- My take on miracle noodles for the hCG diet
- Where to buy different brands of zero cal noodles online
- Recipes for the hCG diet using miracle noodles
- Ingredients of shirataki noodles & miracle noodles
- Why you should still check the package labels
- Q&A: I gained weight on P2 eating miracle noodles – what does that mean??
- Shelf life of miracle noodles – how long can you keep and use them?
- How do miracle noodles taste?
- How to prep miracle noodles for best taste & texture
- Keep ’em in your back-pocket as emergency “cheat” food
Noodles on Phase 2 of hCG?
Miracle Noodles, Zero Calorie Noodles, No Calorie Noodles, Shirataki Noodles, whatever you want to call them – they are not part of the original hCG protocol, just to be clear from the outset. I’m pretty sure these noodles did not exist for Dr. Simeons, in Italy, in the 1950’s. Because it looks like they originated in Japan and the world wasn’t nearly as accessible then as it is now.
I used these noodles almost daily for 3 of my hCG diet rounds, and would gladly do so again. I’ll just try to share more info here about why I feel that they aren’t a problem. Since I’ve been maintaining my weight loss from hCG Injections for 5 years now, I feel this opinion does carry a little clout. You can listen to me blab about them when I was actually using them on hCG if you feel like it below:
Me Blabbing about Miracle Noodles during Round 5
Me Blabbing about Miracle Noodles during Round 3
You will have to make your own personal decision whether you feel comfortable using these on the hCG Diet or not. I’ll just try to give you some details from my perspective. What they are made out of, how they seem to interact with your body, and my personal experience using them.
If you decide to use this noodles on Phase 2, you can purchase them online with these brands:
- Miracle Noodle This is the brand that I currently eat and love. The others may be just as great, I just haven’t had a chance to try them yet. Available noodle cuts: Angel Hair, Rice, Ziti, Fettucine, Spaghetti. Shipping is free.
- Skinny Dip Noodles. Free shipping. Cuts available: angel hair, fettuccini, macaroni, rice pearls and (exclusive) lasagna! Now that sounds fun.
- Nooodles (that’s 3 o’s!)
Recipes Using Miracle Noodles on the hCG Diet – Phase 2
Here are my recipes for these miracle noodles.
Sweet Mustard Garlic Shrimp w/ Broccoli or Asparagus
Fried Miracle Rice w/ Eggs, Carrots & Bean Sprouts
Curried Chicken Miracle Noodles Bowl w/ Mushrooms
Miracle Noodle Shrimp Pad Thai w/ Bean Sprouts
Spiced Fennel Miracle Rice w/ Onions & Carrots
Instant Pot Thai Chicken Meatballs w/ Coconut Milk & Miracle Noodles
Asian Ginger Chicken w/ Grapefruit & Cucumber Zoodles or Miracle Noodles
I’ve started a Pinterest Board for AP (Alternate Protocol) Phase 2 hCG Diet Lunch & Dinner Recipes with Zero Calorie noodles. I hope to be adding more to it soon. If you have some recipe ideas, please post them in the comments below!
The Need to Knows About these Ambiguous Clear Zero Calorie Noodles
#1: They Really Are Zero Calorie Noodles – If Cardboard Tasted Good, You Could Eat That on hCG Too
The question, how exactly can noodles, that take up a bunch of space in your bowl, that you can clearly see with your own two little eyes, have no calories? That’s like saying the moon has no mass right? Well, here’s the reason.
These noodles are made entirely out of soluble fiber and basically go through your body undigested. So it’s kind of like eating cardboard to your body – that is what I gather anyway. I hope you’re not considering eating cardboard by the way. If you’re getting that desperate on hCG, then we need to talk and you need to check your hCG dosage for better hunger management.
They are made from what’s known as the Konjac root, composed of water and glucomannan, which originated in Japan. You can read more about their origin and makeup on wikipedia.
There’s actually an interesting article on how fiber interacts with our bodies. One thing of note it mentions is that soluble fiber binds with toxins in our body and if we aren’t getting enough fiber, “the toxins that we should be eliminating through our bowels get reabsorbed into the bloodstream”. It’s commonly understood that toxins are stored in fat, so I have felt that sometimes when we feel crummy on the hCG protocol is may be caused by toxins being released into our bloodstream as we are losing fat at a more rapid rate than usual. Based on this, these noodles which are pretty much entirely soluble fiber may actually be more than just neutral on the hCG Diet, they may even be helpful- at helping our body eliminate these toxins instead of reabsorbing them and continuing to feel sick.
