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Update March 26, 2019: The P3toLife program has been out for exactly 2 years now! We have a PLETHORA (I love cool words) of testimonials now – you can see them here! As well as video interviews.
It’s worth every stinkin’ penny and more ladies. I don’t advertise it often, but when I do, I stand 100% behind the value in the program and how much it will change your life – the 150+ testimonials proves it.
Updated note June 23, 2017: The pilot p3 program has been an over the moon smashing success for the members who got in on the ground floor. Please note that this initial launch of p3 program testers and the perks of getting all future updates free is now closed. All new P3tolife memberships as of June 23, 2017 onward to the p3toljfe program will get everything in the Essentials Program which you can view here but the additional weeks 4-7 meal plan and other fun bonuses will become part of a Premium version of the program – the Premium version is not available yet but I will definitely definitely alert everyone once it is! Everyone who was a part of my pilot program as testers up till June 23rd will of course continue to get all future added content – you guys are basically the premiumest premium members as a thank you for putting the faith in me and this program to be the first to try it. Love you guys!
UPDATE: You can check out the video series that shows you how the P3 to Life program is different than random recipe browsing at my Phase 3 Lessons page here!
Hello hello!
Well, it was April 2016, almost 1 year ago, when I first hunkered down to work purposefully and consistently on the Phase 3 program. The program is specifically designed to be used between rounds of hCG to stabilize your weight- this is the pilot version of the program I’m releasing this coming week, and the full program will be for long term maintenance as well.
I wanted to give you guys a heads up of what to expect with this program so you both will have an idea if this a potential solution for you, or if it’s not what you’re looking for.
Some of you may likely have been expecting a book- which makes sense because that’s what I initially thought it would be too and mentioned it in passing here and there – but as I’ll explain, this program is not a book. It’s something more comprehensive than that.

The Long Pause & Why
Since the release of the Phase 2 workbook which has sold thousands of copies now, I knew I wanted to do something regarding Phase 3 eventually. It’s the phase 3 all struggle with the most and that has literally almost no guidance for.
At the time, since I had already created a book/workbook I kind of figured that the form the Phase 3 project would take would be a workbook as well, and I said as much in my P2 workbook.
So naturally I’ve gotten lots of emails ever since then asking when my p3 book would be out.
But I didn’t do anything at all for any P3 project for over a year after finishing the P2 book. This is because I honesty had no idea what to put in it at the time. I already had a pretty substantial lines of basics blogposts free about Phase 3 on the blog and I couldn’t think much beyond what was already there.
Finally I realized the reason I couldn’t figure it out was because the needs for the HCG community in Phase 3 was not really a workbook. What was needed was not something to track your eating, but something that actually told you WHAT to eat. THAT was the biggest problem I got emails about- people who just didn’t know what they should be eating in Phase 3 and how much. I never got emails asking me how they could track their phase 3 stats. It has always been what do I eat, what’s okay, what isn’t, how much, how do I incorporate certain foods, when do I do that, how long, etc.
But initially I didn’t think I was the person that could remedy this problem because I don’t create recipes. If I did it would probably take me 15 years to compiled something for all of P3.
Strikes of Inspiration That Got This P3 Baby On the Road
Then I got struck with inspiration. Helllooo I could find someone to collaborate with whose strengths complemented mine.
I found an amazing recipe developer and began working in earnest and researching on just what I felt this phase 3 meal plan should contain for proper stabilization and maintenance of weight loss following the HCG protocol.
I literally learned how to be a food photographer from scratch, by scrolling through endless recipe Instagram feeds and observing how they composed their images. #schoolofIGyo The learning curve at the beginning was very steep but I pushed through it and now I’m at the point where I find enjoyment in setting up each meal shot – it’s a really neat way to express art and creativity.
It’s Not Just About the Food
At the same time, just having recipes alone to me is NOT enough for learning what long term maintenance is all about. I have gone through so much trial and error to figure out what is a DOABLE, REALITY based way to maintain my weight loss for almost 4.5 years now.
I had to address these factors in the program. It would be a disservice not to cover this.
