This blog is part of my hCG Pharmacy 101 series. For more information, check out My pharmacy tour where you can watch and read a recap of my trip to one of the hCG drug outsourcing facilities.
In this blog post, you’re going to find out why ordering powder form hCG is ideal, what kind of process hCG undergoes to maximize its storage life and maintain its efficacy, and why it is NOT advisable to purchase a liquid or premixed hCG.
So you’re ready to order your hCG injections?
When we are speaking of ordering real hCG online – that is, the real, prescription, actual hCG hormone, wherever you get it from, it needs to arrive to you in powder form, not liquid. Why is this?
Listen to Michael the Pharmacist’s explanation of this in the video above. Finally, the mommy blogger is proved sane and true! 😉 I’ve been saying this for a few years now.
Before you get your powder form hCG, it is a liquid solution that undergoes the process of lyophilization or, in layman’s term, freeze-drying. Lyophilization improves the storage life of hCG, ensuring that you get your product with its maximum potency.
You can check out my other blog post Turning hCG from A Liquid into a Powder to Maintain Potency where I go into geek mode and discuss the process of lyophilization.
hCG as Liquid = Potency Degradation
Essentially, the moment hCG is put into a solution, it starts to experience potency degradation. How much? We can’t really be sure. But the point is to minimize this by making sure that the hormone is processed so that it is in it’s most stable form, as powder, until you are ready to mix it for your hCG round.
With the powder form hCG, you can rest assured knowing that its potency is preserved as opposed to the pre-mixed or reconstituted form which has a very limited shelf life. The longer storage life of powder hCG is very convenient in the event that you receive it and decide to put off injecting it. Just make sure to use it WITHIN THE EXPIRY DATE listed on the vial. And just to clarify, the expiry date specified on the vial does not necessarily mean the date after which your hCG is no longer potent. It’s just that pharmacies are legally required to indicate the date that signifies THE LENGTH OF TIME THAT THE hCG HAS BEEN TESTED FOR and they cannot put a date beyond that period.
By having the hCG arrive at your home as a powder, which you then mix yourself (don’t worry it’s EASY PEASY with my hCG mixing tutorials), you can have a good 4 weeks or so to use your batch of hCG with sufficient potency to do it’s work in your body.
I have so much to relate to you all from my pharmacy tour so check out my other hCG Pharmacy 101 posts and find out more about the very strict processes that go into making real, potent, and safe hCG injections!
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Yup, I want this!
Can I safely take HCG if I have high blood pressure.
I’ve taken it many times in the past but now I’m older and have high blood pressure.
Hi Kathy,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
There are numerous hCGers who have hypertension and had successful rounds. That said, I encourage you to pursue speaking with the doctor about it, because getting to a normal healthy weight could potentially go a long way in normalizing your blood pressure for the long term!
Hope that helps!
Hi, love all the detail in your site! I got 2 vials of the powder 1 looks like your video, clump of hcg at bottom, the other looks slightly different, the powder at the bottom broke loose and now looks like a tablet of powder flopping all around the vial. Before I activate it with the liquid,do you think that vial is still okay?
Thanks, Susan
Hi Susan,
It happens at times that the powder clumps up and it does not affect potency. As long as it’s not yet beyond the expiration date, you’re all good!
Do you happen to have any advice for those of us who have been successful thus far on the protocol (down 17 lbs, day 20 of my first ever round in Phase 2)…. BUT accidentally left their HCG injection vial out overnight? 🙁 I would hate to spend the money to order a new vial and have read different accounts of whether or not it’s still any good. I called the compounding phatmacy and the pharmacist simply said “Well, technically you’re supposed to keep it refrigerated but if it was only left out for one day, I wouldn’t sweat it.” Not very reassuring. The PA at my Dr.’s office recommended that I come in and purchase a new vial. Dr. Simeon has been quoted as saying 2-3 days at room temp is okay. I have no idea how to tell the best route. Any suggestions?
Hi Tanya!
I’m so sorry to hear this. It can go bad within that time- but I know how crushing that can be given the expense. You might try it for a few days and see how your hunger is- you may need to increase your dose and remix sooner as a result, so really pay attention to how you are feeling this coming week if you decide to go ahead and use it – I hope that sounds good. Best bet of course is new batch, but like I said, I understand that is a big decision since it’s so costly.
Hi hcgchica!!
I need your help. I ordered from (formerly ushcginjections) that you recommended and I haven’t received my product or a tracking #… And they haven’t returned my voicemails or emails :/
It’s been 10 days with nothing but the confirmation of my order on the day it was purchased. I really need my order to get here ASAP and I need to be 20lbs smaller by thanksgiving. Do you think I should cancel, try to get my money back, and go with another company??
I’m stressing A LOT about this :/
Hey Kate!
I just sent you a private email so check your inbox and spam if you don’t see it okay? They are a bit behind right now ever since their 4 day sale they had and they are trying to get all caught up. More details in the email. 🙂 – Rayzel
Hi HCGChica,
I have been doing my research on weight loss and came across your site and I LOVE IT! It makes me feel like I am not alone in the struggle. My biggest problem thus far has been working my “diets” around feeding my picky children. I want to gear myself up to start this program and want to be able to continue to feed my family they way I do now. Any tips or suggestions for this transition?
Hi @Amanda C. nice to meet you. 🙂 One idea that others have done is to make a large enough portion of your phase 2 meal for you AND family, and then add a carb to their meal and- ie potatoes, corn, etc – that usually makes the meal taste yummy and normal to fam. Hope that tips helps- I got that one from other fellow hCGers actually!
Hi @Paris – it probably depends on what the weakness is being caused by – could be low blood sugar, in which case you’ll need to eat something to remedy that, could be dosing off – if the dosing is off for you then it can cause the hunger and low blood sugar- my post on dosing is here you might find helpful:
b12 can be good – usually that’s more of a fatigue/tired feeling- if you are feeling really weak that sounds more like low blood sugar. But remember I’m not a doc so I could be wrong! I hope that helps a little- usually if it’s low blood sugar, adjusting dosage helps as I discuss in other blogpost. – Rayzel