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See all the hCG interview episodes
These are in-depth conversations one-on-one with hCG ladies where you get to hear their whole weight loss story and the tips that helped them succeed.
Read short written hCG testimonials
These are short testimonials of ladies who’ve written in their hCG diet results to me for quick motivation.
Some WOWZER things you’ll want to know about Laynette:
115 lbs total gone as of February 2015
17″ from her waist alone – gone – that’s almost a foot and a half
Laynette’s Stats:
Starting Weight: 301 lbs
Current Weight: 185 lbs
Total Weight Loss with hCG: 108 lbs
Total Weight Loss to Date: 115 lbs
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HCG Diet Interviews – Episode 26 – hcgchica.com
Rayzel: Hey guys, hCGChica! Welcome back for an Episode 26 now of The HCG Diet
Interviews. You know that I like to interview everyday people who are making a life change with
this protocol. I have Lynette with me today. She’s lost not 108 pounds but a 108.4 pounds. We’re
joking about that, how us hCGers we take all those little .2 and .4 really add up and they count so
but anyway she’s had a huge life change as you’ll see in the before and after photos that go with
this interview. She just look so much different and I know she has a really neat story to share
which I’m gonna find more out about along with you guys. Welcome Lynette! Thanks for being
with me today.
Lynette: Thanks for having me.
Rayzel: I’m so excited. So why don’t you start off by giving us kind of your basic stats like your
age, your height, where you started with your weight, where you ended, that kind of stuff.
Lynette: Okay. I’m 50 years old. Will be soon 51 in a couple of months. I’m 5’4”. I started out at
301 pounds and you want my measurements, let’s see. I had a BMI, let’s see Fat Ratio it
wouldn’t even read device. My BMI was 50.1. My waist was 51 and my hips were 61.
Rayzel: Okay. So where are you at today?
Lynette: Today I am, my BMI is 33.5 and my fat is 41.2. My waist is 34 and hips is 47.
Rayzel: Wow. Okay so you say your waist was originally 51 inches and then now it’s 34. So
that’s like 17- around 17 inches and then your hips where did you start again?
Lynette: 61.
Rayzel: 61 to 47. So pretty much on both your waist and your hips you lost like 16 or 17 inches
off of each. That’s like a foot and half almost.
Lynette: Never thought about that.
Rayzel: That’s amazing.
Lynette: Wow.
Rayzel: So obviously a lot of fat lost there. That is fantastic. So you started at 301 pounds and
where are you at today?
Lynette: Today I’m 192.7.
Rayzel: That is amazing. How about like with your size. Obviously losing that many inches of
your clothing size, do you know how has your clothing size changed?
Lynette: I was wearing a 26-28 in women’s and now I wear a 16 and I can get in some 14s.
Rayzel: Awesome. That probably feels really good.
Lynette: It feels great.
Rayzel: Now I’m curious about your history. Have you dealt with being overweight like your
whole life or was that something more just in the past few years?
Lynette: This is- I probably been overweight- me and my dad was talking about that today.
Probably started around 10 or 12 somewhere in there. I was an overweight teenager and went
into adulthood overweight. I’ve lost weight off and on.
Rayzel: Sure. Sure. What do you think are some of the things that kind of made you struggle
with that throughout those years? What is it that made it difficult, you think?
Lynette: I did [Formufree?]. I did Weight Watchers before. [Formufree?] where you drank a lot
of drinks and basically you get a lot of tuna. We eat a lot of tuna. But I lost weight both on
Weight Watchers and [Formufree?] and those are really only 2 diets that I’ve probably ever done
but I never really thought about what after you get the weight off. You got to that certain size or
whatever and I think of the most that I’ve ever lost is 40 pounds either way. You don’t even
think about keeping it off. You just think about, I’m getting into this size and then I want to eat
what I want to eat. So the next thing you know you’re right back where you started from and you
have a lot more.
Rayzel: And it is funny too. Isn’t that how like it seems like it’s so much work to get it off but
then getting it back on doesn’t seem very hard? It’s like wow, this should have taken longer.
Lynette: Yeah it’s just a whole different mindset I guess.
Rayzel: Yeah.
Lynette: From then to now.
Rayzel: I would love to hear about that with you finding the hCG protocol. How has it been
different for you this time with learning how to actually maintain the weight loss and stuff?