It would be like handing you the key to the doorknob but not the deadbolt.
We all know by now that it’s not just about the food. It’s how we feel about the food, how our bodies feel about the type of food, and so many other things. If we were robots, we could totally just be like, eat this this and this, and that’s it, done. But instead we’re (and thankfully so) soft fleshy comfy-to-cuddle-with creatures with lipstick, pretty hair, big hearts and emotional wounds.
An Online Program – Not a Book
The final shape this p3 project has taken is an entire program essentially, with a detailed meal plan and recipes, coaching videos, shopping/cooking tutorial videos and resources guides on a membership site for a one time fee. Here’s just a screenshot to whet your appetite – and don’t worry, future emails/blogposts about the program will unveil much more to you!
I wanted to make sure I gave you this heads up glance into what it is I’m about to release to you guys because naturally, some of you may still be expecting another book offering.
I am very excited to take you through just exactly what’s in the program in more detail very soon and why it’s very different than doing Phase 3 on your own, but I wanted to prep you now so that you are not expecting a $35 book. This is something more advanced. I’m prepping your minds now to help avoid a feeling of sticker shock.
When You Become One of the FIRST P3toLifers – You Are the Core Founders of this Group
The good news is that for this initial pilot launch, while I’ll only be accepting a small number of people during a few sale dates, the price will be about half the cost that the full program will be when I’ve completed it at the end of this year. So you will get access to everything there now, which is plenty to go through Phase 3, AND everything else that is added until the release of it again as the full shebang.
The reason I want to keep the number of this first group of P3tolifers small is so that I can interact and get feedback and make any needed tweaks. So yes, it will likely not be available for sale again for many months while I continue to add to it and make it the “full deal”.
When you get the program now as a founding member, and become the very first of the P3toLifers, you will get ALL future additions to the program at no extra cost. This one time price will lock you in forever to getting all additions to the program. In return I’m hoping you can try this whole program out and give me your feedback!
I have done my very best to show you visually as much as I possibly can in the coming stuff I have to show you so you can truly get a clear idea of what is currently in the course to help you decide if this p3 program is what you’re looking for and if it’s worth the value to you that I’m putting on it myself.
I understand this is not the solution for every hCGer and that’s okay!
But what I personally wanted to create was something that I felt would truly help people to stabilize and maintain their weight.
The plan is not put together in a hodge podge way.
I gave careful thought and research to the macronutrients, the protein level, the types of low carb veggies and fruits, the fullness feeling factor-
The meal plan has been reviewed and endorsed by 8 dietitians.
I wanted to make sure that this was the real deal.
This doesn’t mean it won’t need tweaks.
Hence the limited number of people to be the core group who will take this program for a test drive at the reduced cost and be willing to give me feedback – what they like, what could use improvement, what needs it fills, what further needs it could still fill with some modifications or additions.
A Heart & Soul Project is the Only Project You Can Take to Completion
This will not be the solution for phase 3 that every one of you needs. But it will be the solution for some of you.
I’m saying this just as much for you as for myself.
I think we all struggle with wanting to be everything to everyone, and I have DEFINITELY learned through this blog that this is simply impossible.
What I’ll be presenting to you in the coming days as I unveil the Phase 3 program is the project I could personally get behind. It’s what I could get excited about, and be motivated enough about to actually follow through. Because believe me it has been one emotional roller coaster ride accompanied by learning many things to get it together and much much work – investments of quite a bit of both time and finances actually.
I have LITERALLY put my heart and soul into this. I couldn’t have created it otherwise, because it was too hard lol.
What Weight Maintenance Means to Me – Maybe You Too?
I feel sad when I see so many losing weight but then not able to maintain that weight loss. I want more people to be able to achieve what I have. Where I feel confident that I really do have a concrete way to balance my body and tweak as needed. This is actually quite rare and I think one of the main reasons for this is because many of us women just have really had NO idea how to live daily to maintain weight loss- both from an eating perspective and from a mental/emotional aspect. I sure didn’t! It took me the past 5 years to get this all figured out, and I’m still learning. But I’ve learned enough now to find that hey, this WORKS for me.
