Dear readers-
Any of you who have been using my information and my site for a period of time knows how seriously I take this protocol, and how seriously I take the need for hCG to be real.
I have always been confident after my own due diligence that the sites that I recommend on my blog for purchasing real prescription hCG are indeed that. And they are. I can look you straight in the eye and tell you with 100% confidence that all sources currently on my Buy hCG page are real prescription hCG. It’s SO great to be able to get U.S. made prescription online now! This was actually not possible just a few years ago. Just a few years ago you had to spend $600-900 to get that at a clinic, IF there was one near where you lived.
The reason I know the hCG from these sources is real is for the following reasons. I have personally tested multiple vials from each company with pregnancy tests and seen a positive result. In addition, I have spoken at length with the head of each company as they discussed where their products are compounded, the regulations that the pharmacies they use are required to live up to, etc. Lastly, all U.S. sources of hCG have shared hCG purity and sterility testing by third parties on a batch of hCG from the pharmacies they use with me.
There is a problem though, and a valid reason that I just cannot really recommend people to use pregnancy testing as a sole indicator of hCG being viable or good anymore. This is because there is too much inconsistency with the test results going on. Let me explain and prove it to you.
On a rare occasion (and I’m talking rare), one of the previous sources on my site gets brought into question by someone. The issue it always stems from is that they test their hCG on a pregnancy test and it comes up negative for them. They usually contact me and after much back and forth questions, we come to find there was either user error (something about how they performed the test wasn’t right) or the test itself was somehow faulty, because they’ll do another test or two and get a positive.
Now let me be clear. Every single vial of hCG I have ever tested, probably about 30 + vials, maybe more, has always tested positive on a pregnancy test. So yes, real hCG DOES test positive on a pregnancy test. I still stand behind that because I’ve seen all these positive tests I’ve done with my very own eyes- and I’ve even videoed them at times- as you can see me doing above. So no one can tell me otherwise.
Some sources will say that you CAN’T test these hCG vials on a pregnancy test. Obviously, that’s not true since I have videos SHOWING me testing hCG vials successfully. However, it IS true that these tests weren’t designed for this application- generally, pregnancy tests are used with the high amounts of hCG in a pregnant woman’s urine, vs. we are only testing a VERY tiny amount. That being the case, between user error and faulty tests and the amount of hCG being so tiny which is not really what they were designed for, pregnancy testing hCG like this is not necessarily RELIABLE and I no longer believe when performed by others can it be considered consistent enough to rely on 100%.
The factors I’ve mentioned can cause a person to get a negative pregnancy result from their hCG, which then leads them to think it’s fake when it’s actually not, and this is leading to baseless accusations about fake hCG when it’s not true. Please stick with me below and I will prove it to you.
A perfect example that just cost me $400 out of my own pocket and WAY more stress than I’d like to experience again anytime soon is the following true story.
I just tested 2 vials that I had shipped to me from someone who said the hCG came up negative on multiple pregnancy tests- when I tested the exact same vials today, after being in transit for close to 30 hours and arriving to me lukewarm even, all 5 of the pregnancy tests I did on them came up clearly positive, right away, and I videoed the whole thing for you to see above.
Now I know this woman was not being dishonest. I’m sure she did her best to test the hCG properly. But for whatever reason, either her method or her tests were not accurate- since I was not there doing them with her, I can’t say why or what happened.
She initially made a public post to my Facebook page and said she had gotten her hCG from US hCG shots and that it had come up negative on a pregnancy test. I left the post public because I felt like if this is true, I don’t want to appear as if I’m trying to hide information that people need to know- then it’s like I’d be a party to scamming people. Not cool. I take honesty with people seriously. I replied to her to ask some questions, as I have already known for some time that people often make some error when testing it and through the course of my questions we often discover those errors and then all is well. After going back and forth with her quite a bit though, and her testing it 2-3 more times, and her sending me an image of the results, it appeared as though her hCG really could be either fake or not viable.
