This was a workout we did a few weeks ago involving several rounds of burpees and hang power cleans. I still definitely consider myself an amateur crossfitter, but still can’t believe how far I’ve come in my ability with it.
I still remember my first training at Crossfit- it was right after the close of my 3rd round of the protocol at the end of 2011- I had gotten down to 127 lbs with HCG Injections, so I was now ready to start working out and get fit. My bodyfat percent was 27% at that time.
What’s neat is that for the last 6 months I have consistently been between 127-129lbs, but I’m 19% bodyfat- that amounts to about 10 less lbs of fat and 10 more lbs of muscle on my body than previously at this same weight a year and a half ago.
And it really is the combination of switching between Crossfit and the Diet that has achieved this for me personally. I have seen a lot of women get very lean and fit on their own without the hormone, but for every woman that has this ability, it seems there’s a woman who no matter how hard they try- low carb, no carb, whatever, can’t seem to achieve these same results. It’s women like these that I think the Diet is so fitting for.
I’m pretty excited too- just a couple days ago, I had a new 3RM max deadlift (the weight that you can lift only 3 times before it’s too heavy to lift again in a deadlift.) I maxed at 158.4 lbs! I was so excited as this was over 10lbs more than my previous 3RM a couple months ago. I weighed in at 128lbs that day so I was pretty proud of my little self!
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Yup, I want this!
Did you do the protocol while going to crossfit? I’ve done the protocol before but gained my weight back after my second baby. I started crossfit and have good muscle, but want to loose the fat!
Any advice is helpful! 🙂
Hi Molly!
Rayzel is used to doing Crossfit 3-4x a week in her regular life but she did not exercise on hCG. For help with deciding on that for you she has a series on that here: