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These are in-depth conversations one-on-one with hCG ladies where you get to hear their whole weight loss story and the tips that helped them succeed.
Read short written hCG testimonials
These are short testimonials of ladies who’ve written in their hCG diet results to me for quick motivation.
Welcome to another hCG before and after success story!
For this interview, Jenny and I focused on Phase 3, the stabilization phase. We do discuss her weight loss as well, but she really noticed some key things about Phase 3 that would be good for us to all think about in our own weight loss journey.
Jenny’s Basic Stats:
Age: 23 years old
Height: 5’3″
Starting Weight: 158 lbs
Maintaining Weight: 133 lbs
Maintaining: 25 lbs lost
Started at size 12/14
Ending size is 2/4
These show notes below are brought to you by Jackie – another lovely virtual assistant who is now helping me out on the blog!
This interview is also for all of our blog readers who have been asking if we have anyone who just lost around 20 lbs, the same as their target weight loss. 🙂
Watch the video (and watch out for her cute puppy’s cameos :D) and read on to find out more about Jenny’s hCG weight loss experience.
How and why Jenny decided to go on the hCG diet
It was May last year when Jenny got engaged and within the next 3 months, she experienced rapid weight gain that she blamed on unhealthy eating habits which included a lot of fast food and beer. According to Jenny, the decision to lose weight came when one day she was doing a little shopping with her mom and she just felt miserable that nothing fit her. She looked in the mirror and just felt unhealthy and unhappy with how she looked.
Jenny said that she first went on a cleanse which did not work for her and followed it with exercise which also did not help her lose weight. One day, she saw a sign for hCG which her husband pointed out to her and told her that maybe she should try it.
That same night, Jenny ordered her first batch of hCG drops. She mentioned that it was a little later when she found out about pure hCG and did her research on it. It was around the time when she got her first kit of pure hCG that she started reading my blogs, especially the how to’s because she really wanted to make sure she was doing everything right.
On her first round of hCG she lost 15 lbs and after 3 rounds, she went down to 133 lbs from her starting weight of 158 lbs.
Jenny also talked about how she tested positive for Celiac disease but ever since going on the hCG diet and being completely gluten-free, she has not had any symptoms whatsoever and she feels very healthy.
Reaching her original goal
According to Jenny, after reaching 133 lbs, she felt that she was still unhappy with her body and thought about doing another round. She talked about how she had always wanted to go back to her high school weight which was around 120 lbs.
Even though she remembered one of things Rayzel’s article said, which was to go on a different route or try a different method if all you have to lose is 10 lbs, Jenny decided to go on another round of hCG. This time, her weight dropped to 123 lbs. and she was extremely happy with it.
However, it was when she started P3 and started integrating the healthy carbs back in her diet that her weight bounced by about 2 to 3 lbs. Jenny talked about how she became stressed out realizing that she had to restrict her diet even more.
She decided to just maintain her desired weight by working out. She also thought that it would mean she can eat more since she would be exercising, however, it didn’t work that way and she immediately gained another 5 lbs. Jenny even thought about going on another round of hCG but her husband advised against it.
After some self-evaluation and wondering if her desired weight is healthy for her, Jenny decided to just listen to her body. She remembered the previous mentality that she had when she suffered from bulimia, back when she was in high school, about how she wanted to lose weight and get thinner because she wanted to be happy with what she sees even though it wasn’t what was good for her body.
By reevaluating her goals, eating healthy, and working out, Jenny went back to 133 lbs which is basically her happy weight. She was back to feeling healthy, happy, and comfortable. She also didn’t need to get stressed out anymore over her diet.
Jenny’s original email to Rayzel:
“Hi Rayzel
So I had a pretty bumpy final round of hcg. I started may 8, 2015 and thought I had done my last round in August but when the new year came I had kind of slipped up a bit and thought I should do 1 or 2 more rounds. And my body was just not having it. In two rounds I only lost 14 lbs. I started p3 of my last round in February at 124 lbs and begin working immediately the morning of and in 4 days I had gained about 5 lbs. I did take a few things into consideration like I left out fruits and the grissini and I was also lifting weights for the first time in a while so I knew my body wasn’t conditioned. But the scale was really freaking me out. So I stopped working out, did a few steak days and got my weight to go back down. But I was still having a really hard time stabilizing. My weight would yo-yo daily by 2-3 lbs a day well into p3…and I was eating p3 strictly. So I had a heart to heart with myself and realized I would rather start working out and gain some strength than sit here miserable dreading the scale every morning. So about 5 weeks in to p3 I decided to start working out and transition into p4.
I’ve gained 11 lbs… but i think I’ve come to the realization that my body didn’t want to be 124, it wasn’t comfortable there and I had to really struggle to keep it there. So I am 135 today and working out 5 days a week and I honestly feel 10x better now than I was at 124.Not only physically but mentally as well. I wish my waistline was a little slimmer but there’s no beating being able to do things I never thought I’d be able to do at the gym!”
Enjoying a stable, happy weight
Jenny share what she typically might eat on a given day:
For breakfast, she would usually have a green smoothie, a cup of non-fat greek yogurt with a little honey, and
oatmeal (her absolute favorite!) with a little brown sugar or some maple syrup.
For lunch, it’s usually 2 hard boiled eggs, some cheese, and cherry tomatoes.
For dinner, she would have a large portion of meat (steak,chicken, fish) and a huge portion of roasted veggies.
As for working out, Jenny used to do 3 to 5 days a week in the gym doing high intensity interval training, but because of her schedule at her new job, she is not able to get back yet to her gym regimen. She did mention that she and her husband are planning to start crossfit very soon (I’m so excited for them and I’m sure they’re going to love it as much as I do!).
Dealing with a negative body image
When it comes to dealing with a negative body image, I’m sure we can all relate to Jenny’s experience. Most of us probably also grew up with an embedded negative image of ourselves that we had a hard time fixing.
For Jenny, what helped her was receiving a lot of support from her husband and family. She also cited evaluating your thoughts and stopping negative self talk as a huge part of overcoming a negative perception of your size and shape.
Tips from this interview:
- We talked a LOT about BODY IMAGE issues
- Jenny shares her experience with bulimia and how she recovered from it.
- She stabilized more than 2 lbs above her LDW.
- Through this process she discovered she has celiac disease, and feels this likely contributed to her initial rapid gain during a 3 month period before she began the hCG protocol.
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Yup, I want this!
Finished round one and lost 18 lbs in 30 days. Stabslized at my LIW -145. However in Phase 4, I started gaining it back. Was not careful in my eating choices. I am 68, and post menopause. I started over again and lost all the weight I gained back with a 40 days round. How to I not gained the weight back this time?
Hey Joyce!
I am actually releasing a phase 3 program this week that might be of help- if you are on my email list at hcgchica.com/help I will be sending an email out about it in a couple days or so!