#2: Shirataki Noodles or Miracle Noodles? What’s the Difference?
Shirataki noodles are basically just the non-branded version of Miracle Noodles- the miracle noodles can be purchased online and are a bit pricier purchased under that name brand, but it’s also easier to find them this way.
The Shirataki noodles as you see here in this image below can be purchased at most local Asian markets or ethnic markets, as well as the more on top of things organic type grocery stores like Whole Foods- you will find them in the refrigerated section.
The ingredients of the Shirataki noodles will often say “yam noodle” or “yam flour” in parenthesis on the package. There has been some confusion over people seeing this and then thinking the shirataki noodles contained actual yams as we Americans think of them and thus starch but this is not the case. The Asian shirataki noodles are actually made purely from soluble fiber (fiber meaning our body does not digest it as any calories to us) from what’s called the Konjac Root in Japan- whoever translated this onto the package from Chinese put it as “yam” but it’s really the Konjac root and NOT yams that it’s made from.
Here’s what one package of Shirataki noodles looks like:
#3: Check the label. Do not get the ones with Tofu.
When you are at the store, there are actually noodles labeled “shirataki noodles” with varying ingredients. Some have tofu, which has calories and carbs, so you want to avoid these. So when picking out your noodles, be sure to check the ingredients and make sure they do not contain tofu.
#4: I Ate Miracle Noodles on Phase 2 of hCG and I Gained – Doesn’t That Mean They Don’t Work for Me on P2?
Some people will say “I don’t care if they are supposedly 0 calories or have no carbs, I had a gain, or I stalled when I ate those noodles.”
While I don’t believe in blanket statements that a particular thing will always or never work for everyone, there is a very logical explanation unrelated to fat loss when it comes to gains or supposed stalls while eating these noodles that is most likely the cause of this.
A. While these noodles are just fiber and have no carbs or calories, they still have a significant amount of bulk to them. If you eat one pound of noodles, and you haven’t gone to the bathroom by the next morning, you have one pound extra of food sitting in your intestines. It’s not fat, you just have more food, more bulk, sitting in your intestines.
B. Soluble fiber, which what these noodles are composed of, draws in water. So when you eat the noodles, it also absorbs more water into your intestines than usual and that water weighs something as well.
So most likely, if you see a “stall” or a “gain” from eating these noodles, which I did as well, it’s not a true stall or gain. It’s just those noodles sittin’ in your stomach en route.
#5: These Noodles Have a 1 Year Shelf Life
If you are purchasing them online, the noodles are sold in bulk packages of like 10. The nice thing about them is that while they come ready to eat (no cooking necessary). Well, in the sense that you can essentially eat them out of the bag if you really wanted to (although you probably won’t quite do that).
They have a shelf life of about 1 year, so it works out just fine to buy them in bulk since they last for quite some time.
#6 Do These Taste Like REAL Noodles?
If you mean, do they taste like the kind of noodles or pasta you get at an Italian restaurant? NO.
Do they taste like the noodles you’d get in a bowl of soup at a Vietnamese restaurant? Pretty much.
What this means is some people HATE these noodles, and some people LOVE them. I LOVE THEM.
#7 Preparing the Noodles to Fit Your Taste…or er….Texture Buds
Some people do not like the texture of the noodles because they have a rather slippery feeling. This made me start thinking about our taste buds. It really isn’t a taste thing, it’s a texture thing which made me start wondering why don’t we discuss having texture buds? We obviously have them since we often discuss the mouth-feel of something!
But I digress. Being that the texture of the noodles is not what everyone is accustomed to, you need to know how to best prepare them for your personal taste/texture buds.
A. Rinse them well. I have this little handheld mesh strainer. I simply cut the bag open, pour it into the little mesh strainer, and rinse with very hot water.
B. If you find the texture funny, put them in soups. You don’t notice the texture at all then. I ate Phase 2 soups pretty much daily in my final round of hCG with the miracle noodles and they were so. good. It was very filling and it was fall when the weather was getting cool.
C. I like to cut mine up with scissors while in the mesh strainer still because I don’t care for long noodles. Or you could just buy the “rice” cut noodles.