Since this is something I NEVER had before in the first 30+ years of my life, and that even when I was thin I still struggled with my eating and my weight and how I viewed myself, I have known the contrast in just how freeing it is to have these what you could call “secrets” applied in your life.
I can’t honestly put into words just how much having a stable body and feeling in control has made an impact on my everyday life.
I feel like I’m a much better mom and wife because of it. I feel an inner contentment in my body that’s actually not an excitement over how I look (you may desire this but believe me, it WILL fade and be old not-exciting news once you get used to yourself in your new bod) but more a neutral feeling of being like, ‘okay, I’m healthy and a good size for me, let’s move on with what we were going to today. Reading with my son? Planting in the garden? Being a listening ear to a good friend? Dude, yes let’s get on with it, because I’m not distracted by dissatisfaction over my body every second anymore. #win’
And this isn’t related simply to being as thin as possible, because I’m actually not the thinnest I’ve ever been. What I have are strength and a very healthy body fat level that has allowed me to learn to be happy and okay with the body I see, even though it will never be “perfect” as I might have desired it to look as a teenager.
If you want a program on how to stay as thin as humanely possible the rest of your life, this program will not teach you that. That’s because I now believe for most of us, such a pursuit as that would require a lifelong obsession with yourself, your body and your eating.
I feel this is not a meaningful way to live. And I doubt you do either. Not to mention I think it feels miserable except for the rare occasions where maybe you get to be all seen in public and feel all great that you look so amazing. Which is like what, 4 times a year maybe?
What I’m driving at in my phase 3 program is the other 361 days of the year when you’re just living normal day to day life and you want to DO meaningful things and have your mental capacity as free as possible for these endeavors.
What I feel I have achieved that I’m hoping to show a pathway to you of is being reasonably thin and healthy and fit – being a clothing size that makes sense for your height, but beyond that, the whole pursuit of losing all excess fat that exists on your body and reaching model status….well, no this is not what I can or want to teach you.
The Fear & Risk In Putting Yourself Out There
Anyway, I’m excited to share this with you. And please, if you feel this program is not for you, no need to tell me so- you can just quietly move on. As I said, this is not designed to be the right fit for everyone and I’d like to save my emotional energy for those that this solution does fit.
It can be easy to assume that a blogger is made of iron and that you can type anything you want and it somehow won’t hurt, but the truth is I’m just as sensitive or more so than the next person. It’s a huge risk to put myself out there like I’ve done and I go back and forth between being like, you know what, I just want to scrap the whole thing and not release it at all because it’s too scary. Even with all the hours and time and money I’ve spent, there’s moments when I just want to protect myself and not open myself to criticism anymore.
But then I come back to- I just can’t do that. Because it has the potential to help a lot of people.
I am so grateful to you all for the many amazing interactions I’ve had with you all the past several years now.
As I have written elsewhere on my blog, I truly had NO idea when signed up for my first YouTube account in 2011 to video-blog my HCG journey and picked “hcgchica” randomly as my username, that it would all turn into…..THIS. No stinkin’ clue. It’s just crazy to me sometimes. And I honestly can’t think of anything I’d rather do for work right now than this.
Teaching is literally in my genetic makeup. My mom, my uncle, my grandfather and grandmother, were all teachers. It brings me great joy to share what I’ve learned with others. It hits the this-is-what-I-feel-meant-to-do bone in my body.
‘lil funny story
So my son is not used to me working extra hours (and we’re talking still reasonable – I still have PLENTY of time with him as a mom so no need to feel too sorry for him) but today he moped over to the bed all bummed that I had to do some work and he suggested some other jobs he felt would be better for me – specifically that I could be a marathon horn honker. First of all I never even thought of this before and hey, someone’s gotta do that, but third, since it’s snowing outside right now, I told him this might be a bit of a seasonal job in our area and might not provide enough working hours to pay the bills long term.
Much love to you guys, and I will have the actual specifics on the Phase 3 HCG maintenance program coming out this week!
