Disclaimer! Please read! I am not a medical professional in any way, shape or form, and this is not to be misconstrued as medical advice. I am simply sharing what has worked for me and others. It is your responsibility to discuss these matters with your physician.
If you are here looking for real prescription hCG, you are in the right place. Here’s where to buy real prescription hCG injections online
And YES if you are looking for where to GET an RX hCG prescription for the hCG Diet to start with, this company is set up to do telehealth, which means that:
- you get both your prescription/RX for hCG from THEIR medical staff (so you don’t have to worry about trying to approach your primary care doc about this)
- they send your prescription to their pharmacies
- your hCG prescription then arrives on your doorstep. Just like that.
This is all done online- no in-person doctor appointments.
If you are looking for hCG pellets info ONLY go here:
My Complete Guide to Learning About and Buying hCG Pellets
I encourage you to check it out if you are considering that route because there are a few reasons you might want to use another form over tablets – just food for thought.
Buy hCG from DietDoc
Update September 2018
Nu Image continues to be a quality source of hCG injections online – they have now been featured on my blog since June 2013, over 5 years. I think that’s a pretty good track record. They’ve been in the hCG Diet business for 14 years. 14. So they’re not a fly-by-night company. They’ve spent hundreds of thousands dollars to be able to legally prescribe hCG online and send quality prescription hCG to patients. You can check out my personal visit to meet with them and see the inside of one of the hCG pharmacies they use!
Example of a recent positive testimonial a lady from my hCG community emailed me:
. Awesome experience on phone with Sandra! They were able to walk me thru the whole process of becoming a patient with them, answer my questions about how taking pellets would differ from injections…we spoke about other products only when I asked and then it wasn’t “necessary” (it could help in certain situations type of explanations) but The big thing was that I really felt she believed in the hcg protocol!…and was knowledgeable about it as well!
” – Heather.
Original Post Below Written: June 2013
To my dear readers,
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself needing to be 100% sure and confident about a decision. Meaning it’s too emotionally and mentally unsettling to not be sure, as well as truly damaging if your doubts turn out to be true. Your source for buying hcg injections or drops is one of those decisions.
DietDoc is one of the online companies that offers the real and true prescription HCG Injections or rx tablets. The HCG comes from compounding pharmacies in the U.S.
This Decision Has Been Several Months in the Making
I made this decision only after careful thought. Probably too careful really. I mean c’mon- it took me like 5 months to make this change. The reason I even began a search for another “company” was because I wanted to find a source that could furnish me a little more proof of its quality.
It’s so important to me to feel confident about what I present here to you guys. This blog is my special space. What I put on here is a representation of who I am on the inside. I just couldn’t live with myself if I were to promote something to you guys that I knew to be unhealthy or that I wouldn’t use myself.
Let me give you all the basic details, then I’ll go into my long, detailed explanation of why to consider them, etc- all that good long-winded stuff that you guys have no doubt come to expect from me!
Note: I get a commission when you purchase through my links, at no additional cost to you. If you find my blog valuable and choose to order through me, thank you so much!
Buy hCG from DietDoc
DietDoc Diet Plan Pros:
- Kits contains all mixing supplies
- Made in a super clean U.S. pharmacy of the highest caliber
- Prescribed to you personally with your name on the hCG vials by REAL doctors
- Real with proper potency (purity reports by 3rd party labs- see below for images of this)
- Sterile- in the form of testing done on the bacteria growth, disease, etc.
- Know who the Medical Staff are – they’re not hidden.
- Has HCG Injections and Pellets!
- Comes as a powder (as it should) to be mixed when ready for use (KEY for potency)
- Option to add MIC/Lipo Shots to the treatment
These Are All Just Options to Consider
The reason I have more than one company here on my blog at this time that I can recommend for procuring hCG is because in general I rarely believe that there is only one way to do something– we are each so unique and have different needs and circumstances, and it’s wise to work with this.