D. If you’re okay with the texture you can actually use them as you would other regular noodles. And then toss with Phase 2 meat and veggies, etc.
Here are some additional tips on preparing miracle noodles while on hCG from a fellow lovely hCGer blogger Barb.
#8 Where To Buy These Noodles
Once again, if you decide to use them, you can purchase them online with these brands (and the first two have free shipping so you can’t really go wrong there):
Miracle Noodles. This is the brand that I currently eat and love. The others may be just as great, I just haven’t had a chance to try them yet. Available noodle cuts: Angel Hair, Rice, Ziti, Fettucine, Spaghetti. Shipping is free.
Skinny Dip Noodles. Free shipping. Cuts available: angel hair, fettuccini, macaroni, rice pearls and (exclusive) lasagna! Now that sounds fun.
Nooodles (that’s 3 o’s!)
OR your local ethnic or organic grocery store may carry them in the refrigerated section. Places like Whole Foods most certainly carry them.
#9 If This is Too Off-The-Wall From Original Protocol For You
If you feel that this will not suit you in Phase 2 and that you need to stick to the original hCG protocol, that is totally fine! Just remember that if it comes down to a duel between you and cheating one day. A bowl of zero calorie noodles with a tablespoon of tomato paste is a much better choice than that bag of potato chips.
It’s just nice to have something up your sleeve in an emergency. 😉
Alternative to Miracle Noodles:
Kelp Noodles – One hCGer made this discovery which could be an excellent substitute for miracle noodles. For those of you who don’t like the texture of miracle noodles, you can try these. She found this at her local Whole Foods. The only difference is that they’re crunchy not soft. But they have no taste so you could put them in or eat them with anything. They sell them at Wholefoods and they sell them at my local co-op, and probably at other natural food stores or Asian grocery stores. They are in the Asian aisle, not refrigerated.
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Yup, I want this!
I was considering Miracle Noodles for Phase 2 but I have tried them before and no matter how long I rinse, =boil, or dry fry on a non stick skillet, I can’t tolerate the flavor . But the Miracle Noodle website have something called Kanten noodles. It’s just made from Agar, and they are dry, so you have to add water. It says 0 fat, 6 carbs, but 6 fiber which gives you a net 0 carbs count. Can these be used on Phase 2? I thought they might taste better as they are not preserved in the liquid that makes them taste so bad.
Hi Judy!
This actually great and yes it’ll be okay on Phase 2 because it’s all fiber like the shirataki noodles.. I read this on their site: Kanten noodles are essentially seaweed noodles – they’re made from a sea vegetable known as tengusa – which provide a high amount of fiber without the calories, gluten, soy or sugar.
Hope you have a great round
Is it ok to eat the Miracle Noodles twice a day? They are saving my life right now lol!!
This is probably okay but this might affect your weight. So expect your weight to not drop down as much the next day because of the weight of the noodles that are still in your body if you haven’t discharged it yet. It doesn’t mean you’re not losing fat. You might also want to try adjusting your dose if you feel hungrier than usual at the 500 calories. Here’s a blog post that might help with that:
What serving size of Shirataki Noodles is suggested on p2?
I went through all the comments trying to find feedback on how the miracle noodles had worked for others in Ph2. U fortunately I decided to just experiment. I’ve been losing over a pound a day steadily. After eating 8 oz of miracle noodles though, I’ve gained for the first time on the diet. I ate 8 ounces but gained .3 pounds today rather than losing 1. So it just doesn’t make sense that the only impact is due to them being as yet undigested. They don’t weigh 1.3 pounds. More worrisome is that I feel sluggish, and not in that hunger free, energetic zone I was relieved to have attained. It’s the only thing I did off protocol, so I’m afraid these simply don’t work for everyone. Hopefully in Ph 3 they will-I’ve always liked them.
Only posting this in case there are others like me wondering how safe they are in Ph 2. Clearly different for everyone, but for me this is a no-go.
Hi Kathryn,
Yes, it may not be suitable for you during P2. It is considered OFF-PROTOCOL/ ALTERNATE PROTOCOL for a reason! Which means it does not work for everybody on the diet. Another reason why you may find you gain MORE than the expected amount of weight is KONJAC/GLUCOMANNAN (the ingredient in miracle noodles) absorbs a LOT OF WATER which could add up to the sudden weight gain. Though there are also ladies who gain the next day and lose them and more 2-3 days after. Results definitely vary for AP foods.