Rayzel aka hcgchica
Updated note June 23, 2017: The pilot p3 program has been an over the moon smashing success for the members who got in on the ground floor. Please note that this initial launch of p3 program testers and the perks of getting all future updates free is now closed. All new P3tolife memberships as of June 23, 2017 onward to the p3toljfe program will get everything in the Essentials Program which you can view here but the additional weeks 4-7 meal plan and other fun bonuses will become part of a Premium version of the program – the Premium version is not available yet but I will definitely definitely alert everyone once it is! Everyone who was a part of my pilot program as testers up till June 23rd will of course continue to get all future added content – you guys are basically the premiumest premium members as a thank you for putting the faith in me and this program to be the first to try it. Love you guys!
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Yup, I want this!
I want it. I just love the HCG-DIET-WORKBOOK-DEVICE.PDF . 4 to 5 weeks to go to finish P1, R1.
Hehe thank you Alrene!
Just watched your P3 to life video. Wow. It’s so refreshing to hear someone who really gets where I’m coming from. No one else talks about volume eating and how important that can be to staying on track for someone who rebels at feeling deprived. And no one talks about how serious the sugar triggers can be. You only get things like, ‘Oh, just eat one piece of dark chocolate, chew slowly and savor it and you’ll be satisfied.’ Umm. That’s complete BS for someone like me. I can eat an entire bag of Dove chocolates and still want more. Anyway, thank you for making me feel a little less crazy. 🙂 I’ve done well on HCG in the past but didn’t take P3 seriously so I never stabilized and that’s why I’m back starting again. I’m halfway through P2 right now and I want to do it right this time. I plan on being one of the 1st 200 people to sign up for your program. I’m dying to see those smoothie recipes…
Hey Christine! I’m SO glad it resonated with you. I’m totally with you! I can NEVER eat just a tiny bite of something and be done. Never. Even now lol. That’s why my dessert smoothies and the volume they provide are so key for me. Yep you are not crazy girl! And the good news is we can be how we be and STILL find a way to maintain, that’s what this program is all about. You will love the smoothies!
I have lost between 20-25 lbs during 3 rounds using the drops. I have had a difficult time trying to stabilize this last round! I’d love to be involved in the P3 program you are testing. Need to drop about 3-5 lbs to get back to my 133-135 ending weight. Any suggestions? Finished p3 about 3 weeks ago, but cannot stabilize!
Your dedication and compassion for your projects and your followers is AMAZING! I’m sure anything you have put together will be informative and helpful. Thank you so much for all you do. I’m looking foward to see what you have put together for P3! YOU GO GIRL! YOU ROCK!
Just about to start phase 3 in a week, so I’m excited about your phase 3 program! I found your phase 2 workbook to be very useful! Thank you!!!
Am thrilled be part of the Phases 3 plan. Have really needed this, as I have not gotten right and have regretted my mistakes.
From now on I am looking forward to a very rosy future !
Congratulations !
My daughter and I we are starting P3 in a couple of weeks. All of your information has been so helpful and motivational.
Thank you for being such an inspiration!!!
Can’t wait to see what you have for us in P3.
I’m excited for this as my P3 begins 14Mar17. Hoping this is the final round where I can really “get it”. Cannot wait to see the new P3 material!
Congratulations!!! In April 2015, I purchased your HCG workbook on Amazon. I was excited because I had a guide, a resource to make it through P1 & P2. I used the homeopathic drops. I did my first round similar to your Round 5. I completed my first round with no issues. Although, I had some anxiety about P3 because there was not much information out there regarding P3. I can’t even explain how I managed to complete P3 with no issues and I even did an additional 3 wks of P3 because I felt like I needed to. I was happy and looking forward to changing my eating habits for many reasons. My ultimate challenge was during the holidays of 2015, let me just say I had no control.
Jan 2016, I had gained back all the weight I had lost, plus more from my first round. I did a couple more rounds with homeopathic drops in 2016 but, when it came to P3 I had failed so, I gave up. It was a roller coaster.
