February 2018 Update!
This project is well underway and is currently house at hcgchicarecipes.com – all the recipes are currently free to access to everyone until this project is complete.
I hope you enjoy the recipes! There are dozens there already – here’s a couple samples:
Thus begins….the creation of the Phase 2 hCG Diet Cookbook for the hCG Diet Protocol – sometimes you are fine just eating plain stuff on P2, and sometimes you want some recipes for P2 that will keep you on track and help you not give up!
For the please-don’t-write-your-life-story-I’m-busy type people (I’m sorry, I’m a write my life story type journal gal!!), the main point is,
to get what YOU want/get your way ;)-
give your feedback please:
- Ignore my beautiful journally story (lol!! jk no guilt, scroll on ladies!)
- Scroll to the bottom
- Look at the Master P2 Ingredient List
- Comment below to add any rogue/off original protocol P2 ingredients you see missing from the list that you have used and love and would like used in P2 recipes (and feel free to include how you used it so we can get ideas!)
Hey you guys!
Okay. So now that the Phase 3 hCG Stabilization and Maintenance program – P3toLife – is wrapping up, I am looking to my next project for the hCG community.
Because basically, I can never be done. I’m a never done person. Someday maybe I will relax at the beach and read a book for several hours, but at this time, after about 10 minutes of trying something like that, my mind has already drifted to brainstorming on my projects and then want to get up and start working on them, so I may as well just admit I’m a project person.
Aside from being a project person, if you are very new to my blog, I’m Rayzel, better known as hCGChica, and you can see a photo here of me prior to doing the hCG diet protocol with injections, in 2011, and this summer, 2017, where I have been maintaining my weight loss without further hCG diet use for 4.5 years.
You can see towards the end of my weight loss journey in 2012 – I love this photo because it shows how much imitation goes on with kids. This was actually the MAIN factor that left me so terrified when I sat in my car bingeing on whole bags of cookies prior to discovering hCG. I KNEW my son would be watching me do that and copy it. I feel like the hCG protocol has helped me be a MUCH better example when it comes to healthful eating and lifestyle the past several years as he now nears 8 years old. I haven’t binged in almost 5 years.
I’d like to take you on a short journey of how the P3 program was created – a little behind the scenes – so you can see the process of creation for something like this and your role and help in helping it come to fruition.
The Phase 3 program was sorely needed because…
there is literally NO structured program out there for after you finish Phase 2 of the hCG diet – not one that tells you exactly what to cook and how much to eat etc in a way that’s pleasing that allows you to reliably stabilize your weight loss.
It was a HUGE undertaking, and by the time it’s fully complete (it’s basically already 95% there and can be enrolled in and used now – you get future updates free at this time – once done there will be 2 versions- the P3 essentials program and the full she-bang version of the P3 program for a little more – right now when you enroll you will always get the full she-bang for the current price, woot woot. #earlyadopterswin #rewardsforearlybirds).
Once complete, that project will be an almost full 2 years in the making. It was WELL worth it, despite my own personal fears and misgivings over such a colossal endeavor, because I get emails like this weekly from ladies who follow P3tolife:
Hi Rayzel,
I had such a great experience and loved the recipes. I have not had one steak day on P3 and in maintenance for 3 weeks now I have not strayed over 2 lbs. I feel so empowered and am at a great weight. My goal was to lose 10 more but may wait until after New Years, just to stay unstressed. It has also rekindled my love of cooking. I need to know how to morph that excellent chocolate morning mug bread into a peanut butter flavor, lol.
I’m all in to help out with a Skype interview. I work during the day, I am a nurse practitioner. I found all the articles regarding how to choose hCG and all the others as most valuable to my overall understanding of how it all works. You are my hero!!!Sincere thanks!
Do you guys have any idea how INCREDIBLE you are! This is amazing..the new P3 program is amazing!
I just made the Turkey Chili and I am in HEAVEN!!! Thank you for all that you do!
Those are just two emails among MANY I will eventually show you all.
So this 2 year project has not been in vain! But like I said, this endeavor will soon be coming to a close as far there being a ton of work for me personally to do on it. Pretty soon I will be able to focus on just continuing to support my P3tolife members as needed.
Big projects CAN come to fruition, one step at a time. The P3toLife program started out as simply this mindmap sometime in the beginning of 2016. By March 2017 the trial version of the program was released. By the end of this year, the full blown version will be completed.