Thanks Li-an,
I’m still hoping to lose some tomorrow perhaps, but they really seem to have triggered a complete stall. No loss again today and my system is not sluggish so to speak. They should have left my system. A bit panicked because I was losing a solid pound a day minimum. Thanks for any help.
Hi, Rayzel and everyone else!
I am 55 years old, on round 1 of hcg, vlc day 20 and have lost 15 pounds! I am extremely pleased and will do one more round after this one to hit goal weight. I would be completely lost without the shirataki noodles. They kept me full, soaked up the flavor of the spices so the food does not taste bland, and these will be the only “pasta” or “rice” i use for the rest of my life, lol. I think they are delicious if you do what they tell you to do with them (rinse a lot, boil, dry a lot on a hot pan… they are outstanding).
It’s important to remember that in the 1950’s, when Dr. Simeon devised this protocol, we knew so much less about food and its impact on the body–he was so far ahead of his time! However, today, there are many iterations that have been tried and tested…today, he for sure would not recommend bread sticks or melba toast, for example, and I would bet lots of money that he would be recommending shirataki noodles!
Anyway, thank you Rayzel for this great site–I was completely lost trying to lose 30 pounds before I found you and HCG. (I had cancer of the thyroid, gained 100 pounds in 5 months, did all the treatment and then got 70 lb of it off in a year on my own low carbing it. But the last 30 has been impossible for 2 years, in spite of healthy eating and steady exercise. After reading your site for about 4 months, I decided to go for it! In total honesty, I chose the lipotropics as well, given my extreme metabolic resistance, and I think they have enhanced my weight loss, but who knows? I have never had a moment of uncontrolled hunger, I am sleeping better than ever and have a sense of calm and well being that I think must be from the HCG. Anyway, thank you!
Thanks chica you are a very good help on hcg users
Hello chica thanks for all your hard work to jhelp us I have to use the miracle noodles to see how it be on me then I will place my comments
Hi HCG Chica,
Phase 2 Can I have 2% cottage chesse or 1 egg and 3 egg whites if need it? is sparking water, Bragg Liquid Aminos ok to have on phase 2 can the fruits be replace by veggies?
Phase 3 is there an list of additional things safe to have on phase 3?
thank you so much for your help 🙂
Luckily mo local grocery store carries them. I find that if after rinsing and draining, I lay the noodles on a paper towel and pat the moisture out of them,then ‘pan fry’ them for a few minutes, they are more likely to absorb whatever flavorings or ‘sauces’ you put on them and taste more like a pasta.
I am loving your blog! I found homeopathic hcg drops several years ago and had mostly good success with them. I am now doing the hcg injections through my dr and am looking for some new recipes. The link to your miracle noodle recipes on Pinterest is not working for me. Is there somewhere else I can browse them?
Hi Erin,
For now this is the only post related to miracle noodles that Rayzel would like to share with you: but if you do find some good recipes from browsing other sites, we’d love to know about them!
I’m on phase 2 for the umpteenth time and looking for new recipes. I’ve also had gastric bypass 12 years ago that never really worked for me long term. I can eat a normal size meal despite a roux en y procedure. That’s why I’ve been using HGC. It works better! Anyway – I read somewhere miracle noodles should not be consumed by people who have had gastric bypass. Do you have any information concerning this subject? I would love to try the miracle noodles.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for reaching out to us. No, we don’t have any information about that but I did find a weight loss surgery support forum where they were discussing shirataki/miracle noodles. You can read about that here:
Can’t find the recipes Rayzel posted on Pinterest regarding the miracle noodles? Rayzel, looking for simple recipes if you have any to share. Thanks in advance.
In a hot pan /non stick skillet sprayed with Coconut oil fry green onions , mushrooms and delivered cabbage..cook for about 3 min…toss in well rinsed (with hot water) miracle noodles fry for about 5 min salt pepper and 2 T BRAGGS….Delicious.????
Are these noodles ok for P3?
Hi Fabiola!
Yes, it’s okay on P3.
I read somewhere that miracle noodles are eliminated undigested. Like they still have their original shape. Is this true?
Hmmm….I’m actually not sure about this lol!
I’ve eaten them alot and never seen that to be the case. They seem to digest just fine.
Miracle Noodles are just awesome. I loved it..!!
