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See all the hCG interview episodes
These are in-depth conversations one-on-one with hCG ladies where you get to hear their whole weight loss story and the tips that helped them succeed.
Read short written hCG testimonials
These are short testimonials of ladies who’ve written in their hCG diet results to me for quick motivation.
Well now you guys will find out just how long some of my blogposts are in the making lol! I conducted this interview back in November 2014 and it’s now June 2015 – I can’t believe that much time has flown by.
- Height: 5’7″
- Starting Weight: 220 lbs
- Ending Weight: 140 lbs
- Total Weight Lost: 80 lbs
- Starting Size: 18
- Ending Size: 6
- Waist Inch Loss: 12 inches
- Hips Inch Loss: 10 inches
- 3 rounds of hCG between April and November of 2014
- Used hCG Injections (options for finding RX hCG online here)
Links mentioned in interview:
- NuWave Tabletop Oven – Can cook frozen items that aren’t defrosted apparently!
- Deciding on a timeline for the hCG Diet
- Deciding on Exercise During the hCG Protocol
- Pinterest – Phase 2 hCG Recipes
- Pinterest – Phase 3 hCG Recipes
- Pinterest – Sugar Free Grain Free Recipes (more desserty type stuff- suitable for P3 as well)
- Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe
- FitMiss Protein Powder – Cookies n Cream flavor
- Shakeology Protein Powder – Chocolate
Highlights from our interview:
When you lose inches from your waist, I think that’s a pretty reliable indicator that the weight that’s lost is fat because you don’t have 12 inches worth of muscle on your waist.
Many are concerned about muscle loss on the hCG protocol (as was I when I first came across it). Note what Casey has to say though, as a person who lifts weights:
“I would say that I lost no muscle because I lift weights and I’ve never had an issue where I felt like my weight lifting ability decreased. In fact it increased.”
Casey did exercise while on hCG so you can listen to her experience on that and how she modified things with her eating during Phase 2 to compensate for this.
She ate several “off-protocol” vegetables, pretty consistently, during Phase 2.
Major Tip on Making Cooking Healthy Food Easier
“If you’re looking for something that helps lazy people like me or who forgets that they’ve got frozen stuff and they have a family. The NuWave is a significant help. It’s called the NuWave. It’s just a little oven you have on the countertop. It’s ridiculous to say but that thing made the world difference for me.
I moved on October and everything and I’d have to take my frozen food pop it in there and 12 minutes later I have my meal. You can do your vegetables and your protein at the same time. For somebody like me it made the difference.”
How Weight Loss Has Changed Casey’s Life
“My family. I’m able to keep up with my kids. That’s a huge difference for me, before like I said I was at a very low point. So I would sit on the couch and I just watch them play and now I’m right there out there with them. I’m running out in the backyard or you know.
They’re seeing me make these changes in myself which is a huge motivator for me. The first thing they say is “Hey mom are we gonna go to the gym?” or “Hey mom are we gonna run around at the park.” That’s a really good feeling that they’re enjoying hanging out with me because I’m actually able to keep up with them.
I think that and having the energy when I wake up in the morning I don’t feel like – uh. You know, I don’t feel defeated before I even start. I got a purpose now and I can actually go do stuff and that’s nice.”
Transcript for Episode 25
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Or read it all here:
Rayzel: Hey guys! Hcgchica. Welcome to Episode 25 of The HCG Diet Interviews. Today my guest is Casey. She’s actually lost 80 pounds with the HCG Protocol as you know, probably saw in the intro with her before and after pictures. She looks just amazing. We have a lot of fun stuff to talk about today. I was like talking about the successes people have but I also like talking about the struggles people faced both before hCG, you know what kind of led them to the point where they needed to lose weight, as well as on the protocol itself. There can be challenges so we’ll talk about that sort of stuff today. Welcome Casey!
Casey: Hi.
Rayzel: How are you today?
Casey: Very well.
Rayzel: So just you guys know we didn’t plan. We both ended up wearing stripes. Too funny. Why don’t you just introduce yourself a little bit like tell us a little bit about your basic stats. Where you started and where you ended with your weight and your clothing and stuff.
Casey: I started out at 220.2 which was my ultimate high ever. So I started HCG then and right now I’m at 140 on the dot.
Rayzel: That’s amazing. So that’s just almost exactly 80 pounds, right.
Casey: Yup. 80.2.
Rayzel: I forgot how tall you are. You’re taller right?
Casey: I’m 5’7’’.
