Anyone researching the hCG diet has probably heard at least from one source or another that people lose 1-2lbs a day on the hCG diet. Is this true?
First of all let me say that this protocol is indeed the best way that I have ever seen to lose the most fat in the smallest amount of time. If you doubt that, check out my before and after hCG video or my bodyfat and hCG section of my website.
Will you lose 1-2lbs a day though? Yes and no. You will lose 1-2lbs, even 3 or 4 lbs, on SOME days. But there will also be days that you lose nothing, or .2. Overall, on average, women can expect to lose an average of .5-.75lbs per day over the course of 1 round of HCG Injections. Men are different and often will end up having 1 lb per day average (lucky them!)
One important thing to note is that week 1 on the diet typically yields the largest weightloss of any week on the diet. For instance, one of my rounds went something like this:
week one- 7 lbs
week two- 6 lbs
week three- 5 lbs
week four- 4 lbs
week five- 3 lbs
week six- 3 lbs
ending up to about 28 lbs lost over the course of 6 weeks- that’s about how my first round went- was eating the same things for the whole 6 weeks, but that is the nature and speed at which the weight came off.
Make good use of that first week and stick to the protocol. Sometimes when it’s a person’s first time on the diet and they see themselves lose 3 or 4 lbs in one day during the first few days of the very low calorie diet (vlcd), they get a little over confident and feel that if they are losing that much weight, they could probably get away with eating a little more or eating off protocol (potato chips anyone?) and still be losing a lot of weight. But that’s the thing. The weightloss reallly slows down after that first week, but they didn’t realize this, and before they know it, they’ve kind of ruined what their first week could have been and then will not end losing all that much weight on their round of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin because of cheating that first week. Stick to the diet through to the end!
With any weight loss program, weight loss always appears to be faster at the beginning, and this is because you are shedding some water weight at the beginning- this is not real fat- water weight easily comes and goes- that’s why if you “lose” 5 lbs and then gain it right back all the time, most likely you are just gaining and lose water weight back and forth every time you get strict with your diet for a few days- that is not true weightloss as in fat loss that will stay off permanently.
There is so much fat loss with hCG, it’s simply striking. Even though the diet can be hard time because it is so strict, remember it’s only for a short period of time and you will accomplish so much during that time if you do the protocol correctly. Your body will change so much, and you will be able to eat plenty of healthy fats and healthy foods as soon as it’s over.
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Yup, I want this!
You are welcome!
To clarify facts, our bodies do not lose fat cells. Very sad. I only learned that this year. I’m 62. The cells expand and contract. It’s a figure of speech to say “lose fat/lose weight”.
Hi….ty for all of your helpful content.
I am on day 29 and and started at 169 pre load and am down to 156 (stalled here for several days regardless that my macros and sleep are good). My target weight is 135 and I am only on week 4 and only lost 1.5 lbs this week. Very strange. Doesn’t look like this has happened to you and I am wondering if this happens or maybe means this diet is not for me. I am on 125 iu or 12.5 a day. I’m also 5’4.5″ and very frustrated as I think I can lose this kind of weight on a regular low cal/partial carb diet with exercise. I don’t want to give up though as I have invested a lot of effort and money in this and I like the diet, do not feel hungry and am doing well with eating.
Hi Kelly,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! You have lost 13 lbs in 29 days which is 0.44lb/day which is the average loss on this diet. Your losses are not bad to be honest and you definitely should not compare your losses with others. I would suggest watching this video for more understanding:
Good luck!
Many thanks for your super-helpful video demonstrations…I am receiving hcg from my doctor and found your tutorials very valuable…
I’m so glad to hear that Toni- thanks for commenting.
Do you guys buy your hcg online? I’ve done injections from a doctor but they are expensive!!
I’ve done hcg without drops while my cousin did it with drops. I lost the exact same amount of weight and we had similiar response and cravings. It is the caloric deficit and low carbs that make you lose weight.
can I drink flavored sparkling water like la Croix on phase 2?
If you are craving a sweet, carbonated drink, try Zevia. I drank it on my 40-day round, and still lost weight.
Im on day 21 of hcg injections and im so bored with the food i finally broke today. I lost 16 pounds so far in the very long three weeks. Im happy about the loss but at this point i dont care if i lose it slow i cant take this strict protocol any more im making everyone around me at home miserable including my self. Can i get right off and do herbalife or something else and occasionally have a cheat day. I havent cheated not once in the three weeks and i dont want to triple back my weight gain. Please help. Hope im on the right place or site to discuss.
I have just heard aboutbHCG.I ordered the liquid from Google online.Now I’m wondering do I have to have injections? Is the dosage the same?
I have already lost 31 pounds this round, and am on day 28 in P2… my overall goal is about 50 more lbs, so I will do another round regardless, but how much SHOULD I lose in one round? The protocol says 34 I believe, but I don’t think I’m ready to stop yet because I’m still motivated and I’m still losing. Any suggestions? Also, what do you know about freezing leftover hcg? If I continue, I will need to mix a new vial but don’t want to waste over half of it. Thanks so much for all your help… I LOVE your website and have told my mom and brother’s girlfriend all about it since they are doing the protocol too!
What king of Hcg you are doing? I mean drops or shots , and where can I get it?