Of course, she was concerned. And it only makes sense right- she read on my blog that hCG should test positive on a pregnancy test, and hers didn’t. So I actually applaud her for contacting me. Because I do come across people who think any hCG drops- from walmart, whatever, can be used, and that even though they aren’t actually hCG, it will somehow still work the same. I do not agree with this. The hormone is not a placebo, so I am GLAD that she felt that pull of importance about her hCG being real if she were to do this diet. I have since hidden the post on my facebook page, as you will see shortly that her test results were inaccurate.
By this point I’m getting really stressed out and worried myself and I needed to figure out what’s going on. The company she purchased from has been producing real, quality hCG from compounding pharmacies for the entirety of my connection with them which has been 2 years now. But who knows- perhaps something had changed and I didn’t know? I felt literally SICK inside. I offered to her in the meantime that until I got to the bottom of this possible issue, that I would pay for her to get a full hCG kit from one of the other companies- that cost me $350 of my very own money. I felt so responsible since she had purchased through them based on my recommendation.
I made a notation on my buy hCG page letting people know there might be a possible issue and to please order from one of the other companies until I could clear things up – I was just trying to make sure IF there really was a problem, that more people didn’t get harmed in the process. Again, showing you guys obviously how much I care about your welfare on this protocol. About an hour after I made that notation I got a VERY upset email from another woman who had just finished putting in her order with US hCG shots when she saw my notation – she told me she was going to spend her hours working to have my site taken down and that I didn’t appear to have accurate information and that I was the cause of her losing her hard-earned money. Yeah, how did that make me feel? So here I was trying to HELP people by warning them of a possible issue that I couldn’t yet confirm, and I’m already getting people trying to ruin my reputation online, which by the way, is not exactly easy to fix once that happens- I have willingly plastered my face all over the internet with videos and pictures of my weight loss journey to PROVE that this diet really works – someone could really try to screw me over if they chose to. I was feeling pretty darn devastated.
I then decided that instead of making a notation about the company, it was best to just remove them from my buy page entirely until I could clear the matter up.
When I went to bed late Monday night I was sick with worry and trying to figure out how I could get to the bottom of this – I asked the lady if she would mind putting the vials that had tested negative for her in an ice pack and have them shipped to me as quickly as possible – as life goes, it just so happens that we each live on opposite ends of the country pretty much, so I wasn’t sure this experiment would even work out because hCG does start to lose it’s potency when it’s not refrigerated so I felt that the hCG could easily be dead just from the transit time even if it was viable to start with as I knew no ice pack would not keep them cool for that long.
Either way, I decided it was worth the risk, so I paid $50 to have the 2 vials shipped to me- she kindly took her time out of her schedule and life to send the vials out Tuesday morning, and they arrived for me Wednesday afternoon. I’m so glad she was willing to do that for me- if you’re reading this THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I got in touch with the CEO of US HCG Shots, the company that was in question, who was honorable enough to send me third party testing results on a recent batch of hCG produced in the compounding pharmacy they are using, showing that they are indeed producing real hCG- at this time I am not at liberty to share them as he feels the need to keep them private.
When the 2 hCG vials arrived from the lady, I got all the pregnancy testing supplies together and let my camera roll above, so that I could capture on video the whole process for your eyes to see. I had no idea if they would test positive or not. It would be a defining moment, but either way, I just wanted to get it over with so I would know either way.
And as you can see, all 5 working pregnancy tests tested positive for hCG – quickly and obviously.
I used 4 different brands of tests total, and 3 different types of tests. Now obviously this is something you wouldn’t want to do because that would waste your vial of hCG that you paid your precious money for. But I am doing this for you to show you what’s what.
PLEASE be careful you guys before jumping to conclusions about a company. What you say online can easily hurt or ruin a company or person’s reputation, and could be totally baseless, as in this situation it turned out to be. Thankfully this lady was mature enough to contact me personally and wait patiently while I tried to get to the bottom of it. Far too often people jump to conclusions and run off to a forum or other highly visible place to bad mouth a company or a person – how awful if the accusations don’t actually prove to be true!