What’s changed?
Lynette: I think just with the hCG diet it was- the results were so fast and once I saw the weight
coming off. It was just. I want to keep going. It just made it easier. Then once I got on the
program. That control- finally I had some control over what I was eating. I could see it on the
paper then I can see the results on the scale. It was really exciting.
Rayzel: Yeah. It’s actually quick enough for you, like you said, if you could see the results then
it’s motivating. That’s cool. I’d love for you to- you kind of mentioned in the message to me just
kind of the low point- some of the low points you hit at your heaviest. What types of things were
you finding difficult when you were really heavy?
Lynette: I had gotten up to that 300 pound mark of which I didn’t even know at the time. I was
just having low blood sugar drops and found out that I was hypoglycemic and just really trying
to walk from my office to the parking lot I would just be out of breath and just so worn out. You
know, it was just awful. I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack at any time. I just didn’t feel
healthy at all. I would come home and we’d eat a lot of fast food and basically just get on the
couch and that was it.
Rayzel: Gotcha. So just feel like you couldn’t really do much in life.
Lynette: Really couldn’t function, not at that weight. It was really depressing.
Rayzel: How would you compare that to now with where you’re at? What’s different now in that
Lynette: I know I was walking in the spring when I had lost maybe- I guess it was in the fall
there- but I started walking in the park and my husband remarked it’s just amazing that I could
go all the way around the trail. You know, he’s really going at it, cause before we would just
have to stop and sit down.
Rayzel: Yeah.
Lynette: It just felt so freeing. Just being able to just walk.
Rayzel: Like, I can move my legs.
Lynette: And without sweating. Oh, it just feels awesome.
Rayzel: That is so good. Cause it’s true. It does feel good to like move your body when it’s
challenging a little bit but not so challenging that feel like you’re about to pass out. That is
awesome. I’m curious since you mentioned about the hypoglycemia. How did that work with
you during Phase 2? Did you have any issues with low blood sugar on Phase 2?
Lynette: I had one issue. I could feel myself getting really hungry and I thought we’ll all just go
ahead and get ready and everything and have my son fix the food for me cause I thought I was
really gonna pass out then. But the only time that ever happened that one time.
Rayzel: Gotcha. And that was just cause you kind of waited too long.
Lynette: Waited too long but other than that I haven’t had that problem but that one time so.
Rayzel: That is good. That’s awesome. Cause some people kind of worry about that so it’s good
since you have a low blood sugar but it sounds like it wasn’t too much of an issue for you then.
That’s cool.
Lynette: No, not now it isn’t.
Rayzel: Did you do injections or drops?
Lynette: I did the injections.
Rayzel: You did the injections. Did you remember what dosage? Did you have a certain dosage
that you were using?
Lynette: 125.
Rayzel: 125?
Lynette: I think so.
Rayzel: Okay. And you stuck with that for- how many rounds did you do?
Lynette: This past September was my 3rd round.
Rayzel: Gotcha. So you’ve done 3 rounds and you stuck with that dosage pretty much for most
of it then?
Lynette: Yeah, I think I had to up it a little bit.
Rayzel: Just a little bit. Okay. Cool. Awesome. Well why don’t we just talk now about the Phase
2 part since you kind of getting into that. How did you end up doing that? Cause you know
there’s like the strict Simeons, there’s modifications some people make and so I’m just curious
how did you end up actually doing Phase 2.
Lynette: I stuck to the rules the first 2 times. This last time I sort of eat the Chocolate Delight and
I think that kind of stalled me out a little.
Rayzel: I gotcha. Sometimes you want to experiment and sometimes it’s like I don’t think it’s
gonna work. But sometimes you know modifications do work. You never know sometimes until
you tried them out. Okay cool, so the first 2 rounds though you were pretty much just the original
Simeons protocol.
Lynette: First round I did 40 days and had that break, one day break in between and then after
that I continue to lose after I came off the P2 and went into P3 and then I continue to lose and
that went all the way to Christmas about 224 pounds I got down to that and then I could not- I
see from 224 then I would go down to about 204 and then bounce back up to 209 and I just could
not stabilize. That was the first time I try to stabilize. The first round I just kept losing and losing
and losing and the end of January I finally got down there and then September I done it- the hCG
again. I’m probably rambling.
Rayzel: No that’s fine.
Lynette: I did it again and I finally broke 200.
Rayzel: That must have felt so – I mean it’s probably been a while since you were below 200
Lynette: Years, years.
Rayzel: About how much did you lose on your first round or each round?
Lynette: The first time I did it- the 40 days, almost 30 pounds. Somewhere around 26-27 and
then with the other I did 20 pounds, I think, something like that, in January. Then this time, it
was, you have to add the load weight. 20 pounds but it’s like 15.
Rayzel: Sure what you’ve lost. Gotcha. Cool. So you’ve kind of lost about maybe 2/3 of your
weight loss with hCG itself. Is that about right? And the rest of it you’ve lost between your
rounds. Is that about right? I’m curious to hear about cause it sounds like your rounds were pretty
spread out. So you have several months in between?
Lynette: Right. I have from May of 2013 and then I did it again in January of 2014.
Rayzel: Yeah so that’s quite of while.
Lynette: Then September of 2014.
Rayzel: Awesome, do you feel like when you were starting those subsequent rounds, do you feel
like you’re mentally ready because you’ve had enough of a break or what do you think about? I
don’t know- I find P2 to be very, very strict. Some people actually don’t mind it but usually by
the end of the round I was getting pretty tired of it. Did you feel that way?
Lynette: Yeah, this last time, in September I did.
Rayzel: Yeah. Okay.
Lynette: I have to eat. What is one more day? Or you know it’s just you get tired of being
restricted. You just want to eat something else. You want to eat what you want to eat. You know
if you do that then it’s gonna be a wash and you’ve wasted your time and effort.
Rayzel: Yeah. That is why I often recommend that people take longer breaks kind of like you
did. I did the same as well. Just because you do have to really be mentally ready. This honestly
isn’t the way you would eat in normal life. You wouldn’t eat 500 calories a day usually. You
wouldn’t eat from a list of 20 foods. It gets hard. It’s not something you’re supposed to get used
to. So yeah you have to kind of be mentally in the game and then when the end is getting there,
you’re like, okay I’m done. I’m ready to do something else for a while. It’s nice to have that
break. It just seems like it takes a little while before the previous round is far enough away to feel
like, Okay, I feel ready to do this again, you know.
Lynette: Yeah. That is the question I have for myself. Do I really want to do it in January or do I
want to wait to spring? When it’s pretty outside and you got lot of fruits and vegetables coming
in and different things.
Rayzel: Well that’s good you’re thinking about it that way. It kind of makes me feel like you are
having a fairly healthy body image. Do you feel like your body image has changed with this
weight loss at all?
Lynette: Yeah. You know how that goes. It takes a while for your brain and your eyes to catch
up with the amount of weight that you’ve lost. People were tailing you constantly. You know
how that goes. About how good you look. But I don’t think I have any body image issues. I
really enjoy doing a lot of shopping and clothes that I like and getting things that just fit or just
cover you up or whatever.
Rayzel: That’s good because that’s kind of one of the things that I feel ends up being a problem
for a lot of women is where- it’s just like you need to learn to kind of like who you are and how
you look through the process not just like at the very end. You know what I mean?
Lynette: Yes I do.
Rayzel: Yeah, cause otherwise you’re not happy and if you have like a hundred pounds to lose
it’s gonna take a while and if you’re not happy about how you look at the whole time until the
end I just feel like it’s gonna make it hard.
Lynette: Especially if you have a hundred pounds or more to lose. Let’s just face it. You’re not
gonna have this tone, lean body. I don’t work out so which I need to start. But you just have to
accept. This is the way it is and it’s better than what it was.
Rayzel: Yeah, I know, that’s what I agree. Just kind of comparing it to where you started instead
of where you want to be cause otherwise you won’t be happy and you’re like, perfectly perfect
but like you said even when you get real lean most of us are still gonna look like a model. Like
you said we might have excess skin, or we’re a little older, or you want to just eat somewhat
normally and so that means you’re gonna look normal. You’re not gonna be the leanest you
could possibly be. But it’s so important to learn to be happy with your body and how it looks. I
remember when I did my first round, I was still overweight after the end of my first round but I
look nude to me, I was 27 pounds lighter so I thought I looked great. I was like “I look good.”
Then of course I lost more and then it’s like “Oh wow I look better now”. But you know it’s nice
that each point, I don’t know how it is to help other people do that necessarily but I’m glad that
that’s something that you have and I’m hoping just by talking about it, it will encourage people
to try to just take pride in how you look through the process otherwise you’d get too rush. Now
I’m taking over. I’m sorry. I’m like this is your interview, I’m like talking too much. I’m almost
done. I just wanted to say it’s like otherwise you end up rushing the process too much and not
being willing to do like what you did with the longer breaks which sometimes are the smart thing
to do but sometimes you’re not happy with your body yet, you rush it. Then you end up kind of
having cheating and issues, so that’s why it’s smart. Okay.
Lynette: It’s good. I love it. I don’t get to talk to people about the diet. That’s going through the
same kind of process. You might be on Weight Watchers and we can talk about some things in
general but we really can’t be in that same level and I’m not saying that it’s any better but I’m
saying somebody who understands about the protocol and everything about the diet. It’s great to
have somebody to talk to about it.
Rayzel: Yeah, that’s awesome. Let’s see, where I am now. I usually print out the questions but I
had to order ink.
Lynette: You’re in the mode I’m in. I don’t have any ink either.
Rayzel: Yeah, you try to order all the color, each one, yellow, pink, and then you have end up
with just one color and you try to keep ordering so you would never run out with just one but still
so I’m waiting for that to go. Let’s see. So did you experience any setbacks when you’re on the
diet itself?
Lynette: No. I’m pretty much just been losing steadily.
Rayzel: So you just really stuck to it?
Lynette: Yeah, I really stuck to it and I did have a love affair with crackers and almonds. I’ve
really have to break myself from cruising by the cabinet and then get handfuls out and you know
by the end of the day it’s like maybe 10 handfuls. This time I’ve cut those out.
Rayzel: Are you talking about for Phase 3 or Phase 2?
Lynette: Phase 3.
Rayzel: Okay.
Lynette: I really haven’t cheated in Phase 2 except for that Chocolate delight.
Rayzel: Cool. But in Phase 3 like you said there’s not as many rules so it’s a little bit, a little
more room to sometimes get out of hand.
Lynette: The crackers and almonds and potato chip well not potato chip, like the veggie chips. I
can’t handle those. I cannot handle it. I get a bag of those I would eat the whole thing so I don’t
get it.
Rayzel: So what types of food on Phase 3 do you enjoy eating that you do well with?
Lynette: I do steak and hamburger a lot. Chicken, fish, salmon, I do zucchini pizza. I make some
of that eggplant pizza and I’ve been basically eating everything that I want just not a lot of
starches and sugar. So I keep to that.
Rayzel: Cool. I’d love to hear about the eggplant and zucchini pizza, how do you make those?
Lynette: The zucchini pizza is just slice of zucchini, you can do disc or you can slice it
lengthwise and do mozzarella cheese, turkey pepperoni, some marinara sauce, I think that’s what
you call it and just stick it in the oven.
Rayzel: Awesome. So just on the slices.
Lynette: Even my son likes that. I even made this Thanksgiving. I used the Ezekiel cereal and
they have cereal with almond with it and I tried to make like a little pumpkin cake and it looks
pretty good.
Rayzel: That’s cool. Awesome. Maybe I’ll try to find a couple of those like recipes on Pinterest
or something and we’ll put them in the show notes for you guys if you want to check those
pizzas. It sounds really good right now.
Lynette: Oh and they’re out there in Pinterest.
Rayzel: Yeah. I’ve seen some so awesome. Okay, let me see. Where am I at now?
Lynette: Oh and I would have to say and if it wasn’t for the support of my husband and my
family it would have been really hard to do this.
Rayzel: How did they support you?
Lynette: They, really, I didn’t have to cook anything special. Whatever I eat they eat I just fix
them more of whatever.
Rayzel: Okay so you make your Phase 2 meal and you make it family size? Awesome. And they
didn’t complain.
Lynette: No, and actually they lost weight. I think he said like 40 pounds, my son’s lost 20
Rayzel: Wow and they weren’t actually on hCG right?
Lynette: No. It’s just the way we eat.
