Originally written: April 22, 2015 – updated a tad January 2017. 🙂
This one is going to be short and sweet (ha! well short in hcgchica world which is probably long in most other worlds), because I mostly just want to highlight the fact that I’ve maintained my weight loss from the hCG protocol with hCG injections for over 2 years now, with no further hCG use during that time.
My other exciting news has been the release of the comprehensive hCG Diet Workbook – something that took me 6 solid months to complete. You can purchase it either a bound real book that comes in the mail on Amazon (has almost 300 reviews on there now since it’s release in April 2015) OR now (as of 2017) there is also the DIGITAL version of the workbook here which can be used over and over and printed out or filled out on your device using a free third party app. You can learn more and see inside the book-bound version of hCG Workbook here. But really, most of ya’ll are going for the digital version now since you get to reuse it that way over and forever.
In the near future I will be sharing my personal updates with regards to how I’m actually doing that right now – maintaining – my challenges and successes these past several months, to help you troubleshoot and succeed at your own journey.
This .gov article on pubmed states that “weight loss maintenance may get easier over time; after individuals have successfully maintained their weight loss for 2-5 y, the chance of longer-term success greatly increases.”
This is encouraging since I am now in this range. I remember reading something like this when I still in the middle of my hCG journey and feeling like that seemed like a long way into the future. And now it’s here. This is all not simply to be like yay me but to encourage you guys that this CAN be done.
I finished my final round of hCG in November 2012 and it’s now April 2015, 2 years and 5 months later. My bodyfat percent is currently 16.5% (per hydrostatic bodyfat testing – see below). About 21 lbs of me is fat, and the rest of my 126 lbs is muscle, water, bones, and oh yeah, my all important organs! Gotta have those. Even got my good ‘ol wisdom teeth still.
I began my journey at 34.5% body fat percent, which was 59 lbs of fat on my short 5’1″ frame. This means there is almost 40 lbs less fat on my body.
What You Need to Know
The most important thing that you need to know is that my weight is not static. I ain’t no concrete statue man! I have a range on the scale between 124-128 lbs where I’ve been at any given time the past 2 years with a handful of days where I hit 129 lbs. I make both almost subconscious and conscious corrections on a regular basis in response to what I know about a combo of these three things:
- my weight on the scale,
- the way my clothes are fitting, and
- how I’ve been eating in the recent past week or two
Between these three factors, if my weight is pushing the end of my comfort zone, I will consciously be more cautious in some way – either for a day by fasting, or eating more clean than usual for a few days to a week.
The reason I feel this important to clarify is because I think my concept of weight maintenance meant staying the same weight all the time, so just so you know, these small fluctuations are okay and a normal part of life if you know how to respond to them consistently and not let them get out of hand. Because we’re ALL going to either over-do it here and there occasionally, or be dealing with a hormone issue that can cause weight gain.
These jeans are a size 2, but I say I’m technically a size 4 because that’s what’s comfortable to wear most the time. It’s all about comfort for me these days! I just realized something looking at the above picture – can you imagine how much less pressure is on my spine and back with all that fat gone?
I think you really should check out the video though – you’ll see me having body fat testing done before the diet and then 2 years post hCG – seeing it side by side is crazy!
I know hydrostatic body fat testing is not accessible to everyone, but I really encourage to give a little google search for it in your area – knowing your actual fat loss results is so empowering AND it’s also helpful when you “gain weight” that testing shows to be muscle, which was the case for me. If I hadn’t done that testing, it would have been harder to know exactly what was going on.
My face shrank that is for sure. You can see it all on camera lol since I was you-tubing my hCG journey right from the day 1. And you can also hear how shy I was!
Lastly, I just got an iPhone finally! Yes, the power of better video while I’m on the go, in my hand. 🙂 Could be a little dangerous given how camera happy I already am.
So my question to you guys is, would you find it helpful if I took more video of my daily life as far as what I eat, or what I do to maintain etc in a more casual way? Would this be something you would like to see?
And don’t forget the hCG Diet workbook is now published and up on Amazon for you guys. You can learn more and see inside the hCG Workbook here, or purchase it on Amazon here.
