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What To Do If You Royally Mess Up P3 and Gain 5lbs
Okay so this is an actual question from one of you guys when I originally sent out my newsletter asking for you for your P3 questions.
And boy I’m so glad I asked! This is one of those topics that’s EXCELLENT yet I wouldn’t have thought to write about it on my own.
So What Has Happened?
There will be quite a number of us out there who will find ourselves in these shoes.
It’s too late, you have already, as one of my recent viewers said, “eaten at least 5 boxes of Russell Stovers from the sale rack at Walgreens.”
She added, “I can’t believe how badly I fell off the wagon after being so perfect for the p2 stage! I’m not letting this get me down but I find it funny how I thought I battled through that candy demon.”
Sometimes, you just. flip. out. Sometimes you can pinpoint the reason behind it, sometimes you aren’t sure without taking some time to really think about it.
One thing to remember is that all is never lost.
While you don’t want to find yourself getting on and off the hCG train over and over again for life, having a royal mess up does not mean that’s what you’re doing.
The NEXT Best Idea
The best idea is to not screw up…and the next best idea is to screw up ROYALLY and then never do it again because you learned a big lesson.
I had to completely re-do my 2nd round of hCG because I basically didn’t DO phase 3 whatsoever that round. Yep, I flipped out. 15 lb-a-roos gained back in just 9 weeks.
I can’t remember if I made attempts to get back on track but I distinctly remember sometime during the first week of P3 being in the backseat of a car with one of my girlfriends with a bag of candied praline nuts and somehow as soon as my hand reach for one handful, that was it – my hand had a mind of it’s own after that.
For me, I believe the initial feeling of unwellness that led me to feeling so UN-jazzed to stabilize and eat right was rooted in health issues, which then led me to overeating and bingeing as my previous sugar addiction got the best of me again.
But I learned a GREAT lesson from this and the following 3 rounds were HUGE successes – I never fell apart like that again.
So What Do You Do Now After the Mess-up?
Steak Days really are GREAT. I used to be afraid of intermittent fasting but I learned so much about it through Brad Pilon’s book Eat Stop Eat that I now heartily recommend it. I’ve been using intermittent fasting for the past 2 years now as a way to keep things in balance – it can compensate for days when you overdid it. So I feel these are a great tool for making corrections.
At some point however, when you find yourself considering 3 steak days in a row, you need to have a chat with yourself and realize that you MAY need to let go of fixing some of the damage you’ve done for the moment if you let things slide out of control too far already to be easily fixable.
Is jumping back on a new round the best choice?
In most cases, I feel this may not be wise.
One exception to me would be if you did only a short round (23 days-ish) – in that case, I could see getting back on hCG since most of us do long 40+ day rounds to start with anyway. But otherwise, I’d be really cautious about doing this.
Believe me I KNOW the feeling, I know exactly what you’re thinking…
because I thought the EXACT same things when I screwed up my 2nd round. I felt pretty desperate, like I couldn’t possibly bear to gain that weight back – like I had no choice but to do another round right away to fix it if I were going to be able to live with myself.
However, my husband stepped in, in his kind way, and really suggested that I wait awhile. And he was so right. I didn’t even start eating healthier after that point still for several more weeks, but STILL he was right. Because I was simply not ready. My willpower muscle was so used up it needed one long break before I would have the gumption to get through another Phase 2 properly. I had to get my health in order.
What Do You Do While You Wait for Your Next Round?
There’s only 2 things I can think of.
1. Get strict and start eating super clean, going by Phase 3 rules, but without regard for “getting back down” those 7-9 lbs you gained.
If you lose it great, but don’t try too hard for that or I feel you can find yourself, once again, in a “dieting” mentality for weeks or months- I guess I feel that trying to simply stabilize where you are at and get into that habit of eating clean is in most cases, the wisest choice, leaving further major weight loss till the following round. But of course do what you like!
2. Find a different focus a bit. Seriously. Forget about your body, weight loss, everything.
Well, I know you can’t FORGET, but basically, try to ignore it for a little while. I was never happy with my body during that 9 weeks that I gained 15lbs, but it wouldn’t have done any good at that point to do a round because I just wasn’t ready, and mentally I felt pretty intent on getting my daily overdose of ice-cream again for awhile so going back to Phase 3 was out as well.
I guess what I’m saying is, sometimes you have to remind yourself that it’s GOOD to lose weight and become healthier if you are overweight, but that there ARE other things that are more important, and your worth as a PERSON is not based on your weight or your current issue with regaining some of it.
