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I had a lovely time interviewing Lisa again – I originally interviewed her when she was at her 111 lb weight loss mark from the hCG diet protocol using prescription drops in episode 10.
Our original interview was in February of 2014 – not only has she maintained her weight loss, she’s since done another round of hCG to lose additional weight and is now sitting at 137 lbs, from her starting weight of 263 lbs, for a total lost of about 125 lbs! Pretty striking. She has dealt with major hypothyroidism issues as well, so her experience is encouraging.
She’s 48 years old, and at her current weight 137 lbs she is a few sizes smaller than when she weighed this is high school. How is that possible? It means that her ratio of of muscle and fat in her body is different now. It means that more of her 137lbs is muscle and less of it is muscle, leading to a lower body fat percent than in the past – this is why you can be a smaller size clothing but the same weight.
You can check out my current recommendations for the actual purchase of real hCG here.
Actively Searching to Fix the “Broken” Part of your Metabolism
Also, you may find it sobering, but as she said, that if something in your hormone system is broken prior to hCG, that won’t likely go away post hCG. Adrenal and thyroid issues are a BIG issue when it comes to being able to maintain weight loss and hCG doesn’t magically cure these.
Rather than getting discouraged over this, it’s important to actively ADDRESS these issues.
THE top resource I know of for getting yourself educated is the book Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment , which covers patient experience as to what actually works, and why if you are seeing a conventional doctor who ran a test and said your thyroid was “normal” you most likely need to dig deeper because the test they are doing is not showing the real picture. So please don’t leave it that. You can start reading many details on the stop the thyroid madness website.
This can make a world of difference in being able to maintain your weight loss long term, and I really encourage you, just as you have been so detailed about learning about this protocol, that you continue on to leaving no stone unturned when it comes to researching thyroid, adrenal, and your other hormone levels. There IS effective treatment for this now, but you have to do your own research to find it, or you’ll never know about it.
Listen/read/watch to hear the latest on her journey.
Or read it below!
Download Episode 17 Transcript – PDF
Episode 17:
Rayzel: Hey Guys! hcgchica. This is actually episode 17 of the HCG Diet Interviews with Everyday People. I actually have, this is my first guest to bringing back who’s been on before. This is Lisa, if you recall, she was actually on Episode 10 and at that time, we talked about her 111 pound weight loss, she had ended at 151 pounds and a size 8/10 at that time. But I decided to bring her back on because she’s since done another round and actually lost additional weight. So we’re gonna just talk today about where she’s at now, just comparisons about previous rounds and this round now that she’s smaller and kind of stuff like that. And also I thought it would be encouraging to you guys, because that episode was quite a while ago and as you’ll see, she was maintaining after the facts and then did another round but it’s just nice to see people actually maintaining their weight loss so we’ll talk a little bit about that too. Thanks for coming back on Lisa.
Lisa: Thanks for having me.
Rayzel: You look great. Obviously your face looks thinner, you lost more weight.
Lisa: Thank you.
Rayzel: So tell me last time you had finished at losing a 111 pounds and you were about 151. Tell us where you’re at now after this next round you did.
Lisa: I’m at 137.4. So in my goal I just want to get into the 130s but specifically I kind of want to be at 138. That’s just where I was in high school and where I was before I had my kids. So I hit my goal.
Rayzel: So you are now what you weighed when you first had your kids, you said?
Lisa: Before I had and when I was in high school.
Rayzel: And now how has your size changed. You were an 8/10 at 151. Where you at now?
Lisa: I can wear 6s a lot. Some of the clothes that I have, I still wear. Last time too, I can wear an 8/10 or a 12. It just depended on the—
Rayzel: Yeah, it’s just probably the 8 feel comfortable now.
Lisa: Yeah. I have some of my dress pants that I just recently bought and they were 4/6s and I actually had to sew the waist because the waist is too big. It kind of varies just in the different styles.
Rayzel: That kind of shows the whole reshaping effect with hCG because I do notice like sometimes with in women’s clothes, the waist might be bigger which is where fat is. So it’s like you lost more in your waist so that’s interesting that you had to take the waist in on those clothes. You were just mentioning before we started recording about the size you were now versus then at the same weight. Tell me about that.
