I got rid of the majority of the clothes I wore at my highest weight of 172 lbs. The clothes were size 16. I was actually busting out of the size 16’s and was horribly depressed over the fact that I really should go shopping for size 18 clothing. Thankfully, just at that time I came across the hCG Diet, and while it sounded too good to be true, at the same time, if it really did work, I knew that it could be my only hope for getting my body back- thus it was worth not simply dismissing it but rather researching it. If you’ve seen any other parts of my blog now, you know that I have since recovered my body through this amazing protocol.
Here today I’d like to show you my current body in the one skirt I saved from my original size 16 clothing. Believe me, I was in a hurry to get rid of those clothes as soon as they were too big. This skirt was probably tight when I started human chorionic gonadotropin, and as you can see now in the video and photo, I could easily fit a 3 year old child next to me in the waist- I measured 8.5 inches off the waist alone. I’ve been around the size I currently am, a size 4, since November 2011 and it’s now almost February 2013, so 1 year and 3 months. That’s a pretty long stretch of staying in control of my body I think and I’m proud of it- it’s a testament to the fact that the Diet protocol really does work, despite what the naysayers like to spout.
If I can give you one piece of advice if you are not sure what to believe when it comes to whether the diet works or not, or is healthy or not-
look at REAL LIVE PEOPLE. What has been their experience?
Youtube was the best resource for me when it came to this, and I recommend it for you too- there is an entire community of hCG Vloggers on youtube (see my hCG FAQS on this topic), telling the world about their daily experience on the weight loss protocol and showing their follow up results. I do strongly feel it’s important to research any protocol you choose to embark on. If you end up choosing to look into purchasing hCG Injections, you can do that here if you like.
I’ve been able to see for myself through hydrostatic body fat testing (bod pod testing is similar as well) that a large majority of the weight lost with the hCG Diet is fat- that is how I KNOW it works. Here I’d like to show you the test results from just my last round of HCG Injections – Round 5, where
of the weight I lost, 88% was actual FAT:
Lastly, here are my test results showing my starting point on the hCG Diet and my ending point on the Diet-
I lost almost 2/3rds of all the fat on my body.
If that doesn’t speak volumes, I don’t know what does:
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Yup, I want this!
After finishing all of the rounds. To maintain my weight loss can I just eat low carbs and high protein meals?
Hi Chrissy,
Yes, that works too.
I love reading your blog and looking at your pictures. My husband and I have completed two rounds. He has reached his goal and I am in the middle of my last “half” round with 5 pounds to lose to get to my goal of 130 pounds. I am 66, have shrunk to 5’2″ (from 5’3″) and at this time one year ago I weighed 180 pounds. Paul, my now lean hubby, went from 220 pounds to his goal of 169 in two rounds. We both feel so much better. He is off his statin and blood pressure medication. My doctor has reduced the dose of my three blood pressure meds and cut my statin in half. And for the first time in 20 years, I am no longer testing in the “pre-diabetic” range. We both feel like kids again. Going through our closet, trying on clothes and putting them in a pile to donate is a big morale booster. We are meeting with a trainer soon to develop a workout plan. I would not have believed any of this about us, a year ago. I am happy for those who discover this diet in their youth, but I wanted to write to say it is never too late to turn things around.
I lost 12 kilos in the 43 days. Hot down to 72kg and looked skinny and felt skinny. Three months on I fluctuate between 71-72.5. My question is, I’m feeling fatter but still same weight, the weight has distributed differently. I don’t exercise. How is it that my shape is changing?
Hola HCG Chica! Thanks fir putting together this blog. I started HCG July 10th and lost 20 pounds in about 25 days or so and another 3 pounds the second round. I need to lose another 40 pounds. But, after a second round of HCG, I wasn’t able to lose any more weight then the measly 3 pounds. I even increased my water intake, tried the apple day protocol to no avail. I was taking 20 iu dose in injection form.Also took LDN to help with cravings the first round. Any ideas? I have taken a break since the protocol stopped working for me. I’ve gained about 2 -3 pounds since the break. Can you help me? I have one more month of HCG left for another round, but I don’t want to waste it.
Hi Alexis!
Check out Rayzel’s blog posts on stalls here: hcgchica.com/stalls
Hope that helps!
Do you have any info on where to buy drops?
I love your blog! I have done HCG through a
Clinic in my town but it is very expensive and I would have to go in to the
Clinic every 10 days to have a “checkup”. So I was wasting my Casual
time at work. I will definitely be purchasing HCG through your site! I am so
happy I stumbled across this. Thank you!
HI @Amy – thanks so much! I’m reallly glad you’re finding the blog helpful- it has been a joy writing and communicating with hCGers all over the world. 🙂
Take care, Rayzel