YOUR INPUT was instrumental – As It Will be Now
You all helped me get this thing done, both by giving your opinion on logistical stuff when asked, AND by letting me know how excited and interested you were in it,
which helped me overcome the hard days when this was all I checked off my to-do list in order to have a more productive day tomorrow. Making something this involved is never a straight shot to completion. Even just being able to share with you all that some days turned out more like this:
comforted me and helped me get back on my feet to have a productive work day the next day.
You let me share my process as it went along on my Instagram- which again, helped me know I was creating this for REAL people, not some far away mass of people that I couldn’t connect with.
Do We Really Need a Phase 2 Cookbook?
I could just stop there. And in truth, there’s actually plenty of cookbooks out there for Phase 2 already – one I highly recommend is Tammy Skye’s hCG diet Gourmet cookbook on Amazon for only $24.95 – it has like over 200 recipes for Phase 2! All on the original protocol. And she has a 2nd volume with 150 more recipes! Tammy is awesome and a very creative chefy gal, I highly recommend her cookbooks.
So it’s not as much of a NEED to create and put out a P2 cookbook, because we already have some high quality resources.
And regardless if you decide you dig my P2 cookbook project, you should still probably buy one of these cookbooks above now, because this new project will NOT be done for at least 6 months and I know you don’t want to wait that long to lose your next batch of weight with hCG!
Why I’d Like to Create a Cookbook for Phase 2 of the hCG Diet
Reason 1: hCGChica Likes Doing Creative Stuff
During the P3 creation of the recipes and meal plans, I both learned the skill of, and came to be passionate about, food photography. I photographed 100% of all the dishes in the P3 plan. I knew absolutely nothing about this art/skill when I began in the spring of 2016.
By the time the full blown version of the Phase 3 program fully complete, that will be 116 dishes photographed (but whose counting). I’m down to shooting the last few dishes and I’m like, wait, there’s nothing else to photograph? But wait, I don’t want to be done! I LOVE doing this! It’s such a creative process, I truly enjoy it.
Even when that involved shooting outside sometimes in 30 degree weather this past winter. Ooooh boy did my fingers get frozen.
So basically, one reason for thinking of the cookbook was to, basically have an excuse to do more food photography. Yep, totally selfish reason.
Because who doesn’t LOVE their kitchen looking like this??
Reason 2: Visuals to Eyes Leads to Hands That Cook
There aren’t actually any P2 cookbooks out there that I know of anyway that have full color appetizing photos. To me, how a dish LOOKS is kind of what makes me decide whether to bother making it or not.
And of course, we all know as a home cook we aren’t going to take the time to sprinkle those little parsley garnishes on top, or swirl our little spoonful of yogurt over the soup in that exact perfect way – but it doesn’t matter-
the point is the beautiful photograph is just to motivate us to get our butt in the kitchen and make the stinkin’ recipe! Then we eat it and we’re like, HEYyyyyy this is yummy. I think I can get through another day of P2 now, or P3, or whatever, and skip those fries as McDonalds.
Here’s some samples images of recipes in the P3tolife Program:
[soliloquy id=”17413″]
Which leads back to the draw of me doing more work when I can be creative with it – I made a couple of my own ceramic plates for the photography:
As well as did QUITE a bit of painting and distressing of my own background surfaces:
Reason 3: Lead You Smoothly Into P3toLife
The P2 Cookbook will be a downloadable ebook, just like the files in P3toLife, with the same overall look, graphic design, and layout. You will be able to get comfy with the look and feel so that when/if you decide to take the next step after P2 and do your Phase 3 with help from the structured P3 program, you will already be familiar with the layout and that will be ONE less “new” thing to learn/adapt to.
Because new things take additional energy. It takes energy to drive a new car initially because the buttons are in different spots- like argggh how do I turn off that irritating beep eeeeverytime I put the car in reverse?? My old ride didn’t even HAVE that option. #truestory #happened2daysago
I want you to have as smooth a transition into stabilization and maintenance as possible, and the more you are ALREADY familiar with, the less overwhelm and more confidence you will feel, which will make you even more likely to succeed.
Because while it’s true that those who follow P3toLife succeed, pretty much without exception if they follow it, there is still a lot of new things to it right? I mean, it’s a whole PROGRAM. Whatever you can do to adjust during Phase 2, will make it that much easier to breeze into and out of P3.
Okay so that leads to…
YOUR part – how you can help get this Cookbook created in the best way for YOU.
Below you will see my current MASTER INGREDIENTS LIST for PHASE 2 RECIPES.
This cookbook WILL have both strict simeons protocol recipes AND rogue/newer/updated/variation type recipes using ingredients that many now use on hCG that aren’t on the original ingredient list Dr. Simeons made. We will OF COURSE always clearly state on the recipe what is original and what is rogue, so that everyone can make an informed choice about what they want to eat while on P2.
