Check ‘em out and choose what’s best for you.
proving hcg is real: Video footage of my visit to an hCG pharmacy
Since I lost 50 lbs myself with real HCG, I know how important it is to have the real thing.
I put this together to show you guys reliable online sources for
REAL,Check ‘em out and choose what’s best for you.
I’m Going to Answer Questions I Wondered About When I Started the hCG Diet.
$50 OFFthrough me!
(see below)Each company listed is slightly different obviously, and I cover more details further below with videos and images etc, but in a nutshell for them all:
$225-259 = up to 4 week hCG kit
$340-399 = 6-8 week hCG kit
Pricing includes the $50 discount you get through 2 companies using my links only.
You can lose 20-40 lbs with this.
These hCG Kits come with a prescription and ALL needed supplies to start the diet (except food!) hCG, mixing solution, mixing syringe, and daily injection needles - it’s all there!
You do not need a prescription from your primary care doctor. You will get your RX for hCG directly from the medical staff that each company employs. They send that directly to the pharmacy, who then ships out your order.
The hCG from all companies here prescribe real, prescription hCG, made in U.S. compounding pharmacies and the hCG kits ship directly from these pharmacies. The exact same type of pharmacies that brick and mortar weight loss clinics get their hCG from.
Typical cost at weight loss clinics is $600-900, compared to online pricing of $225-399.
+ #CONVENIENT! No driving to appointments. Yay sweat pants.
On to the major details...
cuz that’s what I’m all about.
Keep reading to learn more about your hCG Diet options with lots info to help decide what you feel comfortable doing - like if you even want to buy hCG injections to begin with! I remember how it was when I was in research mode. I try to SHOW you as much as I can, not just tell, because I myself am a very visual person as well.
Your biggest concern:How can you be sure this is real hcg?
Why so glad you asked! Really, you should be concerned about this.
I ‘ve been able to gather varying amounts of proof for your eyes that the hCG offered by each company is indeed the real hormone. So please check it out further below!
Visit an hCG pharmacy through my camera lens
No. Stinkin’. Way! Oooh yes way.
Continue on my friend.I never thought when I opened a youtube account in 2011, randomly chose “hcgchica” as my user name, and made my first, shy, hcg video about myself trying to lose weight, that I would be here, today, guiding people on this diet through my blog.
Before hCG (obviously)
After hCG
Maintaining 1 year later
Maintaining 5 years later!
By now, you’ve probably guessed I’m a real person.
I lost 50 lbs with hCG injections 5+ years ago, and haven’t used hCG since.
I called several brick and mortar weight loss clinics offering this diet program in different states – the cost was between $500 and $1000 dollars for a 6 week program. You’ll notice the pricing for these online clinics below are FAR less expensive.
crucial for the low/no hunger effect, based on “actual people experience”.
You can have the BEST, most potent vial of hCG known to man,
but if your dose is off for YOU - you’ll. be. starving. K ‘nuff said....
click the red phrase please,
yeah this one, to learn what works for real people.
My personal visit to Nu Image Medical - See the Office and Pharmacy!
see pricing - nu image medical More details about my visit to Nu Image here.Pharmacist explaining the process to us. Thank you to Nu Image for making this possible. See all the videos from my visit to Nu Image Medical here.
My interview with Julie, Diet Doc's CEO.
See pricing - Diet Doc HCGIF YOU’D LIKE TO LEARN MORE....Please continue reading for help with decisions on hCG injections in general. I myself am a very visual person, so I try to give you as much visual/video as I can to help you see things for yourself.
I’VE TRIED EVERYTHING on the planet and it was sooo depressing. I would typically lose only 2 pounds per month, and that's depressing. I decided to try HCG and it changed my life. I lost 50 total over 3 rounds....about 15 lbs each rounds (4-6 weeks). And the fat came off in all the right places, WOW!!!! I went from a size 16 to a size 10 (I'm 4'11). I'm 71 years old and I've kept the weight off for almost 1 year now. I love the way I look and I feel fantastic. It's been a lifestyle change for me - my husband also eats the food I now cook and LOVE. Thank you Razel for your HCG P3 Meal Plans - they have been amazing and I added some Paleo to my meals as well. I encourage people to give this a try - if you're like me, you've already tried everything else on the planet - all I can say is that HCG was my lifesaver and I love my new lifestyle.
LOST 26 LBS and another four since finishing hCG. Kept it off 8 months so far. Never have varied more than 1.5lbs. After my P3 ended, I decided to add no gluten back into my diet and haven't needed allergy pills for allergies, or Advil for my arthritis! Added very limited rice and potato.