During the last week of Feb 2017, I started another round on RX HCG with one of your recommendations. I’m reading and re-reading all your post on P3. P3 starts for me mid-March. I’m feeling nervous because I don’t want to fail again. I’ve done research for P3 from differents sites but, none of those sites gives me information on what to eat, how much to eat and when to add a certain food during P3, as you mentioned in your post. What you have mentioned and shown a screenshot of your new program sounds exactly what I’m looking for. So, I’m excited to see you have the Phase 3 program almost ready. It would be fabulous to be considered in your Pilot launch. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into your blog, the HCG workbook and the Phase 3 to life program.
Hey Hcgchica aka Rayzel,
I love this idea. I think that it will help put things into perspective for stabilizing and maintaining. Maybe also incorporating a lifetime maintplan is helpful because I have been watching all of my youtubers who have stated that they gained all there wait back. So what have you done to maintain it. I really believe it’s discipline which is self motivation. Thanks again!
I’m on Round 1 Phase 2 Day 20 and have shed 19 pounds so far with 80 more to go. I have been searching for info to help me with the upcoming Phase 3. I’m so excited about this journey I’m on and can’t wait to see your program.
This is so timely for me. I am in my final P2. I did a round last August and failed on P3 and didn’t stabilize. Came off P2 and into multiple parties and vacations and didn’t stabilize at all. I have had the worst gain of my journey. I lost 70lbs in 2014 and maintained until 2016 and when I did that last round and didn’t stabilize I gained 25lbs back. So upset that I allowed myself one last round to get that off but it has to be my last. I need to do it right and your program sounds perfect. Can’t wait.
I love using your workbook and look forward to using your P3 material. Please consider allowing me to participate in your trials! Starting P3 next week.
Congratulations! You have done an amazing job in helping thousands of us. I recently purchased your workbook…what a great help that has been with my success. I am SO excited to see what you have in store for us in your new P3 project. Count me in. Again, congrats, you deserve so much credit and success for all of your hard work and dedication. Great job!
Hi Razel, I am a HCG virgin and am halfway through phase 2 (doing the 40 day injections) and have just found you! I would love to be a part of the P3 trial group. I am a 37yr old stay at home mum, formerly a chef by trade, i have 4 kids including twins, i also have hypothyroidism and i live in Australia. I had a lapband removed in December 2016 due to it being misplaced, turns out a twin pregnancy and lapband are not a good mix! A friend begged me to get a leptin test and try the HCG diet before considering the sleeve – wow, after testing my Leptin was 69, the second highest the doctor had ever seen, no wonder i was having so much trouble. I have lost 10kg so far and have 19 days to go, i have found phase 2 quite easy to maintain, but i dread phase 3 and the lack of regiment and the lack of information available. I am loving your website, blogs, interviews and wealth of knowledge. Thank you for being you 🙂
Definitely count me in! In a week I’ll be starting P3. !!
Totally stoked! Need this in my life. Can’t wait. Facing P3 in 3 weeks & I am online all of the time trying to find ideas of what to eat/do.
I assume you’ll be sending out an email when you’re wanting people for the test phase of this? I almost half way through a rounds, and this would be great when I start P3! Keep up the great work, you have helped me so much in my HCG journey!
Phase 3 starts for me on Thursday. Will this program be ready by then? I hope! I hope! I hope!!!!
It might be! I can’t make any promises because I just have a bit more to do, but I’m hoping sometime this week!
This sounds amazing!! I will be starting p3 in a few weeks, so very much looking forward to this!
I’m so excited to start this. I am in my 4th round and I keep regaining the weight I lose. I am hoping this will help me stay at goal weight.
So excited this is almost ready. I’ve been waiting patiently to have this. Thank you for all your hard work and help. You truly have helped me with my Hcg journey!!!
and thanks for your patience too! It has been such a process and I felt bad it wasn’t ready at end of January when I was hoping! I guess 5 weeks late isn’t too terribly bad for a project of this magnitude. :)-
I am still in phase 2 and will be going into Phase 3 the end of the month. I have always liked at your videos with success stories and have found no better source for correct honest information. You have always answered my emails promptly and I so appreciate you and your assistant. I look forward to the phase 3 program and I know it has been done with great research and user friendly terms. I can’t wait for it!!! Thanks.