I do not want it to be strict simeons only because there are so many other options these days that DO work for many and that variety can make the diet much more doable for many.
- Look over the master ingredients list
- Comment below (or reply to my original email) and let me know if you have any additional ingredient rogue P2 ingredient ideas for use in recipe creation for this cookbook – please feel free to share HOW you used the ingredient to help us get ideas as well! The ingredient you suggest could be a food, a spice, a product or brand you came across (if product, a link would be help but if not, no worries, we totally know how to go to googlemeister) ;)-
Thank you SO much in advance, I couldn’t have created the P3 program without your input, and I know your input now will be instrumental in the P2 cookbook project as well.
Current Master P2 Ingredient List for Recipe Creation – What Should I Add?
Currently: Rogue ingredients have an “R” listed at the end.
1 Serving size = 100 grams/3.5 ounces(2 servings a day total)
- Beef – very lean – ideally 95% or more fat free – ground/london broil/ etc (80/20 will not do)
- Chicken breast
- Veal
- White fish (examples: Catfish, Cod, Flounder, Halibut, Sole, Red Snapper, Sea Bass, Tilapia, Trout)
- Lobster
- Crab
- Shrimp
- 97% Fat Free Ham – R
- 99% Fat Free Ground Turkey – R
- Water-packed tuna – R
- Low-fat canned Salmon – R
Occasional meat replacement allowed (1 serving):
- 1 egg + 3 egg whites
- 100 grams fat free cottage cheese
- Protein Powders – (sweetened only with stevia or erythritol) – R
- Asparagus
- Beet Greens
- Cabbage
- Celery
- Chard
- Chicory
- Cucumber
- Fennel
- Lettuce
- Onions
- Radishes
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Bell Pepper – R
- Broccoli – R
- Cauliflower – R
- Crookneck Squash- R
- Mushrooms – R
- Zucchini – R
- Carrots – R
- 1 Apple
- 1/2 Grapefruit
- 1 Orange
- Strawberries – 1 handful
- Blueberries – R
- Blackberries – R
- Raspberries – R
- 1 Grissini Stick (without oil- check many have olive oil in them)
- 1 Melba Toast
- ¼ Smart Bun (gluten free) – R
- ? More gluten free options ? Brands?
Side Ingredients – both savory or sweet:
- 1 lemon/day
- 1 tbsp milk/day
- Judicious use of sugar sweeteners – swerve/erythritol/stevia (would you consider that R?)
- Psyllium husk
- Coconut oil spray – R
- Coconut Oil – R
- Fat Free Greek Yogurt – R
- Protein Powder – R
Savory Only Type Ingredients
- Spices and herbs (that do not contain starchy fillers etc).
- Condiments/spices/etc
- Tomato paste
- Canned tomatoes (with no added sugar) – fire roasted is awesome
- Mustard – yellow
- Brags amino
- Fresh herbs – cilantro/basil/parsley/mint/rosemary
- Miracle noodles – R
- Chicken broth – msg free or homemade
- Vegetable broth – msg free or homemade
- Walden farms dressings – R
- Bare Foods Zero Calorie Stevia sweetened dressings/barbecue sauce
- Louisiana Hot Sauce
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Vinegar
Sweet Baking Type Ingredients
- Vanilla bean powder – R
- Vanilla extract
- Cocoa powder
- Flavored liquid stevia flavors- Ie grape, chocolate, toffee, orange, etc.
- Bakto flavorings
- PB2?? (One without added sugar) – R
- Other calorie free or almost calorie free products?
- Stevia Diet soda – use in? Smoothie? – R
- Spices – nutmeg/cinnamon/cloves/
- Fresh herbs – Mint/Basil
- Flavored teas- sun tea – etc
Possible cooking methods to make things fun/easier/more satisfying:
- George Foreman grill
- Spiralizer for veggie noodles (zucchini/cucumber/etc)
Other notes:
- Mixing vegetables is considered off protocol- so if I put a salad with lettuce with tomato onion and lettuce, would most consider this off protocol and include in the “rogue” section of the cookbook, or is it so close to being original protocol that I can call it a regular old p2 recipe? Opinions?
- Is stevia considered strict protocol? I think so. But how about erythritol- would that be considered more rogue?
- Any other ideas or thoughts you have for me to consider while creating this? You know how they say it takes a village to raise a child? Well it takes a village of brains to create a P2 cookbook– especially when I have brain fog a lot from lyme disease and hashimotos lol!!
- Potential issues you foresee coming up and your ideas on handling?