Rayzel: 5’7. Okay. Cool. Awesome. So with that 80 pounds that you lost at 5’7’’ how did that translate into your clothing size? How did that change for you?
Casey: It changed significantly. So I started from a 16/18, forcing a 16. Right now I’m down to 6/8. Just depending on the brand I can get into a 6 and other ones I need 8.
Rayzel: Awesome. And at your height that’s really slender. You can tell in your pictures. You’re all slim. So that’s awesome. Do you happen to know, before I ask the question, about the whole inch lost? So now we move on to inch lost because that’s- sometimes it’s like weigh on the scale it’s just a number. You can weigh 200 pounds but you’re size 4. Great. Tell me what were some of your most drastic inch loss changes?
Casey: Definitely my abdomen more than anything. Followed by hips. So for the total on the weight obviously was the 80.2 and I lost measurements from the chest alone I lost about 9 inches, from the abdomen I lost 12, from the hips I lost 10, thighs I lost 5, and the arms I lost 3 each so it’s a total of about 50 something like that.
Rayzel: That’s amazing so like 12 inches from your waist, 10 inches from your hips. That’s like a whole foot.
Casey: My old pants I put them on just to see just the before and after just for me. It’s just a significant difference.
Rayzel: That’s amazing. The nice thing about that too is that when you lose inches in your waist, I think that’s a pretty reliable indicator that the weight that’s lost is fat because you don’t have 12 inches worth of muscle on your waist. So when we carry that extra flab that’s obviously fat. Just another thing as far as hCG goes that you’re losing fat.
Casey: I would say that I lost no muscle because I lift weights and I’ve never have an issue where I felt like my weights’ decreased. My weights is only significantly increased each workout.
Rayzel: Awesome. That’s good. As far as the actual hCG you used. What did you end up using?
Casey: I use the injections. That seem to work best for me. I did drops originally and I was not happy. I felt sick and there’s kind of a burning taste in my mouth and it’s a really bad experience for me and it kind of deterred me in the beginning. I had to do injectionswith my pregnancy so it was kind of well it was a lot of pain that I went through twice a day for my kid so I didn’t want to go through the pain with the hCG but the difference in the needle size and the difference in the solution, I didn’t feel anything. So that’s what kind of made it for me. That was my selling point.
Rayzel: Cool. That’s good. I did the injections too. Like you I was kind of nervous about doing that but then you don’t realize just how little the needle is. Yeah once you put it in like you said you really don’t feel anything if it’s going in your fat. That’s good to hear your feedback on that. With the weight you’ve lost can you give us just a rundown of how many rounds you’ve done, how long those rounds were?
Casey: I did 3 rounds. The first one I did was a long round which for me, it was okay but you get to a mental state where “I really need to move on to something else”. So the first round I started April 1st and it was 62 days. The 2nd round I did, I believe it was 30 or 31 days and then I took a 30 day break between there and then I did another round and that one I believe was 31 or 32 days on that one as well. Other than that I did workout in between my breaks and stuff so I did have the weight loss from there but I still maintained the P3 diet so it definitely helped.
Rayzel: For those of you who don’t know. Typically the diet is usually done in like 3-6 weeks period and then you take a break. Some do choose, like Casey did, to extend a round a little bit so instead of doing up to 40 days or so she ended up doing an extra 20 days. I actually do have an article kind of talking about the pros and cons on that. To help you guys decide what’s best for you. I’ll link to that in the article in the show notes for you guys to check out. But essentially like she said, it’s kind of, there’s a mental aspect too where sometimes it’s like, maybe you could keep going but it just gets to be like you’re just kind of done, you feel kind of done. Right? Usually at that point is when I tell people it’s good to stop when you feel done so that you don’t start cheating and ruined what you’ve achieved. But on occasion if you’re highly motivated, Casey did do well that 1st round doing it longer. In my other interview, I don’t remember which Episode it was. I think it’s like 3 or 4 or 5, I’ll put a link to it. She lost a 127 pounds and she did some longer rounds. She has MS, she was super motivated and she stuck to the protocol and she got it done. In some cases it does work.
Casey: Yeah, you can definitely do it. It’s all a mental thing. I think healthwise I have the energy, I was good to go it’s just mentally I was like “I need a change of diet, I need something like to kind of change it up.” It worked for me so.
Rayzel: We kind of already mentioned a little bit but as far as the time frame for your weight loss, when was your first round start? When did it start again?
Casey: It started April 1st.