I once had a very pushy person who was trying to sell me some “special” cleaning solution at my door- I was in the middle of losing my house to foreclosure and this guy just wouldn’t stop- I ended up buying the cleaner for like $40! And I was so mad at myself and him for being so brazen as to corner me and make me feel like I had to buy his product and not giving me an out. The point is just that every single one of you deserves to be respected and to feel the freedom that it’s your choice for what you do and not feel pressured or cornered into something. That just so goes against my grain.
That’s why I simply try to present the different pros and cons of different choices and possible reasons to consider one option over another and vice versa. With that said, there are some distinct benefits to getting prescribed hormone
The Best Confidence in Buying Comes from Proof
Many, many people have told me that they realized the diet really must work because of the proof they’ve seen in my results (there’s no way I could have faked over 200 youtube videos where my face gradually becomes thinner and thinner- well maybe there is, but it would have taken a very grand scheme of epic proportions that I’m simply not capable of) and bodyfat testing to show proof that the majority of my weightloss was fat and not muscle. (See My Diet Review and My Diet Results and My Timeline of Weight loss for more on that). But contrary to appearances, while the weight loss protocol accomplishes fat loss quickly, it is not easy. Quick and easy are different things. That said, you don’t want to leave your weight loss journey success to chance- when I think of doing that, the thing that comes to my mind is ‘I only have 1 body- just one.’
The quality and care they offer make them one of the most responsible companies I’ve come across online yet. I really want the best for you guys and I know that many are of you are looking to me, and trusting me, for help on what is best for you.
Just Because It’s From the U.S. Doesn’t Mean It’s Safe or High Quality
I’ve been fooled by this thinking at times. But I have learned quite a bit about compounding pharmacies lately and just because something comes from a “pharmacy in the U.S.” does not mean you can ask no further questions and just buy. I didn’t know that before. Compounding pharmacies have recently come under much stricter regulations, especially when it comes to sterile compounding (which relates to things like medications you will be injecting into your body), because of some problems in the past with the pharmacies not being responsible about the conditions they made these medications under leading to illness and even death. There are pharmacies out there being fined and shut down because they do not live up to the new standards.
Additionally, I discovered in my research that there have been problems at some compounding pharmacies where the potency of the medication actually in a given pill or what have you was actually far less than it stated on the bottle. Obviously with this hormone it’s important that the potency is correct so that we can find the correct dose since hormone dosage is such an important part of success on the Diet.
How Much Does it Cost?
Now I already know the biggest concern I’ll get from you all about this- the cost. They are pricier than the other two companies that I have on my blog. Because my recommended source does everything legally, by the book and uses such a high quality pharmacy, it’s natural that the cost has to be higher to accommodate this. I leave it up to you based on what you read here and the comparison of the other companies to decide if the extra expense is worth it for you personally or not.
- $10.70/day for the 23 day program
- $8.06/day for the 43 day program
I recognize that cost IS a factor for many.
But sometimes if we break things down, we realize that by the time we go to McDonalds and Starbucks for lunch, we’ve just paid $10.70 to gain weight.
8-11 bucks a day for just 3-6 weeks of your life is actually pretty small in the grand scheme of things when we’re talking about changing your life and ensuring a good outcome. This is one case where you can’t make a comparison just on price alone.
I recently bought a new camera that’s more “professional”- the difference in quality is SO dramatic that I now regret not buying it years ago- the photos I would have captured of my son would have been so much better and truly valuable to me so as to be worth every penny. That is how I feel about the quality of and your experience should be with this protocol- it’s not worth making sacrifices when it comes to this. You don’t want to be one of the many “help” emails I get almost daily believe me.
The price includes everything that really matters to many- the REAL doctor/patient relationship of a real Clinic, the real prescription, the testing reports to prove the quality (I looked into having my own testing done on the hormone by a 3rd party lab recently, and the first vial was going to cost $3,000 to test it’s purity- yeah- a little much for a technical stay at home mommy for now).
It’s just so important to me to be 100% sure of what I’m presenting to my viewers. This is not just a business for me- I’m connected to those on my site in a very personal way, so I actually care what becomes of each of you (and hopefully someday you’ll have changed your life so drastically I can interview you in one of my Reviews!) I have actually laid awake with anxiety at night and prayed about the best way to handle things and to know what to do when it comes to my viewers, because I care that much.
I hope that helps!
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Yup, I want this!
Hey, I noticed you no longer have USHCG as one of your recommendations. Can you share why? Thanks!
Hi Isabel,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! They stopped communicating with Rayzel and that’s all we can share.
I was here to ask that exact question as US HCG appears to be one of the only online places that still has compounded HCG : (
Hi Crista!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant, Nice to meet you!
It could be a good idea to both take your shot and start your “day” close to when your shift starts
so as an example, take your shot around 6 or 7pm or when you begin your shift, and then your “morning” would begin then too. Whether you end up eating a portion of your 500 calories for your “breakfast”, before work, is up to you and probably depends on what the timing of your breaks look like.
Re the scheduling of hCG on your off days- it’s hard to say what is best- ideally you want your main dose of hCG to be in your system when you are awake for the most hours, but switching your dose back and forth could potentially cause hunger problems, so I’m not sure what is best- you might have to experiment with both and see how each feels to know – would love to hear what ends up working.
Not sure if this helps you, but I hope it goes well!
Has anyone bought from diet doc? I’m looking in to them but I want to make sure they are legit. I read online something about them being fake and taking people’s money but they are listed as one of your top places to get HCG from.
Hi Jennifer,
This is Cristel, Rayzel`s assistant. Nice to meet you!
Yes, a lot of people have bought from DietDoc. They have been operating for almost 9 years now. You can watch Rayzel’s interview with their CEO here: http://hcgchica.com/buying-hcg-diet-injections-online-weight-loss/
I hope that helps somehow!
Hello Jennifer,
I ordered from Diet Doc and really liked the process; however, once I received it in the mail communication became very few and far between. I emailed the nutritionist about my dosage and hunger but never heard from them afterwards. I’d keep getting emails about sales. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing your HCG from this place; however, you may experience something different.
Good luck,
Hi, I just put in my order for HCG injections. I’m super excited to get them in the mail! I still need to get the consult with a physician on the phone before they can ship them. Since they are closed currently, I will call them in the morning! Your information has been very helpful to get me motivated to make this big investment for a big change in my life! Thank you so much!
Hi Carla!
Rayzel encourages everyone to read her dosing article and make their own decision on what they think is best for them. Here’s the link to her dosing article:
Thank you!
Ordered the 46 day program of injections, awaiting shipment. Are you still active on this?
how long will it take for the HCG and supplies to get to me in California, USA
I am a big chicken just getting blood drawn. The anxiety builds up and as it does the shot was over 3 seconds ago! lol I recently started HCG and I am literally a pro after only 4 injections. You can hardly if at all feel the needle. That’s how tiny it is. Together we can do it! This site has a bunch of information I am finding helpful.
I have just started the HCG 40 day cycle. I am excited about the journey. You are inspiring. I am anxious to know about a few items( to eat and drink). Such as stevia water enhancers and straight Balsalmic Vinegar as dressing? Also, do you recommend exercise while on first go round? Thank you!
– H.D. Vero Beach
Hi! I have personally used balsamic vinegar’s that have no additional sugar added only a tablespoon per salad or vegetable with absolutely no impact on my results. Also use True Lemon and True Lime packets in my water with no impact also but I do count the calories in the pockets in my daily allotment
Hi HCG Chica what company did you buy your injections from I know you recommend 3 companies but which one did you use?
HI Everyone!! Thank you for all you do to help so many of us!! Quick Question…What do we do with the leftover MIC bottle??? I want to start another round and have just ordered a refill of the 26-day injections, but I have lots of the Red MIC left!! Wouldnt want to throw it away!! Please advise!!!
Do I have to do the 26 day protocol all at once? I need to take a 7 day trip in about 2 weeks and was wondering if it would be okay to go ahead and start with hcg injections for about a week, stop for a week, and then finish up when I return from my trip?