US hCG Shots is a GOOD company that really does produce high-quality, prescription hCG, from a compounding pharmacy that by law has to meet a myriad of rules and regulations for sterile compounding. Compounding for injectable goods is a TOTALLY different ball game than compounding medications that you simply pop in your mouth. Since the risk of infection is higher for things you inject, the regulations and testing that’s now required is much greater and also costly. And yet they are one of the MOST affordable sources for prescription hCG made in the U.S. at this time! They are a great resource for those who are limited funds.
Because of this experience, I have to be honest and tell you guys that in the future, I will be downplaying the use of pregnancy testing for hCG from these particular companies from now on. I just can’t rely on people to know how to do carry out the procedure accurately/sufficiently, and it’s leading to too much inaccurate information that is hurting these companies unfairly as well as me.
I can’t speak for other companies because I haven’t been in contact with them. I know hCG does indeed test positive on a pregnancy test, and anytime I want, I can order a vial and test one to be sure, and it always comes up positive from these companies on my blog.
I feel confident that the hCG sources on my blog are indeed dispensing real prescription hCG based on the reasoning above.
Ultimately, there is a risk in any decision you make. I understand that there is indeed concern over getting scammed online – I have gone to pretty great lengths as you can see here today and all throughout my blog to prove to you and to myself of who can be trusted to provide real hCG – at this time, these companies do, and I stand behind that. If you choose to trust the information I provide and show, you can, and if something doesn’t sit right with you about it, then definitely it’s your free choice to look elsewhere. I think highly of peace of mind! I wish for you to retain yours as well.
As I said earlier, especially with the U.S. sources of hCG, they are using the same type of compounding pharmacies that regular weight loss clinics are using. They have all this testing now that by law has to be done on EVERY batch of hCG produced. Because there are more regulations now, you do not have to be as concerned when ordering hCG from a U.S. compounding facility.
What will I be doing in order to be sure myself that they continue to be a quality source of real hCG?
My hope is to periodically order a vial from each company and test it myself since I do know how to do it properly and use a variety of tests etc., so that I can continue to recommend them in good conscience to you guys. Since hCG is a prescription product, I’m not sure just how frequently that will be yet- I will have to look into it further.
Even going to a weight loss clinic or your doctor is a risk – you are trusting your doctor and the pharmacy to give you real hCG right? Have you ever questioned them if it was real? Likely not, because it’s not a common thing to hear of a pharmacy dispensing fake goods- hopefully that never happens! Still you are trusting that’s the case- you don’t actually have lab testing results to prove it to you. But even if you get real hCG from a clinic, you are still taking a risk when you choose a clinic because you have no idea about the medical personnel- have they done the diet themselves, do they know how it works, do they have the best information on it to help you succeed in the best way? In reality actually, many do not. Some of them don’t even believe the hCG protocol actually works but are willing to prescribe it because it makes money. I have helped HUNDREDS of people now to adjust their dose for better hunger levels, after their doctor insisted that EVERYONE feels good on 200iu and that if they don’t, it’s their problem and they must be cheating.
So you see, everything really has risk. It’s up to you to do as much research as you can on a topic, then you weigh the various factors, and then make a decision, knowing that there is still a small amount of risk involved because you just can’t be completely sure of something in most cases, just mostly sure.
The video I took is just left raw purposefully – there’s lag time, because I wanted to do my best for you to see me open the box of hCG vials that the lady had mailed to me all the way through me testing each vial, so you will see I’m not making stuff up or trying to deceive you guys. My DSLR does automatically shut off recording every few minutes or so, so you will see that it restarts here and there, but hopefully you can see that I did basically just keep recording from start to finish, with everything you see in the camera shot.
So in closing, if you want real, prescription hCG, I am PROUD to say the sources listed here on my blog are just that! That’s all I would use on my own body, and that’s all that I recommend here.
Another example of improperly tested hCG – from a real Facebook message:
“I found a pregnancy test and decided to test mine. It was the pee-on kind. Knowing a day’s worth of injection wouldn’t be enough I broke it open. I put the injection on the tablet and put it back together. Nothing changed. So I put the end under the faucet and put water on it to move everything forward and the lines lit up. So mine is positive.”
