How to Do Phase 3
You want details? I'll give you details! All the specifics about doing Phase 3 - three ways. 😉 The do-able way, the best way, and the not gonna work way.
OOOOOHH and btw, I now have an actual PROGRAM for Phase 3 - it's completely specific and structured and tells you exactly what to cook and eat to stabilize your weight loss from hCG!
What's the Point of Phase 3 Anyway?
One of the biggest blunders made when finishing the hCG diet is not realizing how important Phase 3 is, and as a result, not taking it seriously. This causes weight re-gain and other problems -
When to IGNORE the 2 LB Rule
Usually you are supposed to try to stabilize your weight within 2 lbs of your LDW. HOWEVER. There are actually times when you may be working against your ultimate good to try to do this - these are the 3 scenarios.
Struggling on Phase 3
Sometimes things don't go as we'd like in Phase 3 - whether it's because mistakes we know we made, or we feel we're doing everything right and it's not turning out right - help for all this!