Hi @Lindsey sorry for the delay- I preapprove all comments before they post and do not check it every day is all. How neat you are a compounding chemist! What is PCCA by the way? I am not certain where they are getting their raw material from. When I was the pharmacy they showed me their raw material- it this one long vial and I believe it contained like 1 million IU of hCG or something – and yes EXTREMELY expensive- I can’t remember the exact price but it was cray-zay!! Wouldn’t want to be the one to break one of those things. I’ll try to post pictures and videos of what I got to see in that regard eventually – I have it all here in my computer just waiting for me to get to it! I think the reason that the online places can charge less is because of less overhead to be honest when it comes to staffing and brick and mortar stuff.
I am also a certified comounding pharmacy technichian. PCCA stands for Professional Compounding Centers of America.
I totally respect what you guys do @Denise Teague – I was actually allowed to “suit up” and go in the clean room or whatever they call it and “pretend” to make something – the pharmacist who does all the sterile compounding explained everything and how I couldn’t touch anything hardly and had to keep my hands and elbows in this certain spot under the hood- my arms really started to ache and it was hard to pay attention to that many things at once. I suppose after awhile some of it becomes second nature, but still!
The 2 round supply… does that come in two separate vials?
Well guess my other post never showed up. In case it does… I think I misspoke when I said 10,000 and maybe it was 10,000,000 I really don’t remember off the top of my head.
How long do you wait between each round.
I have a 10000ieu ampule. Would I mix with 10cc of bw. And still take 175 shot
Hi, how do I order injection direct thru you Chica? More importantly is a recipe book sent in the mail along with hcg so I know what to make in phase 2,3&4?
Thank you for all the wonderful information you provide! I was wondering if the shots were daily or weekly. Also, is there a certain time of day you should take the shot.
Hi @rebecca ritz – yes the shots are daily- just once a day, usually in the morning. I didn’t freak about making it exact as to timing- just whenever I wake up, I’d take my shot. I hope that helps! – Rayzel
Thank you so much for all your wonderful information. I was wondering if the shots were taken once a day or once a week. Also, does it matter what time of day you give yourself the shot?
Hello I recently lost 35 lbs through a clinic on hcg and would love to lose more on my own but can’t seem to find a company that ships to florida?
Do you also get the syringes needed with purchase? Thanks
Hi Rayzel! Thanks again for all you do! I have a quick question about the LIPO shots…they offer more fat burning and energy? I have done HCG before but only by itself, no B12 or lip shots and I am interested in incorporating them on my next round! Thanks!
Hey @morineb:disqus – after researching lipo shots awhile back – I still haven’t put the blogpost together yet, but essentially what I get out of it is this – it’s not necessarily MORE fat burning – for instance, I don’t think you’re going to have more weight loss by using them. However, what they do appear to do is to really support your liver and body in breaking down/metabolizing the fat you’re losing more efficiently, so that it’s less strain on your liver and organs. So I see that it could possibly make the diet transpire in a healthier manner. Hard to be sure of course just how much it’s helping, but I don’t encourage people to buy it for more weight loss – but for less strain on the body, which if you have the funds, could definitely be useful, as well as for b12, yes many do report (if you are deficient in b12 to begin with – which it looks like more people are these days) they do provide a very noticeable boost in energy. If the energy issues were related to something else, they might not help as much. But I get enough people who like b12 shots to know it does help energy for many. I hope that helps you decide.
I’ve just ordered the 43 day injections as well as the MIC shots. Do you have a video/tutorial on how to mix both the HCG and MIC shots?
Hi @disqus_QRPB3SGtQ3:disqus I do have a mixing tutorial for the hCG shots, but not the MIC shots – I should do that! Here is the hCG mixing tutorial: http://hcgchica.com/how-to-mix-hcg-injections-from-nu-image-medical/ I hope that helps! I will work on getting mixing tutorials for these other types of things up in the near future. as well.
The 3 products can be used at the same time or separated?
Hi @disqus_hnLkerrCcz:disqus you mean the drops injections and pellets at the same time? No, these are just various methods of taking hCG- you choose one and do the diet with one method – I personally prefer injections myself. Hope that helps.
This is an awesome article. I have done the hcg diet before and lost about 26lbs. But i was doing it through a weight loss clinic and it was very costly. Plus it was very hard to keep my appointments because I work full time Monday through Friday in downtown los Angeles. I work in the medical field And it can be stressful at times. So of course, trips to McDonalds and Starbucks just made the lbs come right back. I’m so happy I found your site. This article in particular is very reassuring. Thank you so much.