Rayzel: That’s so cool. That’s really good. Because not everyone have that family support but
that’s really good. And like you said, making that change now has affected your family in a good
way. That’s really cool. You mentioned that in some of your Phase 3 you continued losing
weight. Can you tell me how you went about that? Like how much weight did you lose between
your first 2 rounds? During that period of time. How much did you lose on your own and how
did you do that?
Lynette: I have here about 48 pounds.
Rayzel: Wow.
Lynette: Yeah cause I ended that first round from 301 to looks likes 277. No maybe 272, from
there I went to 224.
Rayzel: Wow and the next several months?
Lynette: I don’t know if it’s 48 or not.
Rayzel: Well 272 to 224 so those are definitely a good amount there.
Lynette: It’s like a 1200 calories and I tracked that with an app.
Rayzel: What app did you use?
Lynette: Fatsecret calorie counter.
Rayzel: Cool. Okay. We’ll put that in the show notes for anyone who wants to check that out. So
you just continued steadily losing on the 1200 first months. Cool. That doesn’t work for
everyone. Like some people when they eat low calorie their weight won’t come off but I had a
couple of interviews now who did continue losing in Phase 3 by eating a low calorie diet. So
that’s really cool. As far as what you ate like what were those 1200 calories made up of? Or was
it low carb or did you have some carbs in there?
Lynette: I have apples every day and blueberries, strawberries. I stuck to those fruits who were in
P2. I’m basically eating the same stuff that I’ve always ate. I have steak when we go out I have a
steak and a salad. When I’m at home I fix a little hamburger patties in the oven. I’m cooking just
like a salmon patties with no meal just kind of normal way you make them and use the coconut
oil and fry em up and we have salmon, steamed salmon. I don’t eat hotdogs or things like that. I
don’t eat bread except for the Ezekiel bread, I have tried that. It’s just basically everything that
you eat in Phase 3 and I don’t feel like I’m being cheated.
Rayzel: That’s great. It sounds like you just really committed yourself like your mind. Because
sometimes you know like you said before you did a lot of fast food and stuff. For some people
anyway in making that change can be pretty heart wrenching. Really. Like they’re constantly
thinking about that. Was that hard for you at first?
Lynette: Well, I guess, when we’re doing the fast food we were all sick of it. If that make any
sense? We’re just eating it because it’s fast and it’s convenient and we just get it over with. It’s
not anything we just- it’s weird but it’s really fast and convenient and we’re eating pizza and
fried chicken and hot wings and that stuff just got so old. That’s why I’m saying we’re all gonna
get- you know my mother has sugar diabetes and my husband’s side of the family has sugar
diabetes- I’m sorry everybody say sugar diabetes but anyway diabetes. But anyway you kind of
worry about your son getting that and so making a healthy change is really good for us.
Rayzel: It’s just time
Lynette: It was just time.
Rayzel: Find something that works so that’s good.
Lynette: I’m just so happy and praising God every step of the way. If I could bottle up how I
good I feel, I believe I could make million. So it is just so drastic the change.
Rayzel: I think I just, I think my kind of last thing I thought. Maybe you could share- I don’t
think if you got to think about it at all- but just as far as giving advice to other people who want
to start this protocol or who are struggling on it. What’s some of the most important things that
you felt were key to you doing this?
Lynette: I have a lot of friends at work who want to try and who have tried it and they just kind
of failed at it and I think that support just like watching your videos or listen to your podcasts,
that helps out a lot. You get a lot of information and just having somebody talk about it. And
support from your family, that’s really, it helps you along the way. And I think I haven’t tried
sublingual or anything but I think you should go under a doctor if you can, into a clinic and then
have them monitor you and make sure that everything’s okay with you and then get on the hCG
and you get really hungry then they can make adjustments faster than what you probably could if
you didn’t know anything about it.
Rayzel: Right. I do agree that making dosage adjustments is very important on the diet. People
sometimes they’re hungry for far too long and I do think it effects weight loss too. And it really
effects your moral. If you’re hungry for too long you just start being desperate.
Lynette: What else could I say? It’s only for 21 days and like you said before you go into it you
need to check it out you need to make sure you understand what you’re supposed to be doing
when you’re supposed to be doing it.
Rayzel: I like that point actually cause- it’s okay cause we’re all at different points, I’m not
making anyone feel bad here but I do still sometimes get messages, you know like private
messages on Facebook like “Oh, I’m starting the diet, what foods can I eat?” of if you know
something about it. Okay that’s not a good idea that you’re starting the diet if you don’t know
what foods you could eat. This is rather detailed. It’s not just 500 calories of whatever you want.