Nothing is permanent. How you feel right now? Not how you’re going to feel in 8 weeks. So if you are feeling just totally burned out on “doing the right thing” for your body, let it go for a bit. Focus on learning something new, a hobby, a skill, your kids, your husband, just something else.
And when the time is right to focus on your weight loss journey again, you’ll know it. I literally almost heard a CLICK when my brain suddenly felt ready to make the big change and try again with hCG.
When you feel that click happen, you’re ready for the following:
How to Avoid Royal Mess Ups In the Future
- Do a Little Pre-hCG Diet Eating Clean and Low Carb for 7-10 Days Prior to the start of your round
- Load Clean If You’re A Sugar/Carb Addict – learn more about loading clean for the hCG Diet
- Wait to Do Another Round till You Actually Are Feeling Good and Ready for the Self Discipline Involved- both physically and mentally. Learn more about the advantages of taking longer breaks from hCG
- Don’t Extend or Stay On VLCD too Long – You want to get off BEFORE you reach that breaking-point flip-out sorta feeling.
It’s your turn- do you have P3 story to share? Good or Bad we want to hear it!
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Yup, I want this!
If I went above the 2 lb-window and did a steak day and went back into the window, I know I have to start the 3-week phase 3 over, but does anyone know if I have to start back from the beginning of the week 1 meal plans? Or can I still move on to week 2 meals of p3?
I am ending a 6-week round with 2 weeks in between where I took breaks while traveling, with the 72 hour wean of diet and everything. I lost 25 lb total. I’m currently in the last 72 hour wean off diet right now, and planning to start the p3tolife program tomorrow, but I had fried chicken and ice cream yesterday after a day of hiking on a date and I just didn’t have the willpower to say no I don’t want to eat that. I’m up 3.4 lb on the scale today. What should I do now? Fast for 24 hours? Finish the 24 hour VLCD then steak day?
Hi Marissa,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
If it was me I would do the steak day now and then if weight is still up more than 2lbs from your LDW then do another steak day with a rest day in between.
I had a cheat on the day before my last injection, it’s my 2nd round, and I did a short round the second time. I am sure I will gain tomorow, so I messed up what my lowest weight will be..should I start the 72 hours with a steak day? I have never done one of those. I can’t believe I ate a bagel and cream cheese after doing so well for 22 days!
Thanks for the help!
Hi Stephanie,
Yes, a steak day can definitely help.
I took my last hcg injection and the following 3 days I didn’t stick to the 500 calorie diet at all which is supposedly the most important to have your body reset to its new weight. But I also cheated a lot during the time I was taking the HCG. But I wanted to know is this fixable? Or did I already screw up the whole maintenance phase. I’m really scared to gain my weight back I lost 30 pounds so far. Another thing is my doctor also prescribed me Phentermine to help. Please let me know how to fix this.
Hi Maria,
Yes you can still fix it by being strict on Phase 3. Rayzel has a free detailed P3 post here: http://hcgchica.com/phase-3-hcg-diet-how-to-best-way/
You can also check out P3tolife at p3tolife.com – this program has helped many hCGers stabilized their weight on P3.
I went to Coachella and ate and drank after my 72 hours and the start of phase 3, do you think i need to redo the round? I finished 1 week ago and feel so gross i don’t even want to step on the scale.
I don’t believe in re-doing rounds for 1 mistake- I think if you take P3 strict and slow- I have a program for this if you are interested – https://p3tolife.com – I think it’s very possible to correct mistakes like this. Doing another whole entire round is very extreme to me. I hope this helps! In the end your choice of course!
What if you gain back 50 pounds after almost two years of being off. Would i be better off doing another round? Or is my metabolism still guna kick butt once i get back into gear
Hi, I was just wondering why I can’t continue to try and lose weight during phase 3 IF I am doing another round? I understand that the hypothalamus needs to re-set during phase 3, but if I am doing another round, wouldn’t be resetting after that round anyway? Just wondering if anyone knows the answer to that. Thank you!
Good question! Personally I think it’s fine to continue losing in P3- I haven’t found there to be anything special about stabilizing exactly the- the main point is that when you are ready to stabilize, you eat a certain P3 style way to aid that stablizing process- so go for it I say!
I am on my second week on phase 3. I am having trouble with swelling. Do you know what could be causing this. I have gained 4 pounds. I have been eating 800-1000 calories but I did add cheese. Would this cause the problem? What can you do for swelling? Thank you for all your help!
Hi Lisa,
It’s true the cheese can possibly cause this but it’s also common for women to gain weight because of water retention during/before your period. So that’s one thing to consider.
Hope that helps!
hcgchica’s assistant
Hi!! I so screwed up yesterday was my second day for my 72 hours. And I went out and had a few cocktails. What do I do! Will I stabilize? Do I add on an extra day to 72 hours of 500 calories? Help!!