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Yup, I want this!
Where can you purchase the HCG injection
Hi Dee!
You can see Rayzel’s recommended hCG sources here: hcgchica.com/buyhcg
I really need some info. I just finished my first round of hcg virtually by myself because the doctor and assistant I started with just gave me the stuff and hurried me on my way… No help.. Found the diet online and despite all this lost 23 lbs from Oct 19 till Nov 13. So now I am out of hcg and learning more from your info. I am scared to death that with out the hcg I will gain.. Without even changing anything but being 3 days of the hcg my weight went up 1.5 lbs. I want to go another round on hcg to lose an additional 15 lbs. How long did you wait between round? They also did not give me the b12 lipid shots I paid for. I would like to get that from somewhere else if I could.. I see you have something like that here… I need help and guidance.
Thank you for all your information — Do you still recomend any of the overseas pharmaceutical companies ?
I just can’t see spending the American prices — but really need to do about 3-4 rounds
Great info. You’re truly an inspiration. I’ve been thinking seriously about giving Crossfit another try. Maybe….
~ LadyRuc
Go for it girl! @Lady Ruc I can’t imagine my life without it now lol.
I appreciate the recipies!! I used this a few years ago and was successful losing the 10# I wanted to. Then gained the 10# plus due to inactivity and surgeries. Ready to go again. Should get my product today…I’m wondering about oil free skin moisturizer..and suggestions?
Hey @Barbara I haven’t had time to do much research on this topic at this time- I know there’s a lotion called Corn Huskers that is oil free but I’m not sure about facial lotion – did you already check the skincare document I have on my blog? If not, you can email [email protected] and my helper Lucelle will send it to you! – Rayzel
I am new to this site. I’ve tried hcg a few times in the past years. I purchased it through my doctor
….and I paid around 700.00 for a 4 week supply. I would like to purchase it on-line, but I am having a difficult time deciding which company to go with.
I don’t do much cooking, but I will prepare things…simple things..
When I am dieting…I enjoy eating pre-made salads from whole foods or trader joes.
I did like seeing that one of the companies offers a variety of meal replacement shakes. This is something I can stick with. HAS ANYONE TRIED THESE SHAKES?
Hi Pat! I want to butt in here and tell you that you’ve come to the right place. Any of the HCG sources recommended here are good. Chica’s done the research and even offers discounts sometimes.
But why not eat the foods prescribed? Have you read Dr. Simons book? You can find it free online. Consider it your “prescription”. Preparing Phase2 meals couldn’t be easier and just “twice a day”, like an rX!. (Get a George Forman-type grill for your protein and eat a vegetable and fruit with it. I love canned spinach, drained, and buy the small single serve cans. I also love asparagus and buy frozen, steamable 8oz. bags. Grape tomatoes and cukes are my other choices. For fruit I eat apples and oranges and they’re sitting in the fridge ready to go. You can buy grilled chicken breasts at Fresh Market and such but beware of “flavorings” — usually sugar and fat, so I grill up some with garlic and onion powders and herbs and have on hand to carry with.)
I keep it extremely simple and don’t get bored since I’m not hungry anyway. For me, food loses its allure and becomes less important than when I was eating for pleasure and emotional fulfillment. I lost 29 pounds on my first round and was never tempted to cheat. I believe it was because I was so strict — if I’m going to invest my time and $$$ in HCG then I’m compelled to do it as well as i can, which for me is to follow Dr. Simons’ protocol to the letter.
Good luck and remember it’s for a few weeks only and you can do it If you treat it like a prescription. You’ll have recipes and variety again!
Thanks for commenting with the great help! @Cookie Gordon I can use all the help I can get on comments! – Rayzel
Thank you. You’ve done wonderful and the video was very inspiring. I’m not a fan of doing cross fit myself but I thought you were amazing in those clips!