Can’t Wait! I am in P3 now – 6 days so far so good, still 1 pound under LDW. BUT I have a couple more rounds to go…And P3 is such an enigma sometimes.
I definitely want in on this Rayzel! I am 7 days from finishing my first round of P2 (lost 32 lbs so far, with about 68 left to go) and am terrified of phase 3! I am such a rule follower which has made phase 2 easy, but without rules for P3, I fear not being successful! Looking forward to this program!!!
Thank you Rayzel for not giving up on us and your dream!
I’m afraid to admit that I’m doing phase 2 again for (I’ve lost count) at least five times and have NEVER really managed Phase 3 and have always gained the weight back. So I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for your Phase 3 program!! Apparently, I need very specific direction and instruction which I am confident your new program will be providing. I can’t wait to write to you next year to let you know that I finally have this all figured out and under control for the rest of my life (58 years old) thanks entirely to your Phase 3 HCG Maintenance Program you have worked so tirelessly on for all of us HCG’ers!
Staying hopeful 🙂
I’m 2 weeks into another round and have never been successful in P3 so can’t wait to, hopefully, be part of this program!
I’ve lost on several rounds but have had a hard time figuring out WHY I am regaining weight. I have been desperate for P3 guidance to help me understand what I need to be successful. I am again on a round and will be entering phase three AGAIN SOON hoping tomreally figure it out this time.
A P3 program is exactly what I need.
I am just starting my 5th (?? lost track ??) round of hCG, and each time I am so happy to lose 25# – 30# !! Woo Hoo!!
However, I typically gain it all back or have a baby and gain it all back. I keep finding myself back where I started, and makes starting each new round of hCG feel kinda pointless! I have weaned my 6th baby (Wow! ~ how did THAT happen?!), and am not planning on any more. I am ready to make this my FINAL round of hCG!!
One thing I have never managed to find on your website are ideas/tips for staying on track when we’re preparing food for our families constantly! I homeschool my 6 kiddos, and feel like I am feeding people constantly from 8am – 8pm. A couple of my kids are on the skinny side, and their pediatrician wants them to eat frequent high-fat, high-cal, high-protein foods. I hit P2 Day 30 and all I can think about is that stupid jar of peanut butter! I am dealing with food and temptation all day. I typically control myself quite well during P2, but during P3, I just LOSE ALL CONTROL.
Anyway, I am looking forward to your P3 program. It looks great so far!
Peace and Blessings!
Depending you the price, I am DEFIANTLY interested in the P3 maintenance program. Thanks
I’m on my second week of P3 and doing great. I’ve done the HCG diet before and I’ve always blown it at this stage…always needing a steak day immediately. Thank god though this time around I am much more careful about what I eat and i’m eating plenty. I realized that fat is totally ok now, so I’m actually eating cheese that is 30% fat instead of 5% fat and my weight has been steady and even below the last day of P2. I am not eating any processed foods and I read the ingredients of everything to make sure there is no sugar. Last week I even made tortillas out of cauliflower and it was delicious with ground meat and salsa..and i used the leftover tortillas to make tuna sandwiches.
Looking forward to seeing whats’ in your P3 program.
So excited for this!!! Getting ready to do a round starting next week! Hopefully this program will help this be my final round. I have done several rounds and lost a total of 100 lbs but have struggled in the last year and a half due to some family illness and adversity. Really looking forward to learning new insight from your many hours of research and prep work. THANK YOU!!!
I am looking forward to this. It sounds like an Awesome idea. I feel lost on P3 and I am constantly wondering and worried that I am going to screw this up. So live your stuff so I am excited to have this tool.
Would love to be a part of this. I am just going to be starting up – hopefully may last round of P2, in a few days. Have struggled with P3 every time. Your blog has been so helpful to me in many ways, since I have found you.
So excited for this. I was able to be successful in phase 1 and 2 by using your workbook. I bought extra copies for my sisters to use too. I always screw up the phase 3 of the program and have been waiting for this release before doing another round with my sisters. Can’t wait.