I am starting week 4 and have only lost 11 pounds is this normal or am I doing something wrong. I have strictly followed the protocol with the exception of sometimes not eating the full 500 cal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
@glasgirl65:disqus hiya! Can you give me a few more details? What type of hCG are you taking? How many pounds would you say you currently have to lose? How tall are you? How is your sleeping- are able to get a good 8 hours each night? How about stress in your life? I’ll try to give some feedback if you could answer those q’s for me- thanks! – Rayzel
Hi thanks for the reply, I am 5’4″ My hopeful loss is at least 70lbs, I am on 125iu of the 5000iu injections with no hunger issues. The stress in my life would be my work schedule. I work long hours and take call, so some nights I may only get 4 hours of sleep but then on my first day off I will sleep somewhere between 12-15hrs. There will be a couple of days where I have no weight loss and then after I have a long sleep I will lose around1.4 lbs. But the next day it seems to go back up to where I was before.
I do eat cherry or grape tomatoes since they are easier to eat at work. I did read somewhere that they could cause stalls. Any info to back that up?
Hey @glasgirl65:disqus okay thanks for that. Okay so that’s good re the no hunger- that means that the dosage isn’t likely the problem. I’m sorry to hear you have such a stressful job! I recently read a study about the involvement of sleep in fat loss- the participants who were denied sleep frequently lose more muscle (quite a bit more) than those who got adequate sleep- so that’s why I asked about this. That’s good that you do some catching up though to try to compensate. Sounds like you are doing your best given your lifestyle in these circumstances, so let’s now worry further about that, unless you can squeeze in a little more rest here and there. So moving on to other factors- how about your water intake? Also, regarding what foods you are eating on hCG – it is plausible that if you do have a food intolerance and you’re eating a lot of that food (daily) on hCG for example, perhaps it could be impeding weight loss. Could you possibly, just for a few days as an experiment, eat completely different P2 foods than you’ve been eating and see what happens? Outside of this, it’s possible that there could be a hormone imbalance issue going on making weight loss slower than it would usually be. There are 2 options here- try to check into this further (I highly recommend as a start) or realize that you are still losing weight even it’s slower and kind of accept that. You can actually do both really. The last thing I can think of is that sometimes our bodies do just hit a long stall but that it eventually passes and weight loss will often pick up at a more regular pace again. Oh and did you clarify for me that you are taking real hCG injections? That’s important in this case too.
I ordered my hcg from escrow refills. The protein that I eat is chicken breast, steak trimed well, and im not crazy about fish but I have been eating tilapia and white perch. Fruits are apples oranges and strawberries, I cant eat grapefruit gives me horrible heartburn. My veggies are cabbage, cucumbers, celery, cherry or grape tomatoes I did read somewhere that they had higher sugar and could cause stalls, but I donot eat my full 500 cal. I tried buying salad but its easier for me to eat finger foods at work and I could make a salad but I just dont have time to sit down and eat it. I did weight watchers in the past and lost 54lbs in 9 months, the majority of it muscle mass. I guess I could contribute this to medication. I suffer from Bipolar disorder, and some of the medication does cause weight gain but I have been it so long that my weight stabilized. What are your suggestions as far as changing around my p2 foods? The bottle I drink out of I have to drink 3 a day to get my water intake. But most of the time I fill it 5 or 6 times. Is there any type of exersize I can do during p2, if not when is it safe to start an exercise regimen? I am not discouraged to the point of giving up, I just want to know if there is something I can do to improve my outcome.
Thank you so much for being our port in the storm. I wasnt even looking for you or any type of weight loss plans when some how I ended up on your site. And hours later I was still there. I do not know who or what led me to you but I feel like it was some kind of devine intervention.
@glasgirl65:disqus for instance some people stall with cabbage- so what if try removing cabbage and the tomatoes for a couple days, just to see? Some can exercise on hCG, but others find it cause major energy and weight stall issues – I think it can sometimes just be asking too much of the body at once- I have a series on this subject starting here: Some do find they can walk or do other exercise though – it’s very individual. I suppose if what are doing now isn’t working too well, it might be worth trying. Perhaps try a couple days where you keep the food kind of the same – like chicken and celery and 1 type of fruit like strawberries, just to see what happens to see if we can pinpoint if there is particular problem food or something. Wish I knew what else to suggest!
I know this is after the fact and personal, but I lost really slowly on R2 due to constipation. I’m seeing a board-certified Bariatrician for my Hcg, and she said she thought my body was reabsorbing the “contents” for energy and recommended I take Smooth Move tea every other night. My weight loss did pick up after I started doing that. Also the sleep is really important; I tracked my sleep every night through 2 rounds, and any night I slept less than 5.5 hours, I gained .5-.8 lbs. and did NOT make it up when I caught up on my sleep.
What I have been doing to make sure I don’t get constipated is I do apple cider vinegar like three times a day. That takes care of that, it keeps everything moving which being on this diet because of the low calories can slow things down. I do 2 tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar, then squeeze lemon juice (like a1 small lemon or half a big one), then I add a little cayenne pepper and cinnamon. This is so good for your blood sugar and if you have any hunger pains.
Hi Jeannie,
Thank you for the tip!