HCG – R1 Loading Day 1
Hello it’s me again nana HCGChica. I had my first loading today it’s actually not over I still have to eat dinner. I have decided to start with 175ius and I’ve decided to use injections. At first I didn’t considered doing those at all I was gonna do sublingual but in the end the two things that made me decide to do injections were 1, the ease of it when you do injections you only have to do it ones a day instead of twice. To me that was a big draw because you’re supposed to do the sublingual twice a day at the same time a day and it I just felt like it could be a little hard to do. And then the second thing was I felt a little concerned about making sure I absorbed the sublingual properly under my tongue cause I was concerned about swallowing some of it and then maybe I wouldn’t be getting it all going into my body so I just thought with the injection I am positive that I know all of it went right into my butt. So I ended up deciding to do injection which is crazy I never thought I would decide to do that. And then the third thing is actually kind of cost almost half as much cause you only have to inject once a day with half the amount. You do have to pay for the syringes stuff like that but it’s definitely cheaper.
My first injection was today and I kept staring at the needle and I kind of touching it to my belly and it kinda hurts when I touch the point to my skin, so I was getting kind of chicken and in the end I had my husband do his first and then I had him inject me. But I can say honestly it did not hurt at all I didn’t even feel him put it in but cause I didn’t look and he didn’t know it was like “Oh did you put it in already?” yeah I didn’t feel anything and I didn’t feel any of the liquid going in and it was cold the liquid was cold but I didn’t feel it going in at all, so that good. Like I said I’ve taken a 175 ius to start. I don’t know if it’s the hormone working already or not but I can usually really pack it away when it comes to food I can have a whole burger, fries and like two huge scoops of ice cream on one sitting and feel really satisfied with it. And today I have had the hardest time eating. I just don’t have an appetite I don’t wanna eat. We went to dim sum, which is a Chinese buffet and there’s a lot of greasy fried yummy foods and I could hardly eat any of it and normally I would have eaten way much more but I was trying and I think I was gonna throw up if I ate it was just making me nauseous just looking at it. That must be the hormone which will be a good thing hopefully once I’m actually on the low calorie diet. I did try having ice cream because that’s really my favorite, favorite, favorite, thing in the whole world and I thought something cold would be easier for me to get down then something hot and I was right so I did have a couple scoops of ice cream after that and I didn’t feel weird about getting that down. But everything else today, I’ve tried to eat that I normally would enjoy, I just really haven’t wanted. I honestly have not been able to eat as much as I normally would which kinda makes me a little nervous but I think lately I’ve been eating way too much anyway so I think I’m probably still eating enough to gain weight. Anyway so there’s that, I weighed myself this morning and I was 171.4 so we’ll see after today and tomorrow what my new weight after loading is and then we’ll proceed from there. That’s my update for today. My husband felt the same way about eating today like he didn’t feel like he really wanted to eat so were both gonna be trying the same dose. So yeah it’s interesting, it’s very interesting. Alright I will talk to you guys later.
My first experience with loading for the protocol was that it is very apparent right away the effect that HCG has on hunger and the ability to eat. Normally at this point in my life I could literally pack away an entire 1/2 gallon of full fat ice-cream- no joke- without feeling sick afterwards. While loading, the sight of food actually made me sick. We went to Dim Sum and I could barely eat a thing- fatty or oil things especially made me feel sick just to look at it. That was a feeling I’ve never experienced but I’ve heard other (usually skinny) people mention. In general, there’s almost never a time when I couldn’t eat more. Already I knew the hormone wasn’t simply a placebo. It was almost disappointing really- not that the hormone wasn’t a placebo, but that I couldn’t “enjoy” my time loading more! My perspective on that has changed too though since my eating habits have changed for life and for me personally, I have come to the point where I can never allow an excuse to overindulge in such a manner.
Scared of HCG Injections? I was too. I was going to take hormone the sublingual way myself at first- but the more I thought about it the more my “cheap” side won out- you only need half the amount of the hormone for injections, and I liked the idea that you only need to take the hormone in injection form once a day, instead of twice as it is for sublingual. I’m being totally truthful- I chickened out and made my husband do my first injection- and you know what? I didn’t even know when he had stuck the needle in because….I didn’t feel a thing. Really. The injection was totally painless. Now I have to be honest again and fast forward a year and 4 rounds of the weight loss protocol – after so many injections into my stomach, I had to find some other injection sites. I’m not sure if it was scar tissue or having less fat in my abdominal area, but the injections into my stomach were getting not only painful but downright impossible during my 4th round- the needle simply wouldn’t seem to go in! So I switched to my still very fleshy thigh and all was well with the world again.
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Yup, I want this!
I am scheduled to pick up my shots today and starting my very first shot today. Can I eat before taking my very first injection?
Yes, with injections it’s okay to consume something before and after and it won’t affect the absorption of your hCG.
If I throw up at the end on my first loading day can I just do the second loading day or should I start over? I think I just wasn’t used to eating that much.
Oh gosh Sharon! Hmmm I”m not sure on that one- you might want to do another loading day in that case. I’m sorry that happened! Just eat well but not to the point of sickness- I hope tomorrow is better!
How many units is 175?
Hi Rhonda!
This is Cristel, Rayzel`s assistant. Nice to meet you!
Rayzel has an article on her blog that I think will help your question. Here`s the Link:
Hope that helps!