Miracle Noodles are so easy to use, taste great with so many things and with no calories what else can you ask for!
I will be traveling for a approx.6 days ( flying) I am doing the shots and want to continue but I need some advice/ helpful tips on what to do.
Hi Glenda!
Traveling while on hCG is very hard. For some helpful tips you can watch Rayzel’s interview with Vicki here:
I tried the miracle noodle in fettuccini and it was tasty!! I added chicken of 4 0z. With my healthy version of a lemon garlic sauce to add on. With garnished flat leaf Italian parsley, you just gotta get crafty with your miracle phase 2 noodles!~ buon apetit!
I know this isn’t “protocol approved” but I still had amazing P2R1 results: to add about a tablespoon of alfredo sauce powder from one of those foil packets, some parsley flakes, about a teaspoon of molly mcbutter, garlic powder & just enough hot vegetable broth to mix it with the miracle noodle (fettuccine shape) with a couple of shrimp and some broccoli and…DAMN…that’s living, in phase 2 anyway haha. Phase 3 you can substitute the veggie broth for a couple of those single serving half and half cups used for coffee, add Parmesan cheese, and even substitute alfredo seasoning for pesto (from those foil packets) and swap the half and half out with REAL butter & olive oil! Holy crap! ?
I wish there was a “like” button!!!
Hello! I so have to comment about these noodles. They are the best! Here is how I eat them. I rinse them then boil them for 7-10 minutes then rinse again and throw in a pan with one cup of frozen kale and chicken taco meat. Yum yum. Salt and pepper and I get that comfort feel. My husband can make a fab shrimp scampi after we rinse boil rinse then sauté. Ladies don’t use the microwave it is so bad 🙂 hope this inspires!!!
Hey, when i’ve used these they have came out completely undigested… is this normal? / Is that not bad for us?!
I am surprised by your comment as Miracle Noodle are especially made for dieters.
I have been reading the posts on the internet from people, as well as devouring Hcg Chica’s incredible website (THANK YOU!!!!) and thought I’d chime in now. I have done Hcg in the past, 3 times, and all but 1 of those 3 rounds worked like a charm. The time that did not work was when I did a short round. I think I did 19 or 20 injections, I couldn’t take it. I was so hungry!!! But funny how Hcg Chica says you could have health issues if you have failed rounds, and in retrospect that certainly was the case for me. Of course, it also wasn’t long enough to reprogram my hypothalamus and I gained the weight back; 7 or 8 pounds within a few weeks, then the rest slowly over a year or so.
I used Hcg three times in the past (in 2008, 2011, and 2012) to lose the weight I gained after having my babies; I gain a huge amount of weight with pregnancies, despite eating low carb. It’s just me: it’s hormonal. Hcg was the ONLY way I could lose the weight, and it makes me sad to go on different sites and read comments from people who are so judgemental and cruel, saying just cut calories and exercise, and it’s simple. No, it’s not. I am glad for others if they can have success just working out, cutting calories, or cutting starches, etc. and lose, but I am someone who has literally tried EVERYTHING and have had no success. And I mean EVERYTHING. I eat organic, Paleo, have done ketogenic diets with carbs around 10-15 g a day, food combining, portion control, Isagenix (a disaster! Gave me triglycerides!!! Too much fructose!!!), doctor-assisted diets, seen nutritionists, naturopaths, etc. Nothing worked other than Hcg. The only success I have had (and I mean only very minor success) is through ketogenic diets, on which I am so careful and only manage to lose about 5 lbs over 6 months. Yes, less than 1 pound a month for all that work and measuring everything that goes into my mouth. Very difficult. I decided after much deliberation to do Hcg again after more than 3 years. My hair was falling out quite a bit last time and I got quite upset about it. It grew back thick as ever, but at the time it was upsetting, so I did not do Hcg again since then. That was 4 years ago. I realize I had health effects to deal with like low thyroid, extremely low cortisol, high estrogen, etc. and am glad I did not do it again without fixing those issues, so it took a while to get back to health where I can do Hcg again. I have gotten those issues under control/healed with supplementation through a very knowledgeable naturopath. No one else (many naturopaths, homeopaths, doctors, etc.) have been able to figure me out. BUT the elusive thing, what this or any naturopath could not fix: my weight.
Since 2012, I have done different diets, eliminated foods I am sensitive to (including dairy and gluten), intermittent fasting, Bulletproof diet, Bulletproof Rapid Fat Loss Protocol, you name it. The Bulletproof diet helped me maintain my weight, but not lose any. The Bulletproof RFLP was crazy, but I was desperate at the time, so after researching for months I decided to do it: 6 days fat fasting, 1 leptin reset Refeed day. It worked for 5 weeks and I lost 20 lbs but then I began to not feel well, and had to deal with those health issues for close to a year to repair my electrolytes, cholesterol, fatty liver, etc. That diet was just too drastic and too high in fat, and my low thyroid was also to blame for not allowing my liver to eliminate cholesterol effectively. It’s just me: I’m a strange metabolic type and I accept that. I can now eat very well, 3 square meals and snacks, on a keto-like diet (more Paleo, really) with delicious foods and maintain my weight and feel amazing. Blood tests are perfect. I can have Keto donuts or keto brownies made with erythritol and coconut flour, cheese, lots of veggies (I feel better eating more veg than being on such a low carb level of 10-15 g a day, it’s not healthy forever), grass-fed meat, macadamia nuts. That type of thing. Starches, sugars, and fruit make me gain weight extremely quickly and they are not healthy anyway, so they are reserved for once-in-a-while. I want to be healthy and cancer-free, diabetic-free, etc. and so eating this way is for my health and for my kids’ sake so they will have a healthy mom for many years to come. I don’t feel well eating high carb, anyway. My issue is not maintaining my weight, it’s losing it. That is where Hcg comes in. I use prescription Hcg but can’t say where I get it from! It’s not legal in Canada but I don’t want to use homeopathic Hcg since I am not sure if that would work. I want the real stuff. I want to know what I am using is real and potent so I am not wasting my time. With my third child, I had more weight to lose as I began a little higher in weight with each pregnancy, and I had my last two babies pretty much back-to-back (5 months between pregnancies). I am going to therefore need 3 rounds, probably, and perhaps a fourth down the line to get REALLY slim, but I would be so happy to lose 60 lbs right now, I will not worry about round 4 yet! 🙂 We’ll see how much I lose, but I am not stressing too much about the number. I don’t want muscle loss, obviously, nor water loss; I want fat loss. I am eating Miracle Noodles and really feel that I need them this time. I am always hungry on Hcg, every single time I have done it, and am absolutely starving, and this time I am so thankful that I have Hcg Chica’s site from which to get support. That did not exist when I first did Hcg back in 2008. I was on my own, trying it out, pioneering it to hack my own body. I always feel amazing on Hcg, and have lots of energy, but am just hungry. However, this time I am quite tired which I never experienced before doing the protocol. I know each round is different and I have a lot of toxins to process, so I am giving my body license to be tired and am going to bed early. 🙂 The first time, I only had one pregnancy to deal with and the weight from that was recent. This time, I have had this weight on me for many years and have had two more pregnancies since my first round, so my toxin load is certainly different.
I read Hcg Chica’s recommendations to up the dose, so I am trying out 200 IU after going up from 150. I went up slowly and only seem to have found less hunger on a 200 IU dose. This round I am experimenting with keto and taking out the fruit, as per Dr. Jack LaBoube’s recommendations and Hcg Chica, too. Keto just makes sense. The fruit makes it much worse hunger-wise for me, and I know my body: the blood sugar fluctuations from eating 2 fruits a day and a Melba Toast (gluten intolerant: that would be terrible for me!) cannot be good. I have a half whey shake with a scoop of fibre instead each morning, and I am hoping that will also stave off any major muscle loss. I eat fat-free, stick to the original protocol mostly, but I do occasionally mix veggies or try a veg that is not on the original list, like broccoli and zucchini. I lose a pound a day or a tad more just fine eating those veggies, but I try to keep it to 4 oz roughly. I also added in Miracle Noodles which I adore…..and lose a pound a day consistently so far. I am “regular” each morning, while in prior rounds I did not go to the bathroom for days. That is not good; fibre pushes out toxins, so fibre is really important for not reabsorbing toxins in our fat that we are burning on Hcg. I want to be healthy, not sick, so I am happy to try the Miracle Noodles in this round and see what happens. I also have Bragg’s Aminos and they are salty, but I don’t mind. On keto one needs more sodium, and I also have a bit of kimchi as a veg or a pickle (fermented properly, full of probiotics, no vinegar or sugar) once a day. They don’t seem to cause a problem. It is one week exactly tomorrow, since I started this round of P2, so we’ll see how it goes. Oh, and I loaded “dirty” with carbs, but I felt I needed them before embarking on a 9 or 10 week journey into ketogenic eating. (My naturopath feels some carbs once a week are very necessary for hormonal health and boosting thyroid, adrenals, etc.) Thankfully I lost those 2 loading days of weight in only a day, so that by VLCD 2 I was below my pre-load weight, so that was amazing. Due to the salt of Bragg’s Aminos and the pickles, I am not losing scads of weight this first week as most people do, but it’s just water. I don’t want to be losing tons of water, just fat, so I am fine with eating salt in good amounts. I have lost a steady 1.2 to 1 pound a day this first week. I am diligently tracking my diet, weight, injection dosages, etc. so I will have more information later on in May as to how this went. I am just happy to see the scale moving down for all this effort; usually on other diets, nothing happens and then TOM comes and it’s a stall for another week. Months and months of that just destroy any more will power I have left, though I have struggled and not given up for close to 12 years now. It has been an amazing journey and I don’t regret any of it. I just want to have success, finally, and look good in a bathing suit so I can go to the beach with my kids and not be embarrassed. I want my kids, especially my daughter, to see me eating well, being healthy, and having a good body image so she does not have to go through the same thing. Good luck to all the Hcg-ers out there!!!! XX
Thanks so much for sharing. That is almost my identical journey. I wish you success!
Hey Torontogirl except for my being older, your tale is similar to mine. How is your protocol going?
TorontoGirl: you are right to want to avoid homeopathic. It’s a crackpot theory of diluting the real thing hundreds, maybe even thousands of times, in the “hopes” that your body will “pick up” on the medicine’s “energetic signature” and kick in its own healing process. Um, why not cut out the middleman (water) and go right to what would help you directly? Because there is too much money to be had selling the watered down sh*t. I once fell for homeopathic HCG, followed the protocol to the letter, guess what happened? I felt weak, tired, constantly hungry, cranky, lightheaded, and the only loss I experienced (besides time) was in my face, shoulders, upper arms, all areas on me that have the least amount of fat, so now I look like a crackhead with sunken in eyes and cheeks with a body unchanged. Hmmm…is it any coincidence that these symptoms resemble…real old fashioned STARVATION?? And I stuck with this for damn near two weeks before I knew for sure and gave up. I had an idea to take the drops and put them under a pregnancy test, which all a pregnancy test really is is an HCG detection device. All three tests all negative. I called the number to ask why they claim to sell HCG if it doesn’t even contain enough to register on a pregnancy test. Then they told me how they believe homeopathy works and that they never claimed to sell HCG, just the “formula” that will help “kickstart” the body’s processes in making it’s own. The bottle is labeled HCG, NOT HCG formula. And I found out what the “X” means beside the number. You would think higher numbers would be better, yes? Wrong. In homeopathy, the higher the number, the greater the dilution! I got “60x” in a big bottle, meaning it has been cut 60 times IN ADDITION TO however many times they diluted it before! So probably all in all that one bottle contained ONE HALF of a SMALL DOSE (125cc) in the whole bottle! Oh and if you feel a “tingle” on your tongue when you administer a “dose” that does NOT mean it’s working! It is just the alcohol the liquid is suspended in. I knew a chick who swore by homeopathic HCG, yet rebounded with a vengeance as soon as she hit phase 3 and was blaming herself in spite of following the protocol well aside from using watered down medicine. She asserted that it was an “ongoing process” when I said no, that is not what a CURE does! Once you’re “cured” you can go on with your life (sensibly)!! So to rebound over and over, each time starting further and further back BEHIND square one, you are NOT administering a CURE for yourself! She would just not listen and insisted that homeopathy is working for her, poor thing. In my experience, if it doesn’t register on a pregnancy test (which is it’a sole purpose; to detect the presence of HCG), you’re just not dealing with the real thing, (homeopathic HCG has shown me that) doing the protocol without it is torture with no benefit or reward, why bother? Who LIKES losing time and starving for nothing?
Erika, I buy mine from Amazon in a 6-pack for $16.
Please help! I am on D16 of P2 and have only lost 6lbs. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Kim!
Have you seen Rayzel’s videos on stall? Here’s the link to that:
Hope that helps!
