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We’ve got a layout for Vegetarians doing the hCG Diet today ladies!! Woot woot! Let’s get Cinmayi’s basic hCG diet journey in a nutshell, and then discuss what and how she eats as a vegetarian on Phase 2 of the hCG Diet protocol.
Cinmayi’s Basic Stats
- Age: 62 years old
- Height: 5’3”
- Weight loss: 78 lbs originally
- Starting weight: 200 lbs
- Ending weight: 122 lbs
- Maintained weight loss
for: 3 years - Health issues: Cin hit menopause a few years ago, developed arthritis and dealt with a number of other quite stressful events in her life including her home and belongings burning to the ground, which led to regaining of weight from comfort eating and hormone changes – she is now in the process of losing with hCG again.
- HCG used: homeopathic drops
- Length of hCG rounds:
Most her rounds were 21 days/3 weeks, but more recently she has done 30 days rounds.
Show Notes:
- Stur stevia flavors – black cherry flavor tastes really good in the Greek Yogurt.
- Hazelnut Liquid Stevia – NOW brand (Chin’s favorite)
- Asafoetida / HING Indian spice – grain free version (some have wheat filler, to avoid) – uncleharrys.com
- Sleep on the hCG Diet – how it affects weight loss
- The hCGChica Workbook – Digital, printable
- The hardcopy hCGChica Workbook – real book on Amazon
- More about Miracle Noodles
- Proteins Cinmayi used:
- Sunwarrior sprouted fermented rice protein powder – vanilla
- Jay Robb Whey protein powder – vanilla
- Boca burgers (vegan approved)
- Quinoa (vegan approved)
- Other proteins that could be used: If you eat eggs Egg white protein – Julian Bakery is my favorite brand
Cinmayi’s Email:
But since high
I feel like maybe I was misrepresenting things a bit because I actually HAD gone down to 122 pounds and I kept it off for three years, but at that time, I was really not eating very much and working very very hard. I looked good and felt good but, I ran into menopause, high fracture risk os1teoporosis, and osteoarthritis in my hands and knees, I had to quit working. ( Barista at Starbucks for 10 years) and I couldn’t maintain the
I feel as if the HCG diet every 6 months has helped me keep my weight down to a reasonable level and I haven’t gone back up to 200 pounds
I want to weigh less, but mostly I want to be able to have muscle… Which weighs more, and not be too attached to the number on the scale.
I can say, I have a love-hate relationship with food and comfort eating…
I’ve read the book Weight loss Apocalypse, so I want to use the HCG to help me get in contact with my eating problems. Something I read in the book really hit me it was,
“Finding the motivation to change that is stronger than the desire to lose weight requires a more meaningful purpose; one that intentionally targets the source of the emotional problem. success must be the goal and success must be measured by a diminished emotional desire to eat not by weight loss for this approach we suggest taking weight loss and size was out of the equation removing the scale altogether.”
– Weight loss apocalypse
HCG helps me get back in touch with my Hunger. It helps me get used to simple clean foods.
HCG has gotten me completely off sugar and if I’m strict with that, I know I’ll never get up to 200 again.
And because I don’t spend so much time cooking or in the kitchen, it helps me focus more on self-care like yoga and meditation. Walking, reading and crafts.
In fact, I wanted to highly recommend as something that helped me, is, if you are on the HCG diet that you take up a craft like crochet or knitting or artwork or journaling and something physical. A challenge like walking every day for an hour or yoga for 20 minutes daily. Feed yourself with self-care and creativity.
The days will go by so fast and you’ll be happier and fulfilled on things other than food. Also, we were talking about sleep and I wanted to say,
Rest all you can on HCG. If you ever wake up in the morning and your weight is not what you hoped it would be,… if you can, GO BACK TO BED!!!. Weigh yourself again after you get up. You probably need more sleep. I’ve done it and it works.
Here’s an old before photo for you, it was a while ago, (17 years) but I weighed 200. The picture was so was hard to find because I’m super camera shy. Also, I lost
I’m going to have to ask my husband to take a full-length photo of me now but, I weigh 165 even though I just finished a round.

And have you ever tried black salt?
You can get it at the Indian store. It has a very strong sulfur flavor but it’s amazing when used as salt and used with the nonfat Greek yogurt on vegetables especially cucumber and celery.

I like to boil the Miracle noodles and fry them in a dry pan put black Salt, pepper, Hing and turmeric while frying in a nonstick pan.
The nonfat Greek yogurt is great because you can mix it with so many things and have a wonderful high protein sauce for your vegetables or even fruit
When 100 calories of fat-free Greek yogurt is mixed with vinegar salt, pepper,
Or mixed with cinnamon, stevia or the STUR Flavor, a
Protein dessert. (Have I said enough about nonfat Greek yogurt? 😁)
I’m so weird, that I’ve used the nonfat Greek yogurt, mixed with a tiny bit of strawberry juice or grapefruit juice, to make a face pack during the HCG protocol. I also have a whole natural beauty regime that I follow
while on the protocol, I only use things that are allowed on P2 and I make my own products at home.
If you wanna use protein powder for your protein make sure that it qualifies for HCG Phase 2. I once used a protein powder that wasn’t good and I pretty much stalled the entire round.
Jay Robb Whey protein powder or Sunwarrior for vegans I haven’t checked sun warrior labels lately but I believe it’s ok. Last time I checked, it was.
You have to check the label!
Make sure no sugar artificial sweeteners
Carbs should be under 2
Sugar should be 0
Fat has to be 0
If you are vegan, the Vegan Boca Burgers are great. I’ve used them and no stall.
I used silk soy milk on one round but I would not recommend it at all. I feel it doesn’t have enough protein
I used TVP (textured vegetable protein) once on
It might be a fact that you will lose weight slower on a vegan or vegetarian diet but for me, that doesn’t really make any difference. It doesn’t matter to me at all. I will always be a vegetarian no matter what
I will most likely be doing HCG again by August or September. So I’m happy to try out vegetarian or vegan ideas and share them with your community.
Thank you for all you do!
Yours sincerely,