Hey @LR thanks a bunch. 🙂
You are amazing, have just finished phase1 and in 2ndweek of phase2. I agree it’s hard trying to stay clean in eating habits. Videos will help. I have ordered your workbook and am ordering HCG. First round went through a Dr. It was expensive but I was a little scared. Now after reading your blogs I am more confident I can do this
Hey @Maria Moore I hope you find the workbook useful to you! This is really quite doable, a long as you take it one day at a time and on the tough days find positive input to keep you going…or just go to bed early lol! Sometimes that’s the only thing to make it better. :)- Rayzel
Loveeeee the video! I am so thankful to the Lord that you haven given us all so much of yourself. You truly are an inspiration. I certainly would love to see any videos on how you do maintain today. I am in P2 VLCD19 but will appreciate the info for the day I arrive into maintenance. I had a rough few days and have stalled for the past few days…(my fault) but am NOT giving up. Ordered your workbook on 4/20 and super excited for it to arrive. Thank you for all you do Rayzel. You are a precious gift!!!! Katrina >’.'<
Thanks so much @Katrina Estep Mossman ! I hope the workbook will be helpful to you. I will definitely plan on doing more maintenance type videos then. – Rayzel
First – I just want to say that you are amazing!! I love your spirit and outlook on life. Thank you so much for sharing and yes – I would LOVE to hear what you are doing to maintain your success. I am three weeks into my first four week protocol and devouring your material. You may just be my key to achieving weight loss and health! Do you know what that is worth to me???? Priceless!
Yes would love more about maintenance and everyday life…thanks so much for everything and congrats on all your success!!!!
Great video! I just wanted to thank you for all the information, insight and encouragement you provide. I haven’t been able to lose weight for several years. My husband’s ex-wife and her husband did hCG about four years ago and have maintained their weight loss so I saw the results but was still skeptical. Your website finally convinced me to give it a shot (literally, hahaha) and now I’m just waiting on my hCG to arrive. I have meals planned out and am anxious to get started. I am currently 202 and would like to be closer to 160’ish, though weight isn’t as important as size and how I feel. I feel like I’ve done everything to mess my body up (long-term antibiotic use, Depo Provera, Accutane and IVF) and now it’s time to get back on track. I want to feel like me again, to see me in the mirror.
And congrats! You look amazing!. I know you worked hard for it – just watching you exercise made me tired but also gave me hope.
Hi, Kristy,
I’m starting HCG low cal phase tomorrow. I’m on the second day of loading. I’ve done the protocol twice and only did it the first time after seeing two of my friends have success, one of whom is a doctor and recommended it. The psychological struggle I think is a lot harder for people than the physical. If you need some support, feel free to email me adapollutes at yahoo.
Yes! I would like to see what you eat on a daily basis. I am VERY worried about coming off the diet as I’ve done this before and gained it all back. I’ll be coming off middle of May.
Chica, thanks so much for the update. I’m very encouraged by your experience and by my own 1st round. Yes, I’d love to see more about your daily experience with weight loss maintenance. For me, that’s the toughest and most important part of this whole protocol. Following Dr. Simeons’ prescription is EASY — choose 1 from 4 columns twice a day. I wish more of life could be that way! Figuring out how to eat for the rest of your life is hard. (Not knowing how to do that is what got us here.)
I started Phase 3 with lots of excitement and a fistful of recipes that I’d been looking forward to. I was able to maintain my LIW within 2 pounds for the first 2 weeks then it started to drop as I had trouble increasing my calories. I wasn’t hungry, and by the time I’d finished Phase4 I was 6 pounds under my LIW. I don’t like that I did that; I really wanted to stabilize as prescribed. I remained sugar free and high-glycemic starch free and struggled to figure out what to eat each day. It felt like a burden rather than an adventure. So much planning and shopping and cooking. I was relieved when my 2nd round started! I’ll have at least 3 rounds and really need help figuring out what to eat in Phases 3 & 4. Something’s got to change.
So YES, please give us details of how you eat. Maybe you could do a “flash diet” where you photo everything you eat and upload it to a blog. I’ve been doing that since I started the diet in January. It’s easy to do, especially with that new iPhone!, and would be an eloquent way to give us help with our weight maintenance.
Instagram could be a fun and easy way for you to show your day to day goings on in an informal way. I’d be following you I can tell you that!