If I could be with each one of you for just a moment in real life, and make each of you a kitty, that I could then hold and cuddle with, in my I LOVE BURPEES crossfit tank, I would. Just like my Elmer.
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Yup, I want this!
This site is wonderful!!!
Thank you so much for your comments Angela! I’m so glad you think so. 🙂
Hi Rayzel,
I have been on the HCG diet before. My 2 girls who were in their last teens, did it with me and we had great success in 2011. After several Huge stresses in life, all at the same time, I have gained back much of my original weight, and am now finding myself back at square 1 with hCG. I have to admit I am a slow starter this time and scared to now be doing it All on my own w/o the support/help of the girls doiyit alongside me. So all that to tell you I really really appreciate that you are out there somewhere with all the motivational helps, and tips.
I would add green beans, as they worked with the protocol before, and on some sites you will see them as a regular p2 food option. Also I believe that salads with some
add-ins should be on the original section of your cook book. Do you include a recipe for “Chocolate Delight” in your cookbook?? If not yet here’s one that you could use.
Chocolate Delight:
1 Cup coconut oil, melted in the microwave 15 to 45 seconds.
3/4 cup cocoa powder unsweetened
8 packets of Stevia, /or 60 drops of Stevia, /or 4 packets of Stevia and 30 drops of vanilla cream Stevia.
A dash of salt.( optional)
Combine all ingredients mix well.
Pour into molds or on paper plates. Chill to harden.(can be chilled in freezer to harden quicker/15 min)
Store, in refrigerator or freezer.
**Some people who have had bad chocolate cravings, have been known to eat an entire recipe each day without problems on hCG**
(not me though, that’s just too much chocolate)
Rayzel – my favorite P2 recipe to make is lemon-garlic-caper-tomato-spinach-shrimp over miracle noodles. I put a quick spray of coconut oil in my saute pan and add a clove of chopped garlic and saute a bit. Then I add a chopped up medium size tomato, a lemon juice cube (I freeze fresh squeezed lemon juice in ice cube trays) a spoon full of capers and a bit of the caper juice and stir that around a bit (like 1.5 minutes). Then I add about half a cup of chicken or vegetable broth and bring to a simmer. Grab 3-4 big handfuls of fresh spinach and then put the lid on until it wilts – now lay your 5-6 peeled uncooked shrimp (I use 16-20 size), remove from the heat and put lid back on. Shrimp will cook in the latent heat of the pan and not get overcooked. Let rest about 5 minutes while you rinse your bag of miracle noodles fettucine really well and drain. When ready to eat – toss the miracle noodles together with the yummyiness in the pan and serve in large pasta bowl. YUMMO! Lots of food too and only about 175 calories. For a P3 version you can serve over spaghetti squash and sprinkle a little parm on top.
The two treats I use use everyday are smoothie with frozen orange, 1/4 cup water, stevia and vanilla powder. Also, I have a coffee smoothie with 8 oz of coffee, 30 ice cubes, 1 tsp cocoa powder, cinnamon, vanilla powder and chocolate stevia. This yields three large glasses so it really fills you up. They both make my day! Thanks for all you guys have done for us. It has helped A LOT!
What type of vanilla powder do you use? I make this w/o powder & it’s just like an icy & not “drinkable”. Would love to figure how to make more smoothie drinkable
Hi Becky!
This is Cristel, Rayzel`s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
Rayzel`s favorite brand is Julian Bakery- you can find that in Amazon. She uses vitamix or blender to make some smoothies.
Hope that helps!
Salad dressing! I use this to dip celery, cucumbers, and as a salad dressing.
1/2 cup of Dijon mustard
3T Apple cider vinegar
1T Braggs liquid aminos
1 spoon Kal stevia (very strong stuff and tiny spoon included in the bottle)
This tastes like honey mustard dressing and has such a big flavor. I use it as a chicken sauce as well.
I make an asparagus noodle soup that tastes like Chicken Hekka which I enjoyed during my 30+ years in Hawaii.
I put about 2 cups of water in a pan and add 1/4 cup of Braggs liquid aminos, along with a tablespoon of chopped or dehydrated onion. I throw in some garlic to taste and a tablespoon of sambal olek, which is a chili garlic paste from Vietnam and found in most grocery stores in the Oriental section. I add the protein 3.5 oz of chicken or shrimp and a whole bunch of chopped bite sized asparagus. I add stevia, (I use Kal as it tastes best and you will use less-trust me) just one little spoonful and then just half a bag of miracle noodles. The ramen style works best for me in this dish. I eat this every night, switching up the protein from chicken to fish(I use Swai) to buffalo meat which is always super lean. I add a tablespoon of dry white wine or sake (optional) and of course the alcohol burns off in the cooking. This is so filling and satisfying that it is the number one reason for my success during P2.
I make spaghetti sauce with 96% lean ground beef (I like Laura’s Lean Beef) and a 28 oz can of fire roasted crushed tomatoes. I brown the ground beef in a non-stick pan, then add the tomatoes along with dried Italian herbs, salt and pepper to taste. I cook for about 20 minutes until the sauce thickens. I eat mine over Miracle Noodles, and my husband eats the same sauce over real spaghetti.
Hi Pam!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Such a smart recipe! Thank you very much for sharing it with us.
I like to make my own salsa and I use it as a salad dressing, and marinade. You can roast the veggies in your oven, or use them fresh.
2-3 plump tomatos
1-2 serrano peppers (depending on how hot you want it)
1 red onion
3-5 cloves of garlic
juice of 1 whole lemon or lime
handful of cilantro (optional)
salt, pepper to taste, and about 1-3 teaspoons of cumin, dash of paprika (optional)
In my mini food chopper first I put the lemon juice, salt, pepper, cumin, serrano, garlic cloves and cilantro in and chop it as fine as I can get it. Pour into mixing bowl, then I take the tomatoes and puree them. then I take the red onion and pulse it so it is still chunky. I put it all in the mixing bowl, put the lid on and shake it to incorporate all the ingredients. Taste it to see if you need more salt, or in some cases my serrano was too hot and I had to add an extra tomato to cool it down, or just the opposite I would have to add another serrano to heat it up.
If I use it as a salad dressing, I take about 4 tablespoons out and I add a couple of TBS of ACV. You kinda have to play around with it to make it to your taste. I like it spicy, When I am not in a hurry I put all my veggies in a glass pan, and roast them for about 30 minutes. I usually don’t roast the onion, because I still want that crunch. If you use it as a marinade, I put a tablespoon of the salsa in my measured raw chicken baggie, and let it set in the fridge all day till I come home from work, (You really don’t have to leave it that long, I have used it right away without leaving it to marinate) then I throw it on the George Foreman grill, adding the salsa in the baggie to the top of the chicken to cook along with it. It is so good, and it makes your house smell like a Mexican restaurant. YUM…
Wow! That recipe makes me say the same thing at the end: YUM!!! Thanks for sharing this here, Peggy!
And nice to meet you here, too 🙂
Rayzel’s assistant
So nice to meet you too.. I love our Chica, and have followed her for a couple of years. My daughter and I have lost about 250lbs with hcg. I have gained so I am going on a round to try to loose the 35 that I have so foolishly gained in the last year. I need inspiration!
You, yourself is such an inspiration, you know! That’s a lot of weight lost with hCG. Seems like you did’t really have any problems during your previous round/s? ‘Coz that’s considerably a successful amount of weight-loss. Just keep doing what you previously did and maintain properly? Rayzel used to advise GRADUAL increase of calories by the time you approach P3. Or some people actually eat sort of P2-style but with more protein during P3. You may check out Rayzel’s specially-designed P3 program – lots of ladies have successfully stabilized on it (and some even lose more!)
One cucumber sliced length wise, clean out the seeds, add 100 grams of turkey lunch meat and some Dijon mustard. Prefect sammie!
Hi Nadine!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here and thank you for pitching in this very convenient recipe idea! 🙂
Hi Li-An and Rayzel
My life saver on the hCG protocol was a fake ‘cheesecake’ – recipe as follows;
* 1 tub (250 gram) fat free smooth cottage cheese
* 3-4 sheets of gelatine
* 125ml hot water
* sugar free flavoured drink concentrate to taste – my favourite was raspberry or you could mix some fresh lemon juice and sweetener for a healthy
‘New York style’
* 5 crushed melba toasts mixed with a dash of cinnamon powder
* soak gelatine sheets in cold water for approx 5 minutes
* beat cottage cheese on a medium speed for 1 -2 minutes with whisk attachment
* mix hot water and favour of your choice – add softened gelatine leaves and stir to dissolve
* fire up the mixer again and gradually add the hot liquid to the cottage cheese with the mixer running
* pour the mixture into a flat dish or tupperware – refrigerate to set, preferably overnight
* cut the mix into 5 equal portions (50grams protein per serving)
* sprinkle a teaspoon of the melba mix over the top just before serving – this gives it some crunchy texture like a proper cheesecake – very satisfying!