Lisa: Before I weigh the same thing I wore size 12. Now I’m in 4/6 or 8.
Rayzel: So for anyone who doesn’t know what that means, like how does that work, what that means is that her Body Fat Percent is lower now at the same weight than previously so it’s like now at the same weight on the scale she has a higher portion of muscle mass and a lower portion of fat mass and that’s how that’s possible to be a smaller size at the same weight which is obviously a totally good thing. Like the more muscle you have the more calories you burn on a daily basis the easier it is to maintain. That is so cool. I kind of the same, I’m not as thin as I was, like, ever, that would just be I was very thin at one time but when I got married I was like a 120ish pound and I wear like a size 6 but I’m like 127-128 and I wear a comfortable size 4. So I weighed several pounds more but I’m a smaller size. So again it’s that muscle-fat ratio.
Lisa: Yes it is. At one time I was down to like below 120s and that was way too thin for me. But size wise I was wearing about what I’m wearing now. But I looked too thin then and I don’t look too thin now.
Rayzel: I’m kind of finding that balance, and I think once you’re a woman, some people, you can try to get {inaudible} with hCG but sometimes it’s hard to actually maintain that, you just want to have a normal healthy figure when you’re a woman. Do you mind sharing how old you are? I can’t remember from last time.
Lisa: I’m 48.
Rayzel: I think that’s cool for people to hear, you said that you’re in the same weight right now like you were back in high school, before kids. That’s pretty amazing. Tell me now, so this is your 6th round, why don’t you tell me the comparison like what was the differences from previous round to this round. Was it different for you this time?
Lisa: This round was very different. My other rounds were pretty much the same. This round I was hungrier it’s probably because I have less fat to lose. I was hungrier throughout the whole time, I was a lot hungry than I had been on previous rounds and some of it too I don’t know if some of it was pshychological because I was just so close and just ready to be done but I just been like I felt hungrier throughout the whole thing. Also I gained a ton on my Loading day this time and I don’t know, it was kind of weird because I was doing that other diet which we talked about and so I was maintaining pretty well with not too many corrections day but I gained like 9 pounds this time loading. In 2 days. It was crazy. We had a timber and I went picked some mushrooms , wild mushrooms out in the timber and I had breading on them which you wouldn’t think would be that big of a problem then the next day, it was Mother’s day when I was loading. We went out for Chinese so the combination of those 2 days in a row, it was just big gain.
Rayzel: It most likely the majority of it was probably water and sodium.
Lisa: Yeah, cause I lost it and I also lost more in this round than my previous ones except for my first round. My first round and this round I’ve lost the most in my rounds.
Rayzel: How long did it take to get the 9 pound loading weight off?
Lisa: I would have to look at that, but I think I got it off within the first week, I did, because in that first week this time I lost like 12 pounds. But it was kind of depressing because in that first week when you have such good losses, I was just really losing what I’ve put on from most of it.
Rayzel: How long had it been since the last time you did a round?
Lisa: About 6 months.
Rayzel: I do hear about that on occasion, really big loading gains, but usually they come off fairly quickly, on occasion though it can take close to a week. It doesn’t matter you still got a lot {crosstalk}.
Lisa: It was okay.
Rayzel: I thought it was interesting too that you talked about being hungrier on this round because Robin Woodall talked about that too in her book Weightloss Apocalypse just that when you have less fat, it’s less likely that you’re gonna really be able to have that total kind of none hunger feeling that you do when you’re heavier. She mentioned sometimes you might actually need to eat a little more or did you ever end up adjusting your dose at all just as a trial or no?
Lisa: I didn’t this round. On one other round I kind of messed with it but then it seems like I stopped losing and then I got scared so I just put it back.
Rayzel: And for those who don’t know, she does the sublingual prescription hCG, that’s what she’s done all her rounds.
Lisa: Since I was losing I just kept my dose the same and I did I eat a few more vegetables than I normally would.
Rayzel: So if you felt extra hungry you just do more P2 veggies.