Rayzel: April 1st of 2014?
Casey: Yes 2014.
Rayzel: April 1st and now it’s November, you’ve done 3 rounds in that time and you’ve lost 80 pounds in that time and you weren’t actually on HCG that whole time of course cause you had your breaks.
Casey: I took the 30 day break and then 30-ish on and then 30-day break so. I did maintain the P3 diet which helps
significantly. I kind of change my way of thinking as far as foods and stuff. I didn’t need those carbs to do stuff so I was working out but it was still beneficial because I was getting the proper proteins.
Rayzel: Gotcha. That’s right. Now, is there anything during Phase 2, the 500 calorie diet portion that you find particularly challenging at all?
Casey: At first I kind of went the harder route I think, personally, I tried to do the meal prep and everything like that. I did everything just from the beginning and it was kind of hard cause as a person like me I forgot to defrost things so that was kind of rough for me but I did start getting my way where I was proportioning and I got totally off note but I got a new way of which I can cook things from frozen so I did it in 12 minutes and I was good to go.
Rayzel: Oh good.
Casey: I can still meal plan and I can still prep but I didn’t have to cook it right then or defrost it or anything else so that made the difference for me. I didn’t stay 500 calories everyday though. I do cardio a few times a week and on those cardio days I did have to increase calories which was fine so.
Rayzel: Can you maybe elaborate on that? What you did specifically for any other who might be doing that.
Casey: As far as the cardio you know we do 15-30 minutes on treadmill and stuff. With that I felt like I needed just a little bit more calorie. I didn’t want to burn too quickly. I wanted the weight loss to be as steady. I would go up about 100, 150 tops for extra calories but I would typically lean towards either watery stuff like broccoli and have that extra little vitamins and minerals or I would stick with the protein. That definitely helped. Just kind of depends. I would try to keep it before just so when I’m running or stuff I don’t feel that extra exhaustion I already have the energy good to go.
Rayzel: Yeah. I’m on broccoli. Just to clarify too. The original protocol for Dr. Simeon’s didn’t have broccoli on the list of vegetables. However, a lot of people today do experiment with other vegetables. I actually did use broccoli on my final round as well. Just feedback on that and then were there any off-protocol foods you incorporated and how do you feel it worked for you.
Casey: I did salmon. I know that’s not one that’s on there but I like salmon. I do like the oil and I feel like it’s beneficial for me. I mean I also ate a lot of cauliflower. I don’t think that’s on the list but I love cauliflower and like I said I do crave carbs so that’s always my go-to. If I want a mash potatoes I would make cauliflower mashed potatoes. If I want a pizza it’s my cauliflower pizza and that helps significantly.
Rayzel: Great. Good. It’s obvious that you lost a lot of weight and I can tell by just looking at you that you lost a lot of fat so to me it’s kind of the proof in there. When you came to eating your vegetables. Did you actually count the calories of the vegetables or did you just eat to hunger?
Casey: The only one I actually do count is the cauliflower. Cause the cauliflower does have a little bit more starchy carbs and stuff like that so I would count the calories and I would look at the carbs for that.
Rayzel: So you wouldn’t get too carried away?
Casey: Yeah. Definitely. I would occasionally. I would have a plateful of cauliflower rice and then my little bit of shrimp on top. I’m having to stop myself from that. But no, I don’t like- I’m just not a salad person. I don’t like asparagus. I tried. I desperately tried to like the asparagus but it just wasn’t working for me. So I said there’s very few that I’ll eat so I’m gonna stick with what I can and see how my body reacts to that. My body did perfect with it so I just continued.
Rayzel: Okay. Cool. So you had broccoli, cauliflower, were there any other vegetables that you did eat or?
Casey: Mushrooms on occasions. Onion on occasion.
Rayzel: Okay. Cool. And you just kind of rotate those.
Casey: Yeah. Not, well during P2 I kind of kept it the same. I was pretty much the same thing always.
Casey: Rayzel: I’m like that too.
P3 I mix it up just cause I kind of got bored but with P2 it’s working I want to stay with what I know is working so.
Rayzel: Good point. Real quick. You mentioned that you actually were cooking stuff from frozen so you don’t have to defrost. Did you have a special method that you do? To share like what do you do?
Casey: Like I said if you’re looking for something that helps lazy people like me or who forgets that they’ve got frozen stuff and they have a family. The NuWave is a significant help. It’s called the NuWave. It’s just a little oven you have on the countertop. It’s ridiculous to say but that thing made the world difference for me. I moved on October and everything and I’d have to take my frozen food pop it in there and 12 minutes later I have my meal. You can do your vegetables and your protein at the same time. For somebody like me it made the difference.