“But ‘scuse me ma’am, ahem.
won’t i lose weight without using real hcg
simply by eating the 500 calories a day?”
Why , yes of course!
So why use the real hormone then?
Cuz hello hcgchica,
it costs money.
The following is just my personal belief about what I think hCG does- not supported by the FDA.
3 reasons I would not do the hCG diet without hCG:
Iused to think about weight loss purely as a scale thing. That if weigh more than X number of pounds, I’m overweight.
But I’ve learned a lot over the past few years! Let me tell ya, it’s a nice thing to remove the wool mainstream fitness magazines, from our eyes.
I have an interesting tidbit for ya: I’ve been a size 8 at 127 lbs.... and I’ve been a size 4 at 127 lbs. That’s not a typo.
This shows it’s not really our scale weight that matters, but rather how much of our body is muscle and how much of is fat - something that can be manipulated quite well with hCG in my opinion, in a pretty short amount of time.
I think we’d all agree, our actual scale weight is not really what matters so much as our size. If you wore a size 4, you probably wouldn’t care less if you weighed 200 lbs. That’s a slight exaggeration of course, but makes a point. Losing fat vs. muscle matters.
With real hCG injections, I believe from my hydrostatic body fat testing results, that the hormone does indeed favor fat loss and preserve muscle, allowing you to be a smaller physical size at a higher weight (meaning you don’t have to lose as much weight to get to that "i look great" place) and have a healthier metabolism in the long run.
Remember this isn’t something that the FDA or any organization is going to agree with. This is just based on my own small sampling of test results and what I see others achieving.
To me, this makes the cost involved with hCG worth it.
You know, that whole 'it's an investment not a cost' thing. is mainly a free resource I created to help you do this diet and get it DONE. You’ll find
100+ coaching articles FREE for your use.These are not your average, “make sure you drink enough water” generic type articles. We already know this right?? I share the real stuff I learned through trial and error; the tears and pain man!
Please note to be fully transparent and open with you guys, I do get a commission when you purchase hCG using my links, at no extra cost to you (in fact, you get a discount you can’t get elsewhere).
This allows me to provide a ton of support here on my blog - I spend 20-30 hours a week creating content to help you guys on this challenging path!
Dear Hcgchica, I just want to say thank you. You are an absolute inspiration. I don't think I would have been able to continue on the hCG Diet without all your wonderful inspirational videos. You have made me realise it is possible. I am nearing my first 6 weeks of Phase 2... you are the best person for positive hCG information. Thank you and keep up the good work. You look beautiful by the way. A heathy confident woman.!"- Liz
You are so amazing and helpful-- I would have called it quits weeks ago if it wasn’t for you. "- Melissa
HCG Chica has been my best friend. Even though we have never met, I feel like you know the struggles I will have even before they occur. My friend Shelly told me about your blog and it immediately became my source for any and every HCG question, quandary or things I needed to review. I especially like that I can read any video that is on the site just in case I can't listen to it. The site is easy to navigate and of course your bubbly personality makes it all the more enjoyable. Thanks for sharing your journey & being as transparent as you have been to help others like myself.-Felicia
hCGChica, thanks for your constant support and advice. I look to your blogs and videos often, especially when I need inspiration to keep moving forward in my HCG journey. God Bless for all that you do for the rest of us struggling with our weight.-Bebe
I am afraid to say I was not as prepared to start HCG as I thought. Fortunately, I found Chica ( Rayzel). It was as if she was holding my hand from the beginning. Originally , I had began with a 'clinic' of which did not explain nor divulge even the simplest direction for support & success. Reminded me of college. They hand you a book, say learn it & give a test. Thank goodness Chica chronicled her 'journey' diligently with opened eyes. She has a charisma about her that makes one feel as though she is talking straight to you. Her way of letting the viewer into her personal life also made me feel as a friend would. Thank you for this Rayzel. Your dedication has been enlightening to us young HCGer's. Keep it true & strong-Wynetta
Pretty much, I understand why people are so worried about finding real hCG online, because that’s exactly what I worried about when I was researching this diet. I believe we deserve to have as much factual information as is feasible, and I’m a research/analytical fanatic.
Lastly, I love color and have quite the silly side, hence a blog full of color and, well silliness (keep your eye out for my highly-artistic stick figure drawings). My passion for this protocol; people (human beings are AWESOME), and being creative, is what fuels what you see here.