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Hello lovely hCGers. This interview is part of what is now a plethora of weight loss success stories with real everyday women (and men! There’s a few dude interviews in there) who have used either hCG injections or drops with the hCG diet protocol to lose between 20 and 150 lbs.
See all the hCG interview episodes
These are in-depth conversations one-on-one with hCG ladies where you get to hear their whole weight loss story and the tips that helped them succeed.
Read short written hCG testimonials
These are short testimonials of ladies who’ve written in their hCG diet results to me for quick motivation.
I am confident and on track now, but I’ll never forget where I once was! I know bad habits wait on us forever. They don’t ever go away! They will always be there, just around the corner, lurking and looking for an opening. If you’re addicted to food or alcohol or cigarettes or even the wrong person in your life, if you’ve got a bad habit of any kind, I don’t think it just “disappears.” If you stop setting goals for your future, if you start living in the moment again, that’s when those bad habits will push their way back in to your life!
Porter Freeman from his story in Body for Life – by Bill Phillips
Melynda’s Basic Stats:
- Age: 58 years old
- Height: 5’7”
- Starting Weight: 206.8
- Current Weight: 137.8
- She is post-menopause and on Femhrt
- She used homeopathic hCG drops
- She did 4 rounds of 45 days with 6-8 weeks maintenance between.
Show Notes:
- Somaderm Gel – This addresses your adrenals and thyroid. It gives support for both of those and also your pituitary gland. It’s been over the market for 14 years now.
- Femhrt is a combination of estrogen and progestin. Melynda uses this to reduce symptoms of her menopause. This is like a happy pill for her. This totally changed her life.
- Beachbody Shakeology – Different shakes that you can use on maintenance.
- Daily Sunshine – Once the parties started she would substitute her mid-day lunch with this smaller Protein shake. This was designed for kids, not as potent, but it was enough to give the energy needed to get through to the party phase that night.
- Homeopathic hCG – 6 drops underneath your tongue for 6 times a day. If you are hungrier than usual you do 7 drops 6 times a day. Hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds and you’re not allowed to eat anything for 30 minutes. You can also find the recipe book she was talking about here.
- Read the Pounds and Inches by Dr. Simeons – the Original Protocol
- Lynda – Episode 60
Melynda’s hCG Journey
How much weight you’ve lost with hCG/starting weight/ending weight/ clothing size change. How many rounds did you do, how long was each round? stuff like that.
- Started on HCG Monday, March 7, 2011, weighing 206.8
- Today 137.8 = 69 lbs
- Size 18 – size 8
- 4 rounds of 45 days with 6-8 weeks maintenance between.
- End up at my goal of 145 on my 50th Birthday on October 26, 2011

How long have you currently been maintaining (or where are you currently at in your hCG journey)?
Since losing the initial weight it’s been 7 yrs trying hard to maintain my ideal weight.
Tell us how you came to be overweight and your struggles with that?
My family always had a bent towards being heavy. Overeating is a STRONGHOLD in my life. I do well for a season, but then I slowly begin to gain over time. When eating is a stronghold in your life, old habits die hard.
Although I’ve been eating clean since going on HCG – even overeating the “right” foods can get me in trouble. For this reason, I’ve needed, from time to time, to go back on HCG for 23 days and an occasional 45 days – to keep me in check. I refer to these rounds as “DETOXING”. Cleaning out my system of all the bad things I “re-introduced” that caused the weight gain.
I do not do well with Moderation. I’m an all or nothing kind of gal!
What type of hCG did you use? If injections or prescription drops, what dose worked best for you?
I used DROPS – 6 drops under the tongue 6x a day. Yourhcg.com
Have you ever used b12 and/or lipo shots, and if so, do you feel it was worth it and why?
Yes, I use b12 and b6 every day. When I came off HCG, my stamina, endurance, and energy levels waned. In questioning why I was feeling this way – it was suggested I add B12/B6 to my daily protocol
What would you say your experience was the first week on phase 2? Easy or hard? explain.
I loved being on HCG! I knew if I “loaded” correctly – I would not feel hungry. LOADING is the best part of this program – especially for someone who is an “overeater”.
I can still remember my first time Loading – I made myself so FULL, I was laughing so hard – I felt like I was intoxicated with food!
I was so tuned into “why the program worked” you could not get me to cheat!
I knew those who waited to have their first meal after 12 noon, would lose more than those who ate a snack in the morning.
I loved the foods I was eating, and always felt content. Some days I knew when I was to eat….other days I had to remind myself to eat.
What did you find yourself liking to eat during Phase 2/vlcd – how would you prepare your meals?
Meats: Chicken, Fish, Shrimp, Turkey Meatballs
Veggies: Spinach, tomatoes, celery, onions, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage
Fruit: Apple, Orange, Strawberries
Initial rounds – took advantage of Grissino and Melba Toast – but not so much in the later rounds.
Prepared meals according to YOURHCG Diet Recipes & Tips Book
What tricks do you have up your sleeve to stay sane while on Phase 2?