Rayzel: Well I’ll put a link to that in the notes if anyone wants to check it out. Cool. NuWave. Very cool.
Casey: Like I said it’s kind of an offhand thing but it really works.
Rayzel: Sometimes it is those little things that makes something work or just play a huge role in something makes successful so I think that’s important and for everyone it’s gonna be different.
Casey: I know a lot of people complain that I have a family or I work all day and I don’t have time to come home and cook these healthy meals. You can. It’s not that hard to do. You just have to find different ways to do that for yourself.
Rayzel: Yeah like, this is just a funny little story. Just talking about that were some things you can make them more difficult than they need to be so you don’t do it. I put this on Facebook a little bit ago but my mom her whole life when she make salad she would tear up the lettuce leaf by leaf by hand and so that’s what I did. I thought that’s how you make a salad and it took me until I was 20 years old when I met my mother-in-law and I saw her make a salad one day. She take the whole head of salad and she takes a knife and just chops it all up in like 2 seconds and I was like – how did I never know about this?
Casey: My husband and I were the exact same we were like why didn’t we think of this before?
Rayzel: Yeah. Ever since then making a salad has been so much easier. That’s funny. Okay.
Casey: It’s the little things that help.
Rayzel: Yup. So before you started hCG was there like a low point like you reach or some story that you can recall that just made you realize that you needed to make a change or you needed to find something to help you?
Casey: Absolutely. I gained my weight during my pregnancies. I was hit by a car when I was pregnant with my first son. Steroids, I gain a significant amount of weight in a very short time. Had my son, lost a little bit, nothing significant. I immediately got pregnant a year later and I had my second son and I lost my best friend at that time. My grandfather was my everything and I just went through the worst postpartum depression, I just didn’t care. I wanted to feed my feelings. That was the happy place to go to and I just ballooned of course. My husband brought it to my attention, he was like, “You’re not happy, this is just not- something’s not working for you, what can we do to help you out and everything?” So we talked about it and stuff and then he was like, “You know working out you’re gonna feel better. This is what you’ve always done. You’ve always been athletic. Let’s start on this together.” So together we started working out and everything. I did lose a little bit. Definitely not what I was before pregnancies and then I got pregnant again. Yes. So when I got pregnant again it just was a total blow and I was just like “How do I keep doing this?” and my husband deployed during this pregnancy. I had my daughter when he was deployed and it was just an emotional time. So whenever he came back and everything again it was just different, a third child, he was working a lot so again was a very low, low point with just not a lot of motivation to do anything. Then he brought up wanting to go out for our 5th year anniversary so that was the motivator. I started working out. I did the Beach Body Programs and stuff and I did lose some but as soon as we hit our vacation I was like, “Okay, I did what I needed to, I’m done.” When he deployed I was like, you know, he’s deployed again right now and you know what there’s nothing holding me back, there’s no excuses. This is my “Me Time”. This is my year to do what I need to do to find myself and it’s worked like a charm. I’ve researched hCG for a very long time and I finally decided, okay, we’ll do it.
Rayzel: That’s good too. Because it does take- I feel like to do this protocol and feel comfortable with it I think it does require a certain amount of research. Do you feel like – Thanks for sharing that story too cause I think it will resonate with a lot of moms out there because it might not be the exact same story but there’s parts of it that it’s like yeah I went through something similar and like you said postpartum is pretty serious and like you said when you’re going through stuff like that, you don’t care. It’s like- and if you don’t care you can’t worry about losing weight or eating right.
Casey: You feed those emotions so you just don’t care.
Rayzel: Yeah. Do you feel like once like as you mentioned how you lost weight for your 5 year anniversary but then of course that came in once when the motivation was gone. Do you feel like you had to kind of make a mental change in your head in order to lose weight and keep it off? How did you have to change the way you thought about weight loss or eating?