Lisa: I would just eat mostly radishes and cucumbers, just extra.
Rayzel: Did you feel like, cause sometimes I would run into this in my later rounds where you already look good so it’s harder because, the reward is good, it’s just not as good as before.
Lisa: Exactly. I was exactly like that because already before I started everyone was telling me, you’re too thin, you don’t need to lose any more weight and so I already, lot of people at church, in different places would complement me on how good I look so it’s exactly like that. It’s way harder because you don’t really, I really would have been okay if I would have stayed at the weight that I was at.
Rayzel: It’s like that vanity type round where, yes, it feels like motivating at first but then at the middle, you’re like, do I really care that much.
Lisa: Yeah. That’s exactly how it was. But I was just so close, I told people, you go this far and I’m like that close to my goal, I just have to do it, I just have to do it for me, I just have to finish and get to my goal.
Rayzel: That’s good. Honestly, really in the end, it really is only a matter of days. So it’s like I can hang for, it’s not that many more days. I’ll have a before and after picture to show you guys, I’ll put it in the video and in the blogpost so you can see her starting, actually I forgot where did you actually start? Your starting weight, originally?
Lisa: 263
Rayzel: Yeah, 263, and you’re like a size, I can’t remember, I didn’t write it down.
Lisa: Well, 22/24, I think. I think really 24 was what I should’ve been cause they were tight.
Rayzel: That’s what I was like too. When I started, technically a 14 but I should’ve been a 16 because they were all {inaudible} okay I’m not buying 16, I’m gonna find something else and then hCG popped up so. That’s funny. Cool. Let me see, what else? Maybe we’ll talk about– Actually, why don’t we talk about P3 a little bit. Is that cool? So tell me now, you said you’re actually almost done with P3 for this round as well. Tell me how has that gone?
Lisa: It’s pretty much the same. I have a terrible time stabilizing. Every round I usually, I end up having to do correction days a lot. It’s about the same as every round. I’m actually doing a correction day today. I always can stay in my window with correction day I just stay on top of it. And I do exactly on the day that I need to so I don’t, one time this time, I didn’t do because we’re having company over and I didn’t want to have a correction day with everybody there so I waited and then I ended up having to do 3 in a row that week to get back to where I needed.
Rayzel: So you basically kind of did intermittent fasting 3 days in a row and then have dinner each day?
Lisa: I did different correction days each day. I did the intermittent fasting the first day, the steak day, and then I did an egg day, and I did a chicken thigh day.
Rayzel: Kind of like an intermittent fasting day and then like a protein day where you were eating throughout the day but just only that one food. Does that work for you?
Lisa: Yeah. It did work. It’s just not good to do that, it’s better to do the correction right when you need it so you don’t have to do multiple.
Rayzel: So you really noticed the difference then between doing it as soon as the scale goes up versus waiting a day or two.
Lisa: Yeah.
Rayzel: And that’s good to know.
Lisa: Because usually, I would go up more if I don’t do it right on that day. I just tend to creep up more because it takes me quite a while to get more stabilized so I usually even into P4, it takes me a while before my body is ready to be set at a certain weight.
Rayzel: It’s like probably not fun but if you know that and you’re willing to do it at some point, it gets a little more stable?
Lisa: Yeah.
Rayzel: And that kind of leads into probably the Fast Metabolism Diet. We might as well go and get into that. You mentioned in our previous interview—well let me just tell them – Lisa and actually a lot of people have trouble stabilizing in P3 at times. So she tried this Fast Metabolism Diet as a way to try to heal her metabolism not form hCG but because she actually had this issue before, right?
Lisa: Right.
Rayzel: If you want to know all about it just go to Episode 10 because that’s where all the details are. All about that which we talked about in detail. So anyway, maybe we can talk about that a little bit now, like, how did that actually work for you to maintain your weight?