- Understanding the protocol and why / how it works!
- Realizing how bad I wanted to lose weight!
- Knowing that interruptions under 20 days – weight will be gained – after 20 days interruptions are merely a loss of time
- Plenty of H20, Coffee, Tea (hot/cold)
- Ask yourself if you are truly hungry – if so try the Listerine strips
- Spreading your 2 meals out into multiple meals
- Remember it’s on for a short time, you can do anything for 23-45 days
- The scale is your friend. Meeting her in the morning and seeing results is a motivator.
- The cost invested and sacrifice was not worth cheating
- We cooked a lot with spices to make the food flavorful
- Used Stevia to sweeten everything – even fruit – I wanted what I was eating to taste super good and sweet when appropriate.
What lessons have you learned during Phase 3 – give us the good and the bad! What types of things did you discover when it came to maintenance that did and didn’t work?
- Use Steak Days and apple days to get you back on track
- Know your body – did you get enough h20, or have a bowel movement lately
- Because I loved everything I was eating on P2 – I have learned to continue with those foods, but add fat in my preparation. I eat 4x a day – Breakfast, 11ish, 3ish and 6ish (One of these meals is a shake)
- Nothing after 7 pm – allowing 3 hrs for my food to digest b/4 going to bed
- Drinking a lot of LEMON LIFT – with Stevia at night – as a snack
- Only sipping on my Husband’s Hard Cider – as opposed to getting my own glass. He isn’t fond of me doing that – so I only sip – if I had my own glass – it would be a disaster!
- When I drink Alcohol – I lose my mind and start eating everything in sight. I feel miserable afterward and it just is not worth it.
- Continue to Portion my foods – Freeze – grab-n-go meals!
In Phase 4: Can you tell us what types of foods you eat now in everyday life? And how is this different from what you used to eat on a normal basis?
I continue to eat P3 foods again because I am content eating them.
On days when we had parties over the holidays, I would have 4 meals – 2 would be shakes, 1 normal meal, then at the event, I would concentrate on veggies most, protein, drinking plenty of H20 and ONLY sampling – tiny taste of things I “THOUGHT” I might enjoy.
Normally, after tasting they were not as good as I remembered, (probably because I’ve been eating clean so long) and found myself throwing it out or leaving on my plate.
I would eat late in the day – after 8 – BAD HABIT
I did not portion my foods
Too many starches/breads
Uncontrollable sweets – Peanut M&M’s even if I have 1 – it’s over!
What have been your tools for maintaining your weight loss?
4 meals a day and weighing every day.
The scale is now my friend – a guide, a barometer, writing it on the calendar – sharing it with a friend – to stay accountable, portioning everything!
I’m full when I’m done eating – I feel so content!
Do you have any memories of your life/body pre hCG that are totally different for you now?
Yes, I’m more tuned into my body. Recognizing how important consistency is in your life. Realizing what you sow that you shall also reap!
Identifying that maintaining my ideal weight, feeling good in my clothes always outweighs the taste – There’s an old saying “NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS” and that is so true in my life!
I love being at my ideal weight. I love feeling great in my clothes, dressing up! That’s what different now. I know my body better now than I ever did!
Plus, others are always watching, having that responsibility on my shoulders is a motivator
When you want a treat now, give us a couple of examples of what you might eat? Also, are you ever able to indulge in a regular treat, like cake at a party, and still maintain?
- Faux potatoes with fish and fruit
- Meatballs w/spaghetti squash & sauce and fruit
- Chicken w/grilled root veggies and fruit
- Sardines w/sautéed cabbage and fruit
- Pork & Sauerkraut w/Fruit
If I want to have a “treat” – it’s going to be a taste – tiny bite first. If that taste was worth it, I will then have another taste, but must be very very careful, – because old habits die hard and they are always there, just around the corner, lurking and looking for an opening!
I have learned to have 2 shakes and one normal meal, prior to an event – and then keep 2 hands on the wheel and be very selective on my choices – if when I try the “treat” it doesn’t taste good – it goes in the trash and I’m done – it is just not worth it!
I also ask myself – Do I Need this eating opportunity?
What factors have you noticed to play a role in people NOT succeeding on hCG?
The biggest factor is understanding why it works and the fact you are NOT living on 500 calories.
Anyone who I’ve coached on HCG – MUST read Dr. Simeons thesis 3x before starting. 1) Just read; 2) Read and highlight 3) read again b/4 you start – A MUST! That aids in getting you through p2 also.
What do you feel are the most important keys to success on the hcg protocol? If someone said they want to have the same results you have, what would you tell them?
- Priority – understanding the reason it works
- Are you good with structure?
- Are you disciplined?
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Yup, I want this!
Good Morning,
You mentioned in the interview, you would link the cookbook Melynda was using for her recipes. I don’t see the link
We can’t post it here because it’s a paid cookbook. You can buy it from the site she ordered her hCG from. 🙂