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The HCG Diet Reviews – Episode 9!
Well guess what? I found a guy to interview. Yes indeed I did. I say it that way because it’s been like pulling to teeth to find them. Not that I know a thing about pulling teeth. Who knows maybe that’s not even a hard thing to do anymore in good ol’ 2013. Anyways, I’m hoping that by interviewing a man like Nathan, this can give other men an idea what to expect and decide whether hCG will be a good idea for them.
Main takeaways from Nathan’s weight loss journey:
- Dudes do great on this diet.
- Nathan was able to go back to physically demanding work without feeling “weakness” after his weight loss.
- Nathan used homeopathic hCG.
- He went from finding any exercise at all very difficult because of his girth, to easily being able to run a few miles afterwards.
- His lab testing including the important stuff like Cholesterol all fell into the normal range with the use of hCG. Doc was speechless.
- He found keeping a diary of what he ate and his resulting weight the following day very helpful in P3 to discover what foods he might be sensitive to.
- He felt getting support in the way of the hCG diet forums online as extremely helpful to him.
If you want to find Nathan, he’s often on the HCG diet forums. All you have to do is Google “HCG diet forums”. It’s a wonderful forum for giving advice and you can also personally message Nathan through there if you have any questions, or concerns.
Nathan’s starting weight was 345 pounds. And for a guy who stands 6’6” tall, he was a pretty big guy. According to him, he felt like he was probably at stage/class 2 obese and it was pretty scary.
After losing weight through the hCG diet, Nathan went from XXXL shirt size to just large, which is what he usually goes with, but on a good day, he can go for a medium size.
Nathan told me that prior to losing weight, he had a lot of health problems. He was on a lot of medications because of the problems brought about by his weight. He found it very difficult because he even had to take medicine because of the medicine he was taking.
Through the hCG diet, Nathan lost 110 pounds in 6 months. It was something that he thought was not possible at first. But he pushed forward and after he lost 40 pounds in his first round, he knew he could do it and he felt so positive about it. By the time he neared his 6th month, he decided he was going to hit 100 and he did. When he hit his 100-pound goal mark, he still had a few more days and he felt he could lose more. Thus, he ended up losing 110 pounds.
Or as Nathan put it, about two 5-gallon container of paint is how much he lost.
If you’d like to read the full interview transcript, you can download it here
Prior to hCG, the only thing Nathan had tried was the master cleanse lemonade diet where he took lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper, and grade B maple syrup. He did it for around 10 days, however, it was basically just a fast and he only did it for a cleanse, rather than a diet. He was also not keeping track of his weight while on it.
When he decided to do hCG, one of the first things Nathan said was he would put his health first. Losing weight was only secondary.
Nathan has a medical background; he worked as an EMT for several years and his mom used to be a nurse, so he knew it was very important for him to prioritize his health during the diet. He asked his mom to look after him while he did the protocol so he doesn’t forget his priorities and goal.
Diet challenges
Nathan’s hCG experience was not without struggles. During the diet, one of biggest challenges he had to face was dealing with his hunger at night time. He was used to having a lot of snacks at night because that was when he really got hungry. He used to indulge in popcorn, pizza, and a some hotdogs and it was hard for him at first knowing he couldn’t have those anymore. While on the diet, he made sure he had his frozen strawberries and his tea (he makes his own) to get him through the night.
Nathan used homeopathic sublingual hCG drops and his dosage was 10 drops 3 times a day, 15 minutes after eating or drinking and 15 minutes before eating and drinking. He would leave it sublingually for 5 minutes.
While he was on Phase 2, Nathan was thinking that he had enough, in terms of his food choices. When Phase 3 came along, he was excited at first because he thought he could eat whatever he wanted as long as it didn’t have any sugar or starch. However, when he realized how many food choices had sugar and starch in them, that’s when he felt that P3 was going to be quite a challenge. He realized it would be a lot easier for him to stay in the P2 diet.
Strength and exercise
Nathan went from zero activity on P2, to full physical work when he went on P3. He also said that he had never been as fit as he is now even when he was a teenager. Back in his teens, he couldn’t even run a mile, but after the diet, he could already do 45 minutes or 5 miles. It was something he had never done before. He also did not feel like he lost any strength after going on the hCG diet.
Better health
After losing weight, Nathan’s cholesterol levels dropped and they’re now even better than normal. His doctor was extremely surprised that he kept asking what Nathan did. He first saw his doctor while he was 3 months on the diet and he had already lost weight then, when he came back after 6 months, his doctor was speechless.
Nathan was also feeling much better on the inside. He had stopped wheezing so much and he didn’t have to deal with GERD or acid reflux that was so bad before he would wake up in the middle of the night.
The only other time he experienced acid reflux again with some irritable bowel syndrome was after he started eating normal again at P4. However, Nathan actually felt that it was due to undiscovered food sensitivities. He felt that he had always had gluten sensitivity and since he has been away from those foods for a while, his body had gotten used to it and reacted when he introduced the substance again.
Recommendations for other men who want to try hCG
Nathan left some advice for other men (and all of you) who are considering going into the hCG diet. He recommends sticking to the protocol’s first 2 weeks as strictly as possible like he did. He advises against cheating during this time because this is when your body gets into the groove. He also mentioned a tactic he used (or a little mind game as he referred to it) to make sure he doesn’t cheat – He would eat the most bland P2 food he could get his hands on. He would take a piece of steak without any fat or flavoring on it and he would eat that during those first 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks, he would start having steak with salt and pepper or other seasonings and he would just think it was the greatest diet ever.
Nathan prefers to call it “protocol deviation” as opposed to cheating. His “protocol deviation” is all about increasing his portions. Sometimes, when he knows he would have to go to a party, he would stick as close as he can to a P2 diet and just think that he’s going have an apple day afterwards. For him it’s important not to beat yourself up over the diet.
He also advises to join the hCG forums. While on the diet, he was on the forums all the time asking questions from people who had done and those who are currently on the diet. Getting feedback and tips from the other forum members was what helped him the most. Basically, it will serve as a support group or like an hCG buddy system.
Nathan also has a couple of apps on his phone that helps keep him on track. He uses the hCG app as well as Libra to keep track of his weight and dosage while on the protocol. These apps are available for apple and android phones.
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Yup, I want this!
My boyfriend is 6’4″ 249 and in week 3 of phase 2 hcg injection. He was on 500 calories and fainted. He fell hard leaving a huge dark bruise with lots of swelling. We have increased his calories to 800. Do you reccomend anything different?
Hi Angela,
Yes, it’s quite common for men to increase their calories. They usually add another serving of protein or eat 150g of meat each for lunch and dinner. Hope that helps!
What a great guy 🙂