Lisa: It works really well for me to maintain. A lot of people lose on that diet but I really didn’t. I would lose on certain days of the week but then gain it back on the other days of the week but it worked really well for me. I actually went for like a month at one time without doing correction day which is unheard of for me. Cause I at one time would have to do 2 correction days a week. So sometimes I get by with one a week after it gets farther and farther away from P2 but I actually a whole month without doing any correcting. The thing with it though, that anybody that wants to try it, they need to keep in mind is, you really need to totally stick to it. One of the thing she tells you not to have caffeine and when I added it, I love iced tea, but when I added in the caffeine then I started fluctuating again, having more trouble.
Rayzel: I didn’t realize that you’re not supposed to have caffeine on this Fast Metabolism Diet. So no coffee. Bummer.
Lisa: This stuff called Pero but it doesn’t taste like coffee, it’s okay, and then you can use like flavored Stevia so that it’s like a coffee replacement. That was probably the hardest part of that.
Rayzel: How long would you say it took you to—I’m assuming you probably drink coffee before doing that diet, right—Did you have to get off caffeine? How long did it take before you felt somewhat normal getting off caffeine?
Lisa: It didn’t bother me this time. In the past I had really bad headaches getting off caffeine but I didn’t really have trouble this time. It felt like, really right away I was okay but it’s just hard.
Rayzel: Yeah.
Lisa: No caffeine. No tea.
Rayzel: The one reason I thought—So I guess that’s the downside, but one of the upsides that I liked about it and I don’t know a lot about it but maybe you can tell them in minute just a little bit of the basics of it. But what I like about it is that it allows you to incorporate carbs into your diet. So it’s just in that way there’s more freedom and more variety. Why don’t you actually tell us a little bit how that works?
Lisa: Two days a week you kind of have a moderate protein but higher carbs and you can have as far as bread, you aren’t allowed caffeine, you aren’t allowed wheat but you can have sprouted grain bread so like the Ezekiel bread. You’re not allowed dairy products. The reason for that is she says they’re metabolism killers. So the things that are really hard on your metabolism like corn, you’re not allowed corn. So 2 days a week, you’re eating higher carb, you can have breads, you can have brown rice, sweet potatoes. And then 2 days a week you’re eating higher protein and no carbs. The first I guess, to back up a little bit, on those 2 days that you’re having the carbs you’re not having fat. The only fat you’re getting is what’s in your meat. Then the next 2 days when you’re having higher protein, no carb, you’re still not having fats. Then the last 3 days of the week, you can have fats, you can have all of it pretty much but just you’re more limited on your carbs and then you can have quite a bit of fat and about the same with protein, good amount of protein. That’s when I always gain though when I was having the fat and the carbs together. So I would lose at the beginning of the week but then the last 3 days of the week then I would gain it back, so that’s why I stayed the same with it. But it was so nice to be able to have so much more variety because I was basically before that eating P3 style all the time.
Rayzel: And that’s what a lot of people find themselves having to do especially in the menopause, pre-menopause bracket age. That’s what they end up having to do, so I just thought well this is at least an option to think about or something to try where, so I guess now you have to cut the caffeine now, But you know, if you’re desperate and you really want to see if you can have some carbs in your life, I thought that’s kind of interesting, it might be worth a try for somebody.
Lisa: Yeah and it was worth it for me even though I didn’t really like that part of it, getting rid of the caffeine, and then I did cheat after I wasn’t losing, I did cheat and then I started having caffeine again but then like I said then my weight fluctuated more so then I had to kind of start doing some correction days, off and on again.
Rayzel: What do you think, did she have a reason for why she feels the caffeine effects the weight more because I noticed if I have an extra cup of black tea in the morning, it’s like, I’ll be a little more dehydrated the next day it’s just like, caffeine makes your body excrete more water. Is it just a water thing though? Or do you think it’s more?
Lisa: She said that it’s hard in your metabolism. She just listed certain foods that she calls metabolism killers so that’s why she doesn’t want you to eating certain things and drinking anything caffeine.
Rayzel: For any of you guys out there, because I do get people frustrated with the P3 thing and beyond all the time. It may just be something to check into for some of you guys as something to try. Sometimes something can seem really overwhelming like the idea like that sounds Oh, I really don’t want to do that. But, sometimes if I tell myself, I’m just gonna try this for 2 weeks or 3 weeks then it feels a little less imprisoning and you just give it a trial, why not? And then if it’s like totally horrible or not worth it then you’ll stop but for some people who they might find that, Oh, this is actually really nice for me. Maybe some people would prefer to have potatoes and rice over caffeine, I don’t know if that’s how it works out. So, cool. Thanks for sharing that. I guess that’s it. Do you have like any favorite foods or recipes in P2 and P3 or in both phases? Any favorite things you like to eat?