So it’s good to be prepared.
Lynette: And I think you just need to have your mind set. It is tough when everybody else is
having a ball eating whatever they want. When you’re at work and they want you to eat what
they’re eating and they won’t leave you alone unless you partake in.
Rayzel: How do you handle that?
Lynette: I just- When I first started there was a guy who had a barbequed brisket and he had
brought it to work and I got invited to have some and I just took my lunch down there when I
was gonna eat. I said “I’m sorry, I don’t meant anything about this but this is what I’m eating
today because I’m on this diet. I’m not gonna eat that. This is what I’m having. I’m here”
Rayzel: How did they respond? Is he okay?
Lynette: Yeah, they were okay after everybody pounded on me for a minute.
Rayzel: So but you have to do it right if you want to get to your goal sometimes you have to go
through that.
Lynette: It comes to the point are you gonna make them happy or make you happy?
Rayzel: Yeah. Like you said, the choice with you is affecting your family. So really it’s like am I
gonna choose people I don’t know that well or I’m gonna choose my family?
Lynette: Even if it was somebody in family I’m just gonna, I’m going this way so I’m not gonna
turn myself around for that. Not for cake today.
Rayzel: I know. Good point. Well good. Thanks so much for sharing all that with me. I think that
that’s about all that I wanted to ask you.
Lynette: Well I hope I did you a good interview. I don’t know.
Rayzel: No, that’s great. I just love hearing people’s persona stories because everybody has
different feedbacks and different tips to share and you know just depending on our personalities
we’re gonna resonate with different people.
Lynette: There is one thing though, in maintaining, that I found out. That you do have to weight
yourself everyday unless you have that inner thing.
Rayzel: Yeah. An inner scale. I don’t have that.
Lynette: Like the first round I was getting on it day and night and 3 and 4 times a day, it was
ridiculous. I was driving myself crazy. Then just maintaining that is helping me so much instead
of just focusing on keep losing, keep losing, and getting really frustrated with it because I’m not
where I want to be when I want to set that goal out there. Just learning how to maintain and
knowing what to eat and just being satisfied at staying with that one number or within the 2
pounds. I think everybody like you said should take a break and just learn how to maintain where
they are. I hope I can keep continue to lose and get into my- I don’t know if 150 pounds is where
I’ll be but somewhere around there.
Rayzel: So maybe it’s another 50 or so?
Lynette: Yeah, 25, 30. My husband’s leaving, they’re going to work now.
Rayzel: Okay, cool, cool. There will be a time when you’re ready. You can take walks now at
least right?
Lynette: Right.
Rayzel: That’s good and I’m glad what you mentioned about the maintaining aspect. Because it
is a really good feeling cause a lot of people haven’t really spent much time in life maintaining
just to give my mom as an example for many years she said she pretty much was yo-yoing
constantly on a diet losing and as soon as off the diet she could never maintain and then she was
gaining and she’d start a diet and be losing. So she never actually spent time actually being at a
stable weight whether it was a little overweight or not and it is nice it’s comforting.
Lynette: All that maintaining.
Rayzel: Oh yeah, it feels really nice for me, the scale, I’m pretty much within 2 pounds all the
time. It’s fine. I can wait if you wanna. So yeah I was just saying that it’s really comforting to be
stable in the scale I’m pretty much within 2 pounds almost all the time and like you said I do find
in regular life that weighing daily is helpful for me. There are a few people that I talked to that
can keep things in check without the scale because they get a little too emotionally wrapped up
in it. For me, I don’t. If it gets too high then I’ll just do make a correction. It’s just useful for me
because the thing is sometimes I do dwindle. I don’t know about you but some days you might
need a little more calories than others but it’s hard to make the decision about whether or not it’s
a day you can eat more or less if you have the idea where you’re at the scale. If I’m up I’m not
gonna indulge that day. I’m going to be a little more tight. And then if I’m kind of on the lower
side and it’s a day I’m like Oh I want to have a little snack and then I can cause I’m within that
range so it’s been helpful for me in that respect.
Lynette: You know another thing that made this diet easy for me is I’m not a big sweet fan. I
would rather have potato chips which is not any better but I don’t crave cake and pie and stuff.
