Sign up below to be notified when my coaching course is available!
So what exactly is this?
I have communicated by private email with thousands of hCGers now. Through all of this I’ve gathered one very important fact. One of the main reasons for failure on the hCG diet– whether it’s cheating throughout the round, or giving up early, is
This coaching course is designed to:
- Keep you motivated and focused on a DAILY basis while you’re on the diet.
- Not take much of your time (3-5 minutes a day)
- Keep you accountable and remind you of why you’re doing this (believe me, as soon as you’re on the diet, you will feel like you need this).
Sign up to be notified when this course comes out!
I haven’t finalized all the details, but the idea is that it will be a video course – a 3-5 minute video and article that will be emailed to you daily while you’re on the diet.
It will contain motivational topics to help you stay on track while you do this weight loss process.
Basically a little hcgchica teammate in your inbox daily to give you that extra push you might need to not give in to the family dessert one night, or that pina colada with your girlfriends.
Additionally, I may be incorporating a private facebook group accessible only to those who have purchased the coaching course, where you can support each other.
So just sign up below if you want to be the first to find out when it comes out.
This is where I’m at with it: