Hi! I’m back. I’m about to start the HCG in just a couple of days. My TOM finally came and I plan to start right after. So a couple of things I wanted to tell you guys. I went with my mom to have our body fat tested in the hydrostatic body fat testing in a water tank, it’s this mobile trucks. I had mine done through Fitness Wave Fat Systems. So I wanna share with you my before statistics when were done with the first round were gonna go and have our body fat retested. I know there has been a lot of debate over whether you’re truly losing abnormal fat or how much muscle you’re losing; one interesting thing that the technician did tell me was that most diets people do lose a significant amount of muscle. He said even diets like Weight Watchers. He said people that come in that have done Weight Watchers will often lose 50% muscle of the fat they lost, so that’s a lot and that’s a country wide accepted diet plan that people think of is healthy. But 50% muscle is quite a bit. So I’m excited to see what the statistic said that being for HCG from the few people that I have found that have done hydrostatic water testing. They have lost a very small amount of muscle in comparison to fat which is really good news. But we need to keep having more proof of that to show that this is a good diet. So with that said my statistics were my total weight right now is a 171 pounds, my body fat percent was 34.52% so 34 and a half percent which means that I have 59 pounds of fat. I do need some of that fat apparently but definitely not need at least 30 or 40 pounds bit. My lean body mass was 65.48% which is good. Your lean body mass is your organs and your muscles and so all the stuff that you need. My lean body mass was 111.97 pounds so basically 112 pounds of lean body mass. He said that was actually higher than average for someone of my height and body frame size so that was good.
I actually have done a lot of hiking on the past year with my son on my back who weighs 25 pounds, so I probably built-up some muscle from that. With my current body frame, with my current lean body mass amount that I have it said that my ideal body fat would be about 143.5 pounds. But he says that can change so basically I guess depending on how much you weigh your body will need more muscle to carry the extra weight. So as you get heavier you naturally have more muscle on your frame to carry that weight around. So heavier people will just naturally have more lean body mass because they have the extra muscle to carry that weight. So he says usually as you lose weight, its okay to lose a little muscle actually because you don’t need as much muscle to carry your frame around anymore because you weigh less. He said it is totally normal to lose some muscle, and as you lose a little of that lean body mass so too will your ideal weight go down because that’s in relation to your lean body mass. He said we’ll see next time what my new ideal body weight would be compared to my new lean body mass. Hope that makes sense cause it’s a little confusing. So anyway those are my statistics 34.5% body fat, ideal body fat percent for women is between 22 and 25% so you know, I would like to lose total probably 30 to 40 pounds would be ideal if I could be around 130. 130 would be ideal 140 would be very good. So either you know on the first round obviously I won’t get to that whole goal but yeah. So I’m looking forward to that. So I just wanted to share that with you and I did measure everything on my body today but I don’t think you’re gonna be able to see this but I did print out a picture of myself. One of my before pictures and I drew all the amounts on there, you’re not gonna be able to see them but I’m gonna- so that’s my before picture you can see my little belly there. The funny thing is pretty much my bust, my belly, and my hips is like all the same size which means I’m just like this column. I don’t have a shape anymore. My waist is obviously a little smaller but yeah- I’m just this little round column in my upper body and I just have like extra fat all over my body that’s how I’ve gained it. Some people tend to still have thin legs and thicker upper body but I just have extra flab all over. At least I look balance I guess, but anyway I’m excited. My neck was 13 inches, my biceps both sides were 13 inches also, my bust was 42.5 inches my waist was 34.75 inches, my belly was 42 and a quarter inches and my hips were 43 inches, like I said, it’s like my bust, belly, and hips were all like they’re about 43 inches, my upper thighs about 26 and a half inches, my calves were 15.5 inches, my ankles were 8.5 inches. I don’t know if you lose weight on your ankles but might as well have the number there.
The other thing I measured was because, I hope you can see this, let’s see; my wrist has like this fatty pad here that it never used to have even when I have gained some weight. I mean usually you don’t gain right in your wrist but right here, like here’s your wrist and then just a little bit back it’s like having this little hump of like fatty padding. It’s like its actually rounded and just looks gross and weird so I measured that and it was 7.25 inches so I’m kind of interested to see when and how quickly that gets smaller cause it’s not normal. So anyway that’s it.
So those are all my before statistics and I’m planning to take a few more before pictures and I actually did take a video of the hydrostatic water testing so I’ll try to upload that fairly soon. So anyway I’ll hopefully be back to tell you about my loading days pretty soon. Today is Thursday and I’m hoping to start either Saturday or Sunday so I will talk to you then.
Before starting the HCG Injections I had my body fat percent tested by the Fitness Wave Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing people. I wanted to know once I lost weight, what that weight was composed of as i care deeply about my muscle and didn’t want to sacrifice it as some claimed I would.
Well, before this weight loss protocol my bodyfat percent was 34.5. On my 5’1″, 171 pound body, this equaled out to 59 pounds of FAT. Wow. That is so much fat for one little person to be carrying around every day! The other 112 pounds was my lean mass- my muscle, glycogen, organs, tissues, etc.
That original test was taken on February 10th, 2011. I’m so happy to say that today as I write this, in April 2012, I am somewhere around 22% body fat- a full 12.5 lower body fat percent. It REALLY feels good to have so much less “baggage” on my body, and all the fat loss was achieved solely through the HCG diet protocol. It really is a protocol folks- it creates some pretty amazing changes in both your body and mind.
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Yup, I want this!
This is really interesting. I am on R1P2D9 and I’ve lost 7 lbs (or 10 lbs if you consider loading weight) but my body fat percantage has gone up! I started at 27% the day before I loaded and now I’m up to 29%. I’m using a really expensive InBody machine at my gym. I know it’s not as accurate as water measurements, but I’ve been using this machine for years and my body fat is very consistent. What could be causing a gain in body fat even though I’m losing weight? I hope I’m not just losing muscle and not fat. Any insight?
Hi Cori,
It is very hard to tell during weight loss with hCG with these machines because water that is stored in muscles is counted as “muscle” in testing. When you first lose weight on a diet you lose a lot of water weight, right? So the body fat read this as “muscle” loss when it’s really just water storage loss. Does that make sense? So this skews the results and makes it hard to use this as a trustworthy gauge. Once a person is in P3 and usually gains back a couple pounds of glycogen stores or what not, usually the testing will show better what the overall results were. Additionally, even food you are digesting is counted as “muscle” – basically anything that isn’t fat, is considered muscle on these tests. With hCG, we have a lot less actual bulk from food sitting in our intestines as well, so this means we have less “muscle” in that sense too.
Hope that helps 🙂