I factored this in as a half portion of protein when I couldn’t resist my sweet tooth any longer, it’s not strict protocol but it got me through to the end
I also read a post asking for some advice on avoiding dry protein, my fat-free dry fry method as follows;
Mix a fat free\permitted stock powder with some hot water, herbs\chilli\garlic
Heat a non stick pan to frying temperature and add meat. Allow to meat to sear a bit and start adding a splash of stock little by little, allow the liquid to evaporate before adding the next splash. Turn and repeat on the other side until cooked to your liking. Cover with foil and leave to rest for a few minutes before serving.
A friend of mine does this method using coke light in place of the stock when cooking chicken breast – he reckons its the best ever!
Thanks for all the brilliant ideas and diet-saving advice and good luck to all the hCGers out there
Kind regards,
Hi Kirsty!
Wow! Thanks a bunch for these very detailed suggestions. I sooo love the idea of light coke – this must be good! I have tried using sprite for bbq marinades and it actually amplifies the flavour. Will definitely try cola next time! 🙂
Hi Everyone,
I have a rouge dish I make when I’m on the go or tired of the protocol. Its so much better than cheating and I never stalled and continued to lose weight even if I had it every other day.
Turkey and fat free cream cheese pinwheels. (rouge protein and I did not have my milk on that day as I counted the cheese instead)
Take a slice of turkey, smear on a light amount of cream cheese, sprinkle of pepper.
Roll up the turkey slice into a sausage. Cut into inch sections,
Eat with raw vegetable crudites.
Great meal on the go. Delicious!
Hi Phillipa!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Actually, quite a lot of hCGers are looking for these quick and ‘portable’ meals while on hCG. Thanks a lot for this on-the-go recipe! And yes, definitely better than cheating.
A couple of cooking tools/methods you may want to consider adding: An airfryer (invaluable) – great for roasting chicken or fish and keeping it moist, make burgers, cook steaks, roast veggies; a Lekue Steamer – great for steaming chicken or fish FAST in the microwave (if you haven’t tried one, you should 🙂 )
As to your question about a salad and mixing veggies, yes strict protocol says don’t do that, but I know that at least one of the FB Support groups indicate that you can consider a tomato to be a fruit rather than a veggie, and that 2 Tbsp of onion can be considered a freebie. I will tell you I mixed veggies in a salad and didn’t seem to have any consequences. It’s probably considered rogue though. I have also been told that since Melba Toast reformulated their recipe, they are no longer considered ‘acceptable’ and have been replaced in protocol with just a certain type of WASA cracker instead.
Just some thoughts 🙂
Hi Patty!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Yay! Agree with the airfryer – this is personally one of my most used kitchen tool and it’s a lifesaver! Thanks so much for suggesting these tool ideas.
And I appreciate your sharing on the Melba. Actually, we’ve heard from some people emailing us about this WASA cracker. Though 2 slices of it has about 15 grams of carbs. We normally suggest to take half of a slice so it would be comparable to the “original” or let’s say acceptable Melba Toast.
Thanks again 🙂
I’m a vegetarian what can I do on p2?
Hi Ashlee,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
We’re so sorry, Rayzel doesn’t have much info regarding the diet for vegetarians for now. But just recently she have been getting more emails from vegans & vegetarians on this protocol who have been successful with their weight loss on hCG. We will definitely be putting up more info on this soon!
One thing that vegans/vegetarians on hCG are doing is utilizing the sprouted plant based protein powders for their protein intake- ie. sprouted rice protein powder (sunwarrior is a brand Rayzel have used), sprouted pea protein powder etc.
Tofu is also a great choice of protein source vegetarians use on hCG as well as some of the higher protein/lower carb mock meat of “meatless” meat brands.
Additionally- and this would be a bit more of an experiment- someone just wrote in to Rayzel who is vegan discussing resistant starches and how things like COLD quinoa is totally different from hot quinoa, and that once the cooked starch is cold, your body no longer digests it in the same way as carbs and if eaten cold, your body processes it more like a fiber- you would probably want to research this a little further though- she plans to herself because she’s intrigued by it! Anyway, the point is, this vegan is eating cold quinoa as her protein as well.
One of her absolute favorite vegan protein powders is Genuine Health’s Vegan Proteins Natural Vanilla flavor– it has a very creamy texture and flavor to it and only 2 grams net carbs per serving of 20 grams protein- so that might work for you as well. There’s also a fermented version of same brand but Rayzel hasn’t tried it and you might want to just double check nutrition facts on it.
