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These are in-depth conversations one-on-one with hCG ladies where you get to hear their whole weight loss story and the tips that helped them succeed.
Read short written hCG testimonials
These are short testimonials of ladies who’ve written in their hCG diet results to me for quick motivation.
I had a great time interviewing Patti – she’s had a 40 lb weight loss with the hCG protocol. She began at 157 lbs and is currently 120 lbs. Paty is only 5’1″ so that can put a little perspective on her weight.
Check out Paty’s Pinterest board with Phase 2 and Phase 3 recipes. Keep in mind they are mixed together so make sure you know which is which. Additionally many of the baked good recipes are paleo style which allow for the use of honey, so when you check these recipes it should be with the knowledge that any sweeteners would have to be replaced with something calorie free / completely sugarless like stevia, xylitol or erythritol.
Just a couple that stood out to me that looked yum were these Phase 3 friendly recipes:
Her Advice to Others
You cannot cheat. This is not for the faint of heart. If you’re going to do it, you’ve got to commit to it. If you don’t, it’s not going to work. How much are you going to commit to doing it? It works only if you do it right.
I hope you’ll get a chance to simply listen to the interview, either by video or podcast, but here are the some of the highlights:
Paty’s History
Weight Struggles Have Been Life Long
She says she’s struggled with her weight her whole life and began yo-yo dieting since she was 16 years old and felt like finding this diet was what she had been looking for her whole life.
The Root Cause
She’s feels the root problem with her weight goes back to a love of food and simply eating too much of it. She was always good at being focused ON a diet and lost weight well, but could never pin down how to eat normally in regular life for maintaining weight – a way of eating that both was in control enough yet still enjoyable and not feeling like a diet.
Paty’s Results
Size 13 to Size 0.
What’s most significant about this is this comparison is in the SAME BRAND of clothing. Sometimes from brand to brand actual size of clothes can really vary- I have some size 2’s that fit like size 4’s and size 6’s that fit like size 4’s.
Made Mistakes
Like many of us, she has a “failure” round in her history. Which reminds us that these experiences do not have to dictate our ultimate outcome.
Tried both Homeopathic and RX Prescription Injections
Patti used both homeopathic hCG and the real hormone. Her personal feeling is that she struggled a lot more when using the homeopathic version. She favored the injections because she felt that round she lost more weight and the ease of use was better for her (1 injection a day and no waiting to eat vs. taking drops 3-4 times a day and needing to wait to eat or drink for 20-30 minutes before and after each dose).
My personal note here is that I’ve seen some great success from people using homeopathic hCG, but I don’t see the results being as consistent from person to person, so I do think injections is always a consideration to take into account. She was so nervous to try the injections and then laughed at herself a bit after realizing they really didn’t hurt at all.
Phase 3 and Beyond
Ignoring P3 Didn’t Go Well
During one of her phase 3’s she….didn’t do it at all….which didn’t go well. She found herself getting off of hCG right around the holidays and so she basically ate what she wanted, ignored phase 3, and avoided the scale. She says she gained back all the weight from that round in about 6 weeks, a total of about 12 lbs, from her second round.
Taking P3 Seriously DID Go Well
Her final round with injections, she took phase 3 seriously. She was able to do in an enjoyable way by getting herself armed with a bunch of recipes using alternative ingredients – she was craving chocolate as P3 approached, so she made sure to find some recipes that incorporate chocolate but didn’t use regular sugar etc. Pinterest is the BEST for finding these recipes! You can check out my board with pinned sugar free and grain free dessert recipes to help get you started.
What Foods Mesh With Her Body and What Foods Don’t
What she learned for maintaining: She has been discovering what she CAN have (that tastes good) and what she CAN’T have (what causes her to gain). She’s found that she can eat bacon freely and have no gains, but needs to be cautious with too many high sugar fruits. She says her body does quite well with higher fat foods and being more cautious with carbs at this time. In her phase 3 style backing she uses ingredients like almond flour, flaxseed meal, and coconut flour. For sweeteners she currently mostly used stevia.
