Hi guys! HCGchica this is just a little update about the HCG fat loss study. Study HCGchica way. I have about 7 people now who wanna be a part of it so I’m very pleased with that. Anyone else if you wanna pass this on to anyone or if you saw the vlog and weren’t sure but are thinking about it. Please do think about it. Remember that you can do the protocol however you want. The only rule is that you need to track your body fat with the specific monitor that I mentioned and ketones is definitely a good thing too.
There are some other things on there to track but they’re not things you have to buy anything for. Other than that you can load how you want, you can do P2 how you want. Some of you are sweet you’ve been emailing saying that “Oh I was gonna do the protocol longer than usual” or “I was gonna do this is that okay? Can I be a part of it?” So yes, yes, yes. It doesn’t matter what you’re planning on doing just track the information that’s all I want. No matter what you do. I just feel like having an information for myself to look at and for you personally as well. I think it will be useful. I think we will learn something from it.
You can sign-up anytime. I’m gonna be collecting data on this for like a full year. So if you’re planning on starting around anytime on the next year email me. And I’ll send you the tracking sheets. About that I finally did finish creating the charts, the charting or tracking sheets if you will. Those are all done I’ve emailed it to a number of you. I don’t think I’ve actually gotten it to all of you yet so I need to do that. I’m still getting myself a little organized here. Also at the moment it is in a word document form and I need to convert it or just basically recreate it as a Google docs thing for some of you who don’t wanna enter information in on the computer. I am gonna do that. I think for those of you who do, you’re not starting for a little bit so I have a little bit of time.
Also one of the participants, I just wanna give her a shout out because she’s kind of new to YouTube her name is Sherry and her YouTube name is ThisYearIwill. I really like that name thisyeariwill. Anyway go subscribe to her. She’s gonna need some support. She is in her first week of P2 right now actually. She’s already on her round and I don’t know that she’s actually, I can’t remember if she said she vlog or not I have to actually go subscribe in her myself now we just emailed each other. thisyeariwill her name is Sherry and I have a couple of others I wanna mention to I just wanted get their information first but I’m really excited about this also I’m gonna try to do some other vlogs just with some other email. ChrisHCG has her project going on and then Rilla has really nice vlogs and some of you MsHCGgirl and JessiHCG you guys do some response vlogs and I wanna be a part of that I just- everyone has their projects going on and I wanna try to be as supportive as I can too in that way. Because I really have enjoyed those vlogs as well and there’s just so many different aspects, isn’t there to losing weight. I mean there’s fat loss which is important but there is so much more. There’s the whole mental and emotional side of it that you need to adjust to be successful long term. I’ll do another vlog about that. Anyway that’s just a quick update about fat loss study. Alright take care.
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Yup, I want this!
Hi, I’m searching online for the results of the test. I would love to know how to loss the fat not lean mass. R2p2d7 lost 6lbs but 1lb of fat acording to my hand held monitor. Loaded clean no fruits and toast on p2.