Phase 3 hCG Diet Recipe
I’m kind of on a recipe-roll lately here for P3 hCG diet recipes. The other day I was craving cookies. Actually, I was craving cookies for several days. Each day it crossed my mind that I’d really like to buy some of those gluten free cookies (but with real sugar and plenty of carbs in the form of rice flour) that I used to buy and overeat.
Each time, I managed to leave the store without them, knowing what would happen if the cookies made it to my car- I’d eat the entire contents. Since I have a history of binge eating in my recent past, I try to be very careful not to get cocky about sugar intake.
Still, today my urge got the better of me- I had just finished Crossfit before running over to the local organic produce market and reasoned to myself that since I’d just worked out so hard, maybe if I was going to indulge, now would be the best time. So I bought the cookies. But I didn’t eat them.
As I drove home, I told myself there was no reason to feel guilty yet since I hadn’t even opened the bag. No damage had actually been done yet; there was still time to save myself. I thought maybe I should just go home and try to make my own cookie recipe that wouldn’t do so much damage sugar, calorie and carb wise. I figured if it came out good, I could share it with you guys. And that’s how Grain Free Sugar Free Cookies came to be. It’s also a nut free and low carb recipe.
Once you finish Phase 2 of the hCG diet, whether you’re using HCG Injections or homeopathic hCG, and move on to Phase 3, you might occasionally want something to hit the sweet spot- this can fit into that for ya.
Grain Free Sugar Free Cookies Recipe:
1/2 cup flaxseed meal
1/4 cup pumpkin seed meal (put pumpkin seeds in coffee grinder and grind)
1/4 cup chia seed powder (put chia seed in coffee grinder and grind)
2 heaping tsp. carob powder
2 tsp. Baking Powder
2 tsp. powdered Erythritol
1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1/4 cup Protein Powder- I used Sunwarrior Sprouted Fermented Vegan Rice Protein
2 egg whites
3 tbs. butter melted
1 tsp. white vinegar
stevia to taste
Mix all the dry ingredients first (first half of list), then add in the wet ingredients. Form into flattened circles and use a cookie cutter for cute shape, or simply slap the rounded flattened cookie dough onto the baking pan as is. No one really cares after all. I only made my cookies look cute so that you’ll want to pin them on pinterest to get more people to try the recipe out. Bake at 350 for about 10-12 minutes (I did it in my toaster oven). Makes about 14 cookies (nutrition profile to follow).
1 tbs. powdered Erythritol
1 tbs. butter melted
Mix the icing ingredients together- then either pipe onto the cooled cookies with a plastic bag with the tip cut off, or just smear some on with a butter knife.
Nutrition stats below do not include icing:
I compared the cookies I bought and wanted to eat with the cookies I made- an approximate comparison gram for gram of the two cookies:
[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]
Store-bought Gluten Free
Chocolate Chip Cookies:
57 grams
260 calories
12 grams fat
38 grams carbs
22 grams sugar
2 grams protein[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
Homemade Grain Free
Sugar Free Cookies:
54 grams (this was for 2 fairly thick cookies)
198 calories
14 grams fat
3.6 grams carbs
0 grams sugar
11.2 grams protein[/wpcol_1half_end]
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Yup, I want this!
Would stevia maybe work instead of Erythritol for the sweetner in your cookies? I don’t have any Erythritol in my cupboard. Thanks.
I really want to try these. However, I don’t have many of these ingredients in my cabinet. Are they ingredients that you usually have on hand? If they can be used in multiple recipes, I have no problem buying these items. Do you have any other cookie recipes with less ingredients? I just found your blog today and have really enjoyed it. My husband and I are just starting Phase 3 for the first time. It scares me a bit, so I’ve been searching online for more information. I’ve lost 23 pounds and my husband has lost 28 in 5 weeks of Phase 2.