Having done the protocol, lost 38 pounds and maintained my new weight for almost 2 years now, I am super excited for what this online program holds in store for all who are endeavoring on the HCG journey ! P3 can be quite daunting, especially when one has worked so hard at losing the weight…. this is such an incredible platform to equip and prepare, not only for the stabilising phase but also for setting the foundation for Maintenance.
Thank you for your commitment and hard work in putting this together, I look forward to seeing all that is yet to come!
Rayzel, your timing is perfect for releasing this! I’m so excited to see what you’ve put together. Can’t wait. It appears you have thought of everything. I’ve followed you for several years now. I have been successful with the HCG protocol beginning in 2010. Since then I’ve had to complete three additional rounds (2014, 2015, and another one currently). After the first round, I was able to keep the weight off for almost two years but then peri-menopause set in strongly. I developed anemia and found out my thyroid was an issue. Since then, I’ve struggled to balance my hormones which has proven to be quite the challenge. It seems no matter how well I eat, there is a constant struggle with the weight and my hormones.
You can count me in to give your program a try. This is just what I need. Together my husband and I are almost finished with phase 2. We are pleased with the results and need a program to concentrate on for long term maintenance. I really want to keep it off this time, hopefully in spite of the menopause challenges. Your story is an inspiration! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to helping others!!
I look forward to working with you to offer feedback from both a male and female perspective because my husband will definitely join this journey.
I CANT WAIT!!! I start my 4th phase 3 in 12 days… I NEED it to be my LAST phase 3!! Thanks for your hard work, you have made my journey so much easier throughout the past 3 years❤
HCG Chica,
I just started phase 3 for the second time and I look forward to seeing your program. It has been hard to find much guidance once you are at this stage beyond the general rules. Best of luck!
Very excited to see what you have put together. P3 has been very very tough for me & I could use any tips of tricks you have. I would love to be ‘content’ with my body so I can use that energy elsewhere. You’re speaking my language!
Hi!! I am SO excited for this!! I am recently into my first long round,, I have been having some anxiety about phase 3,lol. Because exactly what you stated,,I don’t know what to eat&i have some fear in adding in so many calories. Eek!! Your blog had helped me so much&I thank you for helping this lifestyle change into a much easier transition with all your knowledge, help& motivation!!
I want to be involved from the beginning as soon as you put the new program out. I have kept my 50lbs off for 3 years but not without struggle. Your new programs sounds great
Thank you for all your hard work and support
Can’t wait for this to come out! I’ll be moving to P3 later this month so the timing is perfect. Thanks for all you do, it is truly appreciated by us still on our journey!
Hi Rayzel,
I am thrilled that you have decided to do this P3 book. I have been mostly successful at maintaining my weight over the past several years. But you hit the nail on the head…this is BY FAR the hardest phase of HCG! The protocol for P1 and P2 are so specific, you can’t really mess it up. However, after several months on P3 it is easy to become complacent and we sometimes forget how hard we worked to get where we are!
I am really excited to get your book when it becomes available! You have done so much for the HCG community in general, but personally you have felt like such a trusted friend through this whole HCG journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
So excited to check this program out!
I’m starting P3 in 2 weeks, and would love to be a part of this!
I can’t wait
I’m doing p 3 as I type until April 1 when I load for round 5
I’ve lost 87
Still have like 30 to go
Way to go!
Looking forward to it!!
Looking forward to this.
I can’t wait for this to come out! I am in 10 days into P3 and can’t seem to stabilize. I have done a number of steak or high protein days (successfully) but then I try to eat P3 and go back up. This will be a godsend for many who are ready to become lifers. Thank you!
I’m 10days in P3 and can’t stabilize ????It’s sooooo discouraging
Ditto!!! I’m right there with you!! Rayzel help us! Thank you so much for this P3 program! It really will be worth it to help so many people maintain their hard-earned weight losses! Can’t wait!!
I am all in with your new P3 and real life program….looking forward to it. Thanks for all the hard work