If she had stopped at her first efforts, she would have thought her hCG was negative. This happens all the time you guys. It’s easier these days to just make sure to purchase hCG from a qualified source since the pregnancy testing is really just proving to be unreliable.
Another example:
Below is the email exchange between me and another hCGer showing another example of the pregnancy testing being incorrect.
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Hello i have a weird question and am not sure where else to ask it! My husband and I are on the same dosage and type of hcg we ordered off this site and ive always been so illurglar and have had years of infertility issues. So we googled it a bit an have seen half say it will make a teat positive and the other half say it won’t. Were on 15units /150ui per day and his came out negative (yes i had him test to be sure) and ive had 3 positive lines and 1 digital positive urine pregnancy test. We didn’t order the synthetic hcg is this true that my positives are most likely not real. And how long does it take for the shots to leave your system to test again? I apologize for asking here bit tje diet support and doctors i ordered from and other sites don’t help or answer any questions I ask.
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
The hCG will be out of your system after 72 hours so you can test again after 72 hours of your last dose so you can be sure. 🙂
Hope that helps!
I have sucessfully used usshots through your site in the past. I was going to order another round from them because of my positive experience but am concerned as you no longer recommfrom this company. I had to search to find this story about your testing usshots product. Now I’m worried about ordering thier hcg. Can you share if there were other incidents with that caused you to take USShots off your recommended list?
Do I need to get a prescription from my doctor?
Thanks for the video; you are always so thorough and helpful. I was trying to reach out to you via email but understand you get tons! This is my first time ever on HCG. I also have the US HCG shots vial (I ordered 28 day kit). I’ve been on it for 7 days now (150iu/day) and have not lost anything all this time. My starting wt. was 137, went up to 139 during loading and finally just got back to 138.6 today. What could I be doing wrong? I’m a vegetarian and get most of my protein from skim milk and greens. Any advise would be greatly appreciative as I’m so depressed. Thank you!
Hi Annie! Sorry about that- it’s been a crazy last few days obviously. :)- I think I need a long vacation. Hmmmm- isn’t skim milk fairly high in natural sugars? What protocol for the foods and calories are you actually following thing since you are vegetarian? Did you go over the original protocol and then just make some slight alterations then? You are eating 500 cals or less? How much of the milk are you drinking? Even without hCG a person would definitely lose weight on 500 calories, so that makes me question that something else may be going on with your body hormonally – do you have any thyroid or adrenal issues that you are aware of? Any other details you can provide might help me try to troubleshoot. Also, are you sleeping a good 8-9 hours a night?
Thanks so much for a prompt reply, Rayzel. I read the protocol and I’m really trying to do 500 cals a day. I eat pretty much salads and some days egg whites. But i do drink unsweetened tea with milk through the day. That said, probably 4 large cups, so about 1 – 1.5 cups of 2% milk in a day. I never thought of sugars in regular milk! 1c has abt 12g of sugar, is that not allowed at all? I might have to find another type of tea that works for me (I just can’t drink coffee!).
One other thing – i do eat a good amount of tofu on my salads, is that a problem?
Besides that, I don’t always get a full night’s sleep, about 7 hrs and i do wake up a couple times to check on my toddler (co-sleeping).
I’m going to take a day off from the shots and restart the protocol. I don’t have any other conditions and was done with my period before starting. Really strange. Thanks for your thoughts; will re-examine my sugars/fats.
Oh I see- I am pretty suspicious of the milk then. There was only 1 tbs. of milk a day on the original protocol. Also, doesn’t tofu have carbs as well? It sounds like the carb count you are taking in is possibly quite a bit higher than the original protocol? If you are getting close to 50 grams of sugars in the milk, and are you eating the p2 fruits and melba/grissini as well? I’m sorry! I know it’s challenging finding alternatives to the meat and such – you might give a protein powder that has no carbs that fits within your dietary restrictions a try as an alternative. Did you actually have your period before you started and you are currently late? Sometimes the menstrual cycle can totally mess with weight loss temporarily as well.