Also, Rayzel actually came across a vegan hCG-er on Instagram and she thinks you may be able to get some food ideas from her: @vegan_hCG_warrior
I hope this helps 🙂
I know this is definately rogue but my lifesaver for my P2 sweetfix. I make a modified version of a P3 dessert. I do ice, 1 tbl of cocoa powder, handful of strawberries (about 5), 1 tsp vanilla powder and/or vanilla liquid stevia + stevia powder to liking. There have been times I also add Truvia but most days I try to do without. I will say, it doesn’t taste anywhere as good as the P3 ones that Rayzel has on her P3 program but it gets me through one more day towards my goal.
This is such a smart idea, Yolanda! Well noted!
Thank you so much and nice to see you here 🙂
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Franks red hot sauce original or buffalo, its got about the same stats as mustard.
Brussel sprouts.
Fresh chopped garlic cloves.
Riced cauliflower (pre-steamed or nuked) plus a spoon of salsa sautéed in a pan, comes out like potato hash. Great with the scrambled egg meal with sliced tomato.
I also make fish cakes or patties when just grilled fish gets old, which is 3.5 oz white fish blended with an egg white (I did whole egg – R) and then mixed it with Nutritional Yeast Flakes, Onion Flakes, and Psyllium husk then cooked in pan with coconut oil spray. Great losses still and it changed it up. Can do the same with tuna etc.
Hi Wendy!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Great to see you here 🙂
These 2 recipes seem to taste really good just by imagining those ingredients! And glad to know that you’ve had great losses despite the rogue-ness. Thank you very much!
Hi, Rayzel,
I would add no-sugar/MSG (or homemade) beef broth to this list. I depend on it in P2 for my caramelized onion steak and French onion soup.
As for “lettuce”, I often have bags of salad greens, like baby kale, spring mix, arugula, or butter lettuce/radicchio mix and count them as “lettuce”. Also, I often use lettuce plus ONE other vegetable (like tomato *or* cucumber) and don’t count it as mixing, as the leaves have next to no nutritional or caloric value.
Seltzer. I often use unsweetened flavored seltzer, straight up, or mixed with some lemon or lime juice and sweetener for a refreshing P2 drink.
Egg Beaters. While not strictly on protocol, a serving of Egg Beaters has fewer calories, less fat, and more protein than the 1 egg + 3 whites combo, and you don’t end up throwing away the yolks.
I have used Splenda all along without issues. It is a non-calorie sweetener of about the same “healthiness/risk factor” as the saccharin listed in the original protocol.
Green onions, fresh herbs like basil, oregano, chives, rosemary. Garlic in all its forms. I use jalapeño peppers as seasonings; I don’t count them as vegetables.
Some people use green beans as a rogue veggie. I never have.
I hope this helps
Hi Carolina!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Yes, they help a ton! I totally get your point about the “lettuce” mix. And thank you for sharing this valuable insight about Splenda! And everything else that you’ve pitched in are all brilliant stuff! Thanks a bunch! 🙂
Hi Li-an & Rayzel,
Dill pickles have been great for me to quash that rogue hunger pang. Just have to watch the sodium. How about capers? Ok or No? If so, could add some great flavor.
Thanks for your hard work!
Hi Shawn!
Nice to see you here 🙂
Yes, the caper leaves/bush is such a great idea! Though the caper berries could not fit as much – I checked it out and there are some carbs in it that may not be good on P2. Thank you for sharing! Noted the dill pickles as well 🙂
Almost forgot! I would add Ground Bison to the list of proteins.
Noted this one, too, Nancy!
Much appreciation! 🙂
I think mixing Vegetables would be considered rouge and should not be considered original HCG protocol.
Stevia okay, Erythritol rouge.
Just my thoughts.
Thanks so much for doing this. You have kept me inspired. I’m in my second round of HCG and doing 2.0 this time. Following the P3 to Life helped me keep the weight off between rounds!
Hi Nancy!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Agree, mixing the vegetables is not in the original protocol – so it’s a modification. Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts on this! And it’s so lovely to hear how Rayzel’s p3tolife program have helped you, it’ll definitely give her a huge smile! All the best for your next round 🙂
We also need a protocol for dining out at it’s so intimidating
Hi Colleen!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Really great idea – but seems tricky as we can’t really control what’s available when we’re dining out. Will definitely take note of this and let Rayzel know about this angle that can explored. Thank you so much!
Rogue yes but what has gotten me through phase 2 was salad dressing I struggled the most with this. I finally went Rogue and used a the good seasoning envelope and would add the recommended vinegar and then fill the bottle to the top with water (NO OIL) I think the packet had a small amount of sugar in it. But as sparingly as I was using it (it has amazing flavor doesn’t take much) I know I was only getting trace amounts of sugar. I have since found a recipe I have used that is ok. There is something in GS I like better though.