Hi Toni,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
If you go over 2lbs your last hcg dose weight then you will have to do a steak day.
Hope that helps!
Went on the vacation of a lifetime. Could not get a reading on the scale because of the rocking motion on the boat. Totally ate what I wanted and I am up ten pounds. I know that some of it is water because even my feet are swollen . So now what do I do? It’s been over a week since I weighed so I am not sure if a steak day will work. Do I start the injection round again?
Hi Donna,
Seems like you may need to re-do the round, unfortunately.
I also drank red wine, i counted all my calories so, how screwed am i tomorrow? 1681 calories
Hi Felisha,
Sorry to hear about this! But the only way to go is to move forward and do what needs to be done. And unfortunately, we can’t really tell how exactly it will affect your losses. In this blogpost, Rayzel discusses about eating very clean from now on. You can also do steak day and on top of it all, avoid cheating again.
Good luck!
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
So, i have ate 1,681 calories today. Its my third day in p3. Yesterday i had gained a pound from greek yogurt, im 148. I lost 26 pounds during p2…
But i feel i royally messed up. My tummy hurts. So i honestly, TMI , took laxtive to try to get it all out.
I ate three chicken thights with bolthouse blue cheese and franks buffalo wing sauce, with a salad, for dinner.
So disappointed in myself, fearing tomorrows time to step on the scale. Idk what to do. Ive been eating only 900 to 1000 calories and today i almost doubled it. 🙁 help.
So I went on vacation and had a hard time staying on p3 . I have had a lot of swelling from driving in the car like 8 pounds and it’s been a week !!!! I need help getting this off !!! Any suggestions?
Hello Monica! Have you already heard about my P3tolife program? You can find the details about that at https://p3tolife.com – that is the very best P3 info and has a complete plan to follow. But outside of this, I recommend periodic intermittent fasting for making corrections- 1-2 days a week, for 18-24 hours at a time (always separate the fasting days out by at least 3-4 days). I have a whole course on this in my p3tolife program in great detail. I hope that helps get you started!
Im having a hard time stabilizing in p3 only 4 days in, no cheating on sugar or carbs, the only thing I think was off is that I ate store bought chicken salad and seafood salad added cheese to morning egg breakfast, and yogurt, however I work nights but still follow a day schedule of eating and drink nothing alnight but coffee with 1 tsp cream or tea with stevia. What should I do, im 5 pounds over LI W, and didnt even realize it. Help.
“Hi Cassandra! I’m so sorry to hear you are struggling a bit. With the storebought salads, was that like a green salad with dressing or a salad that has the mayo and no lettuce? Either way with the storebought dressings, there can often be a fairly high amount of sugars actually. So that could be one issue. Another question I have is did you eat the fruits on P2? Because if not, that can effect stabilizing in P3 – it’s not a bad thing it’s just a factor to be aware of- you can read my post on that here: http://hcgchica.com/weight-gain-in-phase-3-2-no-fruits-in-phase-2-affects-p3/ The other thing that occurs to me is with you eating schedule and work schedule being so different, that seems like it could possibly be taxing for your body to be awake all night doing a hard job with no food. So I would personally wonder about that- have you thought about experimenting with adjusting your eating schedule to fit when you are more awake/active? Additionally, how would you say your sleep schedule is? I know many people who work nightshifts or swingshifts struggle with having consistently getting enough sleep and that can really hamper stabilizing and maintaining- is that something you might be able to look at as well? As far as fixing things with where you are currently at, I have found correction days and fasting to be VERY useful for this, and I myself have used intermittent fasting to make occasional 5-7lb corrections.
Also if you end up wanting something more structured and specific, (as well as she has an entire detailed coaching section on fasting and making corrections that would guide you in a much more detailed way) Rayzel now has a full fledged phase 3 program people are stabilizing excellently on- you can check into that here:
I hope that helps get you started!
Grace, Rayzel’s assistant
I really appreciate any respond .
please please reply
Hi there , I finished my P2 and during my 72 hours gap to start p3 I ruined my diet , I ate like a pig and forgot the diet is NOT over …. I went down from 184 lb to 162 lb during P2 and this morning I’m 7 ponds over in only 3 days of cheating … I’m desperate and I don’t know what to do … I really wanna go back to 162 and maintain that , I need to undo these 3 days of loosing control … please please help me .
I just can’t believe this happend …
Hi this has just happened to me! What did you do and how did it go?