Casey: So that kind of happen for me in Round 2 actually. In my mind it was one of those “I’m gonna have a cheat day once or twice a week cause you know I’m losing weight fast so who cares?” and that round I was like “You know this isn’t worth it.” I’m going up and I’m coming down but I’m not changing my thinking so my thinking is I’m gonna lose this weight so I could have this terrible, terrible food. I kind of realize right as I was finishing Round 2 this isn’t gonna work. If I want to keep working out like I’m gonna keep working out and I wanna keep going, I need to stick with the proper diet and this is gonna be a lifestyle change. I don’t want it to be something like when he comes back, “Well, I’m done. I’ve finished my thing”. No, I’m loving the gym. I’m loving the food. Which definitely helps and I’m giving myself options which is the biggest change. I think that’s what made the lifestyle change for me as before it was “I want this carbs, I want this carbs.” Well now I have my cauliflower or if I really want those sugars and I have my stevia. There’s different options. If you want it, you can do it just find your option or find your moderation which is key.
Rayzel: Right. And I’m really glad you mentioned that because I agree. Don’t deny, replace. And like you said that’s exactly- cause I had to make that transformation too because like you it was that thing like on a day I felt thin I would be like Oh I can eat more today because I feel thin and it’s like the reward is that you get to eat more and I too had to change that thinking that really it’s all about just being in moderation all the time and I had to just change my mind in that way and as well like you said getting away from the mentality that you’re like being denied something by making a change and instead of just thinking all of these are all of the things that I can’t have and that can be frustrating but actually when you shift that focus and you start thinking about what can I have? And then it’s actually so much easier and like you said you find stuff that you actually end up liking and so you don’t miss the other stuff after a while.
Casey: Exactly and there’s always a better option. Just take the time to look into your options. Look around. Do some research and it’ll change. Things will change and your brain will be like, you know, I really want that piece of cake but I can go this route and I can go still get that sweet tooth but it’s a better option for me.
Rayzel: Yeah and I think for other people who haven’t made a change yet and you feel anxious about it. For instance, when I was trying to make changes, it was like scared of the idea of making that change permanent because I felt like, what if I’m not happy? If I don’t like that food? Or if I don’t like not having the food that I’m used to having? But you don’t have to view it as a permanent thing. When I finally decided to do a trial with taking dairy out of my diet? I put if off for like a whole year. I kept knowing that my body wasn’t digesting it well but I love cheese, I love yogurt, I just wasn’t ready to like do this, like you know, permanently. I’m not ready to do that. So finally after a year, I was like, “Okay, I’m just gonna actually do a trial for like 2 weeks, take it out and see if I can find other stuff to eat.” And if it’s just a total horrible mess and I can’t find anything satisfying then I could just go back to eating dairy and as it turned out I found other things to eat and it was a good choice for me at this time and that made it so much easier by just doing it as a trial and then seeing what else I could find and I realize, “Oh this isn’t as big a deal as I thought it was”.
Casey: And I think that’s what a lot of people don’t do is they don’t want to expand. I’m the pickiest eater on the world, by all means, like I said, I don’t like vegetables, I don’t enjoy them but I branched out. I think a lot of people are scared. They’re like “Well that’s something I’m not used to or my family is not gonna eat that” and people are gonna look at me, “No, try it see how your body reacts to different things”. I never in a million years thought I would like cauliflower. My family looked at me like I was crazy and now I’ve got heads and heads of lettuce or heads of cauliflower in my fridge now. It’s uh- try it. It’s a big thing.
Rayzel: Right. That’s like with kale. Me and kale. I hate kale and then I don’t know how many heads of kale and salad I ate in the last year but I probably kept at least one grocery store in business so. What are some of the main things that feel different for you, I mean we came to that a little bit but as far as from being overweight, how it felt just living your life that way versus now. What are some of the main things that feel different to you that you appreciate?
Casey: My family. I’m able to keep up with my kids. That’s a huge difference for me, before like I said I was at a very low point. So I would sit on the couch and I just watch them play and now I’m right there out there with them. I’m running out in the backyard or you know. They’re seeing me make these changes in myself which is a huge motivator for me. The first thing they say is “Hey mom are we gonna go to the gym?” or “Hey mom are we gonna run around at the park.” That’s a really good feeling that they’re enjoying hanging out with me because I’m actually able to keep up with them. I think that and having the energy when I wake up in the morning I don’t feel like – uh. You know, I don’t feel defeated before I even start. I got a purpose now and I can actually go do stuff and that’s nice.
Rayzel: Yeah. Thinking you probably lost like however much your 3 kids weigh together, you probably loss them in your weight. You could pile them on your back now and that’s about how much you weigh before.
Casey: Pretty close.
Rayzel: Why don’t we just talk a little bit now about phase 3? So you did some like month long phase 3s. How did those go for you as far as stabilizing what you ate?
