I can’t believe it! After a few scribblings on a notebook 6 months ago, many many hours of painstaking writing and design, much feedback from both my email list and Facebook (you guys are truly awesome – be sure to check out the gratitude page of the workbook if you guys purchase it ;), the hCG Diet Workbook is finally ready for you! It clocks in at 272 pages and 6 sections. This was not thrown together by any means. I carefully crafted this to be as useful and appropriate to us hCGers needs as possible. Since I have done this protocol, I understand what these needs are.
Find the hCG Workbook on Amazon.com here!
My Dad and I had a laugh the other day. It went something like this.
My Dad: “Well! So now you are a published author…the first of the family.”
Me, “Welllll……kinda. I mean, it’s self-published, which means a dog could be a published author too.”
Not so notable when you realize that lol. Although, I don’t think a dog could put together an hCG workbook like this, so I suppose on some level it is special.
I also have a special thank you gift for everyone who supports the release of the book by purchasing it during the first month.
When you buy the workbook between April 19th-May 20th, just email your book receipt to freegift@hcgchica.com and you will get a 5 Day hCG Video Course that I created specially for this – brand new stuff that’s not currently on my blog.
Thank you all SO much for all the support and goodwill that you have have sent my way. Honestly the workbook would not have been completed without your positive input. It was just so much work, knowing that you all really wanted it made me keep hacking away at it. In fact, I don’t know if you guys recall a couple months ago I sent an email out to everyone, asking them to send me their photo and their story. I wanted to see WHO I’m writing to on this blog – your faces. I knew it would help me keep going. Here you all are on my wall:
Video Tutorial of Workbook Coming Soon!
I will be adding a video tutorial where I’ll actually show you visually all this stuff I’ve about to talk about in a few more days – till then, here’s a little rundown of what you’ll find inside the hCG Diet Workbook for Phase 2!
It was a feeling I didn’t expect when I opened the box containing my first proof copies of the workbook in a real book. I’ve been looking at these same pages for several months, but they’ve been three whole punched papers printed of my printer in an orange binder. When I opened the box (you can see my reaction above! I waited so I could share it with you all) I felt giddy inside! It was a weird feeling – pleasant and happy of course, but just so weird!
I am truly hopeful of it’s usefulness for you guys.
When I am deciding if I need something, I like to get as much information about it as possible. I hate when there’s only 1 image and I have no idea what’s inside.
But I may not be normal. I probably have a syndrome actually because I’ll stand and stare at a package of socks for like 15 minutes, trying to decide if I really need them, or if I DO need them, if they’re really the socks for me.
So in case you’re like me and need to be fully briefed on the content on your socks, I am going to share with you exactly what you will find inside the Phase 2 hCG Diet Workbook, as well as what you won’t find, so you can see if it will be useful for your needs.
If you’re new to this diet and want to succeed the first time through, or if you’ve failed at this diet before, this just may be the book to change your outcome next time. In this workbook you’ll find what I truly hope is the right combination of extensive guidance, journaling & detailed daily tracking worksheets to aid your success.
Let me break down the 6 sections of the book for you guys:
Section 1: Guidance for Success
This area covers the type of stuff that no one else tells you about because they don’t know about it. It’s all the realizations that took me from yo-yo dieting for years to being able to lose and maintain. The thoughts here are based on a marriage of both logic and mental outlook.
Inside this section we’ve got:
- 4 Reality Checks
- Discussion on Expected Weight Loss on hCG
- Stalls/Plateaus on the Diet
- When to Allow Failure and How to Plan Better for Next Time
- Should a Number Be Your Ultimate Goal?
- Happiness & Health as an Ultimate Goal
- Never Say Never…Or Say Never, but Then Embark on the Journey Anyway
Section 2: Diet Instructions
The complete directions for the original diet that Dr. Simeons created, along with modifications that many are using that I feel comfortable recommending. I’ve laid it out visually in a very easy to understand way – at least that was my intent. I guess the feedback will let me know if I succeeded or not!
Section 3: Quick Glance Progress
This section contains areas for:
- Starting and ending photo
- Tips on Measuring Yourself
- Inch Loss Results
- Inch Loss Tracking Log – Phase 2
- Inch Tracking Log – Phase 3
- Quick Glance Weight Tracking – Phase 2
- Quick Glance Weight Tracking – Phase 3
- Troubleshooting Log – Phase 2
Essentially, these areas are designed so that you can see a lot of your basic stats that you’re keeping track of, at one time.
Section 4: Main Phase 2 Tracking Area
This is the main section for DAILY tracking of your round of hCG during Phase 2. There are 9 full weeks worth of daily tracking charts! So if you have a very long round, you’re covered.
Features on these pages: Daily tip, quote, or recipe from either myself or other hCGers.
Types of stuff you can track on these pages:
- Weight
- hCG Dosage
- Hunger level
- Hours of sleep
- Injection location
- Drops/Pellets Dosing
- Supplements
- Calories
- Simple check off boxes for foods you eat each day.
- Liquids/Water intake – in either Liters OR Ounces!
- Space provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner for those who include a breakfast.
- Space to indicate if something was an in between meal snack.
- Daily personal notes area
- Calorie area for each meal (should you choose to do this)
- Areas to fill in your own “other” foods of your own choosing.
- Weekly inspirational Quote
- Weekly personal reflection area
Section 5: Reflections and Personal Notes
This area has a section for reflecting on your entire round at the end – the triumphs, the struggles, as well as several pages of blank note area for you to write whatever you need.
Section 6: Phase 2 Calorie Count Charts
This area has the approximate calorie value/carbs/protein/fat for various amounts of the Phase 2 foods, as well areas to input your own off protocol foods should you choose to include them.