Vegetarian hCG Diet Protocol
This is how Cinmayi did the hCG diet – she is
Vegetarian proteins in order of most frequently used:
- Fat-free Greek yogurt
- Sunwarrior sprouted fermented rice protein powder – vanilla
- Jay Robb Whey protein powder – vanilla
- Boca burgers (vegan approved)
- Quinoa (vegan approved)
- Other proteins that could be used: If you eat eggs – Egg white protein – Julian Bakery is my favorite brand
She broke up her 500 calories this way:
- 300 calories protein – two 100 calorie servings, and two 50 calorie servings.
- 100 calories veggie – two 50 calorie veggie servings
- 100 calories fruit – two 50 calorie fruit servings
100 calorie serving of protein equals to:
- Quinoa, cooked – 84g
- Quinoa, uncooked – 27g
- Fat-free Greek Yogurt – 6 oz or 170g
- Sunwarrior Protein Powder – 26g (1 serving is 80cal)
- Jay Robb Whey Protein Powder – 27g (1 scoop is 110cal)
She did indeed weigh and measure her food while following this.
This was a typical day for her as a vegetarian on Phase 2:
3 servings of protein a day, 100 calories each – this is how she broke this down:
- AM – 1/2 serving (50 calories) of protein powder mixed in a hot drink (instruction below)
- Noon – 1 fruit serving1pm – 1 protein (100 calories worth) – like the Greek yogurt with a veggie or fruit
4pm – 1/2 protein serving (50 calories worth) of protein powder mixed inhot drink.- 7pm – 1 protein (100 calories worth) + vegetable and fruit
Protein Powder in Hot Drink Thing:
I thought this was such a genius idea! She mixed 50 calories worth of protein powder (she typically used vanilla protein) in a little bit of water and fully blend it so it doesn’t clump. Then add that small mixture of “smoothie” if you will, to her hot cup of coffee in the morning or tea in the afternoon. Chin said this was basically like a “creamer” in her hot drink. Sweetened with: Hazelnut stevia for coffee or Stur stevia flavor enhancers like Black cherry in green tea
Simple P2 vegetarian meal ideas:
Cabbage soup: Steam some cabbage gently, blend in water with blender or immersion blend, then simmer stovetop for a bit with salt + papper, and garlic (or for an indian flare like Chin loves, a PINCH of HING spice) – I’m glad I asked Chin how much of the spice to use lol! I was like so, should put a teaspoon in a bowl of soup? And she was like, a pinch. It’s very potent apparently.
If you are doing AP (alternate protocol on the hCG diet – learn more about that here – basically just involves the use of other P2 veggies and fruits that weren’t on the original Simeons list, but still within the 500 calorie diet – or 800 calories if you are following that program) Chin says a blend of cabbage and broccoli for this soup is even more tasty.
“You can make some really nice salad recipes with quinoa and things like cucumber or celery and use spices like vinegar and the Hing and salt and Pepper or curry powder. It’s suitable for vegans and it’s quite filling!
CinmayiAlso another thing I do is mix 50 calories of protein powder, 50 caloriesnon fat Greek yogurt, 50 calories apple or strawberry mix all together and then put in fridge”
Chin’s tips on doing well during Phase 2:
She feels that tracking and logging everything while on the diet was key for her- both during the round she was on, but also to be able to reference back to previous rounds to see what she did to compare and remind herself of things.
She strategically had her eating timing designed so that when she felt hungry she could help herself from feeling anxious or freaked out over it by telling herself, hey, at noon you have an apple, and then at one you have lunch, and then at 4 you have your tea with “protein” creamer, etc etc. She technically was enjoying something to eat/drink 5x a day, even if small.
Chin’s 3 Year Maintenance:
Chin says she stuck with no grains or sugar during her maintenance. Dal and rice were a popular staple of her diet before, and she stopped eating this.
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Yup, I want this!
I love this quinoa (one of my favs) idea mixing with HING (true name is asafoetida – I keep my shaker bottle in a ziplock bag with my spices. I’ve heard it said it smells like dirty feet but I LOVE it!). I chopped up 50 calories worth of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions to add to my quinoa, then 1 TBS white vinegar with a pinch of hing. Delish! Thanks for having vegetarian videos!
Agreed the soound was poor, but the notes cover everything so Thank You soo much for putting it all down ! I listen when driving so I would have to play it back at a later time and do the note taking myself. The podcast notes are great 😀
I really love all of your interviews and was really looking forward to this one. The audio is really bad and I am not sure if it is something on my end? Just as a heads up, since all of the others seem to be fine.
Thank you Jill! I don’t always have control over that because my guests are just regular people with whatever speaker they happen to have. But thank you!