Casey: At first it was kind of tricky trying to figure out what my body would accept and what my body didn’t want to accept. But I was patient and I think that was a big key for me. It was like, “Well, I’m gonna take it day by day, I’m gonna change one thing at a time and see hey my body like this or hey it doesn’t like this”. But I’ve been very fortunate. Almost everything has gone really well. I love, love the plants that I have found. Like I said I’ve done some research and stuff and I’m eating my food and I’m going, “This is delicious, where has this been my entire life?” That has been a huge motivator for me. But I think I’m gonna continue on that for a while. My calories I don’t keep track of hardly at all. Because I am working out so much I do think I have a higher calorie count than most people on P3 but it’s working for me so.
Rayzel: Great. Did you say you have a Pinterest board or something where you get recipes?
Casey: I do. I need to separate it into an hCG category cause I have stuff prior the hCG. Why is that on there still?
Rayzel: Gotcha, gotcha. But yeah Pinterest is great for getting Phase 2 recipes. I’ll at least put a link to my P3 board. Maybe I’ll go look at hers and pin some of hers then that are P3 or if you ever get it divided out let me know and we’ll link to yours. So yeah. It is nice like you said to have variety and sometimes like you said with the cauliflower you wouldn’t have known that you liked it so sometimes by getting those ideas from Pinterest helps you open up your mind to things you wouldn’t have known about trying. People are so creative with food but I’m not one of those people so I have to get my ideas from somewhere else.
Casey: I’m incredibly picky and I was absolutely dying for pizza. That is my go-to and I saw somebody made it with cauliflower and I was like “Where have you been?” and I was like “Oh, it’s cauliflower” and I tried and I was like- I sent my family messages “You have got to try this!” and they said “You’re crazy!” and I said “No! You have to try it! It’s amazing!”
Rayzel: So that was the one with the cauliflower crust.
Casey: It is.
Rayzel: Ooh. I haven’t actually made that so it’s really good huh?
Casey: Yeah, it’s delicious. It’s a lot easier to make than- you know it looks scary on there but again patience and just a little bit of research and you can get things done.

Rayzel: Gotcha! Cool. Well just last question then as far as kind of maintaining now. Are you still eating mostly Phase 3 or have you added in any carbs?
Casey: Very little carbs. I try to stay away from carbs because that is just one thing my body just- it just doesn’t want to do. I do a lot of shakes. Protein shakes and stuff which have a little bit of carbs into them. Like I said the cauliflower does have a little bit of carb in it and stuff and once in a very blue moon I’ll have like a sweet potato or something and that has a little bit into it but I try to stick with protein vegetable mostly.
Rayzel: Yeah. Just real clean then.
Casey: Yeah. I don’t really do fruit that much. I’ll do with banana occasionally but I just don’t do the apples and that kind of stuff. I’ve been throughout but I keep with the same ingredients to the different recipes so.
Rayzel: As far as your fat goes what type of fats do you include in your diet?
Casey: Salmon. I pretty much have salmon every other day just because I love it. That’s my go-to or up with like coconut oil in my coffee and stuff just for a flavor change and just a little bit of boost.
Rayzel: Yeah. I have forgotten too. Did you end up having shakes on P2 as well?
Casey: I did. I did have shakes on P2.
Rayzel: What shake was it? I forgot.
Casey: I went with FitMiss for one and I also went with the Lameshakes and I also went with Shakeology. I just kind of mixed it up.
Rayzel: So you would have those in replace of a protein on occasion or?
Casey: Yes. Pretty much after a workout especially if it’s a harder workout. That would be my- I typically workout in the morning so that would be my lunch. It would be a replacement.
Rayzel: Okay. Cool. I’m glad to hear that cause a lot of people ask me about the shake thing and I haven’t had tons of feedback on it on how it works. So it’s cool to know that that worked okay for you.
Casey: Yeah. I looked for calories of course. Then I looked at carbs. That was my big thing. I don’t want any sugars and I want as little carbs as possible. That was definitely the way to go.
Rayzel: That’s great. Thanks for sharing all of your personal details with everybody.
Casey: Absolutely.
Rayzel: I hope everything- You’re good, right? Are you trying to lose more? Or are you?
Casey: Oh, no, I’m done.
Rayzel: You’re good. So you’re just working out, getting strong?
Casey: Yeah. At this point I don’t really care. I’m just wanting to get my strength back on. I’m doing a lot of weights and stuff so it’s all that fun. It’s huge difference for me.
Rayzel: That’s great. Cool. Thanks so much!
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