How the Workbook is Flexible and Can Adapt to Different Methods on the Protocol:
I’ll add this section soon!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I’m one of those have-to-go-overboard-on-research-before-i-buy type people too.
If you think it will be useful for you, you can purchase the hCG Diet Workbook on Amazon.
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Yup, I want this!
I have your workbook, and am always watching your videos!! Your just a wealth of information!! I am going to a clinic that does the HCG diet this coming Friday, Can’t wait to start!! A little scared but excited!!
You are a Godsend!!! love your blog, and the list of approved skincare products was exactly what I needed and more!! Can’t wait for my book!!
Hello ladies, I am 59 years old. I tried the hcg protocol last year and had some success but did not maintain my weight loss. I have purchased your workbook and will begin my journey again upon its arrival. I will order the 50 day supply from the compound pharmacy after I have finished reading pounds and inches.
I have a big birthday coming up later this year and want to be back in the wardrobe I have gathering dust in my closet. It’s only been a few years since I was able to wear anything in my closet. I do not want to go into another decade struggling with my weight.
I look forward to posting my results, being a part of a group and using your recipes.
Hi @Pamela Nice to meet you.
I hope you the workbook is helpful to you in your upcoming round! I wish you the best. – Rayzel
omg i got it! I got it! So exciting AND excited FOR YOU!!! Congrats!
Oh my goodness! SharminsMagic8 that’s fantastic! Once you get a chance to read over the book for a bit and get a feel for what’s inside, if you feel like leaving me an honest review on Amazon, let me know and I will send you my Phase 3 foods list that is destined to be in my future P3 workbook! Just email hcgchica@hcgchica.com about it if you like. I REALLY hope the book helps you! – Rayzel
Oh that’s wonderful!! @SharminsMagic8 I hope you enjoy using it! – Rayzel
I just did a week of the Hcg (drop form and another brand) of which I had done before with success, but this time around, the week was disastrous!!! I had 1 or 2 good days, and then binged and 1 good day, followed by 2 binge days. Anyway, it is a rainy Monday morning and boy am I depressed!!!! I should be expecting my 26 day injections this week, and would love to start them asap, but am afraid because of my recent failure. Please try and advise me, or give me encouragement:)
Just ordered my workbook. Sooooo excited!!!
Awesome! Be sure to get the thank you gift I created for you guys as well! Denni P. details here: http://hcgchica.com/buy-book-thank-you-gift/
I am excited for you to get your hands on the book and see if it’s actually useful or not lol. – Rayzel
Hey just a quick question re fats p3
I start. Sunday and since watching your video I’m doubting my plan I followed paleo previouse to hcg to I was a clean water any way I planned to add eggs first day I followed the orginal protic al so very basic so my meal plan was
2 egg omelette tomatoe
Snack 2 apples
Lunch dinner 150h chicken plus salad tomatoe and egg whites
Train one day on one day off. Thoughts ?
Hey @Louisa – to be honest I’d probably leave out the apples at first – they are fairly high sugar/carb. I didn’t do any fruits except small handfuls of frozen berries which are lower in sugar during Phase 3 – p3 is different than p2. I’d do more veggies, add in some fat, and more proteins. That’s my best ideas there. – Rayzel
Wahoo! Super excited.
It sounds like I / we may need a workbook for each round. You mentioned it will cover 9 weeks. Do you have any idea of the price? Can’t wait to order just like everyone else
I did this diet 5 years ago losing about fifty lbs. Over the last year I have gained 10lbs (only because I allowed myself to become addicted to sugar again. Had my eyes wide open the entire time). The HCG diet completely eliminated my cravings for sugar so I am doing a round of it again to get my life back on track. Î ordered my HCG from escrowrefill before I found your website. If my friends or family want to do this diet I will refer them to the link on your site and also your journal. What a tremendous inspiration and teacher you are HCGchica! Thank you:)
Hey @Roger I am trying my best to get it published in about 2 weeks! Man this has been a lot more work thatn I anticipated lol. – Rayzel
Oh my goodness! I want this! I need this! Cant wait to get my hands on a copy!
I’m ready to buy the workbook, is it for sale yet? Thanks for taking the time to create this, really looking forward to having this in my library and helping me with my next P2 round.
Not quite yet @Kim S. – trying to get it published and up on Amazon within 2 weeks! – Rayzel
I can’t wait to use this for my next round!! Your site has been SO helpful to me this first go round…I’m at R1P2D23 and I’ve lost 23.1 pounds!! I’m learning so much about how to eat right, what even the smallest cheat can do, how helpful sleep is, what water does to make me less hungry and feel full, how really good real food tastes, how the things I was eating were causing a tremendous amount of inflammation in my body that I no longer have (and never want to have again!), portion control, and mostly, how preparation is the key to my success. My husband and I meal prep on the weekends for the week and it has been the most important part of this lifestyle change! I’m leaving next week for a week in Destin with my Mom and Sisters that I haven’t seen in about six months for a girls getaway and they are all excited to learn more about what I eat and are totally supportive of me finishing this round and continuing on protocol through the week at the beach. I’m excited to cook for them and let them taste some of the things I’ve learned to make, like orange “ice cream” with a frozen orange, water, stevia and sugar free vanilla syrup and my chicken meatball cabbage soup. Sorry to go on and on, but I’m seriously sold on this as the way to help me save my life…just three and half weeks ago I could hardly walk I was in so much pain, and now, no pain…off all prescription meds, and feeling like the much better version of myself! HEALTHY!!! Thank you for designing this workbook to help us sort things out…can’t wait to get one!!!
Awesome, can’t wait to see the book.. Please let me know when the giveaway is I’m eager to get it. I’m new to HCG
So excited for this. I so need to keep track and write everything down. I need to know the why’s and how’s!! Can’t wait to get my hands on this! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!