Can I have turkey breast
I lost 4.2 pounds on VLC #1, ate the noodles on Day #2 and gained 1.4# (did not eliminate prior to weigh in. I am hoping to see a very different scale reading tomorrow.
What type of servings did you eat when on HCG and did you mix them with a protein AND veggies? I like them as well. Thanks for the post.
I like using the Miracle Noodles with my HCG “chili.” Depending on the seasonings I use, it’s like italian meat sauce or chili in Hawaii! Sometimes I just need to EAT and these really make me feel like I’ve had a big cheat-y meal. Just rinse them very well (yes, they stink in the bag) and toss them into a soup or stir-fry or chili! If I stall, I usually just have a cup of smooth move and all is right with the world!
THanks for sharing @Lynn Leslie ! That sounds delicious. I agree they are very filling and give that nice feeling of satiety.
Miracle Noodles are great! We don’t have them on our store, but love reading content showing their importance. We are a little preferential to Shirataki Noodles, which are similar. Thanks for the article…
Just received my shipment of Miracle Noodles. After reading numerous posts regarding the Oder I was so nervous I had wasted my money. I am VERY sensitive when it comes to smell. I opened the packaged, yes I did notice a slight shrimp scent, then I rinsed them. I Heated them in the microwave pan with some Braggs Liquid Aminos, garlic and a small portion of meat. ( I was so eager to try them and this seemed the fasted way) Well, what a treat! If I do not have negative effects from these I can think of dozens of ways to incorporate these into this plan. It feels like a serious cheat, but it’s NOT!!! :))
Thanks for the heads up on this product HCGChica.
Btw I just received your new book in the mail today. I’ve started my 2nd round a week ago after ordering from one of your sites. Thank you, you saved me several hundred $$$$ compared to the first clinic I purchased from. Your blog has helped me to understand this process much better than the staff I was seeing at the clinic I did my first round with. This round I’m doing on my own and it’s going terrific.
I’m another one of those HCGers who found you on the Internet and have been blessed by the knowledge and tips you share. Oh, and your encourage and one liners are inspirational too. My fave is a recent one on habits and energy by Gary Keffer. It resonates with me.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Hey @Sher Thanks for commenting about your experience! So glad the noodles were great for you- I just love them too. I hope you find the workbook helpful to you as you start using it! Wanted to let you know that IF/WHEN you felt so inclinde to leave the book an honest review on Amazon, I’d be happy to thank you for going to the trouble by sending you my P3 food list that will be in the future P3 workbook- the link to review the book is here: Totally understand if it’s too much bother, either way is fine, but if you do end up doing it, make sure you email me privately [email protected] and I’ll send you the P3 foods list back as a thank you! – Rayzel
Just out of curiosity, I checked before ordering miracle noodles through the link above. So glad I did.. I was able to buy them through direct from Miracle Noodle for HALF of what they were advertising on their own website. PLUS free 2-day shipping for being a Prime member. Saved me over $30 doing so. Ps.. first time on your site and I love it! Keep being awesome 🙂
Hey @Jenn Aaronsen oh that’s great you discovered that! I have prime as well and I LOVE it – makes shipping so fast and inexpensive for everything I buy.
I ordered them on an Amazon Prime account as well; great tip!
Made mine with Ms. Dash seasoning, LOTS of this, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, fresh cilantro and shrimp. Oh and 3 pumps of the 0 fat margarine-like substance as a garnish (kinda like cheese on pasta).
Felt like I was eating shrimp scampi with pasta………. It felt too good to be true… DELISH!
BTW, I did have gains on the scale because of the miracle noodle… but it was very obvious that it was the weight of the noodle itself and not fat weight.
That noodle was “lodged” inside of me for over 5 days!!!!! Finally I could stand it no longer and had to take a laxative because it was just not coming out AT ALL. Whew! Sorry for the over-sharing, but yeah…
It finally came out and on the next day I had a 2lb loss.
Do I eat the serving size suggested or less on p2?
Hi HCGChica…I used the Miracle Noodles years ago when they first came out and they were AWFUL! To me, anyway. Followed instructions but still couldn’t get the smell out, and wasted other ingredients (not to mention the rinse water) trying to make them palatable. The smell came through all the ingredients. Please tell me, are they any better now?
Yes Miracle noodles are too good in quality.