Books to read: (all available on Amazon)
Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms if my Lab Tests Are Normal? – By Datis Kharrazian. Unfortunately it looks like this book is out of print already! Sad because it was excellent. If the current $70 price tag Amazon puts you, there seems to be some useful information on his website and his blog
Hope for Hashimotos -By Dr. Alexander Haskell. This is the only book I’ve ever seen with a focus solely on Hashimotos. It was excellent and explained the reasons behind the symptoms of Hashimotos- it was the first time that it made sense to me. Also note that the leading cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. is Hashimotos- so if you are hypothyroid, you very well may have Hashimotos as well, but you don’t know it because Doctors in general don’t do the additional testing since mainstream Doctors treat it as if Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos are the same thing, when in fact that’s totally not true. Also, his website is with some great introductory videos.
Stop the Thyroid Madness – By Janie A. Bowthorpe. Janie’s book is excellent and exposes the poor choice of tests mainstream doctors are using that is causing a lot of hypothyroidism to go undiagnosed. Many patients are sent on their way being told “your thyroid tests are normal,” while in fact, if proper testing had been done, or the proper parameters for what’s “normal” was used, many more cases of hypothyroidism could be found and treated properly. She also discusses in detail the use of Natural Thyroid, also known as Desiccated Thyroid or Pig’s Thyroid as a very successful treatment for those with hypothyroidism over straight T4 meds (which most of have to be pretty useless to the diminishing of their symptoms). Her website is LOADED with information you can read, all for free:
Recovering with T3 – By Paul Robinson. This book discusses in detail this man’s own experience with recovering his energy despite his thyroid issues with the use of T3 medication, also known as Cytomel or Cynomel. While most people with hypothyroidism are treated by mainstream doctors with T4 meds (the storage form of thyroid medication), many alternative doctors, and anyone who knows anything ;), are using T3 meds (the active form of thyroid hormone- that your body can actually use right away to give you energy). This gives you an in depth look at this picture. It’s quite a hefty book and I’m still working my way through it. I can say though from personal experience that T3 worked wonders for my energy and helped me to feel normal again. It was a night and day difference before I started taking them. – this is a website, not a book, filled with wonderful information by the late Dr. Lowe on thyroid and adrenal problems. He really helped me personally before he passed away with my adrenal fatigue and gave me the tools necessary to figure out what was going on with my body at different points along the way. His Q&A page is FILLED with really good information if you want to learn more about adrenal fatigue and thyroid problems.
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Yup, I want this!
Hi, have you heard of many women developing ovarian cysts on HCG? I’ve done 2 rounds. The first one was a long one and the 2nd was short. After the first one, I went in for a hip X-ray and they found a spot on my right ovary. VERY scary experience to go through. It was very small and reduced after 8 weeks (now under 1/4 cm so considered non-existent), but I’m very Leary of doing another round in Sept. I’d like to get these last 15 pounds off tho!!!! Thx!
Hi Annette,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
No, this is not common. I had an ovarian cyst when I was a 13 but it went away by itself. I’ve done multiple rounds of hCG but it never returned and I know since I always have an ultrasound yearly, sometimes even biannual. I always have a checkup for this since my family had a history of ovarian cyst.
Hope that helps!
I’m unable to find a link that was on this site for getting labwork done by requesting without a prescription from my doctor (who thinks there is nothing wrong with my thyroid).
Hi Rayzel
Im watching you video where you discuss what happened after you went off you thyroid meds. Im so emotional listening to it as Im kind of in the same position I stopped useing T3 as it was to difficult to get it in the middle east while living there now we are in new zealnd (2 months) I got my endo doctor in australia that initially put me on T3 with my T4 to prescribe it again so have been taking T3 for 5 days now (20mcg) just praying it kicks in soon. I homeschool our 3 kids and with the international move ect I just feel awful. I have also gained about 13 kg (did lose weight with hcg 3 years ago so thinking of doing it again but at the moment Im so unmotivated and uninterested to try anything. (I feel bipolar some days). Tell me how do I go about sourcing the T3 for myself as you did as its so difficult finding a doctor here in NZ thats willing to prescribe it.
Hi Bernice,
Rayzel recently explained this stuff better here:
I hope that helps!