Change in Her Ability to Maintain Weight Loss
She feels she has learned from this protocol HOW to finally maintain weight loss. She says in the past she never managed to maintain weight loss for more than a week (and this is not the first time I’ve heard this!) Now she feels she has the tools to maintain her weight.
Successful Damage Control
She’s learned DAMAGE CONTROL. After having an indulgence day at an event, doing a steak day the following day corrects this for her. Correction methods she would try in the past prior to hCG that didn’t work for her would be avoiding fat and eating a lot of veggies and fruit or diet foods.
Steak Days that Work
Her steak days go something like this: She drinks lots of water all day, then gets the biggest steak she can find at the grocery store that she’ll eat around 5pm. She says it’s often a 1 lb to 1.5 lb steak. No joke! Drinking enough water really keeps her hunger at bay earlier on these days.
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A Lesson in Not Freaking Out
Even though she did Phase 3 very strictly, she was so excited to start she had lots of p3 friendly recipes and baked goods all ready to go for the first day of P3 and she says she went a little hog wild and did have a rather large gain after that first day of P3. She realized though that she was still within the 2 lb limit so she decided not to panic and rather than do a steak day already, she chose to simply eat more clean the following second day of Phase 3. She was more conscious the following day (had one phase 3 muffin vs. four) and she was pleased to see her weight back down the next morning.
Recipes from Paty’s Kitchen!
Paty shared her very own Phase 2 hCG recipes that she came up with while on the diet, so here they are for your enjoyment.
Tomato soup
(3 servings)
-6 small tomatoes (saladet)
-2 medium garlic cloves
-2 cups of chicken broth (real)
-assorted dried herbs (like italian seasoning: basil, thyme, rosemary, etc)
-sea salt
Cut the tomatoes in halves, remove the seeds and place in a cooking tray. Sprikle with the dried herbs, be VERY generous, throw the garlics in the same cooking tray and sprinkle the salt to taste. Place it in the oven at 350F until your kitchen smells like heaven (20-30 mins).
Then, blend everything with the chicken broth and then bring it to boil. Serve hot!!
Onion Soup
(slow cook-2 servings)
-2 medium sized onions
-3.5oz of chicken or red meat. Or you can use chicken broth
-dried herbs to taste (optional)
Slice the onions (size up to you!), and brown them in a non-grease pan. I have this ceramic coated pan that doesn’t require oil. I do add a little water after a couple of minutes, and when it dries out I add a little more if the onions don’t seem cooked. Once they are brown, place them in a slow cooker, add 2 or 3 cups of water (or the chicken broth), the meat or the chicken. Add the dried herbs, salt and pepper to taste, and let them cook all night on low. The key here is the slow cook, the richness of flavour can only be achieved like this! It’s YUMMY. Since there is only 3.5oz of meat/chicken, I have one serving of soup as my veggie serving, and the rest as meat and veggie serving.
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Yup, I want this!
Hi I just wrapped up my 40 day cycle but the last 3 days with no injections to go into phase 3 I screwed up … ????help!!! I knew better but somehow just got weak… any advise on how to reverse the damage to get back where I was to help me get into phase 3 ????????
Hi Jewels,
There’s not much we can do here since it already happened! Best thing to do is move on and Rayzel usually suggests doing very clean VLCD or since you are going to P3, transition strictly and just promise not to cheat again. Apple days work for some, but it do not for others. http://hcgchica.com/apple-days-hcg-diet-two-cheats-and-stalls/
Good luck!
Thank you for this interview. I am on my 4th round, day 4 vlc and hope to lose the weight I have gained back from being careless for a couple months. This interview is very motivational for me because I am 5′ tall, started at 160 lbs. Most people do not understand our low weight numbers because they do not take in to account our size! Wish me luck losing my LAST 18 lbs forever!
Will there be a transcript? I just can’t watch the videos I love your site because you can read….
I am 5’2″ and was about 157 when I started. I am at 137 or so and keep falling off but my goal is the 120’s as it is a good size for someone our height. This was a tremendously good article for me! Thank you hcgchica and thank you Paty!!