I have read this over and over again and watched the video now several times. I to have used hcg injections that I was prescribed by my doctor. I feel it’s only fair that in a blog and on a site that has influenced hundreds of people to purchase hcg we can speak our minds. I am all for hcg but I do question alot of these sites that sell it. Why? because there is way to many sites profiting off of selling FAKE hcg!! Its sad because we are all just trying to get healthy and be as happy as possible about ourselves. I do have a few concerns about this whole incident. As women we all pretty much know how to use a pregnancy test and if we happen to be unsure about it the directions are step by step and a child could do it! Also EVERYWHERE (including doctors who prescribe it) say that if its real it should test positive. I would like to know from the woman who questioned the authenticity of USHCG how many tests came up negative etc. I do not want to point fingers or stir the pot but I am upset that the original post when this woman first tested negative and posted on your facebook you now have removed the post?! why? You have to understand all we see and read now is your side of the story Chica and this is not fair to all of us who trust you. I also would like to say that after watching the video over and over I am doubting your side because right as you are done opening the package and as you’re getting the hcg unwrapped and about to test the CAMERA TURNS OFF?!!? So you are telling all of us that the camera turned off at that moment and you noticed it right at that moment and not after you did the tests? If you were trying to pull a fast one for the sake of this company and your own sites then the perfect moment and excuse was right at that time in the video! I just can’t fully believe what you are showing us now. Just like you say all the time you believe and trust what you see with your own eyes right?
Hi Star – I understand your concerns. Unfortunately I cannot help that my video shut off while I was recording- you’re right it was an inopportune time – I shoot with a DLSR camera and it automatically shuts off after a few minutes of recording all the time- so I did restart it each time it turned off and continued with my experiment- I did note this in my blogpost- there’s nothing I can do about that unfortunately. It’s possible that you may be able to see the batch number on the vials in the video which it’s possible I might be able to confirm that those were the vials sent to the woman in her order- perhaps I can check into that- it seems that would erase any doubts about that. Honestly though, it’s not just this video that is proving my honesty as a person – If it’s not clear in my 200 + videos from the past 3 years that I am who I say I am and that I would not be lying about this, there is simply nothing more I can do about that for such individuals. If I were able to fake who I am in this way for the past 3 years I would be a pretty amazing con artist. I did remove the post on my FB because it’s WRONG- it is not fake hCG. I cannot in good conscience leave wrong information about a company where the person is stating it is fake when I have proven to myself without a doubt that it was not. The woman tested it 2-3 times I believe, with the same brand of test- my guess is perhaps the batch of test she was using itself was faulty or defective – after all this is the dollar store. That’s okay if you can’t fully believe me. Thankfully I am not the only person on the internet, and there are multiple places to procure real hCG. So you definitely have the right to not believe me and to believe someone else instead. I respect your right to do that. For myself, I know before my God that I did this entire experiment and blogged openly about it, not knowing what the test results would be, or if it was even a useful experiment since the hCG wasn’t cold, in an honest manner to get the truth. The woman and I are on good terms and she said she respected the way I handled the situation. Sorry this is troubling you- I did the best I could in the circumstances. – Rayzel
Now… treat yourself to a 2hr Massage! 🙂
Love you and thank you for ALL your work!!
You are so right about clinics not always knowing what is best on the diet and just in it for the money. Oh, and you are amazing for spending your own money and time to do that for that person.
Thank you for your transparency. I appreciate all you do.
Thank you for the video! Just to report I did test my hcg from the U.S. hcg company and it came up positive and I’m on my 2nd round day 4 and it is working!
I am on round 3 p2. Although I get my HCG at a local clinic, they have always tested positive. I honestly don’t see it possible to make an error but I guess anything is possible. I feel for you that you had to experience this but when things fail people look for a scape goat and an honest caring person such as yourself makes for an easy target. Chic up chica! I’ve been following you for about 2 years now as I only average a round about every 6 months. Your wealth of information has been very helpful and motivating. There are a lot of us that appreciate your hard work and dedication!!!!