Hi @christinavaldivia:disqus – you’re welcome! I did all my rounds of hCG on my own and been maintaining it now for close to 2 years, so it can be done!
I’m following your links to Nu Medical, however when I click on the order link the price goes from the reported $347 to $397. Do I need a promo code?
Hey Cathy- hmmm I’m not sure- I just tried it myself and the 50 discount was applied immediately to the cart as soon as I added that package you refer to so that the price was $347. What browser are you in? I wonder if there is a glitch on one of them or something.
I was attempting to buy this on my iPhone and ran into the same problem. I typed hcgchica in the promo code section and that worked for a $50 discount to be applied.
Oh interesting- perhaps there is a glitch with the smartphone version of the page or something- thanks for letting me know – I will check into it further- but I’m glad you discovered you could just enter my name as the promo code as well @stellarstrut:disqus
Hi hcgchica! First, I love your blog. You do a wonderful, thorough job of covering so many questions and topics about this diet. I was wondering if you could help me understand why the hcg pellets are a higher dose (500iu) than if it was being injected? I would think the absorbency would be the same or close to injections. I know I read this to be a concern of yours that you mentioned somewhere on your blog. I can’t seem to find the answer to it anywhere online. I know the pellets work because I’ve used them personally. However, there are times I feel I should adjust the dose slightly lower on some days. Maybe I’ll try to cut part of the pellet off.
Hi @cynderella20:disqus – I’m glad my blog has been helpful to you! Sometimes I’m probably too thorough lol but hey, at least people can skip over whatever they don’t want to know. :)- The absorbency is actually a lot different for pellets than injections. It is thought that taking hCG sublingually a lot of it is not absorbed. However, I do find that the pellets at 500ius is definitely quite a high dosage and while I’ve seen heavier people feel great on them, thinner people seem to get very hungry on them because it’s too high for them- so yes, in this case, you could try cutting a part of it off. I hope that helps!
I've used this company from the start and sad to say the quality of syringes is getting worse. The needles are just too dull. My last order the silver caps weren't even crimped on the bottles all the way and one cap came completely off. I'm trying on my next round to use one of the other sites listed here. Anyone know if a prescription is needed to buy better quality syringes at a local pharmacy?
has anyone every tried the pellets? Are the results as good as injections
has anyone tried the pellets. Do they work as well as the injections
Has anyone tried the Mic solution added to the HCG shots? I’m about to order the 2nd round and didn’t know if you recommended it.
Hey Hannah – I have not tried them but if I ever do a fine-tuning round I will definitely be trying them out myself. On researching the ingredients, I like the idea of being able to inject these lovely little amino acids and such where they do more good more quickly. :)-
Hi Hannah,
I use the HCG and MIC injections since I started the diet. I swear it helps with the fat loss. I’m loosing about 0.5 LBS a day steady. I was a little stressed after a week of being on the diet and only loosing 5 lbs but my body looked and felt like it lost ten. I’m on day 36 and just started my second vial. I don’t think its a waste of money
Hi Victoria!
Thank you very much for sharing your experience here! And congrats on the very succesful weight loss
And yeah, that’s how hCG & MIC should help you & you are definitely on the perfect track.
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Do the injections also include b12? where do you usually inject and how accurate do you have to be? thx
Yes the hCG from this particular company does come with B12 in the mixing solution included free. I usually inject in my stomach or upper inner/outer thighs or glutes – basically wherever I could find a fattier place is where I’d inject. It’s not rocket science- I was actually pretty afraid of needles myself but they are very tiny and short, it’s painless and a breeze- really!
You’re welcome! Yes it would come in 2 separate vials so that should be fine!
They are based in Florida.
Have you used the drops or injections? I am gearing up to order and I want potent drops . I have done this diet before and found it very challenging but def works. I went off of the maitenance and have gone over the deep end and regained every bit. Your videos are motivating and helpful. Sugar is my downfall and everything you shared was helpful. please show me the lace to order from florida since i live there.