Ok, so I got sick with a nasty cold & cough and a horrible sore throat on Thursday, last week. Until Saturday, i kept eating according to the phase 3 rules. But yesterday, I just couldn’t do it anymore I needed to drink some soup. I had absolutely no energy. My fever was running up and down since Thursday. I was extremely dizzy too. Now yesterday and today we’re supposed to be my day 20 and 21 of phase 3. I KNOW I messed it up big time =(
I’m still 4 lbs down from my last injection date. But, i feel like I messed up everything!
I’m supposed to start R2 P2 in a few weeks. Will this effect my R2? Have I completely messed up my weightloss?
Plz HELP!!!
Hello! I am on day 11 of my HCG Phase 3. I lost 32 lbs on Phase 2. And have lost 3.6 lbs on Phase 3. So, a total of 35.6 lbs lost. When I weighed myself today, I saw that I had lost another pound but gained on my total body fat % by 2.5%. I am very worried. Is that bad? Is it ok? Yesterday, I had 130 grams of chicken breast rather then the 100 grams that I normally eat. Is that the reason behind it? I would truly appreciate it if you could help me figure out what I did wrong.
Thanks You,
Hi @Sarah Shahid – I wouldn’t worry about this- the fluctuations from day to day like this on the scale are likely due to changing fluid levels in your body. Rayzel
I am half way through phase 2, and realized that we have a big Halloween party planned on day 12 of phase 3. Should I shorten phase 2 by 10 days and be done with phase 3 by then, or finish the full 40 days and risk messing up phase 3?
Hello! Due to unavoided out of town family events and parties, i messed up my P3 right AFTER the 72 hrs VLCD (w/o hcg) by eating rice, breads and sweets these past few days until yesterday.. But i still manage to weigh every morning and keep my weight within <2lbs limit though. Now im just scared i might gain it all back in the future. Im on my 10th day of P3 already, Is it too late to start clean ( no sugar/starches diet)? badly needed your advice. Thanks a lot!
I just finished my phase 3, three days ago and ended up going a little too crazy when reintroducing carbs and sugar back into my diet. I gained about 4.5 pounds! I’m totally freaking out & wondering what the best route is to get back on track. Any advice?!
I finished my protocol and have been in Phase 3 since April 21st. I have yet to stabilize and wondered if you
could give me any insight?
I have strictly adhered to no sugars, no starches. I have not eaten any processed foods at all. Everything I
eat is either raw or homemade.
As of today, I’m up 4.5 lbs from my LIW. I’m truly at a loss of what to do.
I’ve done numerous Steak Days / Chicken Days. I even did a Full Fat Fage day that I read about on a
HCG forum to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for this! This second round has been a nightmare- next time will do clean loading. Will give myself permission to take a longer P3 break before round 3. My royal mess up was right at the end of P3 – which after loading gave me a 7 lb gain and a sense of failure before I even started the round. I have lost those 7 plus 7 more in 19 days. Just need to be a little kinder to myself before Round 3 – thank you so much!
Please let me know right away, someone. Does this mean no fruit on Phase 3? I though I would just not each the melba toast, etc?
It seems like your videos always come across to me just when I need them. You are my biggest support group, lol. I have not royally screwed up by falling off the P3 wagon necessarily, but I HAVE gained 5 lbs. back! Totally feeling stressed about this. Not eating sugar, not eating carbs. I have been eating more fats (cheese) and though this was not a problem with previous rounds, it is the only thing I can think of as the culprit. I also have been working out more after a long break from intense workouts (and I do tend to gain water weight after a hard core work out the next day, which always is a struggle with trying to measure daily weight for me). I do feel frustrated that I am having difficulty stabilizing this round. My first round, I did not. Easy, Breezy stabilization. I did have a lousy mess up round after that one though, rushing back in, and not being mentally prepared for HCG. That WAS from me royally screwing up, lol. I am trying to keep the faith, it's only a little after a week from my last injection day weight, and sadly, I am on my 3rd steak day (Crazy). I will watch the fat intake now, and hope that helps. My other guess is, I lost some muscle instead of fat this last P2 round. I was feeling pretty weak the last week on it, but pushed myself through anyway wanting to lose that last 5 lbs. to make my round goal. I was also just debating (due to this frustration and fear of gaining back the weight) getting back on the HCG P2 wagon, but I am not mentally, or physically prepared, and as with your hubby, mine is the voice of reason as well, telling me to wait. All in all, I am still around 55 to 57 lbs. down since beginning my HCG journey two years ago. Still want to lose 20 lbs. more, but it is about getting healthy, and the long term. 🙂 Thanks for your time you put into these video's. They really are a huge help to us!
Thank you Chica. I haven't royally messed up yet. But I am relating to taking the breaks. I needed this right now.