Dry Mix
1 tablespoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
2 tablespoons oregano
1 Packet Sweetener
1 teaspoon pepper
1⁄4 teaspoon basil
1 tablespoon parsley
1⁄4 teaspoon celery salt
2 tablespoons salt
I mixed 2 tbsp. of dry mix, with 1/4 cup Vinegar and a 1 cup of water (you can use less water)
Great as a marinade or for basting as well.
Heading for another round of HCG next week, last round in May didn’t work my hormones were too out of whack praying for better results this time. I am not new to HCG first used it 8 years ago, so I know it does work and is amazing!
Hi Carol!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Thanks for dropping by and for sharing this recipe, too!
Simple Girl Carolina Style BBQ Sauce and seasonings… especially the Lemon Herb!
Hi Jae!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Yay! Thanks a bunch for this! It could really be a great addition to the list. I searched for it and really looks yummy!
They really are good esp. the Carolina BBQ sauce.
I’d say mixing veggies in P2 should be listed as rogue since Simeon said not to mix. I do add a little onion to dishes (which I read somewhere was ok).
I think using stevia would not be rogue since Simeon says that’s ok, however I don’t think he oked any other sweetener did he?
Hi RaNae!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Yes, agree on the other sweeteners – actually No-no based on the original protocol. Btw, thanks a lot for your insights!
It is stated that erythritol has a G.I. of zero and 0.2 cal per gram. It does not affect blood sugar and is suitable for low-carb diet. It’s sweetness is about 0.7 of sugar and you may need to use a bit more than sugar. I read this in an article on keto diet app.com . It also has explanations of other sugars.
This is VERY rogue, but I made a variation of “cloud bread” on my third P2 and it didn’t have an effect when consumed in small amounts. I started with this: http://cinnamonandtoast.com/pillowy-light-cloud-bread/, but I used fat free cream cheese, eggs (cut yolks in half) and stevia. I figured making a few substitutions for fake bread was better than eating an entire pizza….
Also, the individually frozen tilapia filets were a life-saver! They are pretty close to 100 grams and defrost quickly. Perfect for when you forget to plan ahead or your husband ate your planned meal.
Hi Sarah!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Thank you for sharing this and I’d totally agree with the fake bread vs entire pizza!
If we could get more vegetarian/ Vegan diet for P2. I have a lot of friends who are Vegans,who want to try this diet. I am myself a vegetarian ( I eat egg.NO chicken/ fish or egg is not considered vegetarian many parts of the world). Considering the fact that a lot of people around the globe are trying the vegetarian route, if we can get a cook book for P2 it’s much appreciated
Hi Niyoshi!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
This is duly noted and your suggestion really speaks of the reality! We’ve recently received quite a number of vegetarian/vegan queries – Rayzel will surely take note. Thank you very much!
I think of onion as a spice/herb and don’t consider it “mixing” with another veggie. I feel that way about ginger, shallots, garlic, green onion… maybe even fennel. I think it’s more important to limit mixing fruits in (love my tuna apple mustard salad but gotta be careful).
I think the best opportunity for a new P2 cookbook is to show different methods – especially how to make protein with out it being so dry.
Fresh herbs have so much nutritional bang for their buck. P2 I have a drawer full of fresh herbs the entire time.
Hi Tara!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you here 🙂
Those are really remarkable insights – thank you very much! Love the suggestion on different cooking methods, this will surely be helpful for Rayzel’s brainstorming.
Applewood chips….you can smoke chicken on your stove with a large pot, steamer basket, and lots of aluminum foil. It adds so much umami flavor to the chicken. Extra great in soups like asparagus or miracle noodle chicken noodle!
I’ve done miso broth too and substituted 1TB almond milk for regular milk.
My hcg also came with list saying (surprisingly) artichoke and spaghetti squash were ok. Roasted artichoke is great plain!
Hi Jessie!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you ????
That sounds really cool! I could almost smell the smoked chicken as you’re telling it. Thank you for these!
1. Ground chicken. i use this for ‘Zucchini boats’ which is staple for my phase 2.
2. Dijon mustard – just make sure no sugar
3. Salsa – make sure no oil or sugar
I don’t consider mixing veggies rouge but strictly speaking it probably is. I’ve still lost mixing veggies but I wonder if I could lose more if I didn’t mix.
I say no stevia or erythritol for phase 2 but the latter is something I definitely look forward to in phase 3.
Thanks so much for doing this. The flavors in your phase 3 recipes are great so look forward to phase 2 recipes!!!
Hi Tina!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant 🙂
Thank you so much for these ideas! These will definitely help Rayzel whip up new recipes for the amazing hCG community!