So I will soon be launching my podcast. Yes, I want to be EVERYWHERE….on youtube, in your google search, and now on itunes…muah ah ah.
As part of the podcast, I’d like to try something out- many of you have questions- I now have a way for you to call in with your question and I may be able answer it on my podcast-
It’s super simple – just record a voicemail message on my speakpipe page.
Heads up, you only get 90 seconds before it cuts off, so have an idea in mind of what you wanted to ask. You can leave your name if you like, but you don’t have to- remember if I answer it, I will be using it on my podcast where others will get to listen to your question as well.
What types of questions might you have? Well only you know! It could be about anything really (well, within reason) – if you want to know what I eat everyday, or P3 questions, how to prepare yourself for the diet itself, etc.
Honestly, it’s your questions that make this blog what it is.
Seriously- you guys are my inspiration for pretty much every single blogpost that I write. Without you, I’d be sitting around biting my nails, trying to figure out what to write about next. Actually I bite my nails regardless, but I love having access to your brains. 🙂
Go ahead; leave me a message and it might be on the next podcast!
I look forward to sharing some of your questions and my answers soon!
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Yup, I want this!
I am on my 1 st full week of phase 3 I started HCG at 255 lbs and today I am 218 lbs I am finding it so hard to eat more and Need a menu plan and it is so confusing ugh I have read and listened to so much I am stressing about gaining back
Love all your information
marion oh I am 58 years old just a FYI lol