Lisa: I found the seasoning that I like to put on, I pretty much put on every meat that I buy. It’s Weber Chicago Steak and it didn’t have any sugar or anything so I could have it in P2 and I would put it on chicken and grill the chicken on the grill, I put it in steak, and I still will have that same chicken in P3 but just way more, a lot bigger amount and then probably though, that’s probably the only thing that I still do because you know most of the P2 stuff isn’t really exciting so.
Rayzel: Are you a person who makes P2 recipes or do you eat pretty plain and simple?
Lisa: I pretty much eat pretty plain and simple just cause I figure it’s only for 40 days. I do make some kind of soups but it’s still just like seasoning, tomatoes, either chicken or steak but otherwise I pretty much stick to the stuff I know gives me the best losses most of the time so it gets really boring but when you’re gonna lose more, I figure it’s a short period of time.
Rayzel: Yeah, like do it and be done with it. How many pounds did you end up losing total this round then?
Lisa: This round it was 25.4 I think.
Rayzel: So about 25 pounds and how long was the round this time?
Lisa: It was 40 days. It was actually, well by the time I did the 72 hour period it was like 43 counting that period. Because actually somehow ended up, usually— when you’re—it might be that way with injections too but usually you don’t really have enough to go 20 days even though the bottle’s supposed to go for 20 days but this time my first bottle that I mixed actually did go 20 days so I was able to go little longer.
Rayzel: And then of course you gain the 9 loading. So your net loss was more like 16 or something like that. But that’s still really cool because at this point where you’re smaller like this, getting into size 6 area, you do lose weight slower in general but actually I think those results are about right. My final round I lost about 17 pounds in 40 days, I didn’t have a big loading gain. My net loss was about 16-17 pounds. I think that that’s very average at that point once you’re getting that thin. There is that misconception still that you’ll lose a pound a day. I’m still trying to dispel that myth all the time. I actually need to make a dedicated video about it, haven’t done that yet. Even when you’re heavy, sometimes when you’re really heavy you might get close to that but a lot of women don’t. And then as you get thinner the ratio goes down even further. But it doesn’t matter, as you said, you’re maintaining with your different tools for like 6 months before this final round. I’m gonna be coming up on my 2 year anniversary of maintaining without hCG in November. Even though I didn’t lose a pound a day on my rounds it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we’re here, we got to our goal and we’re moving on.
Lisa: Yup, exactly and even when I was at 263 pounds, I didn’t lose a pound a day. I think women just don’t usually lose that much and I told different people that I’ve coached with, cause people expect the pound a day. Like you said, I tried it to get it through your heads that you’re not gonna lose a pound a day but in my 2 years if you average it out, I average about a half a pound a day but the thing is, still, I got there. I’ve tried so many things before and could never lose anything so I got there.
Rayzel: Yeah, that’s the point. I do think that there’s a lot more like thyroid and adrenal related problems now. I think our environment and the foods that we’re eating; I think there’s just like such a larger portion of the population that probably deals with that without even knowing it. That’s probably part of the problem why we lose slower.
Rayzel: Thanks for coming on today, I really appreciate it. This is really good stuff for everybody.
Lisa: Thank you for having me again and congratulations on your 2 years.
Rayzel: Thanks a lot for being with me today.
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Yup, I want this!
Thank you for another great episode! I look forward to seeing your videos! Comment: I really, really dislike cooking and preparing meals – wouldn’t it be great if someone had a frozen meal or pre-made meal for HCG users!!!! That would be so wonderful~
Wonderful job Lisa and Rayzel, thanks for posting the interview. I am in P3 and having a hard time stabilizing. My weight is creeping up even though I’ve been eating very low carb. Frustrating. This post definitely helped me. Thanks again!