Rayzel: You’re lucky. You are one of the lucky ones.
Lynette: In fairness I can’t figure out how I was overweight if I’m not eating all this stuff.
Rayzel: I could tell actually that you were not a sugar addict from the very beginning when you
were saying that Oh yeah I just made the change and I didn’t cheat and I just, it wasn’t too hard.
I’ve had a few other interviews like you where you’re like oh yeah I just did it and I’m like
Wow, it’s so much harder for me. That’s so good. Some of us we have that weird sweet tooth
thing and so that’s cool for you. But either way both types of people we get into that place where
we’re overweight and we have to make change.
Lynette: Yeah. And its chips and crackers and stuff like that and I really like salty stuffs. The
other thing about maintaining too is that you can’t find anything out there, any books, any things
that kind of help you along to tell you so I think too when you get up there you got to find what
your calorie range is, what your limit is, cause like I said before I was doing 1200 calories and
losing well this time I’m eating 1750 calories and maintaining.
Rayzel: That’s great. That’s so good.
Lynette: And I’m like I get to eat all this food.
Rayzel: I was actually gonna ask you that, what’s your maintenance level of calories. So 1750.
That’s awesome.
Lynette: I have gone up to highest 2000 later.
Rayzel: Yeah, so you kind of found your little comfort zone.
Lynette: And I did do a steak day yesterday. I found out, I don’t know if this may be old news to
you but I did 6 eggs, 2 eggs for breakfast, 3 eggs for lunch and 1 egg for snack and then I did 8
ounces of steak and an apple and I got up this morning and it was the same as just starving all
day and having that big steak in the evening. I don’t know if anybody knows that or if they’ve
tried that.
Rayzel: Yeah so you did that and then you lost weight?
Lynette: I lost 2.8 pounds.
Rayzel: Oh cause you have that super low carb day.
Lynette: But I’ve never tried that before and I’ve been searching everywhere to see if I can do it
differently because I hate taking the diet pill [inaudible] not be hungry. I just don’t like taking
that but it helps if you have to wait to dinner.
Rayzel: I gotcha. So you had the eggs and you still had a good result. It is nice having those
different little tricks up your sleeve. My body’s actually used to intermittent fasting, and all day
fast like that because I do it maybe once a week, maybe once every other week but it’s
something overtime my body’s adjusted to so I think that’s why I can do it without feeling
hungry. I think when I first started doing it I did feel hungry but it’s funny how your body
actually gets used to what you do with it. So that’s okay but it is nice just having some people do
that like egg days, other people would do just Greek yogurt all day and nothing happens or.
Lynette: Steak and cheese, I heard that one too.
Rayzel: I think it’s just having a plan that kind of gives you a boundary and usually involves low
carbs and less calories in some way but it just gives you that boundary, something to follow for
the day and yes it’s just nice to have those corrective measures. And I’m glad you shared that
you can do the 1750 for maintenance because a lot of people think that after the diet like “Oh for
only 1200 for life” and that’s, I actually don’t count calories because I hate to do it, it makes me
feel like I’m in jail but the few times that I have. I’m surprised how little 1200 calories is, to me,
like food. I’m like “That’s hardly anything, oh my God.” I would hate if that’s what I had to live
on but I don’t.
Lynette: I know. It gets depressing after a while. I have to do something different. I’ve got to see
if I can live outside of 1200 calories.
Rayzel: Yeah cause really having a whole another 550 for you that’s a whole another meal so
that’s great.
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Yup, I want this!
Can you ask her how she prepares the eggs on the day she does eggs and steak that would would be awesome. Thanks.
LOVED her advice on learn how to maintain where they are because for the first time that is exactly what I am doing!! Loved this!
My story is going to be soooo awesome because I have been through so many rounds and gained the weight back every time (did 2 rounds between 2011-2013 and lost 40lbs, gained it all back each time) but this round is different!! I have been able to keep the weight off that I have lost this year (2015) longer than I have each round!!! But I want to do another round and then give myself a year to keep it off. My goal is to say I have lost 60-70lbs without gaining any of it back. I have finally learned that I have to give up old habits to live a happy healthy life! 🙂
Hey girly this is lit6/happilynaturallit26 I can not wait to be one of your interviews!!! I hope you are still doing this in a year or two!!