropinreally can be used as a specific tool- a tool to lose FAT.
Box Jumps?
I didn’t know what a box jump was before I started going to crossfit. In fact, I don’t think I’d even really heard the term before, and if I had, I most likely would have thought it had something to do with some type of athletic race or something.
Some of you may be familiar with them from watching the Biggest Loser contestants doing them.
When I first started attending crossfit in December 2012, which was just after I finished my 3rd round of this protocol, I was trained on a box that was about 12″. It seemed very high and very scary, being that you have to get both feet off the ground and on the box together- it requires you to trust your body that you won’t fall or trip or miss the mark somehow and majorly hurt yourself or at least cause a shin bruise that could last quite some time.
I managed to adjust to it and have since worked my way up to the 18″ box, the 20″ box, and now the 24″ box. And I’m proud of myself! Jumping 2 feet high over and over again (up to 90 times in one class- yes I’ve done it folks) when I’m only 5 feet high myself is something I do feel good about. One of my little accomplishments. And I absolutely love them. Everyone has things in crossfit they hate and things they love, and it’s different for everyone. Me? I hate wall balls. They are so hard. It’s like throwing a huge boulder way up into the sky over and over. Yeah not fun. But something about the box jumps is much more enjoyable for me and I honestly have no idea why.
Why I talk about Crossfit and the hCG Diet
I post these clips of me at Crossfit after losing weight with the hCG Diet for 2 reasons actually.
One, to give some living proof and reminders that the hCG diet is a totally natural, logical way to get rid of excess fat. It seems that this weight loss protocol is becoming more accepted, but I know there is still a lot of vicious opposition to it with those all too well known terms like “starvation diet” “you’re just losing muscle” “your starving yourself” “you’re going to gain it right back”.
It’s simply not true. I have done 5 rounds of hCG folks. Five. I’ve kept off almost ALL the fat loss from all these rounds for quite some time now. I was able to get into Crossfit after losing the bulk of my fat and start feeling strong within a couple months. Now, a year and five months later, I’m actually starting to feel very athletic. Muscles are popping out where I never knew they could, or where I thought my genetics wouldn’t allow. I haven’t gained fat back, I eat healthy but plenty, and continue to maintain my fat loss from this diet plan.
Secondly, I hope to inspire others who get the bulk of their excess weight off with this protocol to find a new goal to aspire to. Something that involves being active that can help fuel the continual process of remaining healthy in a world that is full of McDonald’s billboards. It can be tough once P2 is in the dark recesses of our mind and we are living in Phase 4 and getting frequent temptations- what is now holding us back from giving in all the time?
I’m not saying this is everyone’s goal after losing weight- to get all muscular, etc. I get that most women probably just want to lose the weight, fit into some normal sized clothes, eat healthy, and call it good. I totally respect that. But I do find that for me, having this activity in my life allows me to continually make healthy decisions when it comes to food in a way that is fairly effortless, and I desire others to feel this same freedom.
Well that’s it for today’s babble…signing off.
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Yup, I want this!
You’ve inspired me to start Crossfit! I completed the on ramp phase and started class this week. After feeling the bar catch on my belly when trying to do a snatch, I decided to start my final round of HCG now. I admit the timing may not be perfect–just starting Crossfit and a round of HCG– but that’s the way life is 🙂
You have talked about doing HCG rounds where you stopped Crossfit because you felt it was too much for your body. I agree full tilt Crossfit would be too much for me as well. I’d like to get your opinion on how I might proceed with Crossfit during my HCG round. I don’t want to lose my momentum with learning the form, moves, lingo etc but at the same time don’t want to pass out in class! I see 2 options:
1. Stop Crossfit entirely until my round is done and at least a week into p3.
2. Continue Crossfit while doing the HCG round but MAJORLY scaled back …to super wimpy mode.
I considered asking the coach but am afraid she may be an HCG hater.
I value your opinion. Thank you!!
Hey @Tamarah Poppie – woohoo re the Crossfit! super excited for you. It’s hard for me to be able to give accurate feedback on how to go about crossfit and hCG because as you already know, I did not do both at the same time. Actually I TRIED to still do crossfit one round, but 3 days in my weight loss stopped dead for several days after that and I felt like utter crap for a couple days, so that’s why I knew it was a bad combo for me. Here’s the other reason I would caution it for you especially- as a new crossfitter, this means you will be getting REALLY sore, your body will breaking down a lot of muscle and attempting to build a LOT of muscle- this will not be possible for you to do on Phase 2, so I would be very concerned about muscle loss trying to do be both newbie crossfitter and hcging at same time. I hate to be a downer, but this is my true concern. I gained 12 lbs of muscle my first year of crossfit. Newbies at this usually have amazing gains because their bodies are so deconditioned- but ONLY in the presence of enough nutrition- something you’ll just not be getting while on hCG which is aimed losing fat. I hope this helps you! – Rayzel
Well I tried one day and feel like crap just like you described. Also losses are nonexistent. So…I’ll wait